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today we are beating Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse in this Disney game you play as Mickey Mouse and have to collect seven rainbow gems to save Minnie Mouse yes we got the first gem hey yo what we have to travel to crazy worlds and fight insane bosses like an evil tree a hammer boss and even an ultimate final boss battle against the evil witch herself Mel hey yo oh no oh no we will beat the entire game in this one video and show you all cutcenes this is like watching a Disney Mickey Mouse movie with lanky box are you ready let's go ominous and terrifying the castle stood out against the skyline like a shadow from a horrible nightmare lost and alone what was Mickey to do luckily fate intervened in the guise of a mysterious old man house caution lad for miserab bel's plans are truly Wicked using a magic spell she intends to steal Minnie's Youth and Beauty your sweetheart will be left as hideous as the witch is now and her heart will contain only hatred and anger oh no how can I save her what do I do you must find the seven ring bow gems that will create the fabled Rainbow Bridge it will take you to Where Minnie is being held but beware the gem Keepers they are miserab bel's prime ministers of misery and won't give up their Treasures easily gems gem Keepers got it wait where do I find them within Mel's Castle of Illusion but beware Young Mouse the witch has created strange worlds and bizarre creatures to prevent you from reaching her each gem is guarded by one of Mel's masters of Illusion defeat them to claim your prize and remember use great caution Mickey did not take the old Mouse's words lightly he thanked him and rushed to the castle Gates the Castle of Illusion was miserab bel's twisted playground of trickery and Peril nothing there was as it seemed yo this is awesome guys today we are playing Castle of Illusion star Mickey Mouse so guys that's the story it sounds like Minnie Mouse has been kidnapped by like an evil witch who's trying to steal her powers and to get Minnie back we as Mickey Mouse have to collect seven gems that means we're going to have to face seven bosses and have an epic ultimate boss fight to beat this guys I'm controlling Mickey Mouse you jump with a this is going to be awesome we're going to get all seven gems in this video guys this is literally like watching a Disney movie with ly box yo this game is so lit dude so oh watch out that's a bad guy nice jump on him so guys you can see at the top left we have three stars that's our health so if we take damage we lose a star if you lose all your stars you o and you have to collect gems you can see we have six out of 800 7 out of 800 we have to get as many of these as we can to unlock more we're going into misra Bell's castle of into the castle entryway stro the mouse with a heart of a great lion though his knees felt more like those of a frightened kitten bro his knees are weak his palms are sweaty let's go let's go Mickey let's go this is going to be so awesome guys so oh so look at this door in front of us it says 15 right you need 15 gems to go in there I have nine I'm going to pick up all these and I should have enough to get in there 12 13 14 yep 15 yep and and there we go it opened oh so this is going to be the first boss maybe this is going to be the first level guys so every level has three different stages you can see 1 2 3 the third stage of each one is a boss fight let's go I wonder what's behind this door let's go this is awesome let's get that first gem the threshold and emerged once again into the forest but it was changed somehow this wasn't the Pastoral wood he remembered this is awesome oh and you got an extra life man okay guys yeah so the the golden Micky I have four of those that's your life uh oh oh there's the gem what is that a tree character is that the first boss right there oh no he rolled away that might be the first boss guys this game is so awesome we're playing it for the first time ever live here with you guys wo there's a treasure chest up there what are these apples be to throw oh you can throw the stuff you pick up oh so that's your weapon I get it this is so cool guys and stick around there's going to be epic boss battles we'll put a clip on screen of all the boss battles we're going to see of The Crazy Ones def himself Mickey remembered how accurate he always was in the annual Apple throwing contest back home let's go guys we're going to put a clip on screen of the final boss battle it is going to be nuts you guys do not want to miss that yo he's doing like stunts and stuff what's in the chest oh more gems all right man awesome you look like T this game is so awesome go Mickey let's go man go Mickey you're so lit you're so lit it's super lit let's go go Mickey yo this is lit okay what is this okay there's a bunch of signs okay I'm just going to pick a random direction to go and let's see what happens huh the sign post was created by misel so of course it had a mischievous streak oh it's a it's a prank it doesn't work oh is this a prank bro sign post would make up its mind okay I got to pick the right way to go what oh now I got it nice dude W this game's tricky suddenly Mickey was in another part of the wood were these gigantic trees or had Mickey been shrunk whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoaa now it's getting tricky oh duck uh-oh uh-oh oh no oh no oh no I'm still alive I'm still alive I'm staying alive I'm staying alive I'm staying alive I'm yo this game is nuts and remember guys we're going to beat the entire game in one video we will get all seven gems and we will show you exactly how to do it we're going to beat all the bosses guys stick around this is literally like watching a Disney movie with likey box watch out for these spiders him I can't okay nice okay go go go go go got another star nice oh watch out yeah I see if I can y this guy yeah it works nice man that's awesome oh now we're on some leaves oh it's like Falling Leaves you got to jump between the platforms yo and wait this is just the first level this game is going to be tough oh oh watch out watch out for these spiders get out of the way yo guys we got to get to that tree boss oh this game is awesome dude this is busting oh this is busting for real for real No Cap Vicky found himself back in the clearing