How to do TEXT on TEXT using Vectric aspire. - How to Make this popular text on text sign that sells

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my home is we're gonna do another tutorial today and this is how to lay basically text on text now here's the deal you know I have a Pinterest account and I like Pinterest let me get my speaker volume out of the way so I can hear myself and move this up here but I have a Pinterest and you know sometimes things pop up on my screen that I really like especially because I'm in the CNC and I'm you know working on it all the time and I'm trying to learn and trying to find new things to do and the one thing that I really really like is let me show you here I really like these signs and you know I'm sure you've probably seen them before especially if you're in CNC woodworking and they're really really popular and they really really sell I have seen thousands of these sold on just one site alone which is crazy and they look really nice now I believe a lot of these are made out of time probably select time but here is my issue my issue was I'm not gonna say is because I I found the solution to that issue was laying the text on the text in vetrix Aspire and it probably works the exact same way on the car pro I went on a few different videos and they were like flip this and flip that and let me show you here let me let me open up my vet trick and we're gonna go create new file now before I go on my rant here let me show you what I set up 28 inches for my piece of wood you can make this whatever size you want doesn't matter it's up to you you know the height may be 11 inches I think that's pretty good we're gonna go out of pine which is fine you can do it a cherry well not whatever the more you want to spend on it the more you're probably going to need to charge but we'll hit okay that's what we're going to do today just for demonstration purposes but you know a lot of the times what people were doing it they were coming over and they were hitting let's do a text so we'll go [Music] subscribe I just came to me and we'll just hit enter you know close and what would happen is I don't want that well this is just demonstration purposes anyway but long story short what they were doing was I was seeing this is on every video and even like the vetrix website it was driving me nuts they would say come over click this group it and then you come over to this right here convert the curves and then you got a group it again and then move it to this layer and then move it to that layer and it was just getting ridiculous I'm sitting there I'm banging my head up against the wall I'm like this is freakin nuts like do I really want to spend the time shouldn't really be this hard to put a text over text it's not I'm gonna show you how to make this sign it is so freakin simple and we're gonna start that now so what we're gonna do we're gonna start from scratch we're gonna do this together and the reason why I'm doing this because hey listen I want you to come back you know I want you to learn as I learn and I have fun doing this I enjoy showing the things I learned I you know it took me a couple days to figure this out hair pulling and everything but we're gonna we're gonna get through it so what we're gonna do is we set it up the 28 inches long and then the height 11 inches will do thickness one inch right we're not gonna go crazy with this one we're just gonna select this pine and we'll just hit okay so now let me move my face right here what we're gonna do now is we're going to set up our piece of wood so we're gonna come over here to I'm sorry I draw we're gonna take this draw rectangle click it left click right here in the corner and we're gonna go left click and drag drop right click and that's it so now we're gonna come over here and go modeling okay and now and and let me do this here before I do that let me bring this to a to view mode here so this is your 3d area so what we're gonna do we're gonna go flat we'll just bring this all the way up we're gonna keep this right here and we're gonna hit apply and now you can see that we our 3d piece of wood cool right yes we'll hit apply I think I already did that we're gonna hit close and we are done now with that section so now what I want to do is I want to build that that frame right that that frame around the edge and how you do that is we're going to do and we'll just name this we're gonna right-click on that we're gonna hit rename we're gonna name this was his name of base what's hit base I like to put what I'm working on in these areas so it's easier for me to find what I'm looking for them okay so I'm gonna move in my face right down here again and what we're gonna do next is we're going to come over to the draw we're gonna take this here I'm gonna left click just put it wherever you can adjust it to where you want but again this is just demonstration purposes it's not going to be perfect you can do what what you want to do once you learn how to do it so I left clicked drag dropped right click and now we have our second square so if I wanted to I could come over here click and then left click and shift that there and we can just maybe line those up we'll hit that right there and see how that dropped a little bit because I lined everything up right dead center so we're good with that we're just gonna hit close and then left click and get out of that again so now you know and again you can make these fancy borders if you want it doesn't matter you