6 Potty Training Secrets NOBODY Shares ๐Ÿถ Seriously try these with your puppy!!!

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hey guys welcome to another puppy vlog in today's video wally and i are going to be sharing our six super hacks for potty training these are the tips and tricks that helped us potty train wall-e at under nine weeks old when we first brought them home we use these in conjunction with my one step proactive potty training process for the end of this video i'm going to share some common potty signals and cues that your puppy's telling you that you may not realize it's really going to help this process so let's jump in right now you've been watching my videos you know that i do not believe in free food and what i mean by that is i am not a big fan of putting dog food bowls on the floor and what i have here is wally's lunch you can see he's very food motivated and the reason he's not lunging for this he may he's still young and learning is we have taught him and shown him that okay meal time you're gonna work for your food and he loves it why because dogs love working yes even young puppies he's been doing this since we brought him home at eight weeks old and by the way if you're new here this isn't my puppy this is technically my mom's puppy so this is technically my little brother but i live close and i love working with him and cute puppies so why not all right wally so what we're going to do is while we talk about these potty training super hacks to really accelerate your potty training i'm gonna work with wally on his place come in okay wally can you place yes good boy so he got it so i'm gonna reward that and so for the first super hack for potty training is to feed them their meals very relevant to this at the same time every single day when they're puppies now my dogs my my two dogs are three and almost 11 years old i feed them at random times throughout the day and the reason this is helpful is because then you can get their bladder and their bowel on a schedule we knew wally's schedule to 90 percent accuracy because in the beginning and we still do we feed him the pretty pretty much the same times every single day he gets breakfast 6 a.m every single day whether we want to wake up or not he's ready to go and that's when he has breakfast we also know because we have such a routine that he's gonna need to go number one within five minutes of eating and then he will go number two every morning within 30 to 45 minutes of having his breakfast and that's his body's routine it makes it really easy for me to predict when he's going to go out i really love this next super hack it is probably one of the fastest ways to reinforce going potty outside or potty on whatever place you're going to have them go potty on some people use mats or grass pads but i'm going to scoot back here so he gets used to practicing staying on the mat even if i'm back here they're outside and they go number one or number two the best way to reinforce it and teach them to continue going outside high haven this is my cat is to reward them at the perfect right timing and this really matters yes good boy this is a big distraction for him because there's a cat right here that he loves to chase so i'm going to reward that here real quick good job yes good boy if you hear me saying yes to him that's his marker word where it's essentially my way to defend definitively say what you're doing is appropriate good job if you back that up with something of high value whether that's a toy praise or food or treats in the beginning not not forever but in the beginning it really puts a lot of meaning and power behind that yes marker marker q good job with a cat walking by i'm so happy now for the best timing and the best way to reward your puppy to go pot when they're going potty outside is to reward them as this is key to reward them as they are completing their business not after not before a lot of people will wait okay my puppy squatted they went number one they finished and then we go oh good job i'm so proud of you here's treats and play and praise and that can work but it's gonna work slowly what i have found to be so effective is to reward them as they're completing their business like while they're in the activist so how this looks is let's say he was squatting right now as he's squatting i go yes go potty and then i reward him with treats play or praise i do it towards the end of his stream there's a little bit of a timing balance there and again if your puppy seems really distracted by giving them food you could just use verbal praise it's just all about the timing and rewarding them as they are finishing up their business so they know okay this is this is what i should be doing and then over time you can start putting a word to it for my dogs i use tap your kidney for number one and i use hurry hurry for number two but this is such a powerful thing to do to really avoid dogs that will ask you to go outside and kind of fake pee i've i've i've fostered dozens and dozens of rescue dogs many of you guys know that and most of which were puppies that i've potty trained and many of them are very smart just like wally here and they learn okay if i go outside and pretend to go potty i'm going to get treats or play or praise so i want to make sure they know that i'm rewarding them for actually doing their business the other pro tip on this is kind of pro tip 2.0 super hack is to have a treat