How to create a wavy wooden American Flag with an emblem for a CNC machine using Vectric Aspire

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hey what's up everyone so today well it's not today's this morning it's three o'clock in the morning and I figured you know what I'm gonna show you all how to make a wavy fly with something very cool on it some emblem or whatever you want to put on there today we're using the free trial of vetrix aspire and what's in the next couple of weeks I like this so much I'm actually going to purchase it and yeah it's like two thousand dollars but I want to make sure that I bring enough to the channel that you know you all can stay busy and work along with me and we can come up with a bunch of different cool things so today's model is going to be a wavy flight now I used to do these all by hand and it took hours of carving and a lot of work but no more so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna go to our create new file and basically what we have to do is set up our stock so we're gonna go single-sided we're gonna make this 22 inches 22 inches 12 inches [Music] height and then 1.5 inches wide material surface is where we're going to start we're gonna start on the bottom left that's where we're gonna start our tool path we're gonna start with pine now you could do this with cherry maple oak whatever it all look good but for today's sake we're doing it for pine we're gonna hit okay so now we're often ready to go so we have our basic size here of the fly the first thing we need to do is come over to the star left click it come up to the top left corner left-click drag down oops I missed my left corner let me try it again I'm gonna right-click it left click it and then let me delete that just start over again not off to a good start but top left there you go drag down there's my face and we will let go right click and then left click so now what we need to do is you come over the 3d model really don't got anything going on but we're gonna go back to 2d actually to tell you truth we're gonna do this in real time here I'm going to split the screen for you to see we're gonna left click this here and if I go fast I'm sorry just you know follow along you can always rewind it should be pretty simple though but we click that it's highlighted now we're going to come over to model we're gonna click this right here we're gonna go to the flat section you can go curved or you can go pointy we don't want that we're going to go flat we're gonna hit this right here and we're gonna hit apply and now what that does is it gives us our board we're gonna zoom this all the way up to 0.75 so there you go so there is our board now where's the waves you asked I again used to carve all of these never again very dirty very dusty very time-consuming we're gonna let the CNC do the work for us so a lot of times you can go in here and there's a bunch of different ways to do this you can go in there and draw some lines down on the side and make your own map but the way I'm doing it today is pretty simple and what we're gonna use is a BMP map and it's basically a height map so if you come over here and you look at this you can see these are BMPs or they call relief files or grayscale whatever you want to call them and there's different heights so the darker the shading the lower the depth the higher or the lighter shading the higher the depth and it really works out cool so what I want to do on this flag is and you can do air force ring the American seal whatever and this is a US flag so we're just gonna pick one and I found one that was really cool it was the marine logo so what we're gonna do is we're gonna left click get off of that we're gonna put the marine logo on here and then put some waves but you can't find waves and that's what I was trying to say you can't find find waves just by looking for them so what I found was if you go to carb I create Pro wavy flag you can see here's your height map so we're going to use one of these for the waves and we're going to use one for the marine logo the seal so all you got to do is right-click this save it as a jpg file or JPEG and you can use this so let's go back to our model here and the is how we do this we're gonna hit close out of this because we already got that we're gonna come over here you see these two little birdies right here create a component we're gonna click that and I already have this save as waves so we're gonna click it we're gonna hit open and watch what happens you can see that on the bottom left it was wavy where the rest of it is not so what we need to do is scale this up we're gonna double click it and scale it up to the top right here and I'll be honest with you it does not matter if it's perfect you just want to make sure that you cover the entire flag because you don't want anything not looking right so let me try that out and now you can see that we have our ways but it's still not done yet what you really need to do at this point is start naming everything so when we did that we created we got waves right here that was already on our thing and then this right here we're just going to put renamed that was our wood that's what we created in the model so every time you create another model you want to name that so we could do a couple of different things here if you click on waves you can see that well there's a couple different options shape of waves and you can make a more prominent if you want which I kind of like we're gonna we're going to bring these up here I'm gonna drag this over and I don't think we need to go too crazy but this is bringing it up we don't really need to do all that let's keep it right here we'll just keep it because our flag is going to be an inch and a half we'll just keep it on a zero but I do sort of like the more prominent waves I like that I think it looks cool if you're looking at it from the side it really does do that justice when you're looking at it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit bake and we're still not done so we're gonna hit close here now what we can do is we are going to come over to smooth and all we're gonna do if we go crazy with it it'll smooth it out real nice but we don't really need to do all that much so we're just going to bring it down to about here and I think that's good enough and we're not worried about this right