Rude Guest Starts Controversy | Costume Jewelry, Selling Tips, Storage Unit Finds | Ask Dr. Lori

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hi it's dr laurie this is ask dr lori live i don't know what's coming but i've got guests and i'm gonna do some appraisals and teach you what you got what it's really worth here's my first guest remember i don't know what's coming so hi i'm dr laurie how are you what's your first name where are you calling from hi doctor oh i've got your second one coming in here okay sorry hi i'm ashley i'm from canada hi hi ashley nice to see you these are expert answers to your questions of course we'll take super chats and super stickers too to answer your questions thanks for being with me so ashley's my first guest and uh again all unscripted what have you got i've been paying attention to you and i've been trying to buy better so okay are you buying better i think so i've got a miriam pascal ring here okay that i got it is marked on the inside here okay i don't know if you can see it there but it is marked okay so you've got a miriam haskell ring you recognize that costume jewelry is a good thing for resellers have you been reselling a long time and tell me a little bit more about the ring can you show me the ring while we talk yeah absolutely so i'm actually just getting into reselling okay why did you choose costume jewelry well from what you've been telling us it's a good piece right now to buy into so i gave it a shot it was only 15 at an auction so i thought why not okay we'll we'll test it a couple of things couple of things about costume jewelry first of all that particular piece isn't is indicative of her middle 1950s 60s time period so okay you want to have the mature period the period that are characteristic for that particular artist and their work and that's what you have there nice big of course pearl like faux pieces and they're all faux but basically a nice quality and the better the quality of course the better the value so for fifteen dollars you made an investment of fifteen dollars you paid about ten percent of what it's worth okay worth about 150 bucks now here's the situation you happy with that yeah here's a situation when you're selling pieces and i've been telling people about this thank you very much ashley i've been telling people about this because a couple of things about costume jewelry just in general if you can get these pieces for 10 and then sell them again you're going to make about 90 that's what a lot of antique dealers make they make about 90 when they buy something oh i had no idea that's what was going on well yeah they can actually make an awful lot on these pieces as long as you know what to look for now to get again a miriam haskell or a hattie carnegie or other big name costume jewelry piece for that low for that low price is great most of the time people are starting to understand this but if you're a reseller the thing about costume jewelry that i think is great easy to ship easy to store easy to maintain so you don't have these issues that you have with some other types of pieces but really glad that you got something for a little bit of money great babe thank you very much for the super sticker i appreciate it you're supporting the channel and when you support the channel you support not only me but my staff and our ability to make more videos for you my staff do an awful lot of work to make sure that you folks are getting all the information information like um being able to subscribe to our newsletter my newsletter is very very popular and i ask you to subscribe if you are having problems subscribing i want you to check it out on your end because we have lots of people who are subscribing with no problem and when folks get come to my staff and say it's your problem you did something wrong i don't like it so please i want you to check before you start to make accusations that something doesn't work on our end the newsletter and you could you can subscribe to it very simple just go to the to you'll see of course the thumbs up free click on it and of course type in your email and we will send you the newsletter so thank you very much for doing that and thank you for showing your respect to my staff the way you show it to me here's my next guest hi i'm dr laurie what's your name lynn hi lynn this is ask dr laurie live how can i help you um i went to goodwill the other day and i found these okay um you did and there's five of them and i believed that the reason why i was attracted to them is because they do this they glow okay so i don't think it's uranium i think they're magn manganese manganese okay glass okay there was four of them this one was these were peachy colored and then the fifth one is a little lighter green for some reason okay i can see it kind of ah see the difference be careful i'm sorry that's okay see this one's a little lighter for some reason okay fingers were this is like a peachy color and this one was more green okay so they all came together they're slip shades slip shades that go on uh well i'm looking i saw they were art deco um art deco slip shades from the 1930s but if these are meg manganese they stopped producing that glass in 1915. so okay let's get all the information right from the correct source okay so i get i get concerned because folks are looking at stuff online and they're not always getting the right information so i want you to have the correct information those particular pieces are indeed very nice they're considered of course into the art the end of the art deco in the art modern time period and i it was very smart of you to buy them all even though one of them was a different color okay that was a very good move how much did you pay i paid 2.29 for each one a total of 12 and 35 cents with tax they're worth about 25 to 35 each so i would probably put them up at 35 each based on actual sales records where similar pieces have sold thank you lynn good for you a couple of things you're welcome a couple of things about when this reselling and the market first of all at times when the real estate market is doing well you will see that things within the home to design within the home lamp shades lamps artwork decorative pieces will do well as well so remember if you see a spike in the real estate market most people who are moving into a new home pardon me we'll also in fact um be looking for particular pieces that look good that will go in their home so very nice i'm glad she got them it's always good to get them low um in terms of a low price wow sorry excuse me i have another guest maybe we won't cough through this one i'm dr laurie this is dar ask dr laurie live it's nice to see you what have you got i'm giving expert answers to your questions and of course i'm very happy and i appreciate all of your super chats and super stickers to support the channel hi i'm dr laurie what's your name hi can we get some audio for you oh we don't have audio for you i'm sorry we're going to keep moving along until she gets her technical difficulties worked out so we want to make sure we get to as many of you as possible so