Talking About Your Work in English (with May, Might, and Probably)

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back to our weekly at live stream my name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about how to talk about your plans and I'm going to focus on using may might and probably to do this today's lesson will be a good one for I think beginners and of course it will be good grammar review at the end of today's lesson I'm also going to cover some other expressions you can use to talk about your plan so I hope that everyone can find something while we wait for everyone to join a couple announcements and as you join please don't forget to hit the like button and share today's lesson so that other people can find it announcement one as always there is free stuff for you this is the sports and exercise PDF but from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook there are free PDF files for you to download to get some vocabulary words and expressions to practice so I will show you a couple of these later in today's lesson that's announcement one announcement two is as usual I want to remind you about something you can participate in this is I think I showed last week a screenshot from our weekly Q&A series our weekly question and answer series asked Alicia where you can send me your questions your English related questions grammar vocabulary whatever or culture related questions and I will choose them and maybe answer them this is a screenshot I was talking about the difference between especially and special s especially and specifically in this one so if you have any questions you want to answer you want me to answer maybe you can send them to me at English class slash asked - Alicia and of course you can watch these episodes on our YouTube channel the English class 101 youtube channel you I am toasty this morning okay all right I see lots of people in the check now hello on YouTube I see a dual Oscar Augusto can will eat hello Hema loves loves Aamir hi hope I said that right Dario will Mars satsang Brendale hello everybody and Facebook - hi everybody sander rayon hi vanaf bodger Arlene Oh someone's name I can't read md md jack aria Gina's o2 file hello everybody I hope I said that correctly and I see a member on our YouTube chat - hi Alfonso alright so as I said today's lesson is going to be about using may might and probably to express your plans I'm going to talk about the differences between these words so of course as always in today's lesson please send your example sentences in the chat I will try to check live I can't promise I can check everything I will try to get to yours live but send your questions as well as they pop up Wow YouTube hi hi hi unfazed book hi hi hi lots of messages there okay I'm going to share today's lesson and then I'm going to begin our topic for today all right so as always I have a couple of different things I have like three basic groups that I want to split today's lesson into so the first group the first topic I want to talk about today is using may and might may and might so - for today's lesson yes I want to note that we use may to ask permission to do something yes like may I use the restroom or may I borrow your pen yes we have this use of May but today I'm not going to focus on that grammar point I'm not going to talk about using May to ask permission today I'm going to focus on using may and might the meaning that they share the meaning is similar so with that in mind I want to first talk about the differences between the positive and the negative uses of may and might so when we make a positive sentence when we make a positive statement with may or with might it expresses about a 50 or 60 percent chance of something so it's a pretty good chance of something but we're not sure we're not 100% sure about our plan so maybe 50 to 60 percent this is not a perfect rule just a guide when you make a negative statement however so that means may not or might not something it expresses a low chance so like 20% or 30% chance of something a low chance of the following activity so positive negative also I want to point out lots of people ask how do I know should I choose may or should I choose might what should I do might is more common in American English in American English we usually say I might do this I might not do that we use might much more often than we use may in American English may is of course correct but to American English speakers it's sometimes sounds a little bit more formal so if we want to sound more polite we might use May we might use May but generally speaking generally American English speakers I'm an American English speaker we use might might so how do we make a statement how do we make a statement with may or might to do this we have our subject so subject that means I or you or he she we they are subject plus either may or might today I'm going to practice might a lot but you can use May here so subject might to make it negative ad not here so subject might not I might not he might not she may not so this is optional to make the negative form put you're not here and finally we use the infinitive verb so I might not go or he may come and then we'll add some extra information after the verb according to the verb you choose so let's take a look at some examples first one I might go hiking this weekend I might go hiking this weekend so a positive sentence I subject might so fifty to sixty percent chance of something go is my infinitive verb and the information after hiking this weekend so I might go hiking it's also grammatically correct but we want to talk about our specific plan yeah so we include this weekend for the time period i michael hiking this weekend okay second example we may see a movie tomorrow night we may see a movie tomorrow night so again this probably this might sound a little bit more formal in american english it's correct it's totally correct it sounds a little more polite though so we may see here's my subject we may so 50 to 60% chance or so see is my verb in the infinitive form so remember infinitive form means just the basic dictionary form when you check the dictionary the infinitive form is the the form that's in the dictionary so we may see a movie tomorrow night the difference here between see a movie and watch a movie when you use C it sounds like you're going to the movie theater if you say we may watch a movie tonight it sounds like