now we're just gonna hit fake current smoothing if we don't bake it it's not going to save some makes where you bake it so now we're gonna hit close no now is the cool part and the cool part is the stars now when I was doing these by hand I did them two different ways I didn't with the Dremel or I carved them that is a nightmare it takes a very long time and they never looked perfect then I started putting them on the CNC and I started using V bits and sometimes that wasn't perfect and you can't really do that with the way we fly that's why we're using the Aspire right so they just never came out right what I'm going to do now is I really am excited about this this is my favorite part of the entire build just because I used to have so much trouble with these stars so we're gonna go drawing we're gonna take this star we're gonna left click it and we're just gonna drag it and drop it and then left click right there we're gonna right click left click again so this is a little bit too big let me bring this over here it's a little bit too big so what we're gonna do is we're gonna just drag that down a little bit right there and with that selected we're gonna come down here and check this out boom right here so what we need to do is still a little bit too big I think it might be alright though we'll see if we have to adjust we'll adjust but what we need is 9 rows and 6 columns so now that we have that what we can do here is put I will put 0.6 and then we'll go 0.098 4 and then down here we're going to put a 0.75 and you can adjust these and do different sizes and we're gonna hit copy or you can just hit enter and now you have your star so we have a little bit of an issue here we have a couple extra stars 1 2 3 4 so we just left click drag with a shift I accidentally hit that and then just hit delete so now what we want to do here is select them all again and we're gonna hit close here what we can do is combine them so you come over here and hit group and if I hit now all of them should do the exact same thing so let's just drag these down here like so we're gonna bring them up boom let's just bring that out a little bit and I think that is pretty good no the closer you get to your model the easier it is to manipulate don't worry about these here though they're not going to be perfect right off the bat we have to do something else but let's let's do the stars real quick we're gonna make our we're gonna make our stripes but you will be adjusting these here real quick so let's let's left-click let me bring this in so you can see it happening this is my favorite part of the entire build we're gonna go modeling and what we're gonna do is right here up on top now you have flat you have round over or you have like a peak and we're gonna talk about this here there's a couple different things you can do what we're gonna hit this right here we're gonna hit apply now it's probably gonna be really crazy right out the button yep there it is really crazy you can see these are way too high don't look right so we need to adjust this here so let me zoom this over and I'll show you what I'm talking about here so you have your stars just not looking right what we can do is the base height right here we're gonna bring that down to maybe 0.3 and what I like about this is that when this carves is flag out it's I don't want this base to be real high it's just my personal preference you can you might want them to be very prominent I don't if I wanted to I can bring it down past that and it would actually go into like I don't know I don't like that if you went like a flat you can do like a inward cut right if you wanted to you could well spring this back up you could just keep those flat like so which that's a cool look right or you could do a rounded if you wanted to do that now if you didn't want the base height to be that high that's why you can leave it here but if you wanted to you could bring up your profile and this doesn't look natural I mean it looks not right right the peaks if I did that not natural just way too much the flat doesn't really do much but I want those Peaks down I just don't think that looks right I mean if you want them protruding out that much that's fine I just don't like it like that it's my own personal preference so I'm gonna bring this down let's see I think it's probably like 0.25 right there and I think that looks pretty cool and it looks like one piece you see what I mean on the base height let's bring the base height down just a hair yeah might be a little bit too low I do want a little bit of prominence Yeah right there zero point three so I like that I think that looks really cool and now you have your stars so now what we need to do is create our shapes and make sure and again you can come over here and hit that and if we go inwards and then just hit the flat if you wanted them inlaid but we're not gonna do that make sure you name this we're gonna name the stars we're gonna hit apply so now those will save and we're gonna hit close so now you have your stars your waves which are baked and your wood so very very cool now what we need to do is create our stripes and this is actually very simple so what we're gonna do here now is we're gonna come over to drawing to the again we're gonna click our square and all we're gonna do is come up to let me scroll this in a little bit we're gonna come up to the top like right here it doesn't need to be perfect perfect I went in too far I'm gonna right click left click let me bring this over when I left click it again and left click it again and I'm gonna drag it out past the point of my flag because I want to make sure that if it is doing a carve I get all of it we want to make sure that we go all the way past and we should be good to go there so now what we need to I'm gonna bring this up just a hair and again it does not need to be perfect so don't freak out I think a lot of times when people go to design these things what they do is they put one there and then they put another one they try to line it up and put another one try to line it up we're not doing that what we're going to do is just like what we did with the star so you have your stripe we're gonna come over here and you can see a ray copy so now we're gonna make some changes here we're gonna go we need 13 one column no offsets is going to be zero this is going to be zero this