we're gonna move along i'm sorry but we have to move along hopefully she'll be able to come back and maybe she'll have her audio um situation sit uh fixed hi i'm dr laurie hi vicky hi how are you hi i'm so excited to finally get on with you i'm so excited to have you on nice to see you thank you are you from rochester new york it's nice to see you jan did you say jan or pam i am jan jan would you please do me a favor honey will you please turn your your phone the other way you go perfect okay great nice to see you i'm glad you're excited i'm excited too i love to see all of you folks we have a great community here at the dr laurie v channel so what can i look at for you um i want you to look at this painting for me okay and i'm trying to figure it's in the let me get out of the way can you see it yeah i can can you get closer to it yep so the two horses of course the horses usually represent two different things it could be good and evil you know the white and the black sometimes it's um purity and lust oftentimes it's that in um in the 18th and 19th century painting yeah this looks more like good and evil to me all right um so how did you acquire it so um my mom was an antique dealer for 35 years and i inherited her house okay and she passed away and our family has owned the property for six generations you know it's very it's very interesting with with this because i get called in by the families by the children of many many antique dealers and auctioneers and i often times have been told that well my mom or my dad always said go to dr laurie because some of the associates that i have are not the people that i want you to actually get the appraisals from right i why i'm so signing up for your priority service i'm just it's it's a it's a hoarder situation so i have to dig things out and i'm trying to get pictures of things but oh yeah you and i are going to become real close well that's fine but a lot of a lot of it is that way because you know that business is such that you accumulate a lot of things to be able to move them out but it's very interesting that the industry says oh you know what we want to make sure that you get the expert they want to protect their kids that's true for everybody sure the priority service is very very popular as are my video calls so having said that this particular piece is a nice piece is it signed yes okay were you able to make out the signature jim the signature is no it it's it's difficult i wish i had better well let's talk about what we do know since we're not sure of the signature let's talk about what we do know first of all we know that this piece does look like it is um a mid to late 1800s painting probably the 1800s 1850s 1870s maybe a little bit later into the 1880s so that's the first thing we see notice the sky the sky is all very dramatic and you're starting to see of course the clouds and such you can see the turmoil in the whole piece which is very typical of the germans and the english in that time period the frame is american and the frame is a little bit later than the 1880s probably the turn of the century how big is this painting it's freaking huge dr laurie okay it looks like it's almost like two feet by four feet okay well that's not that big but basically well yeah it's probably big for the wall right yeah so basically what i'm looking at is a painting i'm going to have to give you a range because we haven't done too much research on it so i would say low end for a typical 19th century sort of struggle of the animals kind of piece you're looking at anywhere between 1200 and about 2 500 i'd add another two hundred and fifty dollars to that value for the frame yeah oh it's nice to meet you thank you for being excited to be on the program i'm so excited thank you so much thank you so much i do your knowledge is amazing well thank you very much i'm happy to share my knowledge and my expertise and i appreciate those of you who of course are kind enough to recognize that so thank you very much i'm happy to do it thank you dr laurie sure darling nice to see you it's very hard when you have a lot of stuff you know and there's a lot of stuff you have to go through it i always say you know when it when you're in a situation like that think about choosing a number of pieces that you just can't live without that remind you of that person who's passed away and then you want to go systematically by type through the rest of the stuff you'll start to get an understanding of that bonnie thank you very much if i book a 30-minute session with you how many items can i get appraised i'm hoping to do a speed round of appraisals get the most for my money that's fine bonnie in a 30-minute session you can in fact do as many pieces as we can do together you know so i'm accurate within the 30 minutes so as many as you can fit into the 30 minutes i always say be organized don't be unwrapping stuff at the beginning make sure everything's unwrapped and placed on the table in the 30-minute session the 30-minute video calls are very very popular i did many of them today actually one of the video calls that i did today was in fact someone who took me shopping with them and i went through and i was able to actually pick out a piece that was um priced very low 10 15 and i said we're not gonna pass that one up as we went shopping and um that piece was worth a thousand dollars that was sitting there with a price tag of only 15 so again it's well worth it for folks to take me shopping she made a big killing on that one today because my eyes were on her shopping offerings so that was great that was great a lot of fun that was actually um in the caribbean uh that woman was there shopping hi elizabeth thank you very much for supporting the channel i appreciate it you're not only helping yourself and helping us to make more videos that will be instructional and helpful thank you very much genies i appreciate that um but you're also helping everybody else just started serious reselling found dr laurie what a brush of fresh air well val i'm glad that you are um finding reselling and you're finding the channel there's lots of information as i said on the newsletter as well as on the channel and i always offer use the binge link you can binge all of the videos right here you can use the binge link and learn a lot about again all different types of stuff as you do the reselling and again the video calls taking me shopping is a lot of fun so great it's nice to have all of you as guests and it's fun to be with all of you i appreciate you being here here's my next guest hi dr lori hi how are you fine how are you good what's your first name where are you i'm amy and i'm in dallas texas hi amy alice texas yeah so dr lori i found this little pot this little bowl at the thrift store goodwill okay and it's just a very simple shape yeah it's really beautiful and i've been trying to find out you know where it's from and who made it been on some facebook sites for pottery and at the bottom it says porcelana roja and i don't know if this is like a red herring but okay so so let's let's talk a little bit about this so you're on