How to Talk about Your Future - Basic English Phrases

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okay looks good hi everybody welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about how to imagine your future that means like how to make predictions about the future so we're going to use for example we'll and going to and we're going to talk about a sentence pattern that uses wood a lot a lot of you have asked questions about how to use the word wood so I'm going to focus on a statement pattern you can use so that means not a question a statement pattern that you can use and I'm going to introduce a question pattern that I hope you can use to make your own questions to ask about potential futures so lots to do lots to do so as you join please don't forget to hit the like button please don't forget to hit the like button and of course share the video too we really appreciate it we're getting everything ready now it looks like Facebook is up hi Facebook but Facebook is ready and I think we'll see YouTube in just a moment as well okay um so as you are joining yet please send something in the chat so we know that you're there and we'll begin in about maybe one to two more minutes so again the topic for today how to imagine the future how to imagine the future so I'll introduce a couple of things that you guys have been asking us about actually so what's to do okey-dokey but a quick announcement I guess at the beginning of this week's lesson as always if you have not seen it yet I posted about it on Twitter but if you have not seen it yet we have a new series up on the YouTube channel and it's up on the website too so we started working on this series maybe last November last December so yeah this is it new series so the title of the new series is know your verbs know your verbs so this is a new series where we focus on one verb that maybe you know the basic meaning of but then our team put together videos where we introduce different meanings for the verb and we talked about example sentences and we're also introducing like phrasal verbs and idioms that use that word so if you have not seen the first episode the first episode is about - the verb see please check it out on YouTube it's up there and it's on the website so if you have an account on the website please please please check out the first episode of know your verbs the team worked really hard on this and the guy behind the control desk today I've made the template thank you so much for the series so please do check that out we're excited and we have a lot of those actually coming up too so that's a big announcement of for today alright but I don't see YouTube yet is it okay to start I think I'm just gonna go ahead and let's unless there's something else so okay oh hi you do good all right fantastic great everybody's there okay good to know good to that all right so then let's begin with today's topic let's start today's topic as I said how to talk about the future fantastic dope today's lesson as always I have three parts for today's lesson today the first thing I'm going to talk about this part right here this kind of basic pattern like and I think you'll see in just a second as well like the my tweet is here at the moment but I want to focus a little bit on the board now this is going to be the first part for today oh actually it's already up here that's okay that's okay this is our first part for today so the first thing I want to talk about today is using this this expression this kind of sentence pattern to make a a statement about an unreal situation an unreal situation means a statement that is not real right now that's what it means so this is where we're going to start after that we'll talk about how to make questions with wood and then in the last part of today's lesson we'll review how to use will and going to so let us begin great tie YouTube rich in Sandro and Edward and fun entertainment and Ali hi everybody good everybody's here alright let's begin then let's begin an Instagram you're there too I think okay there are so many cameras in the room today so let's begin then with the first point for today so I said the first thing for today would be this basic pattern here um I know it's sometimes difficult to see the board so this above me above my head this is the same thing and an example sentence so I'll talk about this in just a moment yeah so some people are saying how to use would and could in the future today we're going to talk about one way to use wood to make guesses okay so the first thing I want to talk about is this sentence on top here this sentence if i plus past tense verb phrase something something I would so this is a common expression a common pattern that we use when we want to express an unreal situation something that is not true now so this is an example of an unreal situation here is my if clause in this case if I had a lot of money I would buy my parents a house if I had a lot of money I would buy my parents a house so here had a lot of money this is my past tense verb phrase right here had a lot of money and then I finish with like a main statement I would buy my parents a house so we use wood in these cases because we're talking about something that's not real it's not a real situation now this part here reflects right now at this point in time I don't have a lot of money but if I did if I did this would be my plan so I don't use will here I don't use will here because this is not true right now so please be careful this is an unreal situation so when you make this sentence you can see like I mentioned use a past tense verb phrase here however if your verb is is is like I just said in my sentence pattern if I but if I want to use the verb is and I want to use past tense there's an exception for the verb is we use word like if I were rich for example so please be careful when you use the word is when you want to conjugate that for this verb pattern use were I'm not going to talk about the use of was today that's a kind of a different point and it'll take time I think so today we'll use word this is a key exception this is something different we're not going to talk about in detail for today but please use word if you're using the verb is so if you like oh great a lot of you are sending example sentences fantastic if you're watching in YouTube or Facebook check the chat there are some good example sentences like if I won the lottery I would invite you to bora-bora if I had wings I would fly to everywhere a nice one junior hey junior cut skeet see if I could speak English fluently I would travel all over the world very nice very nice so these