is zero and we're gonna hit enter so now you have your 13 stripes we're gonna bring those down and you say yourself oh man that's not good because now your stripes are going past but check this out what's cool is when they're grouped like that you're just gonna take this and then string it up like so and it automatically adjusts those sizes so that is pretty cool the other thing that I'm going to do is I think I'm going to move this in just a hair and again if I'm a little bit closer when you're further back it moves a lot more when you scroll in like that you can really fine-tune it so just be aware of that now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna left click those and these here so you got this I'm gonna hit shift you got this this this I'm just holding down shift and clicking those now I'm gonna left click it and I'm gonna drag these out past okay so now we're good now we do have one little issue here and the issue being that and I'll left-click out of there this star should be in the middle of the seventh stripe it's up too high so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna left click this and I'll left-click it again and I'm just gonna drag this down to where it meets right in the middle don't worry about this up here that's fine we'll just click it it looks messy but it just does that then we're gonna left click again left click again and let's move this I think I think that's good I think that's good okay so now what we need to do and let me scroll this in here and I'll show you what it's looking like so you have your stars but you still don't have any stripes because we have to you guess it create a model so now what we're going to do before we do that is we're going to we're going to see we're gonna get rid of this one we're gonna left click we're gonna shift come down to the other one left click and then the other one left click come out of the other one left click and I'm holding shift in while I do this we're gonna delete those gone we don't need them so now what we need to do is create our stripes and this is pretty cool so let me come over here so I'm going to drag this I'm just pushing down on that mouse wheel so I'm going to left click drag all the way down select those and again we're going to the modeling so let's go to the model here we're going to click the create a shape now if I'm gonna show you a couple different things here let me let me just go little drastic I'm just gonna do that if I do this do you see how it's it's coming up and then you know going down or whatever you we don't want the point we use those with the Stars we don't want the round over what we're looking for here is the flat okay we don't want see that I mean I guess it's kind of cool if you don't want it to but we don't want that so we're gonna go flat and as far as it goes with and you see it gets rid of the shape profile cuz there's no shape so now what we need to do is go negative right cuz what we want is that star right here which still needs to come down just a hair and it's not a big deal just a hair it needs to be up on this row right here so what we could do and I'll just make that a little bit bigger what I want to do is I want to make sure that we are deep enough so if I were to go like 121 I would probably go maybe quarter of an inch down because it might look pretty and you could type that in it might look pretty deep on the design but trust me when you're when you're out there on your CNC you're gonna wish you want a little bit deeper so I think we look good there I'm gonna hit apply because again if you don't hit apply and again let me show you if I click that you don't want that you want you don't want this stripe going like this you want to make sure that you push it that one there so let's go Str IPE s we're gonna hit apply because if not it won't save and then hit close now this is still a little too big so a little too small actually so let me scroll this in real quick I want to make these a little bit bigger so let me zoom this in click here and we're gonna go like that and we're gonna left click left click and what will happen is it will adjust it will adjust by itself so I think we are pretty good here just a hair I think we're good okay so now what we need to do is I mean if you wanted to stop here that's fine I mean it's completely up to you but I am going to create my emblem now we showed you the BMP map that is what we are going to do so let's do this we are going to import our Marine logo or ma RI marine it's a jpg file and check out the bottom left here boom it is going to make it nope wrong one don't want that one that's some ring - we're gonna go delete we don't want that right click delete I'm sorry so we are going to right here by the two birdies rain there yeah that's the one I want marine hit open and there you go on the bottom of this okay we don't want that down there so let's just bring this over let me show you what we're gonna do so I'm gonna left click on it and then left click on it again I'm gonna drag it up to right about here and I'm going to make it a little bigger right I want this to be pretty prominent we're gonna put it right about I think there looks pretty cool so to be able to work on this we don't want to be able to mess up where we don't want to mess up our stripes and everything that we worked hard on thus far so what we need to do is actually create a separate level so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna right-click on this and I am going to move to level new level two I'm gonna hit OK and you can see right here it changed that so now what I can do is work on this and not have to worry about all this down here so I'm gonna double click on that and a lot of people say well how do you get the shape the bubble right the bubble on these things you know sometimes people make the skull and crossbones or whatever they look very prominent they're not flat like this right this is still kind of flat well I'm gonna show you that so and don't worry we're gonna clean this up it's gonna look really nice so let me show you I just double clicked on the marine and the shape height now if I wanted to I could I could inlay it which that doesn't look good that's not what we're looking for we're going right here the shape height is what is going to bring this out so let's go like this and you can see now