Make a Golf Ball Paracord Monkey Fist -

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[Music] hey everybody sean here from port paracord today we are gonna do a golf-ball Monkey Fist jig using the Mophie qi Mophie g stands for monkey fish jig a good buddy of mine his name is David he makes these jigs they are laser etched with the size that the size of the ball that goes in here and it also tells you on the back how many passes you're going to require to do that ball we're gonna do a golf ball which requires nine passes but this jig is still really good for that and you can find a link in the description of this video takes you right to his page where you can get these jigs and these are more of a production jig so if you're doing a lot of these this is gonna be the jig to do it you don't have to worry about moving pieces or anything like that this jig is set up to be a speed jig and you can knock these things out pretty fast once you get used to it so what I've already done here is I've cut I think I have 25 feet which is probably more than enough to do this and this is neon turquoise that looks kind of light in the video but the neon turquoise is a bit darker type of turquoise so the first thing we're going to do is hold the jig in your hand like this so that you have your starting pin kind of closest to your wrist we're gonna take the paracord and we're gonna kind of clamp it with our thumb leaving about I don't know two feet or a foot and a half maybe hanging off the edge there now when we talk nine pass what we're referring to is how many times this makes a full pass around the jig so this would be considered a one pass to three and we're going to do this nine times so starting at this this very first pin here and going up we're gonna wrap nine times you golf ball out of the way and you don't want to pull tight on here because what'll happen is these pins will kind of start to close down a little bit so we're gonna wrap real loose and then slide this down so we got one two three four five six seven eight and nine well that's eight you get this all down here and then nine and we're just gonna kind of hold that on our starting pin and count one two three four five six seven eight oh we got one more to do and that's nine okay and we just want to make sure again oh okay so that should be good there I'm gonna try to hold this so we can count now every side should have nine so one two three four five six seven eight nine and we know if there's nine here there's not in here and there's nine on the back but the one that we do want to check is this bottom one right here and we're not counting this one so I should back this up where you start on this pin you cannot count anything past that so when you flip this over that does not that one does not count so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and then we're going to stop on that same pin so that all sides are equal and then just drape this back down and clamp that with your thumb now once you hit 9 on this pin you're gonna bring your cord up through and cover this back pin so that you kind of form a little tunnel here so just like that so once you hit 9 on this bottom bring it up so that that would be 9 in there bring it up and through and create a tunnel and now we're gonna wrap this so we just wrapped this way now we're gonna wrap this way so it's this is going to go around the back through this tunnel here where my finger is it's going to come up through and around and we're gonna do that 9 times as well now because I have about 25 feet what I like to do is to make a little thing like this and just poke that through and then pull the cord through that way because there's a lot of cord to pull through I have extra cord here like way extra in case I want to make a handle for this okay so then we'll bring this across and you don't want to pull so tight that it starts to pucker like that you want these to be nice and even okay and then you want this list last one to sit kind of on top of this first one just like that pass this loop through again and you can kind of see my fingers are holding this right here yeah I have way too much cord you could probably get away with 20 20 feet not 25 all right so that was - yeah this gets to be kind of tedious when you're starting to go through these now when you get to three that's when you want to put your golf ball in there because if you go past three or four then it gets kind of hard to get that ball in there and like I said this jig is not meant to hold the ball it's meant to hold the cord and that should be the case for pretty much any monkey fish jig all right so we're starting to get a pucker going so you just kind of want to make sure that's not happening because it'll kind of it'll affect how the whole thing looks at the end if you're not careful and that's good to put the ball in at this point - so that doesn't happen but you can just slide that ball in and now it's kind of cradled in there and you start wrapping around there and then the ball prevents that pucker a little bit [Music] now if you start to see that pucker it just means you pulled through tight so just kind of loosen that up a little bit you know so that's four and you want to keep sliding this down so that you have room here five and you can probably skip ahead a little bit on this video to get to the next step alright there's six [Music] I did a two-inch ball one time I didn't do a video on it but I I had to set it down a few times take me about three days to finish it