these sites and some and everybody's trying to be helpful right okay so they're trying to be helpful but they don't know what this is they don't know what this is no okay so what do you think it is i think that even though i think this might be a red herring thing i think it might have been something that a designer made like a designer piece as a model or just a sample but i think it's a prototype a prototype yeah you think it's a prototype and what do you mean when you say it's a red herring you think the mark is like a fake well yeah i think this little sticker could have come from something else maybe i went out to the mice and site and i did try to do some research on the internet and it wasn't nothing like this looks they don't have anything that looks like this okay so it doesn't look like that so what time period does that look like because you know i'm not a big advocate of oh all these marks because i think it's kind of the easiest thing to do to match up a mark i think that's like easy and baby stuff that's like you know you're learning to read but you're still doing the abc books and what's the point so you have these things and everyone's saying oh it has to be the market has to be the mark marks can be forged signatures can be forged you know so you're thinking i don't think this mark looks right to me based on my research right right and there is a signature on it but i haven't been able to it's like you're afraid to go with your gut see this is the other thing that a lot of you don't do you sort of rely like a crutch on these marks these marks these marks i want you to look at the piece so look at the piece and tell me what time period do you think the piece is from i think it's from the 1960s why 60s why it sort of has that sort of mid-century feel to it it has a very um like abstract art asymmetrical art feel to it so maybe 50s or 60s okay so you're saying it looks mid-century modern because of the curve yes and the fact that the curve kind of stops right so it's kind of like almost like a scoop of ice cream it comes up and then it stops so there's a juxtaposition against it can you hold it up a little higher so everybody can see it there you go so there's kind of a change to it and let's see in the bottom you said it was so it's it's high on one side and low on the other side not that bottom i want you i don't want to see the underside basically what i'm trying to get you guys to understand is it looks like there's a piece of it that's been cut out and cut away to make it more dramatic i want you to look at forms i want you to stop relying on only marks and once you get this confidence you're going to be dangerous and that's why i'm trying to train all of you i want you to succeed and i don't want you to only be like you know the run-of-the-mill resellers who basically go well it's a mark and that's all the best i can do that particular piece is a piece that's made in germany it's imported of course into the united states in the ninth late 1950s early 1960s it's worth about forty dollars how much did you pay i paid about 299 for it for you and the thing thank you very much and the thing about these groups the groups are fine they're trying you know but again you have to know your source and a lot of these folks are standing up there as if they're experts with no background little education a little experience they just have enough gumption to say i'm right they're not always right so you have to be aware of that some of them are right i want you to be aware some of these groups are doing a great job and trying to learn all of this stuff a lot of these groups are actually of course here following this channel and a lot of you are sharing this channel with them and it's been helpful to everybody and that's what we do so that's why i want to make sure that that's what's happening hi from old sturbridge village jason well that's a beautiful place i've been there many many many times an old sturbridge village was sort of the typical new england field trip place where we always uh they always took the little kids so it's nice to see you jason thank you for the super sticker as well thank you so much dr larry for sharing your knowledge you're welcome my family loves you and the loop is a game changer the loop is a game-changer thank you for your your very very generous support i appreciate that very much stephanie i'm glad the family's together and they love it the kids really do love it it's a lot of fun so um peter such stupid obvious information so i'm stupid and i'm obvious why are you watching so that's my question to you peter if you're going to be impolite go elsewhere there's lots of other people who you can call stupid and obvious so thanks very much hi lori thank you very much for your super sticker i appreciate that too i take no prisoners people will say well gosh i can't believe she said that i'm trying to do this for you i'm doing it of course at the lowest possible cost for all of you free for most so you know basically when someone's going to be impolite i don't think you want to hear it and i certainly am not going to listen to that i want you to learn it i want you to get it so if peter has to be like that and act like that's probably not even his name then again i don't really want to just even entertain these people are going to upset all of us we're trying to learn some things so you understand what's what hi i'm dr laurie this is ask dr laurie live how can i help you hi dr laurie hi cassie hi cassie nice to see you you too okay um i'm a quilter and my one of my quilt guild members um i don't know what it is about white people but they love giving me their african-american art and i'll take it well beautiful that's wonderful so someone gave this to you as a gift yes her name is bijou trimble and she actually is a was affiliated uh with the guy who did the star trek the guy who wrote this television show star trek okay she and her husband john oh i'm sorry go ahead she gave me this she also gave me an apron that has an african-american person on it and so i don't know anything about this but this looks like a this looks like a um this looks like a mixed media piece a piece that's basically made of found objects for example the pin cushion that is the hat thank you very much for the super sticker the pin cushion that's the hat is very very common and well known to the 1950s so these these pieces do look like sort of um elements of sewing stuff out of the sewing box basically and then making it into a figure that does look like a figure that would be from the afrikaners culture of the caribbean it does not look like a figure to me that would be from africa the continent it looks more like the figure of folks who would come through and have that french um influence on the culture with of course the african influence and the culture that you usually see in places like jamaica and other parts of the caribbean that's what it looks like to me okay so time period for it probably dates to about the 1950s to the 1970s is it five is it eight inches is it 12 inches 12 inches 12 inches i would say it's a nice