How to Tie a SLIP BOBBER RIG for Catfish | Best Catfish Rigs

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hey guys i'm chris welcome to show me the hogs in this video i'm going to show you how to tie a slip bobber rig for catfish now i use this rig a lot when i'm searching for catfish and i'm not exactly sure where they're at so i'll let the rig drift with the wind or the current hoping to come over a hole or something where the catfish are at and pretty much the catfish let me know where they're at because they'll be drawn to the rig i also like to use this rig when i'm fishing in heavy areas of cover whether it's down timber or sunken brush where if i were to use a bottom rig like a carolina rig it could get hung up so i used this slip bobber rig to suspend the bait over that sunken timber in hopes of the catfish coming out of the timber and biting the bait so we're going to start this rig off with a slip bobber knot we got a piece of braid that i'm going to be using for that i'm going to slide that up under the main line then we're going to take one of the tag ends and create a loop like this then we're going to take the other tag end we're going to wrap it through this loop and around the main line i'm going to do this about three times it's important to get this knot right because this is the absolute lynchpin of this entire rig if this is not done right your bobber is not going to stay where it needs to and your rig is not going to stay at the depth that you want your bait to be at so wrap this around and it's going to look something like this once you've made your wraps now you're going to pull them both tag ends pull everything tight i'm going to trim off a little bit of these tag ends so there's not so much line now our next piece we're going to add a bead and a bead is important because this bead is going to prevent our stopper knot from sliding up into the bobber sometimes the holes in these bobbers are big enough that they'll swallow up those knots so you're going to see right there that that knot's not definitely not going up inside that bobber so that bead is doing its job in our next piece we're gonna add an egg sinker and this egg sinker is there to help get our bait down to the depth that we want sometimes you're going to use like a night crawler or a small piece of chicken or something and the weight of that bait is just not going to be able to get the hook down to the depth that you want so that weight is going to be there to provide some some weight so you can get your bait down to the proper depth now we're going to add another bead and this bead is important so it takes pressure off the knot that we're going to tie onto the barrel swivel because this weight will bang on the knot that's tied to the barrel swivel it could weaken it and possibly you could lose a fish if that we of that knot is compromised in any way so that's why that beads there and now we're going to tie a polymer knot i'm going to double over my line i'm going to thread it through the barrel swivel i'm going to do an overhand knot and i'm going to take this loop that i've pulled through that loop at the top of the barrel swivel and i'm going to pull it tight and this is going to complete the polymer knot and the polymer knot i cannot recommend enough it is my go-to knot i use it all the time and so that completes that i'm going to trim off the tag end now we're going to create our leader now the leader i am using 30 pound fluorocarbon now this is 40 pound fluorocarbon on the main line now the reason why i'm using 30 pound fluorocarbon for the leader is if i need to use a lighter oh i need to use lighter line if in the case i get hung up on something in the water and i need to break my line the chances of this leader breaking because it's such a lighter line than my main line is almost guaranteed so the only thing i'm really going to lose is my leader and my hook and i can save the rest of my rig so we're going to start that with a snail knot that we're going to tie onto onto the hook so i've got my leader i'm going to thread it through the front out the back of the hook this is a circle hug and i'm going to lay that tag end along the shank like this now i'm going to take the other side of the line i'm going to start wrapping the line around the tag end and the shank i'm going to do this about 10 times all right now that's done i'm going to take the other end of this line and i'm going to thread it out the back of the hook through the front and i'm going to pull it tight there you go now we're going to take the other end of this line we're going to tie it onto the barrel swivel normally i'd use a polymer knot but i won't be able to wrap the line around the barrel swivel so i'm going to use an improved clinch knot which is my next go-to when i can't do a polymer knot i'm going to thread the line through the barrel swivel and i'm going to wrap this about four or five times and then i'm going to take the tag in and thread it through the loop at the bottom of this knot and then you're it's going to create another loop right here and i'm going to thread the tag in through that and once i have that in there i'm going to pull everything tight trim off the tag end and that is going to complete our slip bobber rig well hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did we'd appreciate it if you consider subscribing check out some of the other videos on our channel we're us one facebook and instagram if you want to check us out there and we'll see you in the next video guys thanks for watching
Channel: Show Me the Hawgs
Views: 9,819
Rating: 4.9019608 out of 5
Keywords: how to tie a slip bobber rig, how to setup a slip bobber rig for catfish, bobber rig for catfish, slip bobber rig for catfish, bobber rig fishing, how to set a bobber for catfishing, how to rig a slip bobber rig, how to tie a slip bobber, how to tie a slip bobber rig for catfish, best catfish rig, best catfishing setup, best catfishing rig, rigs for catfish, catfish rigs for bank fishing, catfish rigs for lake fishing, catfish rigs for river fishing
Id: ToFJlxwhXbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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