that it's starting to get more prominent more rounded right check that out it's it's way too much but this is how you get that that bubbly look that that very 3d effect but you have to make sure in the base height you don't have to worry about the base height the base height is just it's gonna move that picture base and you don't want that you don't want that inset like that right so you're gonna put that at zero you're not gonna touch you're gonna leave it alone but that is just too much we don't want that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna bring that down and we just got to look and see where it looks good so I think something like this will look pretty cool now you're also probably sitting there saying yourself I still think that might be a little too much let me let me clean this up all over let me bring this down just a little bit more and I think we're good now you're still saying it yourself well it looks pretty nasty I mean yeah you got some you know feathers in there and all that good stuff but it's just not smooth so what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna hit close and now what we're going to do we're still selected on this we're going to come over here to the smooth and watch what happens here if I take this and I drag it all the way to right way to smooth right doesn't look good but you notice how it's not doing anything else to what we worked on here and it's just cleaning up the logo so you got to find a happy medium if you come down here and you put it maybe right about here I still think that's a little bit I think it could still be a little bit more smooth I think right about there but if you hit the for preserve it'll still give you a little bit more detail and I think that looks good you still got the rope down here and the eagle feathers and all that good stuff so I'm gonna hit bake as far as it goes with you know it protruding out but I think now what we really need to do is just sort of get the stripes out of there we're done with this we're getting those stripes out we're gonna clean it up so let's do that all right so let's clean this up now and once we clean this up you can come back and make this even smoother if you want I don't think you really need to but this is where it gets a little tricky and this is what you really need to make sure that you label and name all of your components so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna we're gonna smooth this nut smooth out but we're gonna cut it out we're gonna make this bicep because those stripes just don't look right would you like that would that look right to you I don't think so so let's do this we're gonna come over here hit drawing or come over here with a circle and we're gonna come right in the middle of this and we're gonna drag it out and when you put this circle there we're gonna right click and then left click I think that's big enough you need to make sure that you put it in an area that makes sense so down here is you know a straight that's not cut out down here is a straight that is what we want to do is sort of move this move this in an area that it looks right and it's it's the level so I think that looks pretty good I don't have any issues with that so what we need to do now is we're gonna left click this we're gonna take this mouse we're gonna left click and then drag down now what we need to do is shift and then we are going to click on our circle that we just created and then come over here to this little tool and this is trim trim selected this right here we're gonna click it and it says clean outside boundary new clean inside boundary clear and what happened was have you seen that it just took away all of those stripes in that area but it didn't do anything to our 3d model so this is where we have to hit close now if you go over to modeling we actually have to remake these stripes believe it or not so you know the stripes that we have let me show you here so we got stripes right here we're gonna get rid of those okay so we got stripes what we're going to do okay so we shut those off okay we don't need those anymore we're just going to keep them like that okay so now what we need to do is we need to select bring these all the way down shift click that one click that one that one that one and now we have to come up and make another model right I know it gets a little confusing just shut off the stripes that you already had because we don't want them going through that bar we want to create a second set of stripes so now we're gonna go to the modeling let me bring this over here OOP it closes okay our stripes are going that's not a little cool though we're gonna go flat and all we're gonna do is hit apply and really it's already set up for us you see that now there's a couple other things you could do here you can leave it like that or so let's go Renea the stripes stripes last I don't care what you name them it doesn't matter we'll hit apply now there's a couple other things you can do here and what I'm going to do I hit apply make sure okay we're gonna close this now you have everything pretty much put together but you can even go further if you wanted to you could come over here with that circle that we had and click on that and now you can make it a model of this and you can adjust that if you want so let's bring this over here if you didn't want that over a little bit more if you didn't want this sitting up like this right cuz maybe it doesn't look so natural you don't want that big blocky look you come over here and bring this down if you wanted to you can do an inset and you could do an out set you know I don't know if you want to do that I don't know if this would work you see here mm-hmm I don't like that I kind of like the inset because it looks like the stripes were going around it and that would clean out don't worry about that you could do that inset if you want it to so that's kind of cool I mean there's a lot of different things you can do this is just a basic how to do a wouldn't wavy flag with an emblem and I think that looks pretty neat so that would all clean out it would go right over top I think I like that so I think I think really I think we're good so what we're gonna do is we're gonna create a tool path now I think we're done doing the designs you can see here it looks pretty good so let's go over and do our tool