How To Transfer Images onto Canvas Arts & Crafts Tutorial

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[Music] hi everyone and welcome to ask this place today I'm going to show you how to take an image any kind of an image flip it over if you need to and then put it onto canvas I'm calling it picture transferring in this book here I have got these fabulous images this is my most favorite edition of Harper's Bazaar and in here there are these lovely images I wish I knew who the artist was because I would like to pay homage and thank you so much for this but anyway what we're going to do is we're going to take that and we are going to put it onto a canvas and it is very cool and groovy there are seven of these they're called the seven deadly sins and they look very nice gracing my wall right very easy this is what you need you need a canvas frame and you need some Mod Podge glue you need a little roller you need a paint brush or a sponge you need some scissors and of course you need your image so what you need to do is you need to take that to the photocopier and you need to scan it and if it's got writing on it what you need to do is you need to flop it over so that it is in Reverse and you just need an ordinary old inkjet printer is all that you need to use right let's get rid of all of this now once your photocopied it I like to use a thin paper the thinner the paper the better some people will tell you a thicker paper better quality is better but for what I like I like the thin paper right from there once you've done that you need to trim it up like I've done here so it's all trimmed up you can take it to go over the edges of the canvas if you want but for today I just want there to be superimposed onto the canvas right from their sleeve is up I'm sorry I'm not dressed beautifully today but I knew I was going to make a mess right the mud the Mod Podge that I'm using is the matte paint and I think that this is better and it would have been good if I had opened up you could on you yes to open it up before you start right take that off there and then break that seal like so and get rid of that that because we don't want any imperfections in this right pour quite a large amount onto there you can use these and scrape it across which is quite good but I actually I actually don't mind this now I will use this right just scrape that over that the mud right over the face of the whole canvas now you might be thinking all you get on with it get on with it get on with it but this is actually the I think the most important process because you've got to get that on and you don't want anything any of the corners lifting so take that right to the edge and make sure that this is nice even and smooth that before you go any further and just keep working it up and what I like to do is just sort of like go on the side or lift it up to me so that I can see that I've got a nice thick coat the reason I don't actually like using these is because it sort of does pull it away from the edges so I actually prefer the old paintbrush and you can really work better so it's got to be a nice nice nice beautiful even thick on the sides and it needs just a little bit on there on those size etc etc and I can see a bits pulling away from there so I'll just go back and I'll rework there right from there the next thing to do is to get your image and you need to Center this and make sure that it's on flat right put that onto there like that and make sure that you've got evens at the sides and at the top so I'll just pull that over just a weaver right because we're working onto a canvas frame what I like to do is to get a book like this preferably to the same size as what we're working on here get rid of that and then using a roller and just gently gently gently push that onto there getting rid of any little cracks or if there's any little wrinkles just move that around on the box so you can put a bit of weight down on it because don't you using canvas and the canvas will move so by putting the book under it just means that you can get a good grip to push a good bit of pressure to push that down now as you're working make sure we're possible that you don't get any of that blue that's around the edges on top of this paper and you'll see why very soon so just keep going until that's all nicely smoothed out and I can see little wrinkles there so just keep working those over to the sides pushing a book down so that you can work those out so the Bears are the finish now the better your end project is going to be right that's looking pretty good to me so just get better we rub up to there and make sure that these little ages are all done now as I'm getting to their age thing you can see that that glue starting to come out just a wee bit we'll try try try try try and not get that on your hand and as I come along here I can see I've got a few wrinkles so just take your finger down there and just press that down until it's all nice and flat now worth those little bits of glue that have come out the side there I'm just going to get this sponge and I'm just gonna run that down there and get rid of any of those butts because when that dries off that's going to keep like a bit of a shine even though it's net so you don't want that anywhere there's a little bit up there right leave that for 24 hours to completely dry off and as its drying if you see any little wrinkly but make sure I'll bring that back to use there's little wee wrinkly bits there just get your hand and that nice dry hand might I add and just press those out so just spend a bit of time to make sure that that is absolutely perfect flat wrinkle free no creases no air bubbles nothing and as I said level over 