How to UN-Professionally Cut a Doorway in a Block Wall

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well good morning everybody i got something exciting to show y'all okay well as you can see got the roof and the gable and all that junk up and all the trusses and everything so uh the reason i didn't record that part of the building process i basically heard the workout had a couple of buddies come do it and i didn't know if they wanted to be on film or not i tried to help a little bit but i quickly realized they've been doing this 30 something years probably and they got their own routine and i was more or less in the way i mean they thought i'm lazy not saying i ain't lazy but i wasn't lazy on this aspect just you know i was in the way more than anything they had to flow so sometimes better just to step back and just let the professionals do it but anyways i didn't know if they want to be recorded or not so i just kind of i just didn't record it just out of respect once again just didn't record this aspect of it but either way including the block and including everything else i've got going here uh i've got i've got right around maybe 4 000 in this right now which is awesome by the way i mean slide out awesome i had one guy bid me he said i think he bid me like right around ten thousand do this job and [Laughter] oh yeah it's uh yeah needless to say he didn't do it but and if you're watching right now that that's just a joke i should just just hang in there buddy you know who you are but anyhow so sorry y'all didn't get to see the building process today it's been some great time lapse and everything else all that good junk the guys that done done a real good job because the trusses didn't fit quite right and had to basically carve it out like a puzzle to make it fit really good job very tickled with what happened and all that good stuff but either way now you get to watch me work let's go knock a door out now let's see some unprofessional stuff all righty here's some of the building materials i got different drill bits for different applications we'll talk about them when the time comes got different eye bolts and washers and stuff i'm going to modify them talk about that when the time comes uh when you're building a cool room it's better than it's better any house you're building to insulate the ceiling and roof if you can so i've got some mrs old styrofoam aluminum plated coated i don't know i don't know the terminology i just i barely know how to put it together much less a terminology but we got that for the ceiling and to cover that up we got this stuff like you line the inside of a bath tub with or shower with you know what i'm saying just thick old waterproof junk right there so it's also going to be ceiling material when i go to run them bolts out of the ceiling like i did for this rail system uh i couldn't find an open eye hooks i didn't have enough of them so i got some clothes dye hooks i'm going to take angle grinder and cut them uh to make them an open eye or a j boat whatever you're going to call it i'm going to make some more of these to hang that up and uh that's what i'm going to use these for which y'all see what this is going to be like when the time comes i'm going to cut out a some so styrofoam here just regular styrofoam insulation take off some of them uh whatever red crown mode you know what i'm talking about take some of this off yeah anyway time lapse people time lapse do so yeah i'm making a video baby okay yeah you know what to do so anyways this is the other side where i drilled these holes out now i drilled the edge of the hole in line with the edge of the styrofoam insulation i cut on the other side yes that's right baby yes i've done that so i know exactly my exact dimensions over here what i'm gonna do now is take his level get in line with edge of that hole mark to the top come down here and mark to the bottom technically i only had to drill one hole but anyways maybe i like drilling who knows hey woman he's in here so anyways um [Music] what we got going on right now is this board i don't know what you call them let me just point it up there y'all see what's going on this board right here on top of the blocks you know you cap off with it gives you something to screw your trusses down to i'm in luck because this these holes line up to right here but the edge of the board's over here so this board's got plenty of block to lay on in other words this crease that y'all can't see this crease right here is not setting off in the middle so there's not going to be a weak spot right in the middle of the door now am i going to fully trust that board and also up here it's in line so there's no weak spot over here neither now i'm not going to trust that board to fully hold up the weight of a 50-something foot truss all together from one end to the other no no not really not at all so i'm going to leave it there it's going to give some support and i'm going to come back with another board and i'm going to screw it up right here that's 20 uses i'm going to have for that six so one of them two by six i gotta do is cut it in half screw it up there and it's gonna give a little extra support and i may do a couple like that just to be safe because i'd hate for that to fall down on top of my head that would be bad see what baby it's kind of dark in here ain't it yes the camera turned off yeah another camera wasn't the camera it didn't really turn off but you get the idea you'll learn one day so i'm going to mark out those lines i'm going to run a demo saw and i'm gonna cut him lines out this one's this one i had to cut right here took forever because this is a cord this little hole was poured and this one would so this one's gonna go by fast this one not so much i'm gonna cut it knock it out and uh you might be asking why didn't you cut it on the inside well i might i'm probably going to go back and cut this one on the inside and that one too but i want to get the outside first um because that stuff gets dusty i mean bad dusty like you you can't comprehend just how you you'll see how it does it's gonna be but if you ain't ever seen it before you just can't comprehend how dusty this is fixing to be here so i'm gonna do the outside first go in there do the inside put on a bandana and if i can talk somebody into spraying some water on it maybe do that but either way let's get on with it it's fixing to get interesting okay you gonna pet the kitty okay you want me to take a picture okay say cheese there you go we got a good picture baby you glad to take a picture okay you'll give me here's my fire five go good job baby all right we got 70 dollars worth of dick um dick and screws or construction screws we're going to call them oh and i got the demos already so here we go uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh okay for any of my dear customers if y'all ever question if i love y'all just just think of this moment right here and i'll let you decide okay now let's go do it let's go do it on the inside where there ain't no ventilation we'll see y'all there oh good lord so we'll see you in a second [Music] [Music] okay we're letting that calm down for a little bit all righty i figured to help get some of the air flow going better and plus i ain't got nothing else there dude while that room's dusty i'll come over here and knock out some of these blocks so this floor is daggone dusty woof hey y'all people do this for living my my hats off to you oh all right that's where we're at right now looks like a fairly straight line to me not just a few little thicker pieces here in there that one's coming out there we go now now straight line yeah yeah look at that we're gonna act like this what i meant to do anyhow this house is going to suck more because this big one poured full oh well well let's do a little more style work hope y'all were ready is that show right [Music] hmm there we go there we go now let's go knock out some blocks and see what else we gotta do so uh foreign so all right i reckon the rest of that's going to be chisel work and i got a little uh diamond blade on my skill so i can just finish it up place a new doorway so hopefully y'all enjoyed that hopefully my misery brought you all some entertainment and pleasure you sickos anyways we'll see y'all next video
Channel: longbowbanjoAL
Views: 12,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 43042G8pGdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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