How to Find and Value Carnival and Fenton Glass, Jewelry, Ceramics, Transferware, More by Dr. Lori

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hi it's dr laurie the phd antiques appraiser tonight i'm talking about glass carnival glass i'm talking about jewelry jewelry jewelry and diamonds as well as ceramics let's get started so this particular piece is our first piece i want to hear your questions are you a smart thrifter this piece is a piece of fenton you might recognize it it is a piece that is part of their collectible series so basically collector's plate series and the first thing i want you to look at i want you to look at it this way thickness okay how thick it is actually and then we're going to do some details and i want to start with marks i know you all love marks you want to see about marks but i want you to start with marks and labels so if you don't have your your table easily you're going to need it let's get out the dr lori cam and take a a closer look so a couple of things that i want you to have a sense of as you're looking at these pieces first of all is the mark now you see this a lot of these pieces are marked with a fenton mark right and then there's a lot of pieces that also have a label or a sticker on them these adhesive stickers are very helpful in identifying date so if you can start to recognize the stickers you actually kind of like our super chatting or super stickers if you can identify the stickers on some of these pieces of glass you're going to be able to help identify the date all right so that's what you're looking at here if i move this plate for a second let me just move this you'll see the sticker that way that'll be a better look for you for the sticker because it'll be straight on so a couple of things with respect to this particular piece yeah how many were made well these were made in 1970 and there are main relatively large numbers the idea for fenton with this particular piece and i'll go up here we'll give it another turn so you can see it of course this is the jamestown glass maker for the great fenton company and this is of course an iridescent glass or carnival glass plate now a couple of things about these plates collectors plates wane they come in and out of favor so a lot of times you'll see them you say oh well they're not worth all that much but people who collect carnival glass in particular iridescent glass would look at these types of pieces and collect them this was in 1970 that it was introduced by fenton oh you have a dr laurie mug and the t-shirt that's wonderful and you know why it's wonderful because you're supporting the channel for everybody so thank you very much for buying your dr laurie says you're priceless mug the t-shirts too and they're available of course right here you can see them right on on your youtube so a couple of things about this piece first of all i want you to notice and what this is all about is how of course the iridescent metallic salts are basically applied so that's what we're looking for if you were to find this piece in a thrift store and you had to figure out what the value is if you were treasure hunting right what questions would you ask about it well a couple of things first of all when you look at this piece i want you to identify the quality of some because when they're mass producing these pieces in large large numbers this particular plate is just about seven inches seven and a half inches in diameter and then you'll notice that it is of course a plate relatively flat not a dish which would be deep this piece has of course the image here of the glass maker seated here and then you're noticing too the way in which you've got this nice purple i don't know if you can see that purple circle all the way around that purple circle and then you can see more of the gold tone as we then go to see again this area of the perimeter a couple things are really nice about this plate um and that is in fact i answered this question that was it's about seven inches across for the actual plate that's going to be important too you should always ask that question that's a good question date i told you it's 1970 made by fenton so you have some of the basic information but it is commemorating particular makers particular industries and particular work people and in this particular case of course the glass blowers are first you can see of course how he's holding this piece right nice and hot came right out of the furnace there you see and you see some of the tools and you'll notice again the heat apron that he's wearing right you can see all of this what i want you to understand about this is actually the quality of the iridescence right so sprays on the metallic salts to make this kind of coloration notice how it's done if you understand how these pieces are made you'll understand more about which ones are a better quality condition is important but the quality is important too so these are made in large numbers there's lots of them out there and this is what to look for i want you to have an understanding of this there's a lot of information about these pieces on different on different parts of my website so first of all if you look here notice and i want you to look at this in quadrants okay so this part is half and this part is another quadrant look at it in quadrants sort of like four parts of a clock if you look here at the top about right above the head trying to get it up higher for you right above the head you basically can see the way in which all of these dogwood flowers are kind of small they stay to the perimeter until you get here sort of at two o'clock you're noticing here at two o'clock that this particular piece kind of juts out and it's really the only one that juts out well what that tells me is when they're actually making this mold you're seeing that the mold has different elements all the way through so it's not just an automatic repeat and that's one of the things i want you to understand it's not an automatic repeat all the way around so yeah this particular piece pressed in and then you'll notice what i think is really the best part of it is the floor if you notice the floor here with the tiles you can actually see how the purple and the