are great example sentences nice one on Facebook I don't see any yet but yes if you want to send an example sentence please feel free to do so okay so I want to move on then like in my example sentence I've introduced if I if I like here I have if I and in this pattern up here I have if i if i did something however we can change this this does not have to be I I we could say if he if you if they if we whatever you can change this here I'll mark it in a different color because we have the technology if I we can change this and we can change this so you can talk about your behavior you can talk about your reaction to someone's behavior you can change these to make some other examples so let's go I have one more example which we will see appear in just a moment yeah that one great thank you so here is a different one so I've updated this part curt part this part if person or object so I replace this I we can change this I with a person or an object here so past tense verb phrase this part is the same and the last part the main part is the same to I would so here's an example if the CEO if the CEO so a different person not me if the CEO were discovered to be a criminal I would quit the company so what does this mean the sentence means now the CEO is not a criminal I hope but I mean the CEO of this fictional company the CEO is not a criminal but if he or she were discovered to be a criminal this is my plan I would I would quit the company so again this part shows us this is not a real situation this is not a real situation but if it were this is what I would do so we can change this part of the sentence if the CEO were discovered to be a criminal I would quit the company so in this case these are two different people CEO and me they can be whatever your situation needs so please feel free to be flexible with this ok so I want to practice this I made a small quiz with this part with you guys so I want to look at this example if we look at this example though where we have I in this position and we need a past tense verb phrase right here what do we use we talked about it earlier send it in the chat what do you think the answer if I blah blah blah I would so let's imagine we're going to use the verb is is here if I want to use the verb is video froze oh no someone said the video for us anyway the correct answer for here if I were if we want to use an adjective we need to use work if we're going to use the verb is otherwise we just use any other past tense verbs so this is a key point for today I noticed many people use present tense here but don't do that please use past tense and as we talked about the exception is if you're using the verb is please use word instead all righty let's look at another one so let's again the same issue same past tense sort of issue here if he so again my stuff yeah my subject here if he have or had he would blah blah blah something else over here so again we have a choice between present tense and past tense here many students choose this one it's actually past tense we need to use past tense if he had gotten up earlier he would have been on time for work for example so please use past tense same thing here but I've changed it to we at the beginning so if we go or went we would something something so again past tense so we need to use a past tense verb with this expression so this is one like key key point for today please use past tense I know it seems strange like you're talking about an unreal future situation but we use this grammar to make that statement so please use this one please use past tense verbs in this if clause and this F clause here so this starts with if we call this the if clause I'll talk more about this point later okay good so that's the first part for today next we're going to talk about questions but before that a quick break quick break alright so let's take a look as always we have free stuff for you guys last week I talked about business business English stuff but for today because we're imagining the future maybe some of you in the chat are talking about this like your travel so if you travel or if you're imagining your travels to the future how might you talk about this like someone in the chat I saw it before you said if I traveled to the USA I would be fluent in English for example so if you are thinking about traveling in this case to the USA or to a different country please check out this PDF cheat sheet it's for free you can find the link below the video on youtube and above the video on Facebook Twitter twitch Instagram I don't know about you but so please check this out this is good if you are imagining travel so this is free you can find this on the website at English class yeah there's a big list of them there so these are all the PDF cheat sheets that we have for free so please check that out other things you might think about may be food cooking music dining all kinds of stuff to think about so we have like we have a lot I can't even choose right now but these are great vocabulary builders so if you know your vocabulary is missing some points please check these out they're free you can download all of them alright good good good good anyway breaks over let's get back to it so welcome if you're just joining if you're just joining today's topic is how to imagine the future how to imagine the future so in the first part of today's lesson we talked about using would this if I were I would type pattern with past tense verb phrases this was the first part we talked about how to make a statement with this grammar so now I want to move on how to make a question I've noticed if you can get this part I've noticed sometimes students are okay with this part but they can't make a question using this grammar so I really want to practice this one next let's continue alrighty so I talked in this part about this if Clause yeah maybe you can see it on the screen this if part if Clause it starts with the word if that's a great hint that it's the if clause so um when you make a question then you need to have this if clause in your question and your main Clause which is this part this I would part for this for this grammar for this point so to make your if Clause a simple pattern you can use like we said if let's start with if that's pretty good we'll start with if and then choose your person so in this case when we were making sentences statements we used I or we used he or we or or the CEO in the other example we talked about so choose the person or maybe a situation the object so choose the thing you want to discuss what are you talking about so if person then same thing in your question your past tense