jar that has an easy removable lid right by the back door so that as you're going out if you want to have treats as the reinforcement then you can easily grab them on the way out i actually forgot about this next super hack until we my mom brought wally home a few weeks ago and i was helping with potty training and it was something that yes good boy and it was something that again it's been a little bit since i've had a foster puppy in the house because we just moved to oregon long story short all the videos for those updates are down below and one thing to remember especially young small puppies especially small breeds their bladders can take up to six maybe even eight nine months to fully develop so what that means is yes good boy when they're going potty outside let's say they go number one over by the bushes they may come back inside and two minutes later have an accident inside reason for that is they don't always empty their bladder fully on their first try so one super pro hack really important thing to do is once they go potty outside reward them as they're finishing their act and give them a few more minutes to sniff around so that means this isn't go play run around this is make sure they have the opportunity to sniff and relieve themself and be super super cognizant and aware of their behavior i'm going to talk in just a moment about certain signals and cues to look for for dogs that are puppies that need to go potty but also be aware that when you come back inside especially in winter when you go outside it's really cold and you come inside and it's kind of warm or vice versa in summer yes good boy he was about to get off the mat good job for making a good decision uh but either way you just want to make sure that when you come back inside you're also aware that they may need to go in a couple more minutes and that's okay especially after a meal time this is kind of another super hack which i think most people get but you want to be taking your puppy outside to go potty in my experience after every meal any time after they sleep nap any change of any sort they need to be going outside yes if you have an apartment you're going to have to use puppy pads or you're going to have to find a not super dog populated area to take them out that frequently because when they are little especially at wally here right now he's about 14 weeks old and about 12 pounds and right now he can sleep through the night for about five to seven hours pretty easily with no interruption but throughout the day he's gonna need he still goes out every one to three hours to go potty so it's something that you're just gonna have to accept and then the next super hack is a lot of people say okay well it's super cold here i live in alaska or i live in a high-rise condo or i don't have a backyard that doesn't mean that you can't follow all of these super hacks and it doesn't mean you can't follow yes my one step potty training it just means you're gonna have to be more creative with where they go potty so if you guys haven't seen my fresh patch video that was my best alternative potty pad option for people who don't have a backyard you can click the video up here again it's all linked below so i'm going to move this over a little bit so i can get a little bit of distance just to work on duration and changing up the scenery one thing's with one thing with dogs and any training you're doing remember that dogs and puppies they're very they're situational my favorite story is one time i was at a puppy a training class with my labrador this was like 10 years ago and the trainer asked the class raise your hand if your dog 100 knows how to sit yes good boy and everybody raise their hand oh yeah my dog knows how to do that my dog knows how to do that and she said okay can everybody get up and show me and i would say about two out of the 15 dogs were able to do it and the reason is is an sit in the dining room i'm in my mom's dining room right now versus an sit in the backyard are two completely yes good boy are two completely different things to dogs so me sitting over here makes this place command much more difficult you'll see that he's a little bit more fidgety because it's just it looks different it feels different so for nighttime potty training a hack on that is when you take the pup you have to go potty i highly recommend that you are not cuddly with them you're not playing with them you're as boring as possible to go out use a flashlight if you want to be extra safe as soon as they go potty and as soon as they're finishing up going potty yes good boy you want to make sure that you give them their yes command you don't have to always use or treat your food you could just use your voice with praise and then you go right back inside and put them in their crate and guess what they're likely going to do in the beginning they're probably going to cry and that's okay so with wally what we did is we actually woke him up and that's part of my proactive potty training process again that's all linked down below when we took them out we let him go potty and then we came right back in we didn't even barely talk to him we kept very boring very still very quiet put him in the crate um at night another hack and in the beginning and he's still doing it today probably will for the first few months his crate is right next to my mom's bed and that way he doesn't feel super isolated and super alone and eventually she'll