gold contrast in those again metallic and those metallic salts that are a tie acquired there on the back of the plate also using the dr lori can is a lot of the information i'm glad you see it and that's what i'm going to teach you that others are not that others are not i'm going to teach you what to look for because others are just saying oh i like it oh i don't know it's worth this so it's worth that oh i saw it selling on ebay none of that's going to help you to identify what's valuable and that's what i want to do i want you to know what's valuable and you're going to do that by seeing it on the back you can see a lot so on the back you can see actually what it says and it says that the fenton art glass company commemorates with this there it is with this hanging plate the earliest glass craftsman of new america from jamestown in 1609. and then you're noticing here that it says fenton excuse me 1608 and then it says here it's number one in an annual series of collectors plates by fenton so you've got the nice good strong fenton mark but on top of that fenton mark and i'm going to put down the dr lori camp for a moment on top of that fenton mark is in fact let me do this carefully this is where we break stuff on top of that fence and mark is also that label which is over here so that's going to be important for you too and i want you to have an understanding of what you should look for so you know that that's the label that they're using in the 1970s different from other labels of other companies of course and again you see a lot of those so that's what we're looking at here i like the way in which you've got a nice hefty rim and for these collectors plates which usually will go up on the wall or maybe it's on a cornice on the top of a china cabinet right the very top or maybe it's on a plate rail right over a kitchen sink or over some regular cabinets in a kitchen it's typically where they were collected and yes it's dated right on it happens to say 1970 it's relatively common for them to do that all of these are limited editions just because it's a limited edition doesn't mean it's a small number it just means that the number is limited and that's important for anything that you see with limited editions so you say well is it a limited edition yeah but it could be a limited edition of ten thousand plates you're going oh that's not that limited right it's not limited at some point but it's not that limited so what you always want is very very small runs right this would be a run if they're mass producing these plates also it's number one in the collector's series so you collect this one and then you collect other ones what i like about this plate is it has a lot going on so it's showing you that there's a lot of information and there's a lot of workmanship that went into it so for color is extremely important with carnival glass many people think it's most important i like all of the attributes or all the traits to come together so for example i like of course the very hefty weight here of the dogwood blooms i like the way in which the figure is actually active he's actually doing something it's an active form it's not just oh here's a flower passive i like also the way in which i really like that that that um floor and then i also like the way in which this piece has that iridescence and it has the two tone it has the contrasting colors it has the gold which is basically a yellow against the purple complementary colored pairs which attract the optic nerve it's why we're attracted to it so luanne says watching dr laurier tips helped me to identify a christian dior butterfly pin this week it was very exciting to acquire and thank you dr laura use my loop yes the loop is really making a lot of people a lot of good identifications and a lot of money people have been telling me dr lori i've been using your loop and it's opening up a whole new world we're going to use it a little bit later tonight too but if you didn't get your loop yet you can get it of course on the shopping and on the specials and shop page but um if you want to get your loop there and there's lots if you go shopping now just go to the specials and shop page you can see the green arrow on this screen go there on my website and then get down to the loop you can see the picture of the loop right there it says go shopping now and there's a lot more than just the loops there but the loop is there and of course the diamond tester a lot of you have been asking about jewelry scales and such uh gemstone identifiers are also there but also if you look there's elements for design how can you display something and all i've been loving the priority surface it's totally worth it oh yeah the priority service is really a deal it's unlimited of course email replies from me i give you an identification some other information about the pieces along with a retail value so yeah it's totally worth it it's really i try to keep it as low as i can i have two coming two of these yeah you really want to have more than one loop because first of all unless you have it hanging around your neck all the time which i usually do i always have it on a lanyard around my neck you want to have it in a purse you want to have it in the car you want to have it in a pocket you know so keep a couple of them close there again we try to keep the things the best recommendations that are of course low cost so um these are the things that i recommend that i have used after years and years and years in this business so get the loop if you can it's at the specials and shopping and shop page easy to find if you're on a cell phone of course or a smartphone and you're using that device all you have to do is again go to the menu looks like a little hamburger the three lines that are horizontal go to the menu and then once you hit menu there's the specials and shop page and then scroll down and click some buttons oh i can't find it oh i can't do it okay yes you can take some time our all the systems are working you know the website make sure you check on what your settings are on your phone or on your um computers because some of you are saying oh it's not this it's not working and you know your settings are off or they're not in