verb phrase your past tense verb phrase past tense verb phrase past tense past tense don't forget to change your verb to past tense please so this is your if clause this is part one he's one of your questions so part one part two then is your question clause so this is where you ask the question this part part two is the part where you put the question so how do you make the question this part is maybe the most difficult part to do that here I'm gonna write a wh question so WH question means like your who what when where why how how long how often that question word so that means that's WH question I'm not going to write everything here so add your question phrase what is your question so what's the question you want to ask then include would would shows this is not a real situation this is a reminder like this is not true now but just let's just discuss the possibility so what would and then again another person or something else related to this situation it does not have to match this first one you don't need to match this one here these do not have to be the same you can change it then we'll finish with some verb expression perhaps something else at the end so this is a very very open sort of pattern that you can use so I know it's quite difficult to imagine like what what is this how should I use this so I prepared some examples I have three examples where should we put those bottom of the frame is good mmm or we can show them one at a time if that's too much yeah we have three examples coming in just a second so let's take a look at like how to actually how to actually put these into a real sentence so yeah okay that looks good to me I'll stand up oh that's nice too perfect okay sorry we're arranging the text on the screen right now so you can see perfect okay so here's one example these are all questions not statements but these are questions so first one if you were remember we talked about this were is the exception when you use the verb is you need to change it to were not was so if you were a teacher what subject would you teach so this question follows this pattern I introduced right here so if you here's my person past tense verb phrase were a teacher we're a teacher and then my question phrase like I talked about here question phrase what subject that's my question what subjects what subject and then unreal it's unreal so I use would and then here is my person again I'm talking about you my question is about you in this case what would you teach so here's one example I've just plugged in each of these parts of the sentence here let's look at one more it's kind of hard to see around my shirt isn't it sorry I guess laughs okay I won't move I get in trouble when I move I fall down if this were your house where would you put the furniture so here this is a great example where I've changed so this part I said person but this can be an object so in this case house so if this if this were your house where would you put the furniture hmm another example here and then one more if they built a pool if they built a pool how often would you go swimming in it all right I want to focus on one point in this example sentence how often how often would you go swimming in it please make sure you're how often and you're how long fit together sometimes students separate them like how would you go swimming often or something I don't know but don't separate those keep how long and how often together keep those question phrases together then yes good some of you are answering this someone on YouTube wrote what would you do if you were Donald Trump I don't know okay great so these are a few examples of questions we can make building our using this pattern we've built these these questions using this pattern right here so this is a great way if you're not sure how to start making questions you can use this pattern good good good all right so let's have a quiz let's have a quiz so um let's see again we need to use past tense here so a quick review for your if Clause if he made or he make remember we need to use a past tense verb in the if clause so so we need to use made if he made so in your if Clause you need to use that past tense verb for sure okay but now let's ask a question a quick review question about the main clause so if you had so here's our if clause we have something in our if but in your main clause how would you often or how often would you which one is correct well you can send it in the chat but we don't have time so how often would you this bottom one is correct so I know that the question how is here but how often is the question phrase we need to keep those two words together don't split your how offense or your how long's keep those two together please hmm all right good whew we're running out of time so I'll finish there for that point great nice job with your with your example sentence this guy guys Brian on YouTube says Alicia can I use could instead of would not necessarily know I can't talk about good in this lesson there's not enough time but no could and would while sometimes they can be used to make grammatically correct sentences they change the meaning using could changes the meaning and there is some different some different ways to use could I can't talk about it now we don't have time but I think actually I made a whiteboard video about that point so you can check that on the channel sometime soon okay and um we're running out of time but I guess we'll take a quick break because I would like to take a break so really quickly if you've missed it before as always this week we have free stuff for you guys I have a huge a huge pile of free PDFs I could not choose for this week because this is about imagining your future and we imagine the future about so many different topics here so earlier I mentioned like travel travel to be a really good topic some good vocabulary words to think about other ones who we are one for pets that could be really good if you bought a dog what kind of dog would you buy for example so there are some pets oh my gosh actually there are like names of dogs back here too you can check this out like to find the names of your favorite dogs that's cute I haven't seen them before and cats too if you're a cat person as well I'm more of a dog person I'm allergic to cats okay alright so please check these out these are on English class 101 calm the link is below the video on YouTube check below the video the link and above the video on facebook and twitter and twitch alrighty so go download those there's like 13 of them I think yeah you can see them now that's a lot fantastic okie dokie let's go on to the last point