Cutting A Door Opening Out Of A Concrete Wall

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all right so we're gonna need what chainsaw chainsaw 20 inch handsaw flush cut we'll get it going today [Music] hey so what is up and welcome thank you so much for joining us this is big d concrete cutting and core drilling that's the name of the company we do a lot more than just core drilling and concrete cutting we do a little bit of all of it so what the main goal is to bring you guys along with us to show you what we're doing day in and day out we've got some pretty cool stuff going on my name is adam i'm one of the lead operators and over here what's up guys my name is kyle operations manager of big d my job around here is to keep my guys safe dispatch them in the morning do sales and just make sure my guys are taken care of cool cool so kyle what we got going on today so we're going to cut this door open and for him it's a 307-0 ain't nothing to it three feet wide seven feet tall and that's just a standard door opening 307 standard doors [Music] so with what we got going on one thing that we always have to consider is we got to be a hundred percent self-sufficient out in the field even though we're in a plaza right now a lot of the times we're not necessarily so we got water coming straight off the truck that's coming right over here to the power pack so this is for all the hydraulic saws everything so we got water in water going to the saw and then we got the hot water that's just going back to the tank it goes from the tank it cycles through so that's the cycle that's all good that's how that works then we got all of our saws everything that we're going to be using is already laid out that way we're not going to have to be going in and out of the truck grabbing all these things like i said it is right there for us already and then we got our generator for our power for our so a hundred percent self-sufficient we don't have to rely on power or water from anything or for anybody and that's that's just how we do it [Music] [Music] the flush cut everything went really well this concrete is really hard because this is tilt wall so now we got to move into using just the hand saw we were doing the flush cut now we're gonna go ahead and approach it with the hand saw so we're gonna go ahead we're going to follow out our lines obviously but we're also going to do a couple of demo lines and kyle how are you going to approach this with the saw what's your mindset all right basically i'm going to use this handsaw to follow these vertical lines you got to start at the bottom go in about an inch or two follow it all the way up plunge your cut and let it drop [Music] down [Music] [Music] [Music] right now we have our two outside cuts now these cuts they really matter because that's what you're still going to see this part is going to be on the wall still now we have the inside cuts and we also did a demo cut right in the middle and what you think for next kyle we're gonna have to do some horizontal cuts this is eight inch thick tilt wall it's pretty heavy so we're gonna cut it into different pieces so that way we can pull it down [Music] safely so [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right so now we're completely done cutting so now comes the part of it's kind of hard we got to do this strategically well it's not that hard you just got to work smarter not harder because we got some big pieces now one of these pieces even the small piece could weigh well over 150 pounds wouldn't you say right yeah so the rule of thumb or the saying is 12 by 12 by 12 or a cubic square concrete 150 pounds it's gonna be heavy so we're just gonna go ahead and try to work it out get these small pieces out and then we'll we'll figure it out yeah i put on the deck all right my ends about to go ready it's out [Music] with the lesson all right so that's a 307-0 mandoor now at the end of the day unfortunately the camera died but you guys saw it as soon as we popped out that concrete that's ultimately what we're going for you saw the door opening nice and straight everything looked true 90 degree angles now after we start filming before we left of course we cleaned up a little bit more but that's that's not what you want to see so kyle a quick summary overall everything went great we started with the flush cut we used the 20 inch handsaw to do our verticals and horizontals then lastly we did the chainsaw in all the corners everything came out nicely we did the job safely got everything cleaned up for the customer customer was extremely happy with everything that's all we can basically ask for yep every single job that's all we strive for so i think that's going to be it for this one you guys thank you so much for watching look out for so much more stuff on the way
Channel: Big D Concrete Cutting & Core Drilling
Views: 153,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hM414LXhdU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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