the right way so take look and take a look into that that's a couple of things that i want to remind you of before you start emailing going oh this isn't working everything's working other things i want to tell you about this particular plate a lot of people like collector's plates and a lot of people will look toward collector's plates other questions that you might want to ask size is a good question date is a good question you already knew the maker and you knew the maker twice you have to make sure that you're looking to make sure that it's real and not some kind of reproduction so that's important the best way to display the plate is the way i have it displayed this of course is a table easel and table easels are available on my shopping page and basically you put it right down right like that and it's going to be good looking and it's not going to of course put undue stress on it if you hang it on a wall in the 70s a lot of people would hang the pieces on a wall so you want to be aware of that so this particular piece is a nice piece no it's not north wood it's fenton and it's marked as such there are no there are no chips in it there's no inclusions there's no abrasions of course scratches none of that it's in very very good shape for 1970 and it's a nice piece so what else do you want to know about it and can you kent guess the value you want to make sure that we're guessing the value on this piece too so this particular piece i like because of the way in which you have a very heavy piece and you have a lot they were not stingy with the metallic salts on this and it's probably because it's number one in the series as you move forward farther down the series you're going to see not as much comp not as much contrast not as much of the iridescence as you see in this particular piece so that's a really nice example now the other point i want to make with you is of course about market so a lot of people will say oh i saw that selling for fill in the blank you know 15 20 80 75 and basically the market is what you want to be aware of so don't only take one particular listings word for it don't only take old auction records look at how old an auction record might be if that's what you're using if you're trying to analyze the market and analyze the entire market understand what's happening right currently in the market what does that mean is everything sort of is it flooded with a lot of carnival glass right or is it something that's you know very very important is something else happening in the market that's hurting carnival glass so you have to be aware of what's happening in the broader market so you can make an assessment of this particular type of piece it's a nice piece it's in beautiful condition for its age and you know a lot of people are saying well it's the 1970s not that old it actually is pretty old so you know this piece is really kind of nice the table easel is nice and they um are hidden so you can't really see much of the table easel which i think is pretty nice so value on this piece this piece here is worth forty dollars a nice piece a collector's piece now a point about and that's based on actual sales records where similar pieces have sold so you know people say oh no you can't get that oh dr laurie's values are high or dexter regular values are low or you know there's all these folks who don't do what i do every day which is assess all of this all day every day look at the markets manage the markets i basically will say oh it's not this oh it's not that what are they doing they're hurting people who are trying to have online businesses like a lot of you so when they they say oh it's not this or oh it's not that and they try to dissuade you what they're trying to get you to do is take down your listings don't take down your listings and a lot of the times you need to of course prove what you have so you need to do that too but be aware of that so yeah i know sotheby's would say that this is a rare item however this particular item is available for sale in a lot of places so how is it rare plus it is a limited edition but in fact there are many of them out there when they made that limited edition so people go wait a minute is it rare so be careful of that sometimes that's just a ploy to get you to go oh it's rare it's rare because everybody gets all happy when i was on auction kings i remember one of the auctioneers said to me when i was appraising an object for the tv show and discovery they said oh dr lori you know it's rare it's rare it's rare well just because somebody else you know doesn't have one you're not you're gonna say it's rare and you're gonna try to sell it people will say well it's rare not everybody wants something that's rare right a lot of the times people want of course things that are things that are recognizable well known in the market right this particular piece is well known to those folks who in fact um who in fact are collecting carnival glass and i'm really happy to hear that you are selling these pieces that i've appraised because so many people have put their two cents in and they're wrong and they say oh well you can't sell it for what dr laurie is appraising that and so many of you are coming back and saying wait a minute she told me what the market was she explained to me how to how to actually list it and you know what i sold it and i sold it for what she appraised it for or more they're selling these pieces all of you are you know you are and i'm happy for you so don't listen to the naysayers because those people aren't right i want to tell you this information and i'm happy to tell it to you for free thank you for supporting the channel with super chats and super stickers and by sell buying some of the merchandise that's available too or for making sure that you have the money magnet like the loop which is available as well okay so that's what we've got here this particular piece a nice piece i really like it i like a lot of aspects of it and i like what good condition it's into the other thing i want you to remember is one of course my favorite things but the next piece i want to talk with you about is this piece which is of course a ring move my hand out of it i'll show you it here but then