mixed media piece somebody's gonna like it i'd probably put 40 bucks on it oh cool well it's cause bijo gave it to me well that's right if it's a gift a gift comes from the heart so that's wonderful thank you my heart to yours thanks so much nice to see you i like found objects pieces and i like pieces like that it's kind of a figurine but it's more of a found object mixed media piece it's nice i like it hi karen thank you thank you for having me on with my horse paint i can't remember anything you said because i was so excited well watch it back of course and thank you very much for of course being part of tonight's ask dr lori live hi tommy thank you very much for binge watching there's lots to watch you can use the binge link thank you aiden i appreciate your support all of your support it helps me to help you and of course i appreciate your support i'm i'm glad you loved the video chat rob and it was nice to chat with you too the video chats are very very popular and it gives you a chance to answer those questions oh you're welcome you're welcome i'm in the process of organizing your sales room that's a big job but i'm sure you can do it be doing a video call once more and a bit more organized you know it's easy of course try to be a little bit organized and have you know your ideas what's what people do the video calls all different ways today i had a woman who did a video call with me she had everything out on the table she had put down what are called freezer paper on the table and she just wrote she got all the pieces of paper she wrote next to the pieces she made it easy for herself that way all different ways you can do it post-it notes work best too so hi i saw a guest but i was yapping hi i'm dr laurie how are you doing how you doing dr laurie how you doing baby can you turn your your um camera the other way because you're not you've got to go horizontal for me okay i'm sorry you're all set up so what's happening what's your name where are you um i bought this piece at the what's your first name hon my name's nate nate yeah how you doing and you bought this piece where at the flea market dixieland okay i'm not seeing the whole piece there we go why what what drew you to it that looked to me like it was capo i like the is this a pudi or is it a cherub okay so angels are like adolescents with the big wings those are angels right and then you have cherubs which are usually like toddlers with the legs and they have wings those are cherubs and then a pootie is just a head with wings okay three degrees baby i spent a lot of money to know that [Laughter] all right so you think it looks like cafe de monte and also majolica and jolica so it looks like lead glazed ceramic which is introduced by the italians in the renaissance and what's on the bottom is there a mark on the bottom there's no mark on the bottom i think that piece is made in england okay that piece is english trying to look italian that's what i think can you turn it i'm looking at this one figure can you turn it okay here come the three graces right there they are and then the figure comes back again and then classical revival right classical revival late eight late 19th century early 20th century how tall is it it's about 16 inches tall with the pooty 16 inches tall all the way up to the top of the cherub yes top of the cherub so that's called a figural finial put that top in front of the camera for me will you honey see that that's and actually is that figure eating grapes uh it looks like there's a dog yes it could be or there's a yes it's holding something and i thought this was a dog at first but okay it looks like it's leaning up against and eating grapes that's pretty indicative of these pieces too value on that piece i would say about 150 what'd you pay 40 bucks that's great good for you nice to meet you take good care you too thank you you know he had a lot of things right he had of course the blaze which is that majolica style glaze he thought it was kappa de monte thinking that it's italian which is that big dramatic italian kind of you know ceramic um the english of course will re represent the reproduce those pieces as well that's a nice piece happy to have all my guests with me tonight this is ask dr laurie live you have mexican folk art painting on papaya no signature bright colored animals so the question is what's it worth i have to see it you can send a picture to the website right there at find values at go to find values and send a photo and i'll take a look also dimensions measurements are i'm going to ask you for if you're going to of course do these and take advantage of the ask dr laurie live so have you have those um rulers or those measuring tapes ready thank you susan for the super sticker i appreciate you supporting the channel i can't do it without the support of the channel so thanks for the super chats and the super stickers hi it's dr laurie this is ask dr laurie live hi dr laurie hi what's your first name where are you calling from i'm betsy and i'm from um whitefish montana whitefish montana that's great betsy can you hold your camera horizontally for me sure sorry thank you hon no you're fine so so white fish okay so what have you got to show me today i have um this let's see in front of the camera find the camera you have a cameo this cameo yeah nice can you back it up toward your face sure there you go and stop moving it there it is now we could all see it right okay okay so can i see the back of the cameo and how did you acquire it thank you john how'd you acquire it i got it a church sale for a dollar you got it at a church sale for a dollar is it an inch is it an inch how big is it how long from top to bottom it's about an inch and a quarter wide and two inches high 14 karat gold italian cameo late 19th century it's worth about 175 bucks for a buck for a buck at church sales and you don't even have to get there earlier i was like oh i'm going to get there very early guess what guess what there's so much stuff out there that's good that a lot of people don't even recognize the best stuff beautiful and what did you look for well first of all how did i know it was an italian cameo you know it's an italian camo in fact um by the complexity of the carving american cameos are kind of a couple just different lines not really complex carving the more complex the carving her cameo also had of course a classical figure on it always in profile beautiful example i appraised one i'll never forget it it was like this big it was a huge cameo like this big and it had it had the three graces on it it was beautiful and it was italian and it was in white gold it was white gold as the setting and it dated to the late 1800s and that thing was worth 1200 bucks i did it at a big event in ohio i'll never forget it i'm sorry i missed this my wife's idea number one right had my first video chat today it was the best ever so worth it thank you dr laura you're welcome thank you very much for the super sticker in the super chat thank you for supporting the channel here tonight i appreciate all of you supporting the channel so thanks for the super chats