[Rachel]: Nagi! Hi beautiful! [Nagi meows]
Oh no, so sad [Nagi meows] [Nagi meows and trills a lot] So, for some people, when they're really new to our channel, they... sometimes have a little bit of a difficult time telling Haku and Nagi apart. But I think it's actually pretty easy to tell them apart once you notice some of their key differences. So that's what I'm gonna point out today. Nagi~! In this clip right here, and in some of our clips,
Nagi looks like he is orange because we have warm lighting, and that kind of... that changes the color of the image. Oh! Oh! Nice climb! But Nagi is in fact more of a... beige-ish tan color, even though he looks orange sometimes. [Jun]: It's funny from here, Haku, you (Rachel) and Nagi all look alike [Rachel]: [laughs] We all look orange Whereas Haku is actually orange. You are an orange kitty cat! *gasp* Yeah Oooh big stretch! Haku's eyes are... kind of, like, a golden color with a green background which if you really look in there you can tell he's got a little bit of green behind the gold. [Haku stares into the void] Haku, my beautiful baby! So his eyes are quite amber/gold-ish Whereas Nagi has darker brown eyes They still have a bit of a gold-ish tint-- --and it kind of looks like they have a little bit of a green base in the background there-- --but they're much darker than Haku's eyes. [gasp] Buddy~ [giggling] You're being such-- [laughs] look at this fluff boy.
Look at this fluff boy! [both staring into the void] Nagi has all-white legs in the front, whereas Haku has his pretty
orange striped legs with white socks [Nagi meows] [Jun clicks his tongue]
J: Sit. [Rachel laughs] Aww, they're being such good boys. Haku is definitely larger than Nagi, even though Nagi is still a big boy. You guys are so good. Oh, look at this. [Rachel laughs] You're such good boys. J: There's nothing! R: Oh no! [both laugh] R: Jun!
J: I have to go get food! R: Nagi's tail is super, super fluffy
when it's sticking straight up and he likes to curl the tip, like a lil' squirrel.
A lil' squirrel butt. Even though both cats are VERY FLUFFY. Haku has-- oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, you guys are so [laughing] [laughing] You guys are-- aww. Jun, it's so sad, I can't, [laughing] you have to give them food now, you have to give them food! J: Okay. [Rachel laughs] [Rachel laughing] Oh my gosh. Poor Poki, he's-- I wonder if he can hear this. There's no way he can't smell-- [Poki meows] There he is [laughing] Aww, nooo [Poki meows] The white portion of Haku's face is... very clearly lined and it comes to a point, and then he has his... dark orange M shaped lines above. Whereas the white portion on Nagi's fur kind of just fades into his forehead. It's not a very clear, straight line like Haku. [Poki meows] (Every time Poki's picture appears in the bottom left corner, he meows) (I didn't subtitle it each time because it would've interrupted the subtitles too much to read properly) J: Good boys! [Nagi bites Jun] Ow! R: [laughing] Aww, Jun. They've had-- they've had it! They've had it with your games, Jun! The profile of their faces, um... Nagi has more of a curved line going to his nose, whereas Haku has more of a straight line. Oh, one last difference between them is... Nagi has a little brown spot... under his chin that's sometimes hard to see.
J: [laughing] I didn't even notice. (R: Really?) [Rachel gasps] There you go! Nagi also has a LITTLE bit of an overbite You're a pretty boy. So if you had a little bit of a hard time telling them apart sometimes before hopefully this made it a little bit easier. [gasp] Look at your beautiful socks, boy!
Look at your beautiful socks. J: You wanna fly?
[Rachel laughs] J: Climb? J: Nope. J: Okay. Where do you wanna stop? Where do you wanna go? Here? Poki's boat? Where do you wanna go? Table? Alright. You want more food? R: Okay, we gotta bring Poki in. Captain Poki! [Poki meows] C'mere! [Poki meows] Do you hear food? [Poki meows impatiently] Did you hear people getting food? You'll get some food too. J: Oh, by the way, this is how this was broken, he kept licking and he dropped it R: Oh. Poki is-- [Poki meows] --a little aggressive. J: We need to put this on the floor. R: You gotta give Poki some food too.
J: Yeah, I was... going to. R: Captain Poki! You hungry? [Poki meows] Captain Poki has achieved his weight goal and he has fully lost all the weight that he needed to lose! [Poki meows/yells] He's a healthy boy now!
[POKI MEOWS] [Poki meows] [Poki yells angrily, for he is not receiving food] J: I wonder what he is saying.
[Poki meows] R: He's saying, "Hey, acknowledge me. Hey. Hey.
Look at me." [Poki meows]
Hey. Hey, I'm here, I'm hungry. Hey." [Poki meows] [Poki meows] [Poki jumps on table and meows] [Poki is getting angry] J: Poki, don't you maybe-- do you wanna learn something new? Give me the paws. [Jun clicks his tongue] J: [whispering] One more time! The other paw! [normally] Okay, what else can you do? R: Poki does licks. (J: Okay.) [Poki meows]
He's so good at doing licks. J: Licking. That's your new trick. [laughs] R: Good job Captain Poki! J: Poki eats and none of the other cats will try to steal his dinner because they know they can't. [Haku jumps]
R: Oop! [Rachel laughs] All right, see you guys later!