i'm going to get the dr lloyd cam so you can take a really good look so questions about this ring so without too much information yet i want to remind you also that all of your jewelry should have a good jewelry box i don't care if it's costume and i don't care if it is in fact costume or something else but a good jewelry box and what's a good jewelry box well this one this is one that i recommend i want you to have separated areas for your pieces because your pearls should not be next to your gold okay because it could scratch i want you to have areas where rings can sit okay it's important to have an area where a ring can sit right by itself so it has enough room around it i want you to do that and i want you to remember this because these um these types of trays that come out are best for your jewelry so make sure you look into that if you're collecting jewelry or reselling jewelry costume or fine make sure you have a good jewelry box so you won't scratch something while it's waiting to be sold okay and that's available there too let's take a look at this ring so the ring is our focus here you go and i want to talk about a couple of different things so you're noticing this ring questions about this ring so this ring has a lot of wonderful aspects to it you'll notice there's one two three four five of the blue stones and then you have the set prongs as well and then if i turn it if i turn it this way you're going to see that the stones do not go all the way around okay so the stones don't go all the way around when you're looking at that questions about this particular ring what would you ask if you saw it white gold or platinum it is 14 carat white gold now none of you thought it was sterling silver so that's kind of interesting so remember the mark is going to say 14k right and now what other questions would you have yep it's white gold nico that's right white gold it's white gold it's very nicely done it has are there markings on the back there are markings on the inside that says 14k which is for 14 carat k with a k right carrot with a k not carrot with a c do they sparkle yeah this whole ring seems to sparkle i don't know if you can see the sparkling but the ring does sparkle there's five of those blue stones you can notice it with the dr lori cam sorry my hand's shaking we'll do that all right and five of those stones what would be the next question pretty simple the next question should be what are the stones yeah exactly real sapphires yes they are in fact two carat total carat weight of sapphires so it's 2.0 total carat weight it would be abbreviated tw total weight sapphires all right now they have a particular type of color and there's more specs that i'll give you about this but this particular piece has a very nice work and it's not tanzanite they're sapphires now the color is important for sapphires because there are different elements of color when it comes to these gemstones color is very important right the tonality is important does ring size make a difference it can ring size can this is a very good question it can make a difference i'm going to put down the dr lori cam for a minute while you think of some more questions um but ring size can make a difference here is why first of all if a ring has been sized very very large you lose a lot of that gold let's call it white gold for our example the other thing about ring size is sometimes if you make a ring too big the actual elements that are presented at the top maybe these five sapphires right that are set might move differently and not really look good if the ring is too big so certain rings look better on certain hands you've probably seen that you put a ring on you say that doesn't really look good on my hand for whatever reason so that's one of the things you want to think about the other thing you want to think about is sometimes if they're very small if a ring is very small it has a lot of thick amount of gold on the inside right which is up against your hand when you do things and hold things and carry things it doesn't bother you sometimes when they're when it's very small what will actually happen is that you'll have more you'll have more gold or more metal on this side which sometimes can be uncomfortable so you have to be careful it's always a good idea if you can to try on that ring it does have a mark it is indicated that it's 14k 14 karat white gold other questions how about the halo effect we're here back here are there color changing sapphires do i see green and blue they are not color changing sapphires that might be yours your screen that might be your monitor or your screen but basically it's they're blue they are relatively um good color and they're consistent colors some of the things you want to look for when you're looking at that what's encircling the sapphires thank you harry what's encircling the sapphires let's give harry a shot of this ring what's encircling the sapphire is that they're called halo set and those of course are diamonds and you know that if you have your diamond tester right that you're going to be able to actually test those diamonds and they are very small diamonds all of these diamonds which are halo set as if a halo around a head right so think of the sapphire as the head and the halo goes around it right and these particular pieces are again diamonds there's 0.25 0.25 this is a custom made ring that's right 0.25 total carat weight of diamonds on this particular ring so very very very tiny diamonds most of what you're seeing in this ring is actually the prongs which are the white gold prongs coming up to the very small diamonds but the small diamonds allow a contrast the blue and the white contrast just like blue and white of course is a good contrasting color for china the blue and the white contrast in this particular ring other questions about the ring the next question should be of course gram weight how heavy is it right thank you mick thank you very much yeah we love to see of course the likes but you're learning so much you're forgetting to hit the likes so hit the likes and don't forget about super chats and super stickers are diamonds that small hard to test with the diamond tester not really my diamond tester the one