and back to his original size oh no that was part of the game we were that was just like a mini game or something we we we were supposed to fall and speaking of mini we got to save her guys we cannot let mini get captured we got to save Minnie Mouse Adam loves Minnie Mouse guys she's one of his favorite characters of all time me I'm more of a Mickey and Donald kind kind of guy right guys and Justin always really likes goofy all right let's go in here nice oh what is this to move fast what run go dude run no oh a giant Apple wo jump this game is crazy oh no so Minnie or sorry Mickey's like really small right now he's a mini Mickey [Applause] okay so I got to collect as many gems I can because you need these to unlock more doors and um so the first door is only 15 gems but I bet the next was going to be like 100 or something oh you think so oh no no Mickey oh I still made it okay nice that was close that was close let's go Mickey oh stage clear lit okay so that was now we're on act two nice Mickey knew he was closer to misel now the very air around him tingled with mischief and danger hey yo look at this guy he's super thick that guyy is super thick dude yo this game is so awesome oh it's a moving platform oh wow are these just ghosts like are we in a ghost land right now I think we're in a ghost Forest right now what is this oh oh oh hey yo he tricked us that guy really Bamboozled me dude that was not cool how dare he okay nice I'm going go this way nice guys this game is so amazing we're going to beat the whole game in this one video with you guys it's going to be an epic lanky box Disney adventure Mickey Mouse movie Let's Go this is one video that you don't want to miss a second of guys we're going to get all seven Gems we'll show you all the cut scenes in this game this is so awesome we're so excited to play this oh it was the trickster again I I dodged him that time they almost got us yeah watch out for the Red Ghost guys we cannot jump on those this game is busted for real for real fire No Cap yes sir yes sir let's go Mickey yo okay guys I'm at full health I'm looking really good right now okay nice oh I got another star so you can only hold five stars so if you have more it doesn't count oh well that was lots of tricky ghosts you can only jump on the blue ones guys oh nice nice bo bo oh is that the evil witch misel misel taunted Mickey with her cruel laugh but perhaps she was secretly worried about how close he was getting she is so evil dude she was just laughing laughing at us don't ever laugh at people guys yeah guys don't especially don't laugh at Mickey Mouse cuz we're a real Mickey Mouse guy mhm Justin is a Disney guy oh I'm a Mickey Mouse guy it's lit I'm Mickey Mouse guys this is so awesome this like when we asked Adam's mom tiet to Disneyland she said we have Disneyland at home and then she got us this game actually guys our mom took our sisters Addy and Justine to Disneyland and they left without us and Adam and I didn't get a go yo is it time for the boss fight no way three here we go with the Frights and Sprites of the forest behind him Mickey faced the ne ah the grumpy old oak tree like all of miserab bel's illusions he was no friend to Mickey [Applause] waa what boss fight boss fight you got it dude you guys can see in the top right he has uh gems those are his lives wa oh that was close wa he's coming back oh oh oh ouch oh I jump on him boy nice I took a little bit of damage but so did he oh no this is a very close fight guys we're evenly matched H but he's no match for me I'm going to dodge it this time nice boy nice okay guys three more hits and he's gone perfect you got him man wait what what he's missing he's mixing up his attacks he's trying to jump on you this guy's nuts watch out literally there's nuts falling from the sky this guy is nuts like some acorns yeah oh you doing the roly poly watch out for watch out for the acorns Bonk I'm going to Bonk him Bonk one more nice so easy man you got one more and then we got the first gem wa yo this guy's nuts like some acorns yeah did we get him yes we got the first gem Rainbow Gem was finally his now it was time for our hero to move on guys that's a first gem out of seven let's go exploring the castle Halls Mickey now had one of the rainbow gems that would help him save Minnie but he knew there were more to find and the Masters of Illusion would not give them up without a fight okay so this door was 80 gems we have 93 so we have just enough this is awesome guys this is chapter 2 Guys and there's three more AXS there's three levels and the third one's a boss fight this game is awesome we're going to beat the whole thing here with you let's go yeah man here we go toy land yeah man Mickey emerged into a toy box of peril another of the witch's Illusions oh wait that that's the exit but we can't go through there yet okay so I have to go this way was the only way to go but the toys were eager to keep playing their games dude that's that's not busting dude they're always try to play games you know what I mean yeah that's true I I'm really not a fan of the witch in this game that's what Adam always says he says I'm not here to play games I don't even know what he's talking about unless it's Roblox oh yes sir or or iPad games or iPad games cuz I'm an iPad kid I'm an iPad kid I'm iPad kid a very proud iPad kid I'm going jump with this magical hat wa he had to move quickly and carefully for the cards weren't playing fairly yo what is this like an alternate Dimension it's like you're in Alice in Wonderland or something oh the Joker cards are trolls oh I fell that's just a mini game to get gems I think that's really cool though close he was certain he'd do better next time yeah I I'll do better next time nice guys this game is so awesome yo guys we're speed R well watch out for this guy throw marble at him get him nice dude throw another marble oh watch out for the unicycle ouch oh like a mystery block like Mario I didn't know that the unicycle was going to come back eat that okay nice get out of the way nice okay guys I took one thing of damage I have uh four stars you can see right now let's go oh yeah oh yeah dude oh yeah oh yeah oh yes sir I'm a Mickey Mouse guy we're still going up higher dude Mickey Mouse is always going higher bro he's going all the way up you're nuts throw throw marbles at him guys I'm throwing