How to Tie The Celtic Slammer Paracord Self-Defense Key Chain

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sup everyone Joshua rains from possums pee record I would like to show you one of the ways that I like to make a self-defense keychain for this tutorial I'm going to be using 30 feet of Copperhead 550 a 1 inch chrome ball bearing and a 1 inch split ring all of these materials can be found at Stockstill outdoor calm alright to start I went ahead and put a lacing needle on one end of the cord starting from here literally and come over probably about 4 feet ok we're going to do I'm just going to twist the cord make a loop goes over the top of itself okay check this in lay it over that loop I'm going to take this one here come under and go down through this loop up through this loop and then over this one and through this loop yeah pull this shrink this up a little bit now take your fingers just kind of flipping it downward okay take a ball-bearing put it in there tighten it down a little bit here I don't want to make it really tight yeah the end with the lacing needle or it comes out here come down and you're just going to simply follow or the other one comes out you're going to come up right beside it basically I just did a Turk said all right what you're going to do is you're just going to keep following the same one all the way back through we're just going to double it up you and as you keep going this of course will start to tighten itself to the bearing that's why it's best to start loose okay see we've come all the way back around so I'm just gonna go for a third pass and it's already holding the bearing in there on its own see back around I'm going to do where this one comes out here I'm going to run it under these three that way they both come out almost perfectly right across from each other now what you're going to want to do is work from your long end and you're going to want to seriously you know crank it down start slow I usually do three to four passes you just keep working your way around and what you want to make sure is while you're doing this also you want to keep looking at your bearing because if you're not careful you'll get half way through and then you'll look and be like well that ends way bigger so just take your time work through it and we'll tighten this up and I'll be right back here we have the finished product tighten down actually that five passes on this use the Marlinspike to get this good and tight this ball bearing will not even spin it's so tight and that's what you're looking for okay now we're going to go from here just going to do a snake not to bring these two together right here so take the long end just took out the lacing needle here and take the long end and come over the top I'm gonna come around behind I'm gonna make the fish so to speak I'm going to take the one with a lacing needle I'm going to come in that tail between that right here come up we'll go through the fish's head now I'm just going to work on getting this snake not what I want all right you know like that make sure it looks good even then here after that I do a diamond not so I'm going to show you how I do that I'm just gonna run that behind my hand there okay take this is the long end here okay I'll take peril it and lay it over the short end like that let's see it actually lays and it's flat right there take this lace and evil we're going to go behind that like that make sure that stays laid over okay then we'll go down through this loop behind that then up through make sure Carrick Bend take the lacing needle I'm going to come back around go behind that again we'll come going around the one that goes between my finger I'm going to come up through the middle just push that behind there there going to take this other end see the curl around and it's going to come around the one that goes this finger okay since it's so long once you form a little point here will go under up through that same hole and I'm just going to work on getting all this through okay those on your knees now just pull it off push it all down that forms your diamond not ya want this diamond not all the way up here so find you just follow it through and I'm just going to work it up bit by bit a lot of time you getting it there what I'm gonna do here some will finish tightening this up and then I'm going to cut and melt the short end just going to melt it right up on there all right I'll be right back and here we are finish tightening did the melt okay then I even went ahead and left myself three feet just to get rid of all that excess I'm only making this key chain to about a foot long so having 20-something feet off the back of my hair it's just unnecessary what I'm gonna do here someone come down a little ways I will do a Celtic button so we're going to start with that what you want to do twist the corn form a loop going over itself okay same thing again twist the corn form a loop and then you want to make a pretzel and you're going to take loosen I'm going to go down through this loop gonna come back up through the middle loop and I'm going to go down through this loop that gives you this and I come sure you come over the top I'm going to go over I'm going to go down I'm going to go behind to one two and up through the center that helps if you just kind of go ahead and start to curl it downwards I'm just slowly pulling both hands while I'm working the loops through taking out any of them just you just keep working on it and now that's a no way done I will need to be tightened down but I'm going to do two Celtx along the length of this as I got choked up point you know like somewhere to grab for when yeah when you're using it so the demonstration person purposes we're just going to make another Celtic button so spend the corn top of itself down the cord again top of itself or me a pretzel yeah down up through the middle and down through this one I'm just going to come back around and go down go behind to up through the center curl it downwards and then just work the loops through and of course they both need to be tightened and they need to be moved okay and the way you do that is you find the one pull-up see my doing that I can move the button anywhere I want and then I just got to run all that excess all go back through and then pull it off the top all right I'll be right back when I get that all done now that I have these spaced and tightened where I want them I'm going to finish this off with a diamond not so up here and fold in the cord in half tuck it behind my hand just do a big loop laying it on itself now this one is going to come around underneath this one and down through this under this one and then up through that okay just like that this one is going to come round back behind round this one that goes between my finger and up through working with a shortened end of this one it's going to come all the way around take it off my finger and it's going to come up through then you have your diamond not which just needs to be tightened up I'm just going to work all the loops through there you have a diamond not I just need to be tightened up and this loop needs to be resized then the short end cut n melt but I'll be back and show you the finished product here it is the finished product and you see and just finish the diamond melted the other one added the split ring and this bad boy is ready to go thanks for watching
Channel: Joshua Raines
Views: 640,699
Rating: 4.8319025 out of 5
Keywords: Keychain (Product Category), Parachute Cord, Krav Maga (Martial Art), paracord keychain, self defense keychain, opossum's paracord, stockstill outdoor supply, paracord keycain tutorial, paracord monkey's fist, monkey's fist, TIAT, Bored Paracord
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2015
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