and the super stickers um but it's really interesting when there's certain objects and when you start to learn what's what uh one of my videos recently i was talking to you about how you can identify the date of a pin or a cameo from the victorian era if you look of course at the back and at the type of actual clasps on it and that's another good tip so lots of good tips on the videos don't forget to use the binge link hi i'm dr laurie this is ask dr laurie live thanks for being my guest yes my name is chrissy i have a gas basket here how did you acquire this basket chris where are you calling from uh from mount lake minnesota this was my minnesota yeah um this was my mom's basket um she's had it for forever i don't know if it was her mom's before that okay and i just i thought about throwing it away i've been using it but it's it's in pretty tattered condition okay as you can see but i don't know if those are like banana leaves that have been wrapped around the edges or if there's any story to this thing at all can you hold the whole basket up or can you move the basket farther away from the camera so i can see the whole basket okay that's good that's good that's what i was hoping you would do that's good can you show me the bottom of it and what did your mother use this basket for um not everything really so it's just in the house right it was just in the house and i took it to put fruit in it and it's so tattered i thought maybe i'll throw it but i always thought it looked different like it's pretty it's in pretty rough shape yes it is you'll notice and that's from being loved right that's being urinated and it's functional and objects get old just like we get old right yes i got a you know i got one right leg that i would turn in for a new right leg right today anyway but that basket in fact is not a native american basket that basket is probably made in asia and made in large numbers sometime in the 1950s or 60s could she have had it that long um i would think even probably older just because my grandparents came from norway and they brought a lot of things with them it's not norwegian it's it's probably it's asian i would say it's probably mid 1900s and value on it in that condition is probably about 40 to 60 dollars okay all right thank you thank you so it's just you know it's not a big value but it is something that might be sentimental to her if she wants to hang on to it my suggestion would be don't put anything heavy in it it's you know it's run out of its useful time right so it's usefulness it's run out of its usefulness at this point hi i'm dr laurie this is ask dr laurie live how can i how can i help you what's your name my name is andrew this is anna hi andrew anna how are you good sorry i'm in bed i just had ankle surgery um you just had what surgery kind of surgery did you have uh ankle i broke my ankle what do they say how did you break your ankle i was biking oh you're an athlete you're a composer really well i guess you're not a good athlete because you broke your ankle so is it oh is it gonna be okay or you just have to be six weeks in bed what's the deal yeah i can't put weight on it for six to eight weeks they put like some metal in my leg yeah well metal will be good you'll feel better don't do anything for six to eight weeks right yeah you could binge watch me couldn't go probably binge watch that's what we've been doing yeah that's right well you have some help i'm sorry i'm kidding around but i do hope you feel better i'm sorry that you had an accident i'm glad that you're on the mend thanks sure what do you want to show me hon not the painting behind me but i have a piece of uh u.s u.s pottery about company does it say us on the bottom it has that stamp yeah i think i s i saw this in the met you're right you're right yeah so well some pieces in the museum let's talk a little bit about that particular piece is about 12 inches tall yeah and it's got a lid on it that looks to be a base metal or a gray metal right yeah okay so you've seen this piece in in the met museum pieces aren't always very high value museum pieces speaking as a museum curator and director for a long time museum pieces are to actually show of course the idea of of what is possible right and how it relates to culture or the production of a particular type of piece so this particular piece where did you purchase it or was it handed down uh actually we got it in a storage unit that we had gotten oh wonderful so you put like on the storage unit got all kinds of stuff yeah there's like it was basically a whole antique shop so it's just filled with different pottery and that's why we're thinking of doing like the the mailing service with you soon but like the unlimited one but whenever whenever you feel up to it of course any of my services are always offered and the video chats might be the way to go or maybe you want the priority ask dr laurie service whatever you want to do it's not so much about services about that piece that particular piece is a nice piece which of course dates into the 19th century and value on it about 400 so hopefully you're going to keep it until you can list it on the right source right you want to list it in the right place because what i do is i evaluate the whole market i don't say oh only go to this particular website only go to that particular website like a lot of people do they're always promoting the same websites for you to list things on because of course they have a relationship with that particular website that's between them and the website that they're trying to promote i'm trying to make sure you succeed and get these pieces sold for top dollar thanks so much and we all hope you're feeling better really soon my next guest is hi i'm dr laurie this is ask dr laurie live can you turn your camera horizontal please and can you tell me your first name and where are you calling from i'm kevin i'm from uh reading pa hi kevin can you please hold your camera horizontal yeah it is horizontal i think i have it locked up you have it locked up well there you go okay i have one i got from a church sale one object show me one object okay how did you so you got it from a church sale yes it makes you smile that's a cool piece it is it's different okay and is there a mark on the bottom of it yeah it's can you tell me what it says because you're not getting it on the camera it's the uh czechoslovakia f finial okay chris thank you for your super sticker i appreciate it those of you of course who are doing the videos with me and are my guests i appreciate you supporting the channel as well that particular piece is a piece that dates into the latter part of the 20th century and do you only have that one piece or did you get the whole set i i only have the one piece i know there's two other sizes this one's about seven inches yeah two other sizes that one's worth 75 dollars they're very rare and they're quite desirable so looking at these figural pieces nice piece later part of the 20th century thank you very much thank you nice to see you so lots of pieces and lots of fun that particular piece i like because i like