these marbles so instead of apples now we have marbles y y y y nice okay nice you're doing trick shots I'm doing trick shots at stuff guys cuz I love this game this game is so addicting already let's go guys I want to get all seven gems we got to save Minnie Mouse dude because Adam loves mini what's we got the key to the exit secret key that was the key to the exit remember the exit was like locked up nice it's a m key ah Adam your jokes are busted for real for real No Cap Adam you keep keep those jokes up and you'll be able to win over mini maybe man maybe I don't know not dude your your jokes are nuts like some acorns though my jokes are busted for real for real no capat and they're valid yes sir on 's Mama He's the funniest guy I know for real for real bus ni stage clear all right stage clear okay act two act two let's go guys we're kind of speed onward into the land of toys but these play things were somewhat less than playful oh watch out nice oh I needed that guy to boyo up there that's okay nice guys this game is so awesome so we're in act two act three is always where the bosses are so um we're not there oh watch out this juggling guy watch out for his unicycle though yep oh yep Justin's learning oh yep ye this guy oh I I needed him though for that okay okay okay so guys sometimes you need the enemies to go boy you know oh that makes sense and remember the goal guys we have to get seven rainbow gems once we get all seven then we can build a bridge and get to mini so that is our goal in this video Yeah guys we're trying to build we're trying to get seven rainbow gems so we can get the rainbow uh bridge to go uh meet Minnie Mouse and save her oh wait the enem like respawn that's not fair that's not busting all right let's keep going was that rocket ship bro oh cool I wonder who like who owns that ship probably buz Lightyear oh that would make sense yeah wait I can't get up here oh oh you have to jump really fast I get it oh this game is so cool oh oh oh oh this game is nuts nice like some acorns nice go in here oh another Magic Ride oh no a bunch of evil guys ye them ye them and defeat them nice guys let us know what your favorite Disney movie is or if you've been to Disneyland yo this like an inverter sure if he was upside down downside up or a bit of both yo that's sick it reverses gravity oh wao wo I almost OED right there this game is awesome oh a Dodge I dodg that by ducking let's go nice yo wait I'm kind of getting confused oh my goodness oh nice grab that e you eat the unicycle ah the unicycle always gets me it's oh oh no I'm out of marbles I'm out of marbles ouch oh two damage there that's not great wait what is that a trophy special priz um I think to get it it's like a little puzzle so maybe we have to jump from here and then get it yeah Castle statue piece collected what is that it's probably just like a really rare unlockable in this game oh that is so fire yeah man that's a big Flex I bet that's a big busting fire and we're going to beat this Toyland level I wonder who the boss is going to be you think it's going to be like I don't know an evil Jack in the Box yeah it's possible now guys I'm am down to two lives I have two stars I'm not looking too good so I got to be careful nice nice okay I got 26 marbles cuz I ran out marbles there for a bit and then you can't do any damage oh nice I got another star I got three lives now let's go Justin has lost his marbles guys guys Adam always says that Adam's mom says that we've lost our marbles I don't know what that means what that me yeah I don't know what she's talking about cuz they're in your room like we didn't lose them yeah I I never lose them um whenever I play marbles against Adam I always win I take all his marbles hilarious oh how do I get those I probably got to jump on some I got to bounce on this guy boy nice got it and you got an extra life awesome nice so guys we have two Health that's the stars but we have six lives that's the golden Mickey so if we run out of all our stars then we go out of five golden Mickey what is this yo it's a mirror that shows you which ones are real oh guys look in the back there do you guys see that so we can only jump on those platforms oops guys I it's not my fault I don't know how to read mirrors because guys in mirrors everything is reversed you got it oh this way oh my goodness oh no what am I doing okay oh I almost panicked nice nice nice nice nice nice wow that was tricky double ye guys this level reminds me of that ride at Disneyland that Adam loves called It's a small world it's a small world after all guys I didn't get to go on that ride because Adam's mom didn't let me out of the the minivan when we went to Disneyland but Adam went out and he wouldn't stop singing the song for the rest of the day and Adam's mom went stop it and get a job I I don't know I heard it was lit though okay new corner of the Castle of Illusion ran Mickey but what was that odd green box it seemed chillingly familiar is this a boss fight it is Jack in the wa Evil Jack in the Box now I'm in trouble now I'm in trouble watch out who watch out Mickey it's already jumping on us he's trying to be a Jumping Jelly Bean watch out Mickey watch out watch out man watch out man what is this what is he doing oh oh punching glove hide wow oh that was close he punched himself ha oh what I do oh jump on him Bo yes oh we did one damage you guys see he he lost the gem ouch oh I took damage oh bro all right you got it man you got two more uh two more stars two more uh Health points oh oh my goodness oh my goodness oh oh no hide Mickey nice so close take that boy nice we got him okay but this part looks harder he hey yo hey yo how do I how do I dodge that I'm down to one life how do I dodge that how do I dodge this oh jump I think I just jump yeah I just have to time it yeah oh my goodness and he's doing the boy oh no no hide hide hide Mickey hide hide Mickey nice nice okay guys can I do this can I clutch this out I got one life left bro are you serious that was so close dude you almost got punched guys this is nuts but this is nothing compared to how hard we heard the last final boss fight in this game is make sure to stick around for that oh it's it go do a reverse reverse oh stay alive stay alive oh reverse reverse watch out watch out watch out watch out he's going to do the punching glove thing I