probably move it out to her office i think is where she'll have it or the living room and as soon as my potty we put him in the crate and we would just go back to sleep and be quiet and yes he cried but here's the thing we didn't say anything we didn't react we just kind of let him cry for a little bit and you know we made sure he wasn't injured or it needed anything of course and in about 10 15 minutes he'd stop whining the first night i think it was like 20 minutes and then the second night was like 22 minutes and then the third night it was like 15 minutes and then by the fourth night it was like five minutes of crying and it wasn't screaming chaotic it was kind of this whimper and because he is good job and because we were conditioning him to love being in his crate throughout the day every day all my crate training videos are down below and how to turn the crate into disneyland he self-suits very quickly and because of that he wasn't having accidents in the crate he also wasn't having as many accidents and needing to go out as often throughout the night because we were mentally stimulating him throughout the day we worked on him learning to love the crate and just basic fun games and basic cues and basic obedience in the crate all throughout the day even on day one of coming home you see how he's getting restless he's kind of moving around and that's because he's a puppy and i'm asking him to sit there for a very long time you're doing very good yes this is for 14 weeks old to have his food right here if you're wondering this is what he's eating he's eating a raw fresh food diet you can find it from your independent pet store i feel like i say this 10 times all what i feed wally and my favorite food for puppies is link down below or right up here but it is literally just raw meat raw crushed bone raw organ it's not processed the only preservative is the freezer that it's stored in and then we defrost it and then feed it to them it's like a hamburger patty it's the most nutrient dense food we could feed a puppy and then we also made sure that we bought him a crate that would be big enough for him to grow into if you follow me at all you know i am a huge fan and big big big advocate of diggs crates that's a special code for use linked down below definitely check them out and what i loved about it is we bought him the medium one because they're good for dogs i think between 30 to 40ish pounds which is what he should be full grown and it comes with a puppy divider so there's a gate that we put in the middle of it when he was really little he's grown since and that way he didn't have it wasn't like a tight tight space but it's a little bit smaller so he wasn't as inclined to go potty inside his crate because that's his little nesting bed area now for this next super hack it's something that i don't hear a lot of people talk about so it's i think going to be very helpful for you and it has to do with what we do when they do have an accident inside the house and then i'm going to talk about some really important signals you need to be watching for so that they so that you know when they're going to need to go potty but we're gonna level this up a little bit and i would put his food on the floor in front of him yes good boy and this is definitely testing him so if i'm half distracted that's why but i want you guys to kind of be part of his growing up process i'm documenting him growing up and you can see there's a ruler behind me i just don't want to miss a minute of working with wally he's such a good kid but one thing that people get confused on is okay what do i do when my puppy has an accident in the house because even we like even me who's done this so many times wally has absolutely had accidents in the house and it happens and it's okay so set your expectations and understand that it's a reality the way you respond to it though the way you respond to it is completely your choice and can completely slow down or speed up the process and what i recommend was always worked for me is first off first and foremost never ever ever punish the puppy for going potty inside here is the thing if your puppy goes potty in the house it is 100 wholeheartedly and i say this with love your fault and i don't mean that as a combative statement because again he's had accidents in the house and that was my fault i take ownership of that but the reason it's your fault is because puppies they tell you when they need to go which i'm going to show you i'm going to tell you in a minute what those signals are but they tell you when they need to go every single time and sometimes we miss it because it's life and we're human and nobody's expected to be perfect and it's okay but if you go into it with that expectation understanding that it's on us and there's going to be accidents and the best way to handle it is just to one not punish them but once they go we pick them up we take them outside right away that's the first thing we don't we don't scream we don't yell we just pick them up we take them outside most times they'll finish going outside give them a good opportunity to do it if they finish going outside you better reward the heck out of that puppy if you can grab a treat by that treat jar but from that treat jar you left by the back door and if they go outside after they've gone inside you reward them as they're finishing up yes good puppy go potty good job yay good job because what you want them to