for today so we talked about this kind of if Clause main Clause some review and remember you can switch that to you can't you don't have to use if clause first main clause second you can swap them that's why we're gonna talk about will and going to at the end of today's lesson some review oh yes don't forget to like the video if you haven't already it helps other people find it actually so if you want to you want to help us just hit the like button this brake is proudly sponsored by Singh I don't know if I can say that that's funny though okay um Marcelino I cannot put the link in the chat I am not in control the link should be right below the video on YouTube in the description if you're watching on YouTube okay so let's finish today with a review point about two expressions or two grammar points that are for making predictions about the future they are will and going to will end going to so I'm not this is not a review about your future plans but this is a review for your guesses your your ideas about the future when should we use these so we tend to use will for like prediction here's a key word prediction prediction means guess prediction to make a prediction like some idea about the future oh yes here it is this is what I'm writing on the board predictions far in the future far in the future so things we can't see things we can't see or we're not so sure so and this is my example sentence with will in the future we'll have flying cars here I have the reduced form wheel as we will in the future we will have flying cars we will here's a negative then we won't have clean water if we don't protect the environment so these two sentences use will and won't to make a prediction to make a guess about the future so we use these as I said far in the future far in the future means a long long time in the future and we use these for things maybe it's hard to guess we're not sure maybe we don't have all the information or a lot of information so you can use will and the negative won't will not in these cases however going to is a little bit different also going to we use these for like easy predictions so things we can see things we can see so like for example if you're watching like a soccer game or something and you can see the player moving towards the ball and you can guess what he's going to do or she's going to do you can say oh he's going to shoot a goal or something I don't like you can use going to four things that are easy to see easy to predict we can guess that like based on the information we have we can make a strong guess about that like weather also it's gonna rain I think it's gonna rain yeah so we use going to it's like really really strong a close future maybe or we're very confident about the prediction so examples here the company is gonna so this is going to in the reduced form the company is gonna grow a lot next year so maybe I have a lot of confidence about this idea like how the company is gonna grow a lot next year maybe I have a lot of information I can make this prediction with confidence another one the president is going to make a huge mistake the president is going to make a huge mistake so here I'm very confident here I'm going to make a huge mistake so I can see based on the information I have and I can make a strong prediction yeah nice good work you guys so you're sending some predictions in the chat I'll be having lunch around noon oh that's maybe not a prediction that's just a statement of fact so if you have some predictions you can send a prediction for the month of June if you like yeah what are you going to do in June what do you think might happen in June that's a question but anyway that's a good point to finish on today's lesson so we'll and going to we can use to make a prediction to make a guess about the future one is strong one not so strong to put it quite simply all right but it is thirty minutes past the hour which means I need to finish it so we'll finish up for that with that for today thank you very much for joining us as always so you know we will be back we're going to be here again next week of course next week's topic though is something I'm excited about next week we'll be back Wednesday June 6th at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time our topic will be slang and idioms food and eating related slang and idioms so these are expressions you can use when you go out to like eat with your friends when you're cooking at home when you're just eating in general but I want to introduce some vocabulary that's a little bit more casual more commonly used among friends and that one so please join us for this one next week next over here next week June 6 2006 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time is New York City time if you don't know your time your countries or your cities time please Google please just google it on the facebook chat and as yes we do have a YouTube channel if you're watching on Facebook and you don't know our YouTube channel please check us out at English class 101 English class 1:01 on YouTube you can find us there if you're watching on YouTube and you want to check our Facebook page our Facebook page has lots of like little updates all throughout the week you can find us at English class 101 as well so find us everywhere all over the Internet alright but next week definitely please join us for our next live stream if you want a reminder you can get a reminder on the event schedule page on Facebook or you can set a notification on the YouTube channel so we have lots of ways to remember the live stream ok I will finish up there for today don't forget of course don't forget to go download this stuff right here all of this is free so please take a look the link is below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook and Twitter which everything else so I'll finish there thank you as always for sending your great example sentences thank you for your question thank you for liking the video too actually it really helps us a lot and don't forget to check out the new know your verb series that's up on the channel the team worked really hard to put that together so enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the rest of your night have a good week have a good weekend and I'll see you again next week bye bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 29,328
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Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, how to talk about your future, talk about your future
Id: Is3cKnHxZu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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