5 MINUTES INKJET TRANSFER technique for BEGINNERS // Any surface! // no rubbing paper

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took about five minutes this was free this is really easy to do [Music] yeah this is what we're gonna do today so yeah today we're gonna use an inkjet printer to transfer a photo onto another surface without needing to wet it or wrap paper forever yeah no wetting no rubbing nothing like that it's going to be dry so that's why i call it the dry method it's pretty quick method to do and it's also surprising how easy it is to do it even i was so surprised when i figured this process out this inkjet transfer method works on many different surfaces like different papers such as watercolor or cardstock paper it works great on wood it's very easy to transfer to canvas and you can even transfer to glass and as you can see the colors we can get with this transfer method are amazing and if you have my book this process is on page 13. okay so let's start now [Music] so yeah today we're going to use an inkjet printer to transfer our photo onto another surface i know a lot of people don't have a laser printer at home so this process will be perfect here is the photo we're gonna use today it was printed with a low end inkjet printer the photo needs to be mirrored and printed on standard printer paper it's very important that you don't print on photo paper also i like to add a lot of color to my photos so let me show you how i do it this is what my original photo looks like and i use my photo editor to enhance the u and saturation of the photo also when i print i select the high quality settings but this is just optional and obviously i wouldn't do it if let's say i wanted to transfer a portrait photo okay so now let's see the transfer medium i'm going to use matte medium and by the way there are links to all the supplies i'm using today below this video next we need to choose the receiving surface i'm going to transfer to this canvas panel and i think the most important ingredient today is clear spray finish and soon you will see why this is optional but i like to tape around the edges in order to get a nice clean borders now we're going to brush a good amount of the matte medium we need to completely cover the receiving surface and if you have too little medium some areas will not transfer so you have be generous now place the printout face down onto the wet surface and press it down with your fingers it's also a good idea to use an old card to get rid of any air bubbles okay so now we need to wait a few minutes to let the transfer dry but it's very important that we don't let it dry completely i waited just about three minutes but if you did let it dry too long stick around and i'll show you how to fix it and still get a good transfer don't worry we can fix it we can do anything in this studio okay so after about three minutes i'm going to remove the top paper and i'm going to start at the corner i'm just going to lift one corner and peel back the paper from the print out as much as i can the paper will usually come off easily in big pieces just like this so obviously we now have all these papers still covering our photo so again this is uh optional but you can rub some of this paper off with a sponge it just helps to loosen up some of the paper but obviously most of the paper is still there yeah don't worry the next step will solve this problem so like i mentioned before this is the most important ingredient this works like magic you can use any acrylic spray and i like the gloss finish spray because it creates this shimmery effect okay so now let's go outside the studio to apply the acrylic spray i like to apply the spray going up one way and then from side to side this way i make sure i cover the whole photo area and if you like this video make sure to like it and subscribe i make this type of videos every week and you don't want to miss one you don't want to miss it right and this is probably the best part of the process the removal of the masking tape it's so satisfying for some reason yeah so this is what it looks like okay so as i promised you let me show you what you can do if the matte medium is dry very stuck it won't come off easily but don't worry we can fix it and still get a very good transfer so let's make a really quick one and let it dry for too long and as you can see this photo is being transferred to a wood panel so i let this one completely dry and now it's impossible to remove the paper and the image comes off with the paper so here is what i'm gonna do i simply going to spray the back of the transfer with water and now it's just so easy to remove the paper this is what it looked an hour later i didn't even spray it yet so it's gonna look really nice once i spray it and it will be shimmery and glossy will be very nice so here it is what it looks like after i sprayed it with clear finish i think it came out perfect this process is available in my book and my book is available on amazon so make sure you get your copy soon before they run out just kidding they actually it's print on demand so amazon is gonna print it just for you we don't need paper today we need paper today we're going to use an inkjet hello can't get it right um although i think the problem is me saying the word problem but don't worry the next step will solve this problem i can't say it thank you so much for watching see you next time you
Channel: Nitsa Creative Studio
Views: 1,023,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nitsa Creative Studio, Nitsa Malik, image transfer, photo transfer, mixed media, how to, artist, inkjet transfer, quick, easy, fast, fun process, method, ink jet, not laser, laser ink jet, special paper, nitsa malik, inkjet image transfer, inkjet printer transfer, inkjet transfer printing, Nitsa art, Nitsa, no transfer paper, no laser printer, photo image transfer, beginner, dry process, matte medium, wood, canvas, glass, surface, on wood, print on, archival, effective, learn how to
Id: 1JBC3_ipeoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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