path real quick so very simple what we're going to do is click this right here and let me move this over let me just close the screen out all the way so you can see and I'll bring it down here so our tool path what we might need to do actually we're a little bit sick we could actually hit close we could either bring this down right because it's pretty sick right there we could actually either make this a little bit thinner or we can make our stock a little bit thicker and I think what we'll do is just make our stock a little thicker so so let's just make it two inches which is fine that's probably what you should have we should have done anyway we'll hit okay and now we got a tool path we should be fine here so now we're fine you're gonna go material boundary you don't want model boundary you want material boundary select so we're gonna use a quarter inch end mill to clean up so parameters are already set I usually keep mine my free rate is 60 inches per minute plunge rate about 20 and I think we're good these are already in here we're using the quarter inch end mill and we're gonna hit select so we're good on that I hate when that closes and this is just a roughing pass all right so what we're gonna do here is we are going to calculate with a 3d calculus 3d roughing one that's fine we're gonna calculate it and you can see how you have all these blue lines here and that is all of the etching now what's cool about this is it shows you how to do that we can turn this down here real quick we're gonna hit preview so let the tool pass and I just have oak dark and that's fine we can change that to pine it doesn't matter but these are the rough path passes that is going to make because you don't want to use a ball nose bit it'll take forever to do this so you just want to get as much of that stuff out of there as you can so looking pretty cool looking pretty cool you can't move this by the way wow it is doing the rough pass you can see the waves are already starting to come down through it's probably going to do another one here taking all of that wood out of there very neat it's just so cool it's so so much better than hand carving all that stuff trust me it took me hours to do that and while this is doing that I might as well ask you if you could you know if you liked this video that's helping you we're gonna come up with a lot more videos don't forget to subscribe especially I like button it helps and I appreciate you stopping by and watching this I hope it helps you so it should be good here with the rough patch now we could have went faster if we wanted to but I just wanted to show you sort of what's doing so it looks kind of cool but it's not done yet so now you're gonna come over and create your second tool path so once you're roughing is done that is when you're going to put in and we can actually let's bring this a pine real quick let's go pine okay so that's fine actually I kind of like dark wood and again you could change these a cherry walnut walnut and you know to where's the cherry I like that cherry you could do anything on this thing I love this system cherry but let's go back to the dark walnut I kind of like that or dark oak I'm sorry I kind of like this I think that's really neat so let's do our second tool pass here we're gonna go close so that was the roughing that we hit now we're gonna go to our ball right and same thing select make sure all your feed rates are okay plunge 2065 it's usually where I go 10,000 rpm we're just gonna hit select I hate when that closes though so now what we're going to do is they calculate it'll take a second to run through and once it does it will be your last pass after you do the rough passing on your CNC it's gonna come to a stop you're gonna change your bit over to your ball and you're going to finish it out come on I just think that's so cool how those stars pop like that I mean it really is neat and it should be good right now take a minute depending on your computer speed what I'm going to do is actually drag this over a little bit for you you can see all that blue right there that is all the cutting that we're going to do so let's do the calculation and we'll speed it up here at the end but preview select the tool path and you can see that ball check that out so smoothing all that out and once it starts going over that that logo that green that's just gonna look awesome you can see just cleaning it out and you don't want to do that first you don't want to do your finish pass first you want to do you're roughing pass get all of that excess wood out of there and then you can do your final run and it'll clean it all up let's uh let's speed it up here we'll go all the way to a quick speed here and that is what it will look like done ain't that cool and again you can do anything you want you don't have to put that circle there you can make it completely flush if you wanted to just so many different things I kind of like the inset though I thought that looks pretty neat and this will all clean out it's just because we didn't run you know the tool pass all the way over here we could have extended them out but it's really not that big of a deal there's nothing going to be left once those bits get that but it's just really really cool and so so much easier than carving and look how prominent those waves are just very very neat and there you go I hope you liked the tutorial you know this aspire program is really really cool and you can do so many different things we're gonna do a lot of different stuff on the channel and I hope you're part of it join up and I get subscribed if you're not subscribed but what that I appreciate you stopping by and we'll talk soon all thank you
Channel: Makers Tube
Views: 34,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vectric aspire, wavy wooden flag, how to use vectric aspire, vectric aspire wavey flag, vectric aspire 10.0, vectric aspire how to videos, vectric aspire 3d modeling, vectric aspire tutorial, 3d cnc wood carving machine, 3d cnc wood carving software, 3d cnc wood carving, 3d wood carving, how to 3d carve wood, best cnc machine software, cnc woodworking ideas, cnc router woodworking ideas, easy to use cnc 3d carving software, wooden marine flag, wavy wooden american flag
Id: LQt-jtpUbY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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