because I got so frustrated with it but it can be done you just got a practice at these you you may not get a good looking one at the first try but you will if you keep practicing this like the key on these patients all right let's see where we're at here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I actually went one past so I'm gonna have to back this up a little all right so let's see let's see if we have nine on all of these sides one two three four five six seven eight nine so those nine will definitely be here and they'll definitely be here I'm just gonna wrap this around here a couple times just so I don't lose my spot and then we should also have nine on this this side as well let me get something I can point it one two three four five six seven eight nine all right let me check something here okay yeah I okay so now once you get to this point this is how it was set up in your hand before now what we need to do is you have two tunnels here we have a top and a bottom tunnel now the cord is going to go through here now once you have your nine here and your nine here if you go across you're actually gonna have ten here so we don't want to go across there what we want to do is go through this tunnel all right let me grab the end of my cord here I got a lot of cord okay yep so we're gonna take this right through this tunnel you can see it right there and then it's going to go down around the outside and through this bottom tunnel so first let me do this let me pull this through whoo I almost pulled all that off the end of the jig okay be careful doing that just let me get this cord through here so you're going to go under this pin when you pull everything through so that kind of wraps you can see it's wrapping around these these cords here it's kind of hard to see but you're wrapping around them and then this end is gonna go around the back and pull all this through just like that and kind of see through there see it went around this way and then through that tunnel down the back and then we're gonna run it through this tunnel here just make sure you don't pull this off the jig all right so that's one almost one pass this will be one right here that'll be one pass right there so let's do that again pass it through the back pull everything through this is where it becomes real tedious so then you're gonna pull everything this way and keep stacking it this way grab that end and then you're gonna take it I'm going to put it back to this way again I remember you don't want to pull tight yet so we'll try and get these this pucker pucker out of here and we're going to pass it through this bottom tunnel again just like that well I think I'm gonna cut away and get this this done just keep on wrapping until you have nine go in this way and I'll be back okay so I think I'm at a point where I've pulled this through and I know I have nine passes here and here so I'm gonna slide this off the jig now and the last chord that I pulled through is this one right here so I'm just gonna slide this off and at this point it should be pretty well put together you're just gonna tighten this from now on so I just want to count this rap here and see if we're at nine so we got one two three four five six seven eight nine I'm gonna flip it this way and count one two three four five six seven eight nine should have nine here one two three four five six seven eight nine and then this first row here which would be on the inside one two three four five six seven eight nine okay so this is where this court will end right here now I have a lot of slack here so what I think I'm going to do is actually cut this with about I don't know about a foot left because as you tighten this this is gonna get longer so yeah I'm gonna cut this right here and just melt the end so that it doesn't fray real fast there we go all right so now we have this here you can see both these ends here real short now we know that if our cord ends at this point and a court starts at this point then all the sides are nine so the hardest part of this whole thing is to tighten this and make every side look even and it's a lot harder said than done so the first thing you want to do is just go very very slow do not pull very tight at all and I think I want to get rid of all this stuff here first and you want to make sure that none of these chords are kind of like this you wanna make sure they're all ran next to each other so yeah we're gonna have a little bit of a problem here if we don't get this figured out real fast so these are kind of starting to get bunched up so we need to get this figured out first and this is where your patience comes into play so I think what I'm going to do is go to the very center of this one and we're gonna pull the slack out of it both ways this way and this way to kind of tighten them up in the middle there first and then we're gonna move this slack throughout this whole knot see I'm pushing it up over here let's pull it through that's all we're doing this whole way and I'm not pulling and tight at all because I don't want this whole thing to kind of scrunch down on itself yet it's a very slow process you're just working all the slack through here it's figuring out where it has to go making sure all these lines are parallel to each other not crossing each other so yeah definitely checked the description in the if you're interested in one of these mo Fiji jigs he has multiple sizes - not just the one and a half but there's a whole bunch of sizes that he carries hey it's starting to