Inlay On the CNC using Aspire

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alright so in this video I wanted to start working on some inlay I haven't done in lay before and so I want to try and make something with an inlay so I decided I'll make a for my first inlay project it's gonna be a coaster so we're gonna create a new file and I figure coaster must be like maybe 3 and a half 4 inches by 4 inches probably 1/2 inch but I'll probably cut it out of 3/4 inch would ya keep it 3/4 inch wood and it'll say ok first we're going to need a circle really coaster so now you notice how when I get close to the middle it shows me these guide lines being in the middle now you could forget about that and just go over here and say your Center Point is 2 inches in 2 inches because I made it 4 inches and your circle is however big so you can actually plug the numbers in manually or you can draw it out like I did most the time I'm just making stuff up as I go so I'll just draw it out and move it where I need to go you can also if this thing was off centered you know if you drew your circle on center you can still use this here which is alignment and you can align to the material which is your extents that you put in originally and you basically say Center it ok the inlay that I want to make is my order of hobbies logo and so I need to import that graphic use this import bitmap for tracing and I have my logo here and now you can see that this logo has shadow black on the inside and Red's good solid red border here and so I'm actually going to use that red border as my color that I'm going to trace so when you go into trace bitmap which is this guy here you have this choice to do black and white color and then how many colors do you want so basically a lot of this is this different shade of shadow and then different shades of red because you know designing this logo in Photoshop or illustrator it's not perfectly solid colors you can slide this threshold down to basically make all of the colors combine into one solid color suit that's a really great feature of a spire in that you can you can have it combine the similar colors together for your Tracy okay so I want the red because that's the the most solid I don't want the black I could probably do the black but the black would probably get some of the shadow and you could see that some of this is red okay and I don't want that so I want the red a lot of times I just let the default settings here for the corner fit the noise filter and the fading if you had if you were trying to do a picture or an image you may want to play with some of these for this particular one I don't need to do anything with these so the weird thing about this tracing bitmap is you have to save preview and then once you preview you can see where it's created the lines the black solid lines right so you can see the vectors it's going to create and then you're not done because if you close out of this it won't it won't have created anything at all right there's nothing there so you actually have to say take the red take the preview and then hit apply and now after you hit apply it's actually created the vectors that you need and you can close this now you can hide this bitmap because it's very it's very intrusive it's like it's in the way you can hide this on a different layer you create a layer right and you could you could just hide the layer I just prefer to delete it because I don't I don't need it anymore I don't mess a ton with the layers every once in a while I'll do stuff it's very very complicated I'll mess with these layers and they're very powerful but they get confusing sometimes you don't know when you're working on something and it's in a particular layer or not and you get things all messed up so I generally avoid the layers just to keep things simple for me all right so we're gonna sighs now if I if I size this you can see from whatever corner I sized it from it's going to shrink in that direction which is okay but let's say for instance you were already centered and now you want to decide this you can hold shift and it will size it from the center which is a really nice feature so I usually do that let's see listen I'm gonna hit F to frame my entire job so that's probably I mean for an inlay that's probably pretty good I think what I'll do is if this is going to be the outside of the coaster I think what I will do is I will offset this inwards let's say by an eighth of an inch let's take a look and see what that looks like yeah that's probably pretty good and then I'll do one more okay so now what I'll do is this will be my outside of my coaster I will do inlay here and here so they'll be an inlay here and then in late for my HH dot you can see my H H is a set of double double vectors here and I don't want that I just want to agents I don't want the border of the ages so I have to right-click and ungroup these because as it traced them it put them in a big group and I can ungroup the ungroup them back onto the object layer doesn't really matter because I'm not using layers and then I will delete the inner vectors okay so these are the vectors that I need for my inlay job and now we have to do the tool paths to create the inlay we need two different tool paths now this is actually symmetrical because these are these should be symmetrical and course circles are symmetrical we can check if