the contrast of the colors i also like again the ceramic the basically the way in which the ceramic is formed so we see a lot of ceramics and a lot of the ceramics of course mass-produced in large numbers not all that valuable but today because the market has become so saturated with again low quality ceramics the high quality ceramics like that piece go up in value pretty fast so that's what you want to look for and again if you if you had the opportunity to buy all three even if you didn't need all 301 all three if you have the opportunity to do that buy them all thank you chris for the super sticker i appreciate that as well i'm dr laurie the phd antiques appraiser i'm taking guests and their questions to evaluate pieces for them this is ask dr laurie live thanks for being with me hi hi i'm brandon hi brandon how are you good i'm 18 and i'm a young reseller i've been reselling jewelry and antique and old stuff since i was about 10 years old okay um i've got this piece are you in the country where are you in the country i'm in the midwest in iowa okay so you've got this piece yep i've got this piece it is 950 silver and it's got a mexican mark i'm pretty sure it's lapis but it also has a matching bracelet with it too right there okay so where do you typically sell your stuff anywhere online or do you have a specific site that you like to sell on i uh sell on makari and etsy with my mom because we share the account and i also have my own online store that i promote through youtube okay so a couple of different questions um first of all lapis lazuli of course that nice blue form that you're going to see that nice blue stone you said it's 950 parts per 1000 sterling silver so it's better than sterling because it's more than 92.5 it's 95 sterling silver it's marked mexico right and we know that some of you guys are on here to sort of show your wares you know to to talk to all of the viewers but basically that particular piece would be anywhere between 300 and 350 dollars i think you could get a little bit more than that but maybe not in this market today i'd add another 100 125 for the bracelet so you might be right around 500 for these those two pieces i would get it off a site like mercari personally i'd like to see you in an upper echelon site where you have higher end jewelry but i don't want you to make this mistake you got a whole hypothetically speaking because i don't know your particular site so you have a whole you know etsy store and it's filled with low end costume jewelry that you're trying to sell for 20 or 30 and you put this this set up for 500 and everybody goes wait a minute it doesn't make meat with this store it's kind of like if you went into you know a very very low end dollar store kind of place and you wanted to get something really high-end not gonna really work or you're gonna put something very high-end in the dollar store and see if it's going to sell you got the wrong clientele so let's make sure that you're getting that to the right place of course i held buyers and i helped sellers and it was nice to help you take care thank you too you're welcome so that's basically what we're looking at with these kinds of pieces it's a lot of tips that i give you particularly on the newsletter which is at and i hope you will subscribe it's easy to subscribe um and that's at and of course here on the channel where i give you all different types of tips but a lot of selling tips at my newsletter um through my newsletter as well as my blog which is on the website so i hope you'll read it hi megan i have an edward arkinson mermaid stamped with an essence crown similar i have a royal copenhagen mark different from mine you the best well you're the best too megan um i of course can talk with you a little bit about that um erickson mermaid stamp there's a couple of different things that are happening there so a picture of your piece a picture of the marks the stamps and then always remember that you know when you have these different pieces what happens if you buy a lot of them together oftentimes you start to think that they all were always together and that's not always the case but i'll take a good look to see what you've got and help you out with that don't forget i'm always going to need clear photos kim thank you very much for the super sticker um thank you sandra for the super sticker and i want to thank everybody for the super sticker in the super chats i don't want to miss any of you and i appreciate it very much because it helps the channel and it helps me to continue to help you um i'm happy to do everything i can do and that i do and i'll do it as long as you guys will support me so when folks are rude to me i want to hear it in the comments that you don't like it anyway hi i'm dr laurie this is asking doctor i'm seeing you where are you from and what's your first name i'm in montana my name is stacy hi stacy i have some earrings that i got there oh hold on i gotta get it up there can you hold the camera horizontally please there you go and then let's see what we can see about those earrings how did you acquire those earrings they were um in my dad's house he passed away okay so they're like right there are they ceramic are they cold to the touch yes okay so a couple of things that those are typically you'll see ceramic earrings they have a post right and then the ceramic so the actual rose or the flower is literally produced around that piece it's kind of sits down on this little looks kind of like a little bowl and then the post comes out and then the earring is here those are usually made in either france or the united states they're usually made in the early part of the 1960s to the early 9th part of the 1970s which is when they were popular you have the pair and they're both about the same color pink yes okay and a little purple pair okay well let's do the one pair first so the pink pear which is the flower ceramic again in that time period 60s to the 70s value on it about 35 for the pair okay thank you very much thank you you're welcome sweetheart so when you're looking at these types of pieces i want you to look at a couple of things when it comes to uh earrings like that first of all look at the material on the post so the post might be um a surgical steel right the post the post that goes into your ear right that goes into your pierced ear might be surgical steel it could be sterling silver it also could be of course 14 karat gold normally if you have a ceramic piece like she had it's not going to usually be 14 karat gold that post is usually going to be surgical steel relatively inexpensive so low materials and low quality materials low value that's why i always say look for quality look for quality know the material that's why i try to teach you all of that mary thank you very much what would be high-end sites etsy ruby lane and well you know there are a lot of high-end sites so what i mean is he was saying that he uses uh murkari there's nothing wrong with mercari nothing wrong with any of these other sites he may feel comfortable with but i just want to make sure that if you are um basically