come together a little bit okay now so this slack now is now moved to this side so we'll just flip it over and run the slack through and see I could pull this really really tight but it would squeeze down on this you don't want to do that you just want to leave it nice and loose for now we'll get to tighten in that in just a moment you just want to work the slack through make sure that you get these cords nice and parallel to each other see how that crossed right there when I get that undone before we or at least figure it out okay so this was the first one so I think I can't tell okay yep so there okay so this is the first one so this goes this way yes II see this can be a little tricky getting these figured out you gotta get these we got to get this one over the second one here I'm not fighting each other sometimes it helps to get a little fit here you can poke it underneath it's kind of hard to see on the camera but I'm just making it so that they're not crossing over top of each other all right we got that good now so that's our first one pull that through which means this is actually crossing over this one then to this is another way you can do it to just pull it back and forth until it slides next to it get that pulled through okay so we have one coming through here slip next to it again yeah it can be a little frustrating definitely getting these figured out once you have it figure it out though they're pretty easy and I definitely don't mind doing these you can get a little frustrated but with time you'll you'll pick it up pretty easily but I'm gonna get all this slack pulled through like I said just work at it really slow don't pull tight just enough to get the slack pulled through and then once you get to a point where it's starting to look nice then you can start to pull tight pull tighter and tighter and I'm gonna get to that point and then I'll be back okay so I am pretty close to being done here I got a few more little tweaks to do I went ahead and got everything nice and tight and you'll see you have one cord coming out from this side and one from this side so if you tie a little knot here you'll have a little bit of like a I don't know kind of like a bridge of cord there what I have seen people do and what I might do on this one is I'll pick the longer of the two strands which is this one and I will actually I'll put a fit on here and then run let me just do this real quick we're on it underneath of the cords so which one do I have so yeah I'll take this fit and I'll get it underneath let me do this one first just pull it underneath everything like this like this so that these cords are on the same side so it will go this way you gotta do this kind of in a weird way and then we're gonna run it underneath this way and you just have to do a few at a time I just pulled the cord out of the FID there we go I get this feedback on here I didn't melt the tip of this paracord like I normally would for the fit I just did it real fast so that's why it came out and then we'll run it through here I like doing it this way so that your two ends are coming out the same exact spot like that and it looks nicer and then when you do your your handle it's right up flush against the monkey fist so there's that this is basically step one of doing the monkey fist my next video I'll probably end up doing I'll take in this extra cord here and we'll be doing a handle for it which will leave that to next week's video this one was just the monkey fist you will get kind of frustrated well at least I did it I don't know if you will or not but I'm I'm a pretty patient person and it kind of frustrates me a little bit when I can't figure something out but I got it all figured out you just start very very loose tightening each time you go around get a little tighter and then all of a sudden BAM it's right there even though it looked really nasty blast off scrunched together cords flipped over each other just keep working at it and then all of a sudden just everything just kind of comes together all at once so it kind of surprised me how well this turned out but you'll get there just keep practicing don't forget check out the description for the MOE fiji jigs i'm not sure what the price point is on there you'll have to check his website but i know they're pretty inexpensive and he'll get those right out to you next day so hope you like that don't forget to check out the Facebook group slash groups slash paracord on and a link to that is in the description as well there's 36,000 members in there showing off their creations every day so be sure to check that out and until next time tear cordon do me a quick favor and hit that subscribe button to your left there's other great videos all the time and there's a few to the right side of the screen and you can also buy paracord at our site with the link at the bottom left thank you again for watching
Channel: BoredParacord
Views: 117,697
Rating: 4.6764531 out of 5
Keywords: boredparacord paracord survival bracelet, paracord bracelet, how to make a paracord bracelet with buckle, how to video, diy, two color bracelet, bracelet, how to make a bracelet, do it yourself, tying it all together, how to, tiat, mr coop, paracord, para cord, paracord planet, paracord galaxy, paracord projects, paracord project, best paracord, where to buy paracord, monkey balls, monkey nuts, paracord weapon, weavers of eternity, cybss, 550
Id: KF4zv6KugYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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