that i recommend which is on the specials and shop page actually of course make it easy to test so i was able to test these using the diamond tester and of course look at the directions follow the directions for the diamond tester and i always like to keep the diamond tester in its case when we're not when i'm not using it and the reason for that of course is to keep it nice and clean so that's one of the other things i'm going to put this down now the dr laurie cam and talk a little bit more about these pieces so are they pave diamonds considered pave diamonds yes and remember that they're very they're quite small and the idea is for you to enlarge sort of that sapphire what a halo effect does is it also they're naturally create they're naturally developed sapphires they're not lab created so that should tell you something about value because you should be thinking about value they're not synthetic sapphires they're not synthetic diamonds either they're naturally developed diamonds as well oh age it dates to the 1990s this ring dates to the 1990s so it's not particularly old about 20 25 years old is it in its original box no this is not an original box but if you have of course a piece like this you'd want to have it in a jewelry box once you purchased it or if you're waiting to resell it or you want to keep it in a small box like this and the idea for that of course is to keep the piece away from other pieces this particular piece is a good example for a lot of reasons thank you m thank you for the super sticker i appreciate you supporting the channel you're actually helping all of the viewers and you also help not only when you do super chats and super stickers but when you share the channel because the more people who know the more people who will of course watch the channel and you'll be able to of course increase our community and all of our knowledge i'll start it off lori thank you very much for your support your continued support thanks all of you for that so this particular piece is wonderful and where are you going to get more information about it well more information about this piece is available if you sign up for my newsletter of course and there's lots of information on my website you know the website you can go and subscribe to my newsletter you'll get a newsletter right into your email inbox at people have been asking where do i subscribe to the newsletter i want the newsletter i want the newsletter yes you do you can subscribe at and when you and it's very easy same place you're on a smartphone you hit the hamburger menu where it says menu that'll open up you'll see the big red specials and shop page go there go down and then you of course can do that you can get the specials and shop page another way that you can subscribe the thumbs up which is the free it says free with a thumbs up everybody likes free and they like the thumbs up right and all you have to do there on that page is basically say oh okay click and then give me your email address and then we'll send you the newsletter and the newsletter has tips and ideas and information similarly to american brilliant becoming hot in 2025 will depression glass make in the 1930s likely be hot in the 2030s always awesome info i have to say that carnival of depression glass not carnival glass per se depression glass has not really fallen out of favor very much the colored glass people still like is it possible that you'll see more of them in the 30s well depression glass is actually made from the 1930s until about the late 1950s so you're going to see about a 20-year span of the revival of of course depression glass um the other things that are going to be hot i'll talk about the other things that are going to be hot in another video um because there's a whole list of things that you should be selling listing now and another whole a bunch of things that objects are antiques collectibles that you should be waiting until you actually can ride the wave of again a revival but very good question remember on the 50 and 100 year cycle is what you're looking for how dark are the stones colors matters is it treated right exactly color does matter that's exactly true and of course gia certified gemologists will tell you that the color matters that also the saturation of the color will matter for these stones and whether or not they're color treated or not to make them all look about the same color so they can match that some of the things these are naturally developed is it okay to hang necklaces like pearls i have mine hanging on individual hooks and jewelry box for storage i would not hang my pearls wow doctor lori i wouldn't i would have a velvet box right i would have a velvet box for my pearls for your pearls for any pearls whether they're faux pearls fake pearls uh synthetic whether they are majorca pearls or of course cultured pearls i would have them in a velvet lined box and place them only with other pearls oh geez and if you have a pearl ring which has gold or or a sterling silver with the pearls don't put those in with your pearl necklaces that are just a whole continuous strand of pearls together because they can scratch so that gold metal on the ring can scratch the pearl so you don't want to do that i don't like you hanging them because one of those pearls is taking one of those pearls and one of those strands like one of the the silk knot is taking all the weight and supporting all the weight of the whole strand so i wouldn't do that i would get a velvet box here's a velvet box for example for pearls and some of them also have little hooks so you can sort of just look like they're hanging on your neck and you can put them that way i can suggest some of those in our recommended shopping but you really do need that this is why for with our the jewelry box for example pearls could go here because they would just sit right they would sit and this of course is all velvet lines so yeah pearls shouldn't be next to other things heath hi doc are you drows with boxes valuable definitely heath they are they're definitely valuable um a lot of people will pick up yadros in places like the caribbean if they're on vacation uh barcelona other parts of spain of course yadros are collectible it's