they're symmetrical by using the mirror transform object here and when you say flip horizontally and you can see that they move slightly they move slightly and so they're not they're not perfectly symmetrical and so with that said if you have something that's not perfect you have to flip it for the inlay so I'll do that I'm gonna go ahead and save this this project here I'll create a new folder called in like coaster and we're gonna call this B car because one on one to both B cars but one is the opposite and is going to fit into the other B car so one I'm gonna call V card which would be the base and what I'm gonna call inlay which will be the opposite so this one's going to be the B car okay now the B car we can select these things that we want to be car and we can go into V car I'm going to use a 90-degree half-inch B bit there's a lot of options if you wanted if you had something that had more detail you could use a sixty degree or even more detail you could use a thirty degree but just know that the higher the degree the longer it's going to take to make there's also other options you have to use a clearance to land what get into that as we do the the other side of things but for this one I'm just going to use the 90 degree V bit you also need a flat depth because if I don't do a flattened depth then what's gonna happen in the next I'll show you if you don't do a flat depth it's going to create a super deep carve right and so I don't really I don't I mean that if I wasn't using a three-quarter inch material let's say I wanted just a half inch material this would go right through it and the V carve doesn't really care how thick it is it may warn me that it's gonna bust all the way through but it will still bust all the way through so my plat depth needs to be something like point two or point 0.25 let's go calculate that and you can see now it's it's created more lines inside of here because it's going to flatten that out actually let's reset this preview and preview this so you can see now it's flat here at 0.25 inches it's just flattened out and this one around the outside it's just done one complete line that's that because of the thickness of this line didn't allow the B the B bit to get deeper than 0.25 which is what I said the flat dentists okay so I think this looks good again I don't I haven't done inlay before so I'm kind of guessing on a lot of this stuff but I think this looks good the this gives a nice big thick area for the inlay to fit into and it gives plenty of clearance I'm gonna make my inlay like point to total and so it's going to have some room in the bottom for the glue because they say that you're supposed to have area for the glue to sit and so they'll have point O 5 for some glue to sit and that should be good I will find out but nice thick lines nice thick nice and thick nicely so we're gonna close this and I think the carb side of things is done I think that's all I really need I probably do need to make something that cuts all the way through so we'll do a profile toolpath we're to go all the way through with a quarter inch end mill outside six passes is fine I actually don't know what I'm going to make this base out of probably something like walnut or mahogany something dark and then I'm going to make the h's out of hard maple is what I think of course when I get out to the garage and find out what kind of wood I have out there that might change things I don't need tabs although you could add tabs and generally don't a lot of times I just as this is going through its last pass I'll hold it down or I'll use double-sided tape to hold it down tabs are probably safer but for me they're their big pain to cut off so luckily this good preview and after you preview you've got these pits that are left over you can double-click them and inspire will hide hide that bit so that's what my coaster would look like and of course I really wouldn't want it that thick so I think I'm gonna make this 0.5 instead of 175 my inlay only went 0.25 so I'm only going half way through which is fine now that I've changed the thickness though see that warning said my profile went too deep so all I really need to do is go into the profile say you know what I'm not cutting 7 o'clock and cutting only 0.5 and we'll calculate that and just for the heck of it we will recalculate all the tool paths since I changed things when I change things I generally like to recalculate them all we will preview them all just to make sure everything's still and that looks a little better this point seven-five was just too thick alright so now we're gonna save these save the toolpath now it's important if you're messing around with your post processors like I had my laser Pro post processor on I don't want to use the laser I want to use just the standard Mach 3 inches tool Pat I can select my B carve and hit save and it should automatically put me in the right folder so we're gonna call this e carve and we're gonna call this one alright so let me save this it's important to save and I'm gonna turn around and I'm gonna do a save as and we're gonna call this in leg we'll save that and now we can actually delete these tool paths because we don't need these in the inlay side of things we need a completely different set of jobs hit F so now what I need is is the opposite of what we just had so I select all of the vectors now you can also because