you're going to stay at home and watch the movie that's the difference okay let's look at some negative examples and then of course as I'm teaching this part your question for the chat live and not live is what's something you might do this weekend so send me your examples and I'll try to check them in a minute let's look at some negatives though she might not come to the beach with us tomorrow she might not come to the beach with us tomorrow so this one again a negative my subject is she I'm using might not might not so that means there's a very low chance of this action there's a very low chance of this activity she might not come to the beach with us so that means there was some plan that we had I want to express one person's plan to not come so there's a very low chance this person will come she might not come to the beach with us tomorrow one more negative example I may not be able to attend your party after all so I included this example sentence for a couple reasons first I may not be able to I may not be able to attend so this isn't important and small what sounds like a small point but this is a very helpful expression I might not be able to do something this is different it sounds different in nuance then sorry I had to do I might not attend I might not attend your party after all if I say I might not attend your party after all it sounds like that's my decision I decide I'm not going to attend if however you say I am sorry I may not I may not be able to attend your party this be able to sounds like there's some other outside responsibilities like you have work a sudden work project or your family or some other situation you need to deal with so that means you can't do it you're not able to do it it's not possible so this makes the sentence much much softer I might not be able to attend your party another thing I want to talk about with this one is this after all after all after all so this does not mean like it's not a literal expression it doesn't mean like after Oh what yeah this means in the end in the end so this means like at the end of the situation so we use this in cases where we've discussed something so in this situation for example maybe I talked to someone about attending a party we made a plan together and then a week later I'm like oh wait I don't know if I can come I might not be able to attend after all of our discussion after all of the things we talked about after all of those details shared in the end I don't think I'm able to attend so after all shows like you recognize the stuff all of the things all of the details from before so it was not possible after all you can use this expression in positive sentences to like how it was okay after all like the situation was okay after all I was able to catch a taxi after all so you can use this in positive and negative expressions we usually use it to talk about like kind of the opposite of the plans like we were really worried about something but it was okay after all or I had a plan to do something but I couldn't do it after all so that's kind of the feeling with this one so also last point for section one today use the negative to talk about plans the other person already knows about so like if I say to you like what's something you're going to do this weekend or what's something you might do this weekend and you say I might not go to your party or like I might not do something else well I didn't know about that plan so it sounds strange that you tell me something you're not going to do so we usually use the negative to talk about plans the other person that was about alright so this is part one I'm going to check your examples now Adriana on YouTube says I might not be able to watch your kids good example perfect nyla says I might go to the park this coming weekend excellent Khan Walid says I might not go for an internship after exams because my brother is coming next week from abroad nice okay Henry says she might go to the supermarket this Sunday perfect nice grammar everybody on Facebook I don't see examples right now on Facebook uh let me see I've got some lag maybe I don't know no examples on Facebook okay uh maybe I missed some to Juby on youtube says I may not be able to finish this video because I'm about to leave for work oh great example all right example and also you can watch this later it is being recorded Lucas says I might not go to the beach with my friends this weekend perfect Nicola says he might not go to college tomorrow nice one nice one Elton says I might run 10k this weekend ooh nice what might I do I think I might go surfing this weekend I'm actually I'm probably that I'll save that for the next one I'll save that for my next one that's my probable plan okay great very nice examples everybody up some on Facebook now a nice Facebook cell says I might not be able to go to work tomorrow cuz of the snow oh it's a snowy where you are and do Yemi says I might go to a party tonight good uh Phil says I'm sorry feely says I might not go to work tomorrow so remember this verb I might not infinitive form so no ing form here I might not go to work tomorrow good very nice everybody okay let's take a break and then we'll go to part two for today's lesson alright I will share over here I chose a couple I chose a couple pdf's I don't usually show you I think these are the leisure time activities pedia leisure time means free time your free time activities this has on the back some things that we do in our free time so this is a great one I think to practice today's grammar point with like I might stay home this weekend or I might go to a concert this weekend so this one has some vocabulary words for your free time the things you may or may not do in your free time you can check this one out I also chose this one this is the sports sports sports connect and exercise media on the back of this of course sorry at the bottom here there are some sports you can talk about some common sports but on the back again you can find a list of physical activity related phrases some of you were talking about running 10k or going to the gym that kind of thing so this is good for maybe like physical physical activities and so on so check this out check out the other one I showed you too there's a whole bunch more I'll try to show you a couple more later but check this out you can find this from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook so check them out there and they