can rearrange that as soon as you drop that in you can change that up if you wanted to we're not going to do that we're gonna keep it simple so now what we're going to do is we're gonna left click on that and I'm gonna open this up a little bit and let you see how this works we're gonna go back to modeling and right here what we're going to do we're going to keep a flat again but I don't want this to be raised if I raise it it's gonna do that don't want that I want to bring this down into the negatives and you can go negative one negative two however deep you want remember you get to keep in mind how far are your letters going to be raised so we'll just keep that down or what you could do you come over here then just hit the drop button here and that would do the same thing you can just adjust it that way so what we'll do is I don't want to go half inch man maybe happen you know we're gonna go maybe quarter of an inch drop into our piece of wood and now we can raise our letters up to a quarter of an inch and that will do that if you wanted to just to be safe you don't want to play around bring it up to thirty and I think you'll be fine there as well so bring it to thirty and I think you're alright we have that mark there we have that mark there and now what we are going to do is hit apply and that is all you need to do with your base or your frame that's going around that now so now we just hit apply always hit apply always hit close if you don't hit that it won't stay and then what we can name and I should just named it there we can rename this frame whatever we're not gonna use it anymore so it doesn't really matter but now we're gonna do the text and that was where I was struggling and I'm gonna show you why I was struggling here when I move that off of my face so again I'm looking at all these tutorials and they're like wow you got a you know again flip and dragon you know make curve and then you group them and don't group on the movement of this layer it's like oh man come on already you know I just want to make it easy and if you're familiar with the tool reviews don't channel just get to the point and make it easy and that's what we're gonna do so what we're gonna do here is we're going to come over to our text and we are going to we're gonna put subscribe again because I really like that sub scribe right and I don't want the goss you can go I really like and I know it's played out but like Times Roman numeral and and all that I really like that but you have all these different fonts that you can pick from there's times new room and yeah times know new roman I can't speak today we're gonna click that we're just gonna hit close so there you have this right here we're gonna move this up and we'll work that out here in a second don't worry about it so say you're making your last name your last name would go on the bottom here or maybe if you just wanted the large last name initial so if your last name was Samson you could just put a giant s right there and then write the first and second name on top but we're just gonna go with subscribe and what I want to do is I'm gonna left click I'm gonna click on this here I'm gonna hit shift and then click on this and then I just want to Center it up a little bit the easiest way to do is just kind of click that right there and I centers it and I could bring it up a little bit again it's not meant to be perfect I don't really care all that much I just want to give you the common knowledge here so we're gonna hit close and now what we need to do is model this so we're gonna left click on that again we're gonna go to modeling and then we're going to come right here just like we have with everything else click that and we're gonna leave this flat okay we don't want this curve we don't want it spiky we're just gonna leave it flat well adjust the height here in a bit but what we want is you know we want to bring this up right we want this component to be up and we're gonna name this last name right that would be your last name we're gonna hit apply and now you can see that it brings up you know subscribe or you know your last name whatever you are looking to do where I was running into issue was laying the next text on top so I think we already hit apply yeah let me hit close and I'll show you the issues that I was running into so the issue that I was running into and again you can do this a million different ways again this is the easy way so let's go back and we'll put our next name down right so if you win your first name or both your names so let's go to text we're gonna go click and bail because if you don't click the bail you won't get any of these videos and you should do that you can adjust the size here if you wanted to you can adjust the spacing you can go a tie you know I think we're gonna do that I like that we're just gonna keep it easy you can change the phone if you want but we're not gonna go crazy we're just gonna hit close I'm just trying to show you the basics of this and then you can go in and design whatever you want so now the size it's just easier for me to bring it down here like so and what I'll do is if I click on this here and I drag it again you can line it up if you wanted to double click double click there you go again we're just we're just doing it not to be perfect just I'll bring it maybe like right here I think it might be a little bit too big still we'll bring it down here let make it look real nice so say that's in the middle which I don't know if it