what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have a material milled away everywhere but here right and so and you'll see that in my preview so you need an extra vector on the outside of things to to make that happen some people will use a square some people will you know make a bigger vector going around I already had this one here and so I'm just going to use that I can throw this on the bandsaw and cut this out I think it'll be it'll be easy enough to cut this on the bandsaw you could also create a profile job that automatically cuts this out and they do that just to see once I get on the machine maybe I maybe I'll run that so that it it wraps it out instead of me having to throw it on the bandsaw I think I'll actually I think I'll do that so select all the vectors so now I've got my before remember these were my V carves and so now by just by selecting this outside one it's now going to give me like a negative image of what I had already be carved it's easier if you just see that so now the start depth you can't start at zero because you you don't want these to line up exactly at the edges you want the V carve to start lower than what you had previously done that way they when they when they merge together and you sand it all off you'll end up with perfect perfect edges so we're gonna go down point one and like I said I wanted to go point to total so my flat depth is going to be point one I should I think my flat def needs to be point two right so point one I'm going to start and then point two is my flat death I'm still gonna use the 90 degree V but you have to use the same V bit that you used to do the inlay it's just you have to because it has to match up has to be 90 degrees if you use 30 you're gonna use 30 etc I do want to use a flat area clearance cool because what happens is if I leave if I leave this the way it is and I calculate you can see reset you're gonna that doesn't look too bad but let's preview okay so this is supposed to be point one yeah yeah I think this this looks better because they had that little weird edge which would not have been good it's also got a weirdness here but this area here is going to be cut off anyway so this area right here is about where it's going to meet with the B curve and this area here is going to stick into so it maybe even be like here it's kind of hard to say but if you didn't do down point one then this area would probably bottom out and you and you don't want that another thing you can do is once this is all cut you can probably sand this surface down some if you have to because it's this area here that's going to marry with the inlay with the V car and so somewhere around here is going to be your new surface your new top right this is going to be down just going to be flipped over right and this is going to go in to your V car and you're going to sand it you're going to cut off everything that's up here and you're gonna sand off this area here until you get down and everything's level that makes sense it'll make more sense I think when I when I do it on the machine but I think this looks pretty good I think this is pretty close and I think I'm gonna run with this so I also do think I'm going to create that job that cuts this out let's see this is the area I need to keep this is the area need to keep so I can probably do another profile I should probably use that same profile that I had but let's create it just to see what it looks like outside 0.5 and then no okay so much pretty good as a preview so not exactly right this is going to stick into the inlay and into the B carve this is the in leg this is going to stick into the V car this area outside of this line needs to be flat and that's not flat it's it's it's where the v card went into so I actually need this profile path to be on this line okay hope that makes sense let's reset its preview all and what that should leave me is just the peak that's gonna go into the V car all right so this is just the peak gonna go into the V car it's going to be cut off about here on the bandsaw and the rest will be sticking into the V card so I think this looks pretty good but here's that here's what I wanted to show you without doing a bigger clearance tool you are talking about [Music] yeah five minutes so you're talking about a five minute job and that's because it's small so that's actually not too bad five minutes it's no big deal but if you did a larger clearance tool so you did a 125 n mill calculate you can see how it's it's a lot less tool path and now we're talking three minutes so you're only talking two minutes it's really not that big of a deal on a bigger job or let's say you're using a 30 degree V bit that would be a lot worse you know you're probably getting into the ten fifteen minute range versus a five minute and so now you're talking quite a bit more for me I think I'm gonna go ahead and not have the pocket I'm just gonna do the V carb without the flat air area clearance tool because five minutes I can wait five minutes it's preview this reset again anytime I make changes I always preview yeah so that's what I want that's what I think I want I said this is my first one so I'm going off of things that I've seen and we're gonna find out if this is the right solution or not so I'm getting a little long-winded on this one because I like said I'm making this up as I go so but I think that's it