good if you have the boxes because that identifies of course the piece and of course good condition is very important too but yajos are keeping their value very well and in certain markets you will see them doing very well so don't expect oh yeah it's a figurine nobody cares about figurines don't just discount those great pieces a lot of those pieces very nice thanks for your super chat and thanks again for supporting the channel so those are the types of things we want to see so the ring we were back to the ring let's guess the value what do you think how much do you think the ring is actually worth so the ring is 14 karat white gold it has naturally developed sapphires 2.0 total carat weight of sapphires and one-quarter of a carat 0.25 total weight of of course diamonds i've learned so much do you post to australia yeah i do everything so you know thank you you're a superstar too i'm glad you're there i have many friends in australia have been there before and i really love to hear all of that so we've got a couple of people who are making a guess making a guess on this particular ring so far harry is closest people all you ladies who think you know jewelry and the guy comes in closest i don't know two carats of sapphires naturally developed and also you have this you're not good with jewelry patricia says she's not good with jewelry yet she was able to guess the value the ring is worth twenty five hundred dollars so remember it's the gold market based on actual sales records were similar pieces sold okay and based also on of course the information that you should get if you get a ring like this fine jewelry you should also get an appraisal with it so don't forget if you're purchasing that piece if you don't have it you need an appraisal to resell it so don't forget about those appraisals too a lot of folks have been showing me today on video calls showing me of course their jewelry saw a great piece an ancient egyptian piece which was wonderful in a video call was talking about that today that dates all the way back to 80 to 100 bc wonderful piece actually it's a 100 280 bc that's a one was a wonderful interesting piece and i saw some jump pearls today and i saw some black onyx today too so a lot of nice pieces that are coming out morning jewelry from the victorian is also um something that people are looking at and cameos have made a good comeback in the early 2020s in this decade that jewelry box dr laurie suggests look great not going to fit in my safe though actually it fits in most safes so you know basically a lot of people say it won't fit in your safe actually this is the size that i looked at because i first looked at safes and what safes most people have so if it's not going to fit in your safe because you have too much jewelry in your safe well that's a whole different story and i'm happy for you but this particular piece is just that i'm dying to know why chicken run is on the table because i took out a couple of these home videos on the table here because a lot of people were talking about things like disney plus i said i wonder where those old tapes are so some of these pieces came in and of course the pieces on my table are provided from all different sources and i thank all of them who have asked me to get pieces on the table so that's a lot of fun so you guessed the value you're doing great and we've got another piece but don't forget to go to to get all of the information specs and other information about diamonds how to identify them how to evaluate them at it's easy for you to do sign up for that newsletter you'll get that information and you will actually open the world to all the research that's on my website too don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter and then also read of course my blog that gives lots of selling tips so anyway this next piece i want to talk with you about with our dr laurie camp for a couple of reasons so you're probably i'm going to move some of these pieces out of the way put you here put you here on the tiffany boxes and let's move this right up front so a couple of things i want to talk with you about about some ceramics and some pottery you're probably wondering why i have a piece of blue tape here and i'll talk about that in a minute but first of all i want you to look at this cup and i want you to look at the handle of this cup i want you to start to be able to identify what country a particular cup was made in so people are saying huh so if you looked at this cup what to look for and i'm going to give you a couple of criteria what to look for so if you looked at this cup would you think it was nippon most of you would say well i don't think that's nippon dr laurie right so you have to ask yourself what country was it made in right so you're looking at this cup and you're thinking to yourself it's probably not japanese it's probably not nippon right even if you have to identify these pieces and get it sort of out of the way like to say okay it's not that it's not that it's not that you know you're looking at that i've sold some more dr laurie appraised items good for you i'm happy to hear that and thanks for the thanks for the super sticker super chat too a couple of things about it so if you look at these pieces the color will tell you right the interior color of these cups will actually tell you before you look at the mark i know you all just want to look at the mark i want you to be able to look at it and identify it quickly just visually so what questions would you ask about this particular piece this particular piece has a lot going for it so jeanette says it's english it was made in england i can tell rosemary says she's going to drill down even farther is it johnson brothers made in england no it's not johnson brothers is it spoke no johnny it's not chinese it's not chinese trying to look like the english it's actually made in england is it iron stone very good iron stone is very durable usually a little bit more white and less cream okay so but good because you're all still in the england area is it white porcelain this piece is of course bone china very nice good piece now i want you to look at some of the specifics do you know what type of ceramic it is do you know