are free and you need an account at English class but it is free after you make your account sign in and go to the bottom of the page there's a link there to get this stuff for free some of you have asked how to do that so check that out and improve your vocabulary okay ah great so let's go on to part 2 for today's lesson then if you're just joining today's topic is how to talk about your plans with may might and probably I just talked about may and might so now I'm going to talk about probably yes if you are just joining to please don't forget to hit the like button make sure to hit the thumbs up button and share the video so that other learners can find today's lesson Oh cute okey let's go to parts two then part two is about probably using probably to describe your plans so I'm off this feet let's go let's go over here so let's use probably now so probably is used to describe a very high chance of something in a positive sentence in negative and negative expressions then it describes a very low chance of something so in this lesson I'm going to talk about using probably together with future tense with simple future tense expressions so this is some review may be the difference between will and going to we can use probably with will and going to to make our plans a little bit more like specific to make to express our plans more clearly yeah so to make positive expressions with probably we can say I will probably I'll probably so aisle this is the reduced form the short form of I will I will probably we don't say I will probably I'll probably I'll probably and we can also use going to going to so if your subject is I you can say I'm probably going to I'm probably going to and also note this going to in speech we usually say gonna gonna also another point about probably in very fast speech we don't really say probably we don't say probably really clearly it sounds like don't write this don't write this when you're writing messages but it sounds like prolly prolly so for example when I say I'm probably going to in every speech I said I say I'm probably gonna I'm probably gonna I'm probably gonna go surfing this weekend that's how it sounds in everyday speech I do not say I'm probably going to go surfing so keep in mind we've reduced this expression a lot I'm probably gonna something so we use these to make positive expressions for negatives then there are some things to consider some things to think about first when you use will you need to make the negative so you you use will not the reduced form is won't won't I probably won't so please note in the positive it's aisle probably yeah so I will probably we don't say I won't probably we say I probably won't I probably won't do this thing I probably won't go there and when we use going to I'm probably not going to so here the negative comes before going to I'm probably not going to so at native speed these sound like I probably won't do that or I'm probably not going to do that I'm probably not gonna do that so what is the difference between will and going to very quickly a quick reminder we use will for today's lesson we use will to talk about decisions we make in the conversation so if I decide something now like at a restaurant thing I'm probably gonna I don't know I'll probably get this salad so I just decided that at the restaurant if you want to talk about something you decided before the conversation it sounds a bit more natural to say I'm probably going to of course we can use going to to express strong decisions we make in the moment of speaking but this is kind of an easy way to divide the two for today so let's look at some example sentences that use this first I'm probably gonna get dinner with a friend I'm probably gonna get dinner I can use e to eat is fine I'm probably gonna get dim with a friend so again at native speed this sentence sounds like I'm probably gonna get dinner with a friend tonight I'm probably gonna get dinner with a friend tonight quite fast so we're reducing probably and gonna even more I'm probably gonna I'm probably gonna get dinner with a friend another positive example this one with Eyal I will probably finish work around 6:00 I'll probably finish work around 6:00 at native speed that sounds like I'll probably finish work around 6:00 I'll probably finish work around 6:00 so we use this expression like when you're texting someone like you're texting your friend or like your girlfriend or boyfriend or your family member and you want to give them an update about your time like your schedule you can say I'll probably finish work I'll probably finish work so work means your job you could say school to I'll probably finish school around 6:00 so you can use this expression to share your schedule updates very useful ok on to a couple of negative ones and please do remember we can change the subject here so I focused on using I as the subject but we can use he he he'll probably she'll probably wheel probably or he's probably going to remember your verb needs to change with if your subject is he she or it here he she or it is probably going to so some examples he probably won't have time for a meeting today he probably won't have time for a meeting today you're talking about someone else's schedule here maybe like your boss or your coworker he probably won't he probably won't so this shows I'm deciding now his schedule is pretty full there's a very low chance of a meeting today there's a very low chance of time for a meeting today one more we're probably not going to go to the company party we're probably not going to go to the company party a native speed this sounds like we're probably not gonna go to the company party so very very quickly reduce those sounds quite a lot and if you like we're probably not go we can remove this part to the company party we're probably not going to the company party it's okay to use this going when you're using go when the verb is going to are sorry when you're using going to and you're using go after that you can just remove that to go we're probably not going to the company party that's okay so how about you what are you probably going to do this weekend send in the chat what are you probably going to do this weekend so there are many people watching oh my gosh okay lots of people out there hi everybody uh her nesto on youtube says I'm probably I'm probably gonna passed the English reading text test next week so when you use this one I'm