24 hours right this is the bit that I love the most right here's one that I've already done and as I said before when you're putting it on be very careful that you don't rip any of the paper because what happened was I had glue on my hand and that there has come away but it's okay because I can say that right the next thing to do is to get your sponge and load it up with water and what we're going to do is we're just going to and this does take just a wee few minutes what we're going to do is we're going to whip that top layer of paper and what should happen is the underneath image should start to appear in front of you so from where I had nothing to now I'm having to see how I've got this color coming through that's all the black from underneath so just spend a bit of time now make this nice and wait and just debit debit debit and to be perfectly honest what I did when I did the others is I took it to the tab into the suit and I just ran the water over it was much much easier because I'm such an impatient person I just like to see it's okay you just have to make sure that that is nice and wet the whole thing like so is you can see it's all set see the image from underneath it's all starting to come through that's exactly what we want it to do now goodness only knows how I'm going to save that butt over there but you know fingers crossed we'll get it nice nice nice and wet and I'm just going to go over that one more time now once you get to this stage what I do is go and put the jug on and have a cup of coffee and leave it so let's just imagine that we've done the two minutes get rid of that do it again until that's all nice and wet and as you're running your hand over it you sort of find that there's a little bit of something happening like as you rub your finger over there see how that sauce can you see that how that's all starting to lift we know that we are ready to go when it does there right keep your water on hand I'll get rid of that because I want to just wait for a few minutes get rid of all of the myths here including there right here we go put it on the side and then what you do is you just slowly slowly now the word gentle comes to mind that is what is necessary about now nice and gentle and just keep rubbing away until that top layer of paper and actually when you look at it I don't know how many layers of paper that they put under his probably you know two to three fine fine fine layers well you just keep going like this until it all starts to come off and it can take depending on how thick your paper is is going to depend on how long it's going to take now the other issue is if there are any air bubbles what will happen is that will mean that there the image that you were pressing into it is actually starting to look if you go too hard it'll start to lift off if you've got air bubbles there is an indication that the paper didn't stick on to the glue which means that you're not going to bring you be able to bring your image across so just keep going until you've got all of that off now don't rub to hurt if you rub too hard what you'll find is you rub that image that you put it into that glue off now for this area over here where I've muttered up I'm just going to have to go really really slowly and gently until I sort of hopefully I can retrieve that but I think that with the look that I'm going for it won't actually measure the other thing is that some people use the other edge of a sponge and just rub away at it like that but personally I think that my hand is much much better it does take it off quicker but I've got more control over my hand so just keep going into that as all up right with the magic of being seriously sorted out I've actually got some that I've done here this one here I'm almost done there's just a little bit here so when you look into that there's your image there and you can still see the paper there just get your finger into there and just this is of course about three days later but just very very cheaply just keep rubbing until you get that off you know what sometimes that will happen because you just have enough glue on there so that glue application when you're first start is paramount also what I want to say to you is as I said right at the beginning if there are letters on the image that you're going to transfer over onto this make sure that you flick them around otherwise you will be left with this actually ceaseless but at the moment I think it's saying something else because it's all around the wrong way okay so once you've done at lots of processes involved here here's one that I finished and there's still just a little bit of paper in there but that's okay the other thing is here when I was doing I was rubbing just a little bit too hard in some of the the black has come off but that's okay also as I said make sure your word is around the other way what I've done here is I've just put some letters on the top and I've put a lovely coat another coat of being a much Podge which is a nice sort of a sheet dull sort of shinny over the top of hey I hope you've enjoyed this I've enjoyed doing it for you in another day I'll show you what these all look like so thanks for watching I hope has been of assistance and I'll see another day [Music] you
Channel: Astar's Place
Views: 1,896,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astar, how, to, eco, organic, sustainable, How-to (Website Category), Tutorial (Media Genre), Garden, Paper, Do It Yourself (Hobby), tutorial, class, lesson, photo, picture, painting, wall, diy, transfer, print, paste, glue, mod podge, modge, pva
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 20 2014
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