putting an inventory out on like an etsy store that you don't put all these low price pieces then you put a high priced piece because your clientele is going to be confused by that if you're going to market it i want you to have a correct identification and i want you to market it for the right sites so again there are certain sites that in fact charge a little bit more and even over retail value it's where a lot of my clients will basically say wow dr laurie you're actually educating me on to where to sell it to so for certain pieces ruby lane is a high-end site but for certain pieces it's not you know jewelry pieces like costume jewelry pieces if you have a high-end etsy store etsy could be a high-end site ebay often times as long as you are marking it properly and don't use these sites and comparing your pieces to other pieces on those sites as the appraised value because a lot of these folks are putting things up way too low they get it for nothing they just go i don't care here's an example i spoke with a woman today who is selling pieces on her social media channels very nice smart person great so she's making money and she's doing fine she says i buy things for under five dollars and all i want to do is triple my money so i'm buying it for under five or let's say i bought she buys it at five she goes and i only ask fifteen dollars okay your mate you're tripling your money that's great you're getting fifteen dollars but you may be getting fifteen dollars for a piece that's worth 250. isn't it better to get the appraisal and know that it's worth 250 before you only settle for 15 yeah it's great that you that you bought it for five bucks but why settle for 15 when it's worth 250 that's not going to be every piece is going to be worth that but in fact enough pieces in fact might be worth that that you need to get the appraisal and she said i realize that that's what i was doing and that's why i booked an hour video call actually with you today dr laurie she made a lot of money doing her i want to triple my money idea but then she thought you know what i'm gonna do a little bit better and she stepped up her game that's what i'm trying to teach all of you how do you step up your game and it's information cause all of you are smart and all of you know what you're doing i want to make it better for you i want to share my years and years and major museums my years and years in university teaching and my background and education with all of you hi i'm dr laurie this is ask dr laurie live thanks for being with me who's my guest hi it's enrique from miami hi enrique how are you good how are you i got it i got this 20 by 24 airbrush oil on canvas it's from the 80s or 90s the artist's name is diana martin and this is the piece uh she does southwestern stuff and it's hand signed and it's stamped on the back let me cry doesn't do much for me what do you think do you like it i was intrigued by the stamp uh let's see the stamp show me the stamp it's a little you can barely see it but it's right here i see it you could see it so she's selling it through a gallery can i see the signature too yes you know why i went like because you know you see so many of the same type of thing you know and to me there's not a whole lot put into this i have a lot of respect for artists and i think artwork is difficult yeah diana martin that's her signature that's right okay so authentic uh work of art it's the late 80s early 90s okay so you're right there in the right time period it's around the time of like saved by the bell if you're looking at tv right so it's that time period or those little kids what were their names the the full house kids those little kids the tanners that time period late 80s early 90s how do you tell you can tell by the frame you can tell by the style you can tell by the type remember the ties used to look like that anyway i digress diana martin pieces are relatively well known it's a nice piece i don't think it's going to break any you know art history records you know it's not like a great groundbreaking piece but it's fine i would say value on the piece is probably anywhere between 275 and 350 dollars in that frame how much did you pay for it eight bucks eight bucks is good i wish i could tell you it's worth 800 but eight bucks is not bad for a 350 painting thank you thank you enrique bye so here's the situation with this people start to look at those types of paintings and they think well okay she's a good artist and relatively well known but it starts to look like pieces that a lot of artists are producing and when works of art start to look like the works of other artists the problem becomes that people don't recognize that she's better than the others so that's what you think so if i were enrique i'd put a value i'd think about the retail value of 350 i might put it up a little bit higher and have some room to negotiate down to what the retail value is which is based on actual sales records a print a pink frame should scream to all of you it's the late 80s [Laughter] um honest i'm dr laurie this is ask dr laurie live who's my next guest oh it's you it's me hi dr laurie hi honey take a deep breath how are you doing i'm doing well thank you hey nice to see you where are you are you somewhere where there are many ducks judging from your background that that is a uh it's been on my wall for years i'm in dallas texas i'm in my house that is a is a gate it's made out of wood it's very very heavy oh it's like a gate that you would open and go through yes that i think it was from new england at one time it feels like new england to me i have to say it doesn't feel like dallas what's your first name kathy hi kathy hi dr laurie so anyway i have to get calm because i'm so excited to see you well it's nice to see you thank you very much for supporting the channel and for being here you're welcome i ca i would love for you to appraise that that gate if you can if you can even tell what it is because i can't get the camera on it very well okay so we have a ga a door gate well thank you somebody just got the camera on it better that was better so it's wood and then the picture i'm going to call it a duck maybe it's a goose i don't know but i'm so easy carved out cassie is it car is the is the goose actually carved out yes okay no it's painted and painted onto the board of the gate yeah this is the wood of the gate and you can see down here it's got these little feet i see them yeah i see them and then at the top it's got uh yep what you call that the curved arches i see them how did you acquire it how long have you owned it i acquired it from my mother she she loved antiques so did my grandmother's and uh i've had it for over 40 years she walked into a restaurant yeah well she got it at a cafe in texas and um it was hanging on the wall when she passed away she let me i she said what do you love and i said i love that goose honey it was sitting on the it was hanging on a wall she walked in and loved it and offered to buy from the owner yeah my mom and her friend were in a cafe in texas years and years ago and my mom loves art she saw it on the