know it hide hide Mickey Yes Yes W yes last life guys can we do it come on come on come on come on come on y yes we got him all right what is the last obstacle oh a shock wave oh clutch oh my goodness oh my goodness oh no oh come on stop stop jumping yes hide did we do it please on our last life if we do this that makes us Pro gamers please come on please please please please please please please please yes we beat him yes first try let's go Rainbow Gem Mickey's heart swelled with renewed hope but the quest to save Minnie was far from over let's go dude yeah Mickey let's go dude yes the second Rainbow Gem was safely gathered but Mickey had no time to congratulate himself another five gems and and manyi were yet to be found all right nice we're on chapter 3 let's go okay let's go on the door on the left let's go oh boy chapter three okay what is this going to be oh the storm as Mickey surveyed this new world he noticed colossal storm clouds gathering in the skies whoo I fell in the water the rain would hold off long enough for him to make it back to the castle wao whoo wait you in into like the tidal wave yeah guys we got swept under so I guess you have to go in the water yeah I think so oh so sick and the enemies here are like OED zombie fish they're like zombie piranhas GH piranhas have mamas all right let's go here all let's drop down here oh there's a treasure chest there I missed it that's okay guys I got to swim and find the right path so when it goes like that it just pulls you along I can't do anything oh the current takes you so we got to find what's the right path it's kind of like an underwater maze it literally is this is crazy double bounce double bounce yes I got extra life perfect man okay so this oh there's a dead end over here you can't go over here oh secret oh secret secret secret yes okay let's go down here let me see if I can oh yes awesome got secret okay where do we swim just down I'm trying to remember I I already went to the right so I'm going to go down this way yeah this looks right yes all right we solved it w woohoo this game is so cool guys what is this it's a puzzle underground Mickey wondered what sort of subterranean strangeness he was about to encounter okay so you can't jump off I just didn't and I lost a life so it's a face you guys see the face you probably to press the buttons that match with the face so like it's not this one because that's a frowny face and it's a smiley face so I think this one is right is this part of it yeah this it has to be right yes yes cool and then and then it's not this one that one's backwards the thing on the top is backward how about this one this one yes yeah yeah and then the bottom PR you got to press all the right ones or no no no is it the far left one Adam it's not the bottom left you're messing with me it's this one yeah nice Adam treding to mess me up for real for real all right now oh what how did I miss that jump how did I miss that jump nice okay guys nice let's go oh wow this place is huge H it sure is Mickey h okay was so funny man oh man Mickey's voice is so cool yeah look I can make him dance yeah dude yeah dude yeah man oh secret oh secret oh Secret Door Secret Door Secret Door secret door oh I got extra life up there awesome there we go this game is so litty what I got to jump on the fist oh oh you did I do the dance every time yo yo yo watch out watch out if the water hits you you fall all the way down and perfect yes sir oh oh that was nuts but he clutched it out this is so lit dude oh I got to I got to make it jump on the on the little bat here I think right off the bat here we go let's go boom oh oh no oh oh I keep jumping when that happens cuz I think it's like a fall platform but it's not there's a rope there yeah you got it this time though jump Mickey nice nice that was worth see those are fall platforms with no rope oh the water just yeets you oh I missed like um there's some like bonus over there it doesn't matter it doesn't really matter giant carve duck he remembered Donald's advice on adventures never have them Donald Duck Donald advice is to never have Adventures yeah guys cuz they can be dangerous but you always want to have Adventures always that's what oh no no got yeed guys if you mess up the timing uh for a second you just get yeed that's okay though you got it oh what dude oh I'm on my last life hey yo hey yo L it's all right we're back here yeah guys there's a checkpoint but okay this is really tricky if the water hits you at all like see I missed that whatever that card was I I that's probably a probably season pass to Disneyland oh boy the new battle pass SW past the carv duck he remembered Donald's advice on adventures never have him yeah guys I took the battle bus to Disneyland and that was just Adam's M mom's minivan where did you where where did you drop dude I keep falling for the same thing I'm sick of it so I said I get out of my minivan I go where are we dropping boys she gets really upset she said I'm dropping you off in detention yeah we get dropped off at daycare I got dropped off in timeout dude okay nice that stage was actually hard I actually Ed there a few times okay act two let's go Mickey wasn't sure just how deep underground he was but the next rainbow gem had to be there somewhere yo this part it's flooded you can't touch that okay nice oh Mickey got some Fancy Feet take that let's go run hurry before it floods the timing here is really tough guys oh my goodness you got it Mickey grab that nice run Mickey run faster oh oh wow a little celebration dance watch out watch out oh oh no that was part of the game giant Splash Mickey plunged into the underwater depths of a creepy cave system teeming with hungry Skelly fish oh hungry skeleton fish ew the deeper Mickey went into the ruins the more sure he was that something or someone was watching him what somebody's watching [Music] Mickey nice nice oh I'm Mickey Mouse H okay nice jump on that wa these platforms are doing tricks and stuff yeah why does it feel like it's getting tougher oh it did a trick and it like threw me off that was lame stop this game will not outsmart Justin guys no chance nice I'm a genius I go this way yeah let's go Mickey Mouse ha oh Bo boy oh yeah uh Adam talks in this voice and he says I love Minnie oh I got Donald's chili pepper is that Donald Ducks eating chili peppers okay yes sir