learn is okay i went inside and i could sense mom and dad wasn't happy because i know that you're going to feel that i did and you pick them up you go outside but then when i peed on the grass i've got lots of treats and praise so maybe i want to pee on the grass and the other reason why you don't want to punish is oftentimes you're just going to scare the puppy and what's going to happen in that situation is they're not going to want to show you yes good boy look how good he's doing they're not going to want to show you or tell you where they need to go in fact they'll be more likely to hide their signals from you of when they need to go and that's going to result in more accidents and slower potty training so punishing your puppy in my experience has i mean i've never done it but it's something i would never recommend boy you're doing so good now let's talk about signals what i want you to remember and i know i just said this but please remember this your puppy will always tell you when they need to go potty you just have to be able to understand their language just like we are expecting them to understand our language and the way that they tell you is going to vary puppy to puppy and it's going to change potentially and evolve as they get older so you've got to be adaptable just like we want them to be adaptable to us and our crazy world we brought them into so the most common signals are obviously sniffing if you see your puppy start to sniff they need to go out also often times when puppies have accidents inside it's usually in the same general area and if you see your puppy start to walk to that area even if they've just gone out they need to go outside if your puppy is sitting down let's say you have an antler that they're chewing on if you guys want to see my favorite puppy chews they're linked down below let's say they start walking in circles like let's say they're just hanging out and also they're kind of walking in circles they need to go out let's say they change behavior let's say all of a sudden they start getting scoochy butt that's what we call when they kind of do little zoomies around the room they need to go out if they just woke up from a nap they need to go out if they just drink some water or had a treat or had some food they need to go out if they just had a play session either with you or your family or a dog they need to go out so it's really important just to be aware that puppies may need to go out as much as every 45 minutes yes you heard me right in the beginning they may need to go out that often and that's okay and they may need to go out and then go potty and come back inside and need to go potty again a few minutes later there was one day we thought wally had a uti we really did and we we took him to the vet even though i know better it's just when you're in it in the moment it just sometimes you're tired you're sleep deprived and he had to go potty so we took him out he did a good nice number one and a number two and then we came back in and he needed to go again i could tell so okay let's take him out so then he'd gone twice in like five minutes i was like okay he's got to be good now then he had an accident inside because he was kind of sniffing but we thought he was sniffing for the food that because we dropped some of his food on the floor nope he had to go potty he was like okay okay so he went potty so i took him back outside rewarded him did that whole thing so now he'd gone potty three times in like 20 30 minutes like okay he's definitely got an empty bladder hasn't had water in the past probably half hour then he had to go again and he started kind of moving around the room and i didn't think anything of it because he'd gone three times and he had another accident in the house this is all within like a 40 minute span so just be aware that especially in the beginning they're gonna do things randomly but they do always tell you there's always a signal and it may be quick it may be brief and it may not seem obvious but it is always there so it's up to us to really be aware of that look how good you're doing wally can we show the world how good you're doing just so proud of you he's just staying on his little mat okay can you wait there and we're gonna step back just a few steps because why not i just am so proud look at this guys i i show you in the video link down below how to do that yes good boy good boy all right i'm going to let him finish the bowl in here and if you guys want to learn more again about what i'm feeding him and my favorite types of food for puppies click the video linked right here here and if you want to see my favorite toys and pet products for wall-e click the puppies click the video right here and i hope you have a beautiful day you
Channel: Rachel Fusaro
Views: 1,195,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potty training puppy, potty training puppy easy, how to potty train your puppy quickly, PUPPY POTTY training, puppy potty training tips, puppy keeps pooping in crate, puppy keeps peeing, how to stop puppy from peeing, house train puppy, house train puppy in 5 days, best potty training for puppy, best potty training for new puppy, easiest way to potty train a puppy, puppy training schedule, goldendoodle, labradoodle, rachel fusaro, new puppy, potty training puppy outside, new dog
Id: McOdcKPqIxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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