wall in the cafe she said how much we how much do you want for that goose i don't know what they said it was not it was under a hundred dollars and my mom bought it and we had it hanging in our house and i was a kid i absolutely love it because the goose has a fighting eye moves the lamp so a couple of things about your piece first of all i think your piece is not signed correct yes it is okay down here it says in ramsey i think all right in the house over there kathy you're wrong and crashing and all of it so it says r ramsay on it it has in ramsey i believe and ramsay i apologize i think that that particular piece was at a gate of a house of an artist and i think the artist probably lived where the gate was i don't think that this was um ramsay making gates that were actually painted in this way i think this is a one of a kind and i think this particular piece probably dates to the early decades of the 20th century probably between 1920 and about 1940 and i would put 250 on it i think it's gorgeous as a piece of wall art the way you have it displayed as opposed to just sort of leaning up on the floor or somewhere else it's really quite beautiful and it's nice that you're paying homage to your mom thank you kathy nice to meet you nice to meet you too have a great day you too so a couple of things like that oftentimes when you see those types of pieces those types of pieces were made for a particular artist's home possibly the studio had that gate that kind of thing i think that's pretty typical it does look reminiscent of some new england gates which were typically painted like that usually before world war ii you can tell that by the type of pen type of pigment that is used and also the application that nice representational format is what you're looking for you know as opposed to the later 20th century pieces like that which might be maybe more abstract or non-objective kind of like enrique's piece kind of a non-objective or no object kind of feel that one was really representational most people might call it even realistic that was a nice one something interesting and new so we see a lot of different types of objects here and i appraise all different ones again i don't know what's coming um i don't know what none of these pieces are vetted and i don't know who's going to be my guest i appreciate of course all of you and thanks to the guests for supporting the channel with super stickers and super chats thanks to all of you hi expert answers for you i'm dr laurie what's your name hi dr laurie my name is chandis hi shanice can you hold your camera horizontally for me please oh maybe i have it the wrong way is that any better oh it's not that it's the wrong way we're just trying to get you so you fill up the screen that's all okay well okay is this better is it horizontal i'm horizontal okay so it's not clicking for you okay i'm so sorry it's not rotating for me that's okay i'm sorry about that so all right well we might be able to get back to her if she can get her technical difficulties ironed out i'm sure she will i'm dr laurie this is ask dr laurie live and i'm taking guests hi this is dr laurie how are you hi dr laurie hi honey how are you doing i'm good how are you i'm fine hey i just found you i i i i am a reseller and i start i'm selling on ebay again and and i've been looking you know i researched and i do us and i found you did the crazy lamp lady i don't know if you've heard of her but anyway yeah so you found me and it's helpful right i thank you sandra for appreciating my hard work i love pittsburgh too you know i love pittsburgh so what's your first name sweetheart i'm nancy nancy nice to see you i'm so glad that you found me and of course i hope you'll share the channel i hope all of you will share the been sharing channel yes thank you so much what can i talk with you about tonight hey i got a couple things but this i found at or i got an estate sale went at an auction about 10 years ago you got it from an estate sale 10 years ago yeah okay and i haven't been looking for it ever since but so how so you're looking for like online you're google searching trying to find it yeah and i've looked in uh glass books but my sister's a librarian so i can you can you hold it up to the camera please so you're looking in glass books because someone's a librarian so they've been looking as well and you can't find it yeah i can't right and the bottom the bottom has in cursive it's written in cursive shangri-la oh it's a shangri-la on the bottom yeah it's written in cursive yeah yeah and then so both sides have them both sides have a like a i don't know if it's shangri-la i don't if it's a village of some time but each side has a pitcher each side has an image in fact of a um a scene basically a landscape with particular building shangri-la relatively well known value on that piece about 70 that's nice yeah very good nice to meet you thanks so much so a lot of different things that we like to look at we like to look at different objects and when you have an object a long time and you can't figure it out a lot of people say okay i've been looking for this and searching all the time i want to stop all of this searching for you want to cut down on your searching time because you're just going through and you're looking at pictures looking at pictures looking at pictures and a lot of the time you might get to that site you might get to oh look somebody put up a picture that looks kind of like mine it's nothing like yours so i want to make sure that you're getting the right information peter love love love love all these people so it's nice that you are enjoying this waltzing with crystals uh go to dr elle's log so i can learn how to be a guest pretty sure all of tonight's guests were selected before the show that's not true walt singh you're absolutely wrong nobody is selected before tonight's show everybody gets on tonight so i don't have time to be re pre-selecting folks we go i don't know who's coming nothing's vetted so don't make assumptions this is what i mean when you're going to look you're going to people who have the wrong information and believing that they're accurate that's not right so i want you to make sure that you're getting the right information about what we do here as well as what we do in other places too so if you're finding me from other channels which i'm sure you are and there are a lot of other channels of course who are also in fact following me and then giving my information to you so i want to make sure you're getting my information right from the source that's right here so good to be with all of you i want to thank all of you who are my guests and all of you who supported the channel with super chats and super stickers thanks so much for being here i'm dr laurie this is ask dr laurie live i'll see you next time
Channel: Dr. Lori
Views: 70,091
Rating: 4.9135284 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Lori
Id: kCKgeWAP6bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 14sec (3614 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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