that's busted for real for real I didn't know Donald liked Chili Peppers that's really cool that makes sense I don't I think Ducks can't actually eat chili peppers I think it helps them fly okay nice yeah oh you have to get to these Cubbies before before the water drains and we love Cubbies Adam has a cubby when he goes to school and he puts his stuff in it he puts his luy box merch in there okay guys on to the boss fight of the of this of this act let's go it's boss time time to get that next Jam cut scene everything quaked and creaked Mickey darted hither and ywn for safety but found none watch out Mickey suddenly the entire chamber flooded had Our Hero's luck finally run out what's that look like a was the lay of the third master of Illusion oh oh oh get away from me look like aam how does that look like me at all this is what happens when me and adidam go to the pool he just he he puts his hair up in like a mohawk like that and he tries to swim after me G that's true cuz it helps me swim faster yuck okay wait he's in his little hidey-hole what is this what do I do go away go away hey yo heyo heyo hey yo hey yo oh oh oh he stuck out his tongue oh jump on him now yes okay guys you can see his health he has a bunch of Health he has five more Health uh-oh I think he might be calling him backup oh he's got clone Brothers seeing double no no truly I took damage this is wait I'm getting trapped by these rocks that does not rock dude I I took I took more damage oh no wait this is actually really difficult when there two of them come on Mickey come on get out of the way water are they both going to jump at me no way a ain't no way oh that was kind of close oh nice Bonk him bnk him you got to wait till got him yo and then there's going to be three next round guys are you serious how do you know that cuz there's three lives left I didn't even think about it and there's a drawing of three of them on these uh on these pillars Bingo big brain oh wait this is going to be really hard okay there were an entire gang of these green guill Guppies go away go I'm cornered oh oh no oh no drain the water this is the hardest part Justin drain the water drain the water drain the water okay nice okay I just got to survive this part guys that is the hardest part for sure all right we're going to be quiet and let Justin Focus here dude I got this bro I'm busting for real for real No Cap I'm so focused right now e this guy get this guy out here get this little aom out of here bro get this little atom out of here bro ye him get out of here little bro get out here little [Music] bro get out of here little bro get out of here little bro clutch get off me let's go last the yellow Rainbow Gem reward indeed for such courage and cunning let's go oh he spun it on his finger once he had all the gems he'd build a rainbow nice let's go dude misel was surely shaking in her boots by now Mickey had the third Rainbow Gem and he was determined to get the other four let's go okay where do I go now oh okay what what is this I'm going to go in here is this the next area oh gem nice looks like yeah yo this is litty this game is so lit guys we love this game this game is so addicting let me go over here what's this oh what is this no oh no maybe the Rainbow Bridge to mini would only appear when all seven rainbow gems were collected there was still work to be done yeah so that's where you go once you get all the gems which we do not have yet ah that makes sense that's where you summon the Rainbow Bridge got it oh what is this oh it's like a mini mini parkour that's pretty cool how do you get up there I don't know parkour but it doesn't matter to me I just want to beat the this game so on to the next World guys so I think we played what three levels four levels three chapters so far okay nice and there's seven gems guys so we're we're actually zooming right now let's go 240 yep I got it let's go all right guys next world let's go yes what we got what we got here the library uh-oh Mickey found himself in a giant library but he knew Mis reel's books and bookworms were Penning a not so happy ending for him ew what is that a little e a little Bookworm it's a bookworm and then some evil letters or something oh like oh like an evil alphabet I get it oh ew these little worbs are crazy okay you got to be careful these books pushing you around okay so I got I got like no weapons I only got one weapon left that's crazy what is this what that some milk Micky alone who's that yo in a realm of dangerous Delights and scrumptious scares candy all around was a sea of ice cold milkshake but not the sort one wanted to dive into yo they said the river here is made of of milk shake wow so it's like Grimace Shake no you better hope it's not Grimace Shake yeah I think it's just vanilla milkshake guys don't worry it better not be grimma Shake will turn to Mi grimith exactly guys Justin still drinks Grimace Shake guys Grimace Shake is so scary don't drink it oh wow the jello like slows down time this is so awesome Guys these levels are so creative okay I'm going this way oh there's so many gems and stuff to collect okay got another heart we're full health yo okay it's like a floating Obby let's go no oh I lost the life there okay got so you got you got to jump on these like pink Oreos oh where am I trying to go oh over here over here oh no I missed it oh no oh no oh no I missed it wait can I just ride this all the way around oh can I just go this way yep oh no oh wait what is this no so close what do I do here I probably go this way wait and then jump yo Treasure Chest what was that one gem what was the point of that all right that was absolutely not worth it oh nice hey yo hey yo hey yo no you got it oh lame oh lame oh lame I'm getting hacked for real for real that's not fair at all keep laughing Adam you'll be laugh you you won't be laughing when I say Minnie Mouse cuz you got a huge crush on her I love Mickey's face when he like gets hurt in the top left I didn't see it was so funny man Adam think is funny when Mickey gets hurt because he wants the I OED are you kidding me okay wait I lost one of my golden Micky so that that was a full full life lost that's okay this is really I can't tell like what's going to do damage to me and what's not let's go man we already took two points of damage no you start with three stars oh okay man you Noob