Our cats meet a dog

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Hi Khione, welcome to our apartment [giggles] Oh precious, oh precious. Look at you [Chuckles] [Jun] "How old is she again?" [inaudible] She's three [Jun] "Three?" Yeah [Jun] "Ah, same age [...inaudible...] cats" Yeah I was to pick a birthday for her- [Jun] "LoL" [?] "-and we chose July, but now I feel like I made it too early. I don't want her to be four yet." [People laughing] Nagi! [inaudible] [giggles] Hey Nagi! Hi, bud Hi~ Did you see the doggy? He spots her! Nagi does not seem... alarmed at all, just curious [??/ background] "He's just curious.. yeah!" Hi!! do you wanna come out and say "Hi"? Oo! Oop, he's coming No? [Rachel laughing] Oh, she's got so much to explore! [?/ background] "I knooowww" [?/ background] "She's gonna love this house" Oh, yeah, and she can sleep on this. That's the reason we have this, is cuz [?/ background] "Yeah?" cuz our cats already make messes on it And so we can just wash it whenever Oh, that's good too Nagi, is just staring out of the window of the- [Rachel laughing] [?/ background] *laughing* Nagi! Woooah, oooooh! Ooooh! [chuckles] [?/ background: Nagi is so cute!~] *laughing* [inaudible] *chuckles* But he's still just frozen [Jun] "Should've been the opposite" Oh, noooo! [Jun] "Haakuuu :((" [Rachel] Haku, *chuckles* It's okay [?/ background] "She took it personal" Ohohooo A handsome man [whispering] "He's watching her" [Rachel laughing] [??/ background] "Okay, you go do your thing" [?/ background] "Nagi is still Oh, Poki's not gonna be happy. [Rachel] Oh, Haku. [Rachel] What's that? [Rachel giggling] [background] Oh, he's not gonna be happy like that. [background] He's gonna feel vulnerable. [Rachel giggling] His feet, Jun. [Jun] What? [Rachel] His feet! [background] His feet are so cute. [Rachel] Poki, hey, you want some on my hand? [Rachel] Oh, hi! [giggles] Look at that big smile! [Rachel] Yeah! [background] Haku hasn't moved! [laughter] [Rachel] Here, okay I'll... Do you wanna smell? [Rachel] Do you wanna smell? Maggie is completely Not interested poor Haku She's so unsure Oh Maggie you've been so pretty Oh, you gonna come say hi, okay No, he just wants to look better. You couldn't see the dog I Feel like not he's almost stalking your dog a little bit. Oh, no, she's looking like what do I do? What are you? Oh, Hi, sweetie, honey There being a lot better than I thought they would be I thought they would like run and hide for a while You names not sure though No, no, do we even have it on schedule anymore? Okay Yeah hockey terms at all the battery was dead this morning so now He's being so brave or hunting he might be hunting Dude he's gonna eat it Feel better this dress My house once and He just me out for like two hours straight he's tripping balls. Oh my god My mom was like what Remember, honey Oh Oh run away Yeah, oh I just gotta get you high to get some self is that all we had to do this whole time Jude I think he's had enough Okay What cut you off It feels so passive-aggressive when you pet a cat and then they immediately lick the spot you cut like oh my god I can't believe you touch me that feeling had Just never to do By the way, we're not doing the best you're supposed to do. Yeah, I know just letting people know how weight reducer can do things but our catcher cilia are kept are usually really good about meeting doing I Guess okay, any of those comments? I can't believe you guys Introduced animals this way animal cruelty Is it worse you're unfit parent Well hot goose unfrozen And just fall inside yeah, I think that's very lively scenario Cats - oh, yeah Soon he's going crazy You can get to them to the point where they're just like slobbering He lost weight He's 5.2 kilograms now and when we took him to the vet the vet was really proud of him And he said he should be four point eight to five So he still has like point to two point four kilograms to lose But he's a skinny boy now. Yeah Oh Geez so high Jun, you made Haku too high! Poor guy Here's another tissue. Oh you made it Hey, buddy, you guys are being so good. What's in your bag, you know her dog treats. Hey Huck nuggy nuggy Meaning there's a fruit in there. You're next, huh? What are you doing baby? Feel like if this is mutter, what's there in the back they just have to go inside. Anyway, no matter what It's I mean, it's all sealed. So it's pretty funny Can you so smell it? Yeah, probably figure bags Need to call think all going in and curl up until the ball come on come on, come on I wonder which one it is that they want to get to so bad These are cheesy treat. Oh, oh I got a chicken for you. My old cooked chicken. I was gonna make your chicken so we can have that baby Snacks over here and see if she's still He does just a check, I think it's all the treats we brought Excuse me. There's nothing else Joe is Haku's favorite friend. Yeah Boy, it's so interesting like some animals react completely different to you like Haku loves to you and cuny's afraid of you This makes my day As long as we can still love me it's fine if the cat's stop loving me and if the cats stop loving me I'm gonna have a breakdown Let's get back to the uh, lock myself in this tiny room and never come out. Let's go back no longer afraid of cuny king of the joe Breezy probably a small body Wow Oh The penguin Where's the bug It's gonna drop one no Joe I Could find a bug Rachel Probably I think I see one on the ceiling hang on boy It's directly above you Nuggies too high for this He was so excited June. He was so excited for the bug. Oh Yeah, if we see it again, we're gonna look now you try to get it wrong That's his favorite thing in the world if he sees the bug and he can't reach it. He makes the saddest meal in the world Porky you're so close. He was closer before he started going crazy in the nest okay, first the left but Haku climbs in this every morning to play with the Roomba and He knows how to turn it on So he'll turn on the Roomba and then run in here so he can bat out it when it goes in half It's like that automatic like dog ball shooting machine hunkies figured out how to entertain himself Hyoni is obviously comfortable. Yeah She loves ready Oh Comfy I'm recording Leone's reaction in case you want that like and she's just chewing this off Yuni hi, is it time to leave That's not a church doesn't That's what we did with their calves man Haku when he gets hungry he gets like he starts jumping up on you, but then we started like Anticipating when he would do it and then like slapping our thighs and then it looks like we're calling him to jump up on us You got to work with your animals, oh Oh excited puppy She's so excited. Oh She can that's fine. No, no you go. We're home. It's so it's gonna be hot out. Okay, I Wasn't even thinking I wasn't even thinking either but still I'm not gonna wear it until next winter Okay, all right we're taking them home we're still going to do that
Channel: Rachel & Jun's Adventures!
Views: 3,174,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, rachel, jun, rachel and jun, rachel & jun, vlog, blog, daily, life, cats, doge, dog, meet, cat, catnip, haku, poki, nagi
Id: 0t1a0Qe5nRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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