let's export these jobs I don't think I really need to export the profile to oh yes you do because the profile to was on the inside vector so we're gonna export both of these so we're gonna save make sure your postprocessors right the V car will save this and we're going to call this in my B car and this one we're gonna save and call this a delay profile and we're gonna save this because I've already renamed it and that's it I think next stop will be on the machine I will copy these jobs to a memory stick and I will see you at the machine alright so here we are at the machine and it's about to rain here so put the camera on the inside hopefully with the Sun not shining the lights not too bad from the backlight but I've got these two pieces of wood I'm not exactly sure what this one is but it's it's hard and this is hard maple it's got a decent contrast of color so I'm going to carve my base out of a hard maple and then my in layout of the this wood here and if if you can tell me what kind of wood that is I'd appreciate it it could be mahogany thinking it's a mahogany but I'm not exactly sure but these are two scraps that I had sitting to my shelf okay so these two pieces of wood were thinner than the half-inch that I programmed on the computer so I measured these this one was point three this one's two point three six and so I went back in really quick and just reprogrammed the profile cut to not go 1/2 inch the rest I'm okay with because the inlay was going to be 0.25 ibly and so that should go nearly all the way through but not all the way through and I think that would be fine even if it went all the way through I'm not as concerned with the underneath as I am with what's gonna look like on the top and there you can see the Sun has come out so welcome to Florida where it's about to monsoon and then the Sun comes out and you can see here the Sun is out looks beautiful but over there it's about to monsoon so I'm gonna leave the camera in the garage because if it starts to rain I don't want it to get all wet alright so I'm gonna go ahead and take this off when I'm gonna put it back on and it should be back in the same zero so if I just leave the zero the way it is then I should be able to pick back up where I need to all right so hopefully that's not gonna be in the way let's queue this piece I've set it here [Music] this one it's gonna have to go here [Music] this guy here [Applause] alright I'll load my other program [Music] [Music] all right so that looks like it's it for that one that took eight minutes so and I think actually they're pretty good so I think I'm gonna be good with that one [Music] now I need to change the bit and cut this piece out and then once this piece is cut out then I'm going to be able to glue it into this piece and then once I'm glued it into this piece and it dries overnight I'll cut it off on the bandsaw then I can cut out the circle alright so that's the idea let's change my bit alright every time you change a bit you have to rezero that is my new zero I have to load my profile program in the profile get my bit started and we'll cut this out [Music] [Music] all right so the idea is that now this piece will fit into this piece you can see that it does see that right slides right in there it's a little loose but once it's once you squeeze it together it's not so I'm hoping that once I fill it with glue and I clamp it very well that it will be nice and nice and tight but there's only one way to find out so let's get this guy filled with glue some glue in there [Applause] some blue all around the edge and I will wipe off the excess [Applause] make sure we're good good coverage I know it's pretty good let me get my rag just give a quick wipe for excess and sand that all off later anyway all right so now we're going to put this guy in here and I am going to put my bricks on it because that's quite a bit of clamping power all right and now we wait alright so here we are we're about to take the the bricks off take a look at this thing here all right so now this needs to be cut off on the bandsaw at least shaved down quite a bit on the bandsaw and so let's do that now so I should be able to run that through and shave off the top half of this I gotta be careful not to touch this area here safety glasses [Music] so the rest needs to be sanded off and then and I'm gonna do that now to put your Jerry let's go set this up right here [Music] [Music] that looks pretty good let's get this cut out you can see that I know where I put some Danish oil on it [Applause] [Applause] all right so there is a start to finish custom inlay project came out nearly perfect and a couple of glitches we've got a little gap here nothing major I don't think anything that's worth scrapping the entire project and all right so that's it that's my first inlay project you'll probably see some more coming from me because I think that's pretty cool I really like it I want to do a I want to do a cutting board with some custom inlay laying on it and and that will probably be one of my next projects all right so that's it and thanks for watching
Channel: HoarderOfHobbies
Views: 26,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CNC, Inlay, Aspire
Id: _bzIkt7eKtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 13sec (2353 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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