okay nice nice oh was a big jump hey yo hey yo these jumps are insane this is getting much much harder guys this is a challenging game they got a bunch of for item okay oh little Gummy Fish Little Fish Wish all right we got it we're not going to give up cuz we have to save Min the only safe way to cross was hopping from cookie to cookie yo yo this is so difficult got the gem Rainbow Gem was there for the taking I thought oh there's no boss oh wait hey you I mean me stop stop what shadow Mickey snuck up behind our hero grabbed the gem and made a culinary Escape man he made a culinary escape on us je stop it h Mickey Mouse H wait I thought I thought I thought we got that gem but I guess we didn't did we no give it back yeah I know we didn't give it back you big meanie to save mini come back I need that chem to save mini huh come here oh I can eat these now I have a bunch of candy lit ew I didn't even see that bookor okay nice oh come back here come back here evil Mickey how did you wait so mean dude man he reminds me I at him stand still why don't you stand still why don't you yeah go Mickey Perfect come here this guy's really fast nice you got it you got it grab the grab the trapes H not again not again okay so for this part you just want to hold forward let's try to get out of there nice drop down okay where is he come back here oh oh sugar cubes yo we're going in the tea we're going in the tea cup enjoyed tea but he might just stick to orange juice from now on orange juice oh wait there's a golden I see the golden Mickey in the distance you got it I got it I literally got it and I get yeed there's no way past that grab it grab it Mickey he had the distinct feeling he was being lured into a trap we're being lured into a trap no no you got it dude definitely we got it this game is busting oh oh what was that how do I dodge that even oh watch out got to be fast you just got to book it oh that was a o man my best friend Adam is the world's funniest comedian somebody give this guy an award thanks man somebody give this guy an award wait this is so difficult what do you do oh you got to jump on that one okay no what he just fell through the book okay guys this actually is very very hard wait this is insane okay nice get out of the way Mr worm nice and your buddy too tell your friends tell your friends oh wait that was so this is insane the this book level is insane give me the gem come on stand still why don't you stand still why don't you yikes guess I should have this coming yikes nice stop laughing oh oh back in here here I was already here hey man what's so funny man hey man what hey man hey man what's so funny man oh another one Donald's Chili Peppers I didn't get Donald's Chili Pepper oh I got the gem so there's no boss fight for that gem we just got it finally the green rainbow gem was his let's go easy squee Mickey endured a lot of taunting from his pesky Shadow so he couldn't resist doing a little taunting of his own got him nice oh so we got a gem for free there no boss fight we're back in here he braced himself for the next sugarcoated shock from this confectionary World waa what is that waa we didn't have long to wait a gigantic red licorice Dragon emerged from the melted ice cream licorice Dragon was the fourth master of big jump hey yo hey yo oh my goodness this game is nuts you got it he knows my every move what do I do how was I supposed to going to do that now we wait what do I do oh he's back yo this game is nuts oh I only have two lives you got it dude CL come on Mickey come on do this for Minnie H oh I see his bubbles now I see where he is oh sneaky e he's chewing on the cookie he looks like Aiden when he eats some Oreos I do love Oreos guys especially with milk he Ducks up with the milk and he just drinks the milk and doesn't eat the cookie that's true Adam is so crazy nice watch out watch out watch out watch out Mickey watch out Mickey nice okay see you guys see his bubbles right there I know where he is yep you're two steps ahead of it man oh wait I'm supposed to jump on I'm supposed to to jump on him when he does that so I've done no damage to him oh my goodness oh what did just say something Adam uh to be honest I didn't even understand that okay guys I I didn't know okay so he has three three lives so I only have one now but I should have had more okay ye and now I jump on him see cuz there stars on him oh now it makes way more sense okay that was really hard to see how would people know to do that hey yo hey yo hey yo we got one life left don't worry Adam I'm going to clutch this out with one life all right I love I love the sound of that one life is all I need dude I finished feel like I'm finishing all the boss fights literally on one life Justin likes to live on the edge guys cuz I'm I'm clutch cuz he's a Disney guy I come in the clutch here it is take that nice okay last Life One V one we each have one life who's going to win oh that was close guys I'm getting out of here you got it dude oh wait I got a life back let's go okay lit okay let's go oh come on watch out watch out watch out watch out we will never give up guys we got to do this come on watch out watch out watch out did the game just glitch how did I even take damage there oh here he is here he is nice get him get him yes wo that was way too close gem time did we get him yes there it is rainbow gem in hand there were only two more to find and then Mickey could search for the most precious Jewel of all his sweetheart mini there's only two more guys we're speedrunning this let's go Mickey had managed to secure both the fourth and fifth rainbow gems but was he running out of time could he still get to mini before it was too late dude that was two for one man that was awesome maybe the next level will be too on an enchanted mirror in Its Reflection he saw himself but wearing far more magical clothes all right let's go okay let's see see if we get two jebs here please the castle this looks good hard pounding Mickey raced into the castle Hall only to be met by another of Mel's Illusions W Enchanted suits of armor wao wao I guess you fellas aren't statues after all wa you guys aren't statues after all ouch oh they can throw their uh weapon thing at you I didn't know that okay watch out watch out watch out okay get this go oh and when they when they light up that's when they're going to attack oh