probably going to make sure going to comes after probably so not I'm gonna probably but I'm probably gonna I'm probably gonna I'm probably gonna yeah deep breath says I'm probably going to buy this book nice Jessie Hussey hello I'm YouTube says I'll probably stay home to study English on YouTube with Alisha's lessons thank you okay uh on Facebook uh Ali Asghar hello I'm I'll probably go to bed around 12:00 okay so make sure don't mix so in that example you have I'll probably and going to choose one I'll probably go to bed or I'm probably going to go to bed only one or the other so don't mix Iolande going to there elephant says I'm probably going to the moon this weekend I don't believe you okay let's see Karim says I he probably won't go with us on a picnic because he has hay fever bummer bummer bummer means too bad bummer is do people say bummer yeah bummer means too bad I don't know if that's the coolest word right now but that uh Julian says er SS I'm probably gonna something on vacation don't forget your verb I'm probably going to you need a verb at the end we're making a verb phrase here I'll probably verb I'll probably I'm probably going to verb don't forget your verb there ah site on YouTube says is it correct to say I might or might not to show the actions in a short way like maybe or maybe not ah you mean like I might or I might not yeah but it's you're you're not making any decision there really so you're not really communicating very much it just shows that you haven't decided something in that situation if I understand your question correctly I would probably just say I don't know yet I haven't decided yet I might I might not I don't know we'll see so I that I probably would just say I don't know all right on Facebook I'm probably going to listen to your lesson says Mohammed whoo-hoo thanks Richard says hello I'm playing Final Fantasy seven okay that is cool are you going to do that this weekend um other ones I'm probably gonna take a vacation take a vacation sounds a little more natural in American English we tend to say take a vacation with that verb taken there I'm probably going to go fishing this weekend going to go fishing so don't forget your verb here yeah I'll probably go I'm probably going to go hmm all right let's take one more extremely short break and then I'll introduce no more grammar really a little bit of grammar and then we'll go to a few extra expressions that you can use to express your plans as well so what did I show you earlier I showed you sports and I showed you free time activities let's look at least very quickly I chose a couple more of these move a couple more of these free PDFs over here to share with you I thought these would be good for today's lesson the first one this one is if you travel a lot I know a lot of you are studying English to improve your communication skills for work and for business so if you are a business traveler this is the hotel the hotel one on the back here our questions like what time is checkout is breakfast included and stuff like that so you can use similar phrases with today's grammar like I might have breakfast or I'll probably check out at something something or I probably won't go to the I don't know conference or something like that in the conference hall I don't know so this I thought this would be maybe a nice one to refer to of course there's other hotel vocabulary here and one more this one is the dining one so it's is dining like a champ champ is short for champion but this one has expressions on the back for talking about the food and then there's also on the front expressions to use when you order as well so I just I mentioned one of my example sentences was like I'll probably have or I'm probably gonna get something something something when you order at a restaurant so this might be another nice one for you to check to reviews so check this out all of this stuff and lots more that I did not and will not show you in depth today you can find all of these from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook there's a link login with your account if you do not have an account you can make a free account and get this stuff if you're watching on Instagram sorry I can't see your comments live get the link on YouTube or Facebook alrighty then let's go to the last point for today's lesson if you're just joining at the end today's topic is talking about your plans with May might and probably the last part of today's lesson will just introduce a few other expressions that are related to today's topic of course if you have not yet do make sure to like and share today's video so other people can find it alright let's go then to the last group part 3 other expressions uh this one first one there's a chance aisle there's a chance aisle for example there's a chance I'll see him this weekend or there is a chance we'll get coffee tomorrow so this the key here is there is a chance aisle so we're talking about something that is not sure we are not at all sure but we just want to express something is possible there's a chance we're not saying it's high likelihood we're not saying it's high possibility we're not saying low it's I guess if I had to choose I would say maybe 50% there's a chance aisle there's a chance aisle and verb probably infinitive form there's a chance I'll see him there's a chance I'll go there's a chance I'll do something so don't forget this will reduced here and of course he'll or she'll so you can express H simply a chance when you want to express possibility you can do that next one when you want to be really formal I've used this in emails from time to time recently made me know this sounds a more on the formal side there's a slight possibility I'm gonna have to okay so I've combined a few things here the key for this sentence really is slight possibility slight possibility slight means small there's a slight possibility possibility think of possibility is a more formal or a more polite expression for chance so this is like the this part there's a slight possibility something something something is like a formal way of saying there's a chance of something so there's a slight possibility and then here just for your reference I'm introducing I'm have to I'm going to have to so this is expressing a future responsibility so this is a little different from I have to do something if I want to talk about a future like maybe after a few things maybe after a few