is whatever again you can go any of your tools and do that but we're not going to do that because again I don't I don't need to be perfect so what was happening was I was clicking on this and you know I was trying to group home and trying to weld them together thinking that it would magically do something by itself then I was going in to modeling and I was just selecting everything and modeling them all at once and it wasn't working so you have to model these separately each text has to be modeled separately right so you already got to subscribe we clicked on this we're gonna go back to modeling and that's what I was messing up number one I was trying to model all of the text the ones on the bottom and the top all at the same time you don't do that model them separately and the other issue I was having was I was trying to do this so I'm gonna come up here and when we drag this up so you can see it a little bit more what I would do is I would hit apply and you can see what happens here like you got some that looks good and then some on top of each other and or dip in and this and that and only hold that doesn't look right now I'm over there trying to you know adjust I'm down I'm like well that doesn't look right and that doesn't look right then I'm over here I'm trying to do this and that's what I'm trying to find the videos to show me how to do in there like what you got to do this and do that's named nightmare so all you have to do all you have to do is watch this see this you're basically merging the highest points with previous components you click on that mmm hit apply don't like this I just bring it up bring it up you know now if you wanted to we'll just hit apply so our other letters are too high so what we gonna do is bring those down so we're gonna hit close on that and we're gonna go last name remember that base height we're gonna bring those down a little bit why check it out because if we're up too high that's saying that your stock is not high enough but now you can adjust that lower if you wanted to you can bring it down even more than that all right I think that looks pretty good when it close and that's why we named these right clothes and then component will be top text so we'll hit rename top text whatever whatever you want to name it doesn't matter and if I wanted to I can click on this and you can adjust the shape height or you could've gave it the dome look or whatever you wanted to do but we're just gonna leave it like that I think it looks I think it looks a little bit too high we're gonna bring that base down a little bit you can bring the shape up if you want it to you know you could do something like that but we're not going to do that we're just gonna bring that down probably yeah probably little bit more because remember the more you have out there the easier it is to break those off so let me just zoom that in I think that looks pretty cool right so now you have this set up what we're gonna do here is you could do established so let's just do that real quick we're gonna hit close we're going to come back over to our 2d right and we'll go drawing go texts will hit est and then we can go and then we'll go live my birthday day you have July or you can make it all caps two and one seven eight yes I'm old [Music] again you can check the size you can Center you can do whatever you want with the spacing we're just gonna do that we're just gonna bring it over because it's just easier to do it that way you can make those smaller if you wanted to these words smaller I'm just trying to give you you know how to do this here so we'll go like that we're gonna model again so we'll bring this up bring it up we're gonna go model we're already selected and you can do like maybe we'll do a dome this time I don't know we'll just make it a little funky you could do that with the top text up here it looks pretty cool you know like this I think the base heights a little bit too high so we're gonna bring that down see a dumb look gives it that really cool round over again you could do that up on this you can do whatever you want it we're just trying to give you the point right of how to do these so you could do that and that if you wanted to we're gonna hit it doesn't have to be fancy you don't have to worry about combining them or anything we're gonna hit apply and then what we're going to do check this out so if you have the vectric you're probably going to have clipart so we're gonna hit close on that and you know if you want to be romantic and all smoochy-smoochy or whatever you know do that that's great but if you don't you can you know put skulls on here or whatever but let's let's do something let's get a clipart here or you can dragging your own clipart whatever you want to do we'll go to clipart here and I don't know we'll go go fruit my plants are fritzen let's get along I don't want decorative let's go objects people something like this maybe so if you wanted to and I'm just trying to give you a you know you get all this clipart down here so maybe we want to do some dice I don't know whatever we'll do some dice here so let's bring that down to big actually be too small I think that's okay okay so you can see right here it's acting a little funky so we got to fix that but let's find another I don't know George Washington no let's do let's do a heart well let's just let's just do the heart here yeah mouse a scroll it down won't put that heart right here it's so so romantic here so we're gonna go here we'll just