okay that makes sense guys so watch close on the knight in Armor's eyes I'm just going to EET candles at him I only have three candles though watch out for these bats nice okay hey oh two lives see that guy lit up oh my goodness guys this level's very hard okay let's go so they're like motion travel deeper into the castle dungeons he knew he had to get those last two gems as quickly as he could they're like motion activated [Music] yeah got him or is that some goo yeah I would not touch that wait for the bats to leave too ye I'm going to run out C I have zero candles uh-oh okay yo guys this level's crazy this is our hardest level so far for sure you can do it so I got to follow this path oh my goodness where is it taking me this game is lit super lit man this is the best this is busting for real for real No Cap we're going to beat the whole game guys we have to save Minnie this is a Mickey busing situation game cuz people on YouTube said that the cut scene at the end when you actually get all seven gems is like basically watching a new Disney movie in the theaters are you serious oh watch what is that du Fu Donald no don't me to get this guy in a war like nice yo that was intense let's go evil guy nice nice nice okay wa this part looks difficult ah watch out watch out yo there's so many bad guys what and they're all just standing here are you serious so we got Knights that throw their weapon at you and also Knights that are o activated and slam down on the floor their weapons this is not going to be easy guys wait this is insane is this guy alive I can't tell if they're alive or not oh watch out and there's a guy right there I knew it this guy's so evil he was hiding get him get him out of here and like evil goo this is nuts this level's actually insane I know this guy's okay is this guy alive get out of here I don't like you nice watch out for this guy this guy's alive okay go go Mickey nice I need that candle nice that guy's alive go go go ouch yes okay we made it wow that was intense sheesh that was close made that out with one star this this game is nuts guys the game is nuts like some Acorn some peanut butter game is nuts like some almond butter nice let's go okay let's go okay nice this way this way nice perfect y y nice y y y nice okay you can do it yes yes I know guys this level is a why is this level so difficult okay yeah this is really tough that's tough what did I take I took damage on that oh this is bad I definitely OED that guy I don't know what just happened or maybe I didn't wonders in the treasure room were marvelous to behold with the sixth gem found Mickey began to feel that maybe it was miserab bel's time that was running out okay that was worth it that level's really hard but we just got a gem with no boss that was worth it awesome so we just need what one more is this Castle gosh how big is this Castle Adam one more gem right one more gem oh there's a bunch of fish in here we can do it guys we just need one more then we will save mini and then we beat the game some fishy business in here well this looks tough why are there three of them I'm just going to skip that I I don't even care yeah not worth it who cares oh oh oh Fancy Feet fancy ouch go I don't care I don't care oh it doesn't matter this is insane this game is actually ridiculously hard ouch oh oh it doesn't do damage okay this is a Disney game that's nuts nuts like an acorn okay okay now we go this way wasn't playing by rules now thought Mickey as he tumbled into a pitch black how is that fair where' the lights go hey where' the lights go how is it fair that I could not see anything it's lit no it's literally not lit it's dark I get it not again go dude go go go go go yikes yikes that's what Mickey said okay let's get out of here dude one more gem every bone in his body told Mickey that the ghostly glute was far more dangerous than it looked nice okay nice wow this level is really hard from the dungeon Mickey raced into the clock tower having once been a clock cleaner he knew the moving parts were dangerous he'd have to be very close as he made his way to the top how are you supposed to know what you can jump on you can't are you serious we got it this time don't worry where was I supposed to go I don't understand no I jump on that thing right on the pillar yeah Mickey I did but like he fell the first time right uh I'm not sure what happened maybe it was a glitch is anyone else seeing this yeah now we go up what I did that the first time okay whatever game's a little bit tricky okay yeah it's really hard to see what to do there you go yeah it's hard to tell what's in the background and then in the foreground okay nice where do I go here on this yeah on this [Music] yep oh oh nice where I go from here back I think you have to go in the crusher oh dude here yeah and then up oh ha canceled out nice guys I'm zooming nice yes perfect you're flying through this game now what do I do here you have to go in the cogs here yep and just keep going to the right nice oh I follow the gems who's that in the back someone evil oh I'm looking yeah who is that guys there's some character in the backat guys hard to see but he was there Justin is playing out of his mind he's doing run Mickey an amazing job run Mickey mouth run Mickey mouth oh almost I got to jump up there to the left run Mickey mouth the jumps are getting trickier guys yes yes get this guy out of here man no nice exit first try first try no warm up now guys we're on to the final boss fight I think Castle act 3 yes the clock tower Mickey thought the danger of being squished was finally over who's that unfortunately he'd thought wrong the oish clock maker was the final master of Illusion this guy look like aidam he look like record Ralph jump on him wait I didn't do any damage to him what okay guys he has five lives what is this ow he just hit me oh he spins into the bell and that's how he takes damage oh wait I took damage on that for no reason are you serious look at how evil this guy this guy look like ate him thank you oh take that okay so I got to dodge him here nice nice okay yeah when he hits a bell he takes damage e this guy's so evil looking get out of here go away buddy oh you got to jump on him right oh oh I didn't know you there we go there we go oh how does he not hit the Bell right there hit the Bell hit the Bell hit the Bell hit the