how we have the decoration on it so how did the decoration get on this piece and then we're going to show you how you can tell so people are thinking okay what kind is it hand-painted right what kind of decoration is on this particular piece now couple of things you were all concerned about the mark so i'm going to show you the mark we're going to start here with the dr lori kam and here's the mark and you can see it's mason's and you can see it's patented iron stone china and you can see it's the vista pattern patterns are usually noted and then it says england can you also see all the little cracks all the little cracks in the piece called crazing you all know what that is that's damage okay so that's what you're looking at here so this particular piece cream and you can see of course this particular piece of china now as you turn it over you're going to see some of the characteristic aspects of these pieces first of all you're going to have usually a floral decoration around the rim and then on the interior you're going to have a landscape a pagoda whatever it might be and there's going to be this this circle right because of course it's a saucer so there's the indentation for the cup to sit and then the circle around that detail right that detail of the architectural elements here okay so you're looking at that you like the crazing some people do like the crazy they like the little crackle pattern but what it is is it's damage it indicates that there's damage to the piece what i want you to be able to do which none of you said yet is identify something called transfer where right so it says if you took a piece of paper or a printed image and you transferred it on how do you know if you have transfer wear well i'm going to show you transfer wear it's not it's transferred on but transfer wear is in fact right here and you can tell by this line so at some point i want you to imagine two pieces of wallpaper coming together you see right here do you see this line and i pointed it out for you so you can see that line you can see that this leaf right here on one side it's red you can see the veins of the leaf on the other side it's white and you see the line going straight through up to my piece of blue tape and i wanted to show you that notice too here how much darker the edge is here how much lighter the edge is here so lighter edge darker edge here's the piece of paper where the two pieces of paper meet i want you to find the line when you're shopping when you're looking i'm going to put down the dr lori cam when you're looking when you're shopping i hope you see it i want you to get out the loop and i want you to look at that i want you to go down i want you to look through the whole piece whether it's a print i'm sorry whether it's a large plate get the loop out and take a good look because once you see that line you know that that particular piece is a piece of earlier there will always be a line on the earlier pieces so that's going to help you to date the piece and if you can date the piece properly you can identify the transfer where you're going to be able to help to value it okay so that's what i want you to see i know you never knew that and that's what i mean you're watching all these people who don't have this kind of information to give to you and this is information that you can use and you know they're going to say oh it's this no it's that and i don't agree and i don't agree i'm telling you after you know 30 years in this field with a doctorate with of course 25 years as an appraiser appraising everything 50 000 objects a year last year that i looked at i want you to learn what i look for and if you can learn what i look for you're going to be dangerous when you are trying to find the quality pieces when you're shopping thrifting estate sales yard sale or even looking at family heirlooms to help your friends and family so i want you to be able to do that and that's why i'm providing all this information here crazing means damage a lot of people are going to try to convince you that crazing and tanning is age it's not just age it means it has not been cared for there are pieces of the same time period that in fact don't have any crazing oh so this piece has been somewhere hot and somewhere cold where the glaze has started to crack and that's what the problem is with this particular piece not all is all transfer wear like this what do you mean like this um this particular piece is a nice piece of transfer wear it's an older piece of transfer wear it's in good shape some of the other attributes of this piece while i'm showing you the line that most people don't know and don't tell you oh they'd say things like oh i like this or i like the color i like this particular one my body must be crazy harry your body's fine harry harry's funny but basically they're they're talking about all this and that you will be so dangerous i want you to be and i know you are because you're all telling me how you're making more money every month are you doing well selling online how you're watching the videos and you're going back and re-watching them and learning more and i have of course all these videos out for you don't forget to use the binge link the binge link will help you go to the binge link right here and it's right in the description of the channel click on the binge link and watch you'll get mine served up and you'll get the correct information the other thing i wanted to point out to you is form on these pieces you need to store things better yet because you don't want to damage them while they're being stored before you can have a chance to list them if you're selling them a couple things but if you look like look where my hand let me see if i can do this look where my hand is i have something black let's see if i have something black here let's use that do you see the form of that hoop hook for your for your finger that's a very very typically english form so if you can see that you can see there's a little tiny element here so your little your thumb can rest so when you look at that that's also something that i want you to be able to identify so it's very different from this handle right this handle on this cup is actually very detailed