drag that up and drop it and yeah as you can see if I move my face that one works alright but the dice you know the dice might be a little too 3d but we can make it work I think let's um let's try it so we'll go scroll that up scroll that up so let's go back to modeling dice already selected let's click on that here let's go shape height yeah I see I think the dice are a little bit too 3d I don't think you really want those and a base height I mean you could just I don't think it would look right on the side but you get the point you could put whatever you want on this right you can put heart so you can put the rings on there you can put dubs whatever and again you can design these texts any way you want so if you like this if you want this more of a cursive and then you put this up on top it's gonna look pretty cool so let's go to our tool pass here and you can do this a couple different ways I think if you're at this point I gotta get rid of these dice man we're just gonna get rid of them because I you know they're bothering me but if you're at this point I think I think you're ready to start selecting the tool path and all that so what we could do is we'll come over here we're gonna hit our roughing you can see we have more than enough spaces to cut that down we move this over here come on and then we're gonna hit okay and then we'll hit calculate and we're using a end mill it's a quarter inch and we'll see what happens here okay so it's showing you will hit so what you can see that it's cleaning it up and just doing that rough pass because if you try to use a ball nose or whatever it's gonna be way too much now with this here with this rounded over you're gonna want to use a ball nose if you don't use the rounded over edge if you just want flat you could just use an end mill it doesn't matter but we'll hit okay we'll hit close and then we're gonna hit I think the ball nose is gonna be too big for this I don't think it's gonna come out right so you could do something like we'll just hit select let's just do a ball nose maybe like an eighth of an inch and we'll hit apply and you can adjust your feeds and speeds down here I would suggest you look into those you don't want to take forever to carve this thing but we'll hit calculate and this one might take a little bit longer to calculate maybe maybe yeah because we're using a smaller business making more passes it's taking a longer a calculate larger the bit less passes the quicker it is to calculate any time now all right I'm just gonna hit stop and they'll come back well that took a lot longer than I thought it would I'm still calculating and you can see here if we hate and that ball knows it's gonna be too small for this you're gonna be there for a long time carving if you do that so mess with your bits and find out which works best for you but we'll hit play and you can see that it cleans it up now if you wanted to you could go to different you get a wall night why one that comes out like that you know if you do pon it even shows you two nos that's what I really like about this if you did oh just do oke you know think that looks pretty cool but you can see how all of those letters that they're touching a base and then they're coming up and then on the words just like you want it to be they blend in together instead of all scattered out and what was happening was when I was doing the other things like I was you know grouping them and this and that and they're you know I had big chunks missing like I showed you earlier in the video it was just a nightmare and there's your heart over there again you can go over to you know walnut I like maple maple even do MDF you wanted to which is a freaking nightmare you could do anything mahogany you know like you know but you could really design these corners up you could play you know different designs up here on the top you know and you know put two hearts over here you to put a ring over here if you do whatever you want but the the meaning of this video is it doesn't need to be that hard you know or the videos that I'm finding it's just it is a freaking nightmare you know flip this flip that curve this curve that ungroup' groove with it you don't have to do that this is how you can do it it's a fast and easy way to do it this is how everybody else is doing it and these signs are very very popular so you know design them how you want I like to know what you think you know leave me a comment in the comment section below let me know this helped you out and you know maybe you have some tips you want to share you know I'm always interested to hear what others think and this is a community so it's a good thing to share your ideas the other thing is we're not subscribed subscribe hit that Bell notification and we'll be back with more videos soon thanks for stopping by
Channel: Makers Tube
Views: 26,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vectric aspire, vectric aspire text on text, how to put text on text in vectric aspire, text on text vcarve pro, vcarve text on text, vectric aspire tutorial, how to use vectric aspire, cnc machine, how to make a wooden sign 2020, how to make a 3d sign in vectric aspire, vectric vcarve pro, wooden sign making machine, wooding sign making tutorial, how to make 3d wooden signs, sign making 101, wood signs that sell, best selling wood projects 2020, vectric aspire 9.5 tutorial
Id: XFVKx1Mlij0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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