Bell come on nice there you go perfect that is really tricky to get him to go right to the Bell [Music] whoop where's the last bell is here right yep oh oh yeah yeah is here come on yes we got him now one more guys can we do it how did I take damage that's so not fair he spawned on [Music] me oh my goodness yes yes first try again why is every boss battle we're finishing with one star clock Master's hour of Terror was at an end the final Violet gem was Mickey's next stop Minnie we're coming Minnie we're going to save you finally Mickey had acquired all the Rainbow gems now he could cross the Rainbow Bridge and save his dearest Minnie let's go save Minnie time to go save mini dude I'll go in here guys this is the final boss fight this is going to be super difficult guys are you ready to rumble this is about to battlements raced Mickey let's go an eerie chill overcame him as he beheld the tall Tower he knew it was the heart of miserab bel's power Rainbow Bridge waa Rainbow Bridge this will take us to mini let's go save her dude here we go no turning back now dude we're crossing the Rainbow Bridge Yes Man yes sir let's go oh there she is there's no way that old witch is going to hurt my mini oh what what is that a poison apple she's trying to hurt my mini that's what he said I think so I think she throws poison apples at you and it melts anything it touches oh my goodness oh yo where am I supposed to go just got to keep climbing you just can't stay still for too long oh what is that oh you got to jump on that yo these jumps are insane and this is not the boss battle guys this is just to get to the boss battle oh where do I go show me the show me the path there you go grab it come on Mickey I do oh it was a fake platform oh my goodness that was crazy watch what do I do oh oh it's a fake platform I have to go this way yo relax that was tricky man and there poison apples raining down on me oh W Mickey got good range come on yes I made it let's go up we go guys final boss battle against the witch oh Mr Bell's Tower the fin the [Music] finale look like Adam looking for some too late to save his beloved mini or was there still hope Minnie oh Mickey I'm scared I'll save you oh no we'll save you mini waa she stole Minnie's Powers hey yo you thought you were a match for me now that would be a castle of delusion final boss fight SP from Beyond the Grave he this is crazy my she's talking oh if I get too closer I take damage I didn't know that be his attack shock wave I'm going jump on her jump nice wa she has so much health we got to do that five more times my Castle of Illusion is do you Mickey it's a mouse trap Rich she said it's a mouse trap how can it be a mouse trap there's no cheese there has to be cheese for it to be mouse trap run Mickey oh those nuts shock wave nice easy let's goater nicee M you dare to challenge me the floor is falling away fly faster faster round oh no oh no no safety ground curve in curl out then wind about possess this face and now give Li I don't know oh how did I take damage there that is not fair okay three more Mickey I simply cannot lose yes you can what is that oh spirits of night destroy this wretch with all your might his true love's beauty is mind to hold her youth is gone as I for told now curse his heart and blind his eyes go bring about his sad demise show no mercy yo this game is insane you got it got her two more wait there's no Floor Just Begun Micki I have so much more to share with you Apparition are you kidding me confuse his mind buggle his find about him to and fro steal from his him all that he knows end him now okay one One Life To One Life let's go okay guys we got this we got this let's go you can clutch it out man you are a legend dude we got our lives back oh it like glitched we got four lives cool guys it must be because how much love Adam has four Minnie Mouse that must be what is wait what is this I I I I don't know about that one guys but we're going to beat this I do know about that dude oh my goodness nice oh and they're launching stuff at me are you serious are you ouch ouchie he must not Prevail yes please is this it is this it no way no way yes oh what is that yo wo Diamond gem oh cool was Dazed but for how long suddenly Mickey had an idea what if he launched the Rainbow Gem at the witch it might be his one and only chance let's go Mickey take time seemed to freeze for a moment before the gem burst into a Cascade of rainbow light filling every inch of the tower no but I wanted to be the fairest of them all it was the cruel witch's turn to be trapped and Powerless encased in the spreading light the terrible spell was broken Minnie was free at last and misel wilted and shriveled back to her true form Minnie threw her arms around Mickey and as he hugged her he vowed never to Let Her Go Again Adam wishes that was him wa the gy Mickey what's happening the castle was crumbling but Mickey couldn't see a way out what was this misel was helping them Escape Mickey didn't have time to consider if this was another trick Mickey and Minnie each held on to a broomstick and flew for their lives let's go misel had wisdom enough to know when she was defeated and why that was so she had learned that there's a magic more powerful than any she had ever used Mickey and Minnie knew it well and even after what she had put them through they shared its secrets with her now miserab bel's heart was filled with a different kind of Magic The Magic of love let's go uhhuh hey yo what a now where were we did we just get the secr ending the end wait no way we got the ending of the game let's go
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 1,192,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, castle of illusion starring mickey mouse, castle of illusion, castle of illusion full game, lankybox castle of illusion, lankybox play castle of illusion, lankybox castle of illusion starring mickey mouse, lankybox castle of illusion full game, lankybox castle of illusion gameplay, castle of illusion mickey mouse, lankybox castle of illusion mickey mouse, lankybox playing castle of illusion, castle of illusion starring mickey mouse all bosses, castle of illusion all bosses
Id: KLePxbAqyuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 39sec (3759 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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