Gaucho stopper knot- 2 strand 4 bight

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hey guys mark here I hope you're all doing well in today's video I'm going to demonstrate another decorative stopper knot this time we're going to tie a two stranded for bite Gaucho not I have already demonstrated a smaller version of this knot in the past but I find that this is just the right size of a knot for use in things like lanyards kitchens and things like that as a two stranded stopper knot it can often replace the lanyard not in functionality with that said let's take a look at the knot here you can see the knot that we're going to tie in this video so here is the regular version and here is a slightly tighter version it has a lot of uses so where you would use a to strain that stopper knot you can use this knot the tide is not I'm going to use these few items so I have a dowel rod to tie the knot on tool you can alternatively use a pen or any other cylindrical object I have a rubber band which I have attached onto my dowel rod and this one is going to hold the ends of my court finally I have a piece of paracord here about three feet long this should be more than enough to tie the knot so with that said let's get to tying the start tying this knot I'm going to take my piece of paracord and fold it in half then I'm going to take the bite so this folded piece and place it under the rubber band in this case we're going to have a loop here at the top then we're going to form or not and the two working hands are going to come out here at the bottom now if you were finishing a project you wouldn't be able to form such a by it you will have two ends coming out of your project and at that point you simply take your mandrel and you attach the two ends onto it using a rubber band without forming the buy it so now the tie or not we're going to take the two working ends and wrap them around our mandrel two times like this make sure that your courts aren't crossing and we have to clean wrap arounds I'm now going to take this court so the left one of the two working ends and I'm going to travel through these four chords I'm going to start with an under so under then over under and finally over so under over under over this over here on the left side is quite important later on then I'm going to take the other cord and I'm going to travel under the previous cord that I used so the other working end under then continue parallel to it over under and finally over now I'm going to take one of the ends and I'm going to go under the other end like this so I the sequence over but then I travel under the other end and then parallel to Discworld on the left so I continue over under and finally over on the right then I take my other end on the left side and here you can see that we are going over to I'm going to take the end and I'm going to travel parallel to this court on the left so I'm going to start my sequence with an under one then Oh one under one and finally over one on the right then I'm going to grab one of the ends and since I'm going over one here I'm going to re-enter under in this case I'm going to go under two so under this world and the other end so this is under 2 then over two under two and finally over to on the left then I'm going to grab the other court which is now traveling over to here on the right and I'm going to start my sequence under two / - under - and finally over - on the Left I'm now going to finish up the ends the knot is tied but I need to properly secure the two working ends they're going to travel through the knot to the right side I'm going to remove this rubber band off of my loop and you can see that I exit here on the left with an / - I'm going to re-enter back into the knot and go under it so here you can see I'm traveling over to then under and through the not to the right side now when you're pulling through the end you will want to make sure that it is very close to this other byte here at the top they just need to hug together to keep everything lined up then you take your other end and you can see that you're going over to on the left and again we travel through the middle of the north end to the other side again to keep everything nicely lined up make sure that the end that you're pulling in is close to this byte here at the top now with this the knot is tied and usually I just pull it together by pulling on the loop as well as the two working ends tightening the knot is fairly simple we're going to pull in one part of our top loop so let's say this one and run it through the knot and out the other end then we're going to take the other part of the loop work it in a bet and come out the other side now let's say that I'm going to do this left part first so I pull it in let's say to about the size of a loop now before I continue working my slack out of the knot I'm going to mark this top left side in my case with an inner strength of paracord and this is just so that I know which court I'm doing now so that I can do the other one next then I work the slack out of the knot now I can remove this marking and do the other strand so again I'm going to work it into the knot a little bit and to reduce my loop a little bit more then work the slack through the knot and out the other end [Music] after tightening the knot once you're going to get a fairly nice look to it usually I'm going to tighten once maybe twice more just to get an even more consistent look to my knot when you are done tightening I recommend taking 2 pieces of wood and rolling the knot in between just to make it look a bit more consistent now I do this for a while and you get a really nice look to it when the knot is fully tight as well as rolled it should have a nice go to not look to it you should have four bites at the very top and four bites at the very bottom with the two working hands coming out from one side of the knot so guys I would like to thank you very much for joining me in this tutorial I hope that it wasn't terribly hard I know that it does take some getting used to thank you for joining me and see you next time you
Channel: Paracord guild
Views: 783,493
Rating: 4.8101306 out of 5
Keywords: gaucho button knot, gaucho stopper knot, 2 strand stopper knot, 4 bight gaucho knot, gaucho knot tutorial, 2 strand gaucho knot, lanyard knot, decorative knots, paracord knots
Id: FfEIq9w7jew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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