there's a little rest here you can put your finger in you can't put your finger too far through either thank you quentin very much hun so basically that's what you're looking at the other thing you have to look at with these particular types of pieces make sure that the image inside the saucer matches the image on the side of the cup a lot of times oh it looks the same especially in the thrift stores especially at the estate sales you'll see oh well it looks the same and the leaves look the same and the color is the same blue white transfer wear green white transfer wear cranberry white transfer wear and the like the blue and white is the most collectible for most people a lot of people like the green white a lot of people like the red white um so it just depends i call this cranberry white or cranberry cream but basically what i want you to remember about that is look at and make sure that that's a match i can't tell you how many mismatched pieces i've had to tell people well you don't have a full service for 12 anymore now you have a partial service for 12. other questions other questions well i'm so glad that you and your sisters are watching i'm happy to educate all of you and i'm happy to share my knowledge i hope that you will share my channel in return does excellent quality transfer wear line up correctly no lines of demarcation well it does line up correct it does line up that's right but it usually indicates again the way in which the process has taken place right you see the lines and you say okay i know i've got transfer where what age is the transfer so that's a nice piece too and i wanted you to have an identifier of that rosemary thank you very much for being part of the channel and for supporting the channel with that super sticker so a couple of other things when it comes to these pieces first of all i want you to be very careful when you are thinking about i was talking about partial services versus so say you think you have a service for 12 and then i come in and i'm appraising it and all of a sudden you have again the incorrect cup but it's the same sort of color pair so you want to be aware of that because that takes it from a service for 12 right full service or to down to a partial service right so uh the question was what if you just have all the serving pieces serving pieces can be sold individually as well sometimes you'll have three platters maybe three oval platters maybe one has an auger well all right that's that indentation right if you are serving a meat that will have of course auger or juice in the bottom of it roast beef kind of thing so you could have three of those maybe you have a big 16 inch platter and then you have a 14 and then you have a 12 that's what you're looking at transfer wear is very different from slip wet slip wear is different that's moriage and i talk about that of course if you sign up for the newsletter at dr there's a lot of information about these details of what's what i'd like you to understand the words i want you to understand what it means the difference between bisque and porcelain and transfer wear and hand painted and this kind of thing because a lot of you don't know this particular idea this piece stays through the early years of the 20th century so the early 1900s and what other questions do you have about this before i make you guess the value does it have a gravy boat to match this particular uh vista pattern by masons is all different pieces in it so you could have a sugar bowl and a creamer you could have a you could have trays you know platters you could have soup bowls and all kinds of things dr lori thanks to you here i am it's 2 a.m in italy and i'm awake to see you oh well i love italy i just love italy i love to be there i'm sorry i can't be there so enjoy yourself have something lovely and delicious like a coffee you know a triple espresso for me but i love italy and i love that you're watching thank you for being up late sleep in tomorrow tell them i let i said you could but thank you for watching all of you around the world i talked to someone in a video call um this morning well it was evening for her in um the uk hello from amsterdam beautiful amsterdam i had so much fun running through the reich's museum oh gosh i ran down those stairs i ran i was running i don't run a lot let me tell you but i was running through that museum i wanted to see everything the vermeer and the great night watch it was wonderful to be in amsterdam and the van gogh museum was fun too and all the museums are right together in amsterdam so a beautiful wonderful city thank you very much the smart lovely people of amsterdam so thank you very much for this how much do you think for the cup in the saucer together english early 20th century vista pattern made by masons iron stone bone china what do you think ah we're getting there we're getting there thank you for your help your help and knowledge is very appreciated well anibus thank you thanks so much for the super chat i appreciate that 1666 you're gonna give them 15 bucks for this 75 for the set 15 for the two pieces you are trying to get an idea of two pieces two pieces this piece and this piece assume you have nothing else nothing else harry was right about the ring he knew how much the ring was i bet he i bet harry's wife has a lot of nice jewelry i hope so she deserves it when she's married to harry right guessing anyway this particular set here is worth 25 for the set that's the two pieces really nice based on actual sales records where similar pieces have sold that includes that crazing okay so the crazing which brings the value down if you didn't have the crazy piece would be worth a little bit more don't forget to sign up of course don't forget about our merchandise which supports the channel i hope you did well tonight on on of course dr laurie's treasure hunt you're learning more about all kinds of pieces don't forget again to watch share and i'll see you next time
Channel: Dr. Lori
Views: 77,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Lori
Id: kawUDWCClbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 11sec (2891 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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