Over looked Catfish Rig

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okay so today we're going to be going over why you should have this in your tackle box [Music] now real quick we're gonna show you this is called a pole float and there's a lot of advantages we're going to talk about some several things but first we're going to tie this and show you guys how to rig this up now if you already know how to tie this feel free to skip forward in the video because directly after this is tied there's going to be the wind the where the Y if you will on fishing this float and a couple bonus tips so stay tuned okay so these are relatively cheap you can pick these up at your local Walmart for like two dollars and fifty cents and it comes with everything you need in here to get this thing going for you so you're gonna have this and it's gonna come with a wire in it and I'll show you guys what that is in a minute you'll have two beads and a piece of string in here okay so now that we have everything out of the package basically what you're gonna want to do is the very first thing is this little string that comes here on this tube is you're going to want to run it run that your line through that tube just like so and once you do that pull this off to the back don't tighten it down yet so just you're just gonna pull it off and let it hang there go ahead and slide your tube off get it out of the way now the next thing you're going to want to do is put a bead up there and it comes with these beads you're going to slide your line through the bead and now you have it so now the next thing that you want to do is attach your float you're going to want to take this line and run it through this float now this right here is pretty cool that they do this for you so basically what you want to do is how you click a little knot right here around it's the easiest way I've found to do it basically you want to pinch this down to where it will run through there now and pull it through just like so go ahead and cut it off from here so now what you want to do is it comes with two beads and you don't have to do this next part but it is recommended that you do it how nice to put another bead on to protect the knot on your hook this float banging up against it so now all we need is a hook you just tie a little knot on here and I'm just going to improved clinch knot really quick for demonstration purposes now all you have is a really slender float and a weighted float now what's cool about this is you can fish this in all kinds of water carbs if you want your bake just off the bottom you can fish it just off the bottom if you want in the middle of water column test it out there at the top of the water column wherever you would like to fish it and you can adjust it while you're out there so basically what you're going to want to do say you're fishing 12 feet of water and you want to fish just off the bottle about two foot off the bottom what you can do is take this little knot here that you have and run it up to ten foot up your line and you're gonna be able to cast with this little knot on there it's not gonna affect your cast but for demonstration purposes we're gonna do it right here and show you guys about what this is gonna have what's gonna happen here so we'll go back just a couple feet here and fish this just like this so what you're gonna want to do now is tie this off just pull the lines together really tight so then once you do that and I've got these braid scissors here just because it makes it easier just cut yourself off really close okay so now that you know how to tie this basically when to fish this summer is a very very good time to fish this when I was fishing moving around a lot they're chasing bait they're very very active in the night a really good tip to fishing this at night it's taking these glow sticks here and you can get these glow sticks at the Dollar Tree for a dollar they're super cheap and what you want to do is get these long ones here these are eight inch and this is a 8 inch pole float and you'll take it break it of course and get it to glowing and put you some tape around here near the bottom and about halfway up for three-quarters of the way you feel comfortable here leave it exposed and that way you can see this this thing's gonna shine like a beacon out there so that's a really good bonus tip and you're gonna want to fish this in summer now where should you fish this where should you fish this over another rig say the safety Cooper rig this is a very good rig at the Carolina rig which is another very good read well in the summertime the water you get grass out there and you get really really tall thick places of grass you'll get places that are five six foot tall grass beach grass beds out there and there's a lot of baitfish that hang up in those grass beds they hide out a nice really good place for them baitfish to hide so if you throw a Sandy coopering or a Carolina rig you're not gonna be able to get your bait up out of that grass you're gonna be throwing in there you're gonna be getting hung up in that grass a lot the fish are gonna have a hard time get it out of there and even finding it in that grass so what you can do with this say you're fishing in 20 foot of water and you have that grass bed that comes up five feet so you want to fish this set your little stopper here at fourteen feet now you're gonna be a foot over that grass bed that is perfect especially if you want to use live bait this thing it's awesome for a lot of bait because what you can do is take your live bait on here and fish that just over that grass bed so you have your grass bed here your bait is completely exposed now when this goes in the water your bobber and this speed you're gonna flow it up so you're just gonna have that hook there in your bait which is awesome and what happens is that that beige is going to be able to swim around but what's better about using live bait with this rig is when you use a Carolina rig or a Santa cooperage there's two things that you generally happen with using a live bluegill and that is they will for one like to like to go ahead and try to find a place to hide as soon as they hit the water they're looking for a rock to get up and under to hang you up on to hide in that rock or they'll get tired of trying to pull that hook and stuff around and they'll just lay down on the bottom and they're basically not fishing with a lot of bait then but when you fish this you can watch your bobber on top of the water at all times you can know where your bait is you can know where that bluegill is swimming around that and he's not gonna be able to get you hung up because can't get to the bottom now if you want to finish structure with this as far as say you've got a big down tree that you want to fish when you throw a traditional rig in there like the Carolina rig or something like that or a drop rig you still can't see your bait you don't know what exactly what your bait is doing and where it's at with this you've got your lay down here and you've got your bobber out in the water and you can watch if that bluegill is getting really really close and about to get you hung up in that lay down you can pull him back a little bit because you can see what that bobber where your bait is at all times there's another benefit of using this rig now this piece of wire that it came with basically what I was saying about keeping this what you want to do is take it and make sure you get it in half and get a little bit longer and then halfway through and break it off here because you're gonna want to keep it alright so there we have it so we have our long piece here and what you can do slide this back through here and then crimp it off just like so so it can't pull back there really easy and then you can just take your line again make your little loop right here then you just pull it through and you can just keep reusing this and reusing this now if you've never used this rig before or you have used it in the past and we want to try it again I strongly suggest that you have this in your tackle box now again this is this is not a rig that you're going to use often but there are times where this rig is going to catch you a lot of fish and there's times where you're gonna need this rig so have it in your tackle box is really gonna make you a better fisherman and it's going to help you catch a lot more fish with having a variety of rigs new tackle box and this is one that I strongly recommend that you have especially because it is can be used both in the day and the night when this feature is added so if you liked this video go ahead and leave a thumbs up and if you're not subscribed to the channel it would be greatly appreciated to have you on the channel we talked about catfishing here we fish for catfish everything that has to do with catfish if you like them then you like this channel because that's exactly what this channel is about so other than that guys was in the next video
Channel: Reel Catfishing
Views: 32,120
Rating: 4.8695107 out of 5
Keywords: Over looked Catfish Rig, pole float, pole floats, float, pole float rig, rig, float fishing, how to tie a pole float rig, float fishing rig, floats, making a pole rig, how to tie a pole rig, best rig, catfish rig, catfish, catfish rigs, best catfish rig, catfishing rig, catfish fishing, channel catfish, how to tie a catfish rig, how to catch catfish, catfishing, blue catfish, catfish gear, big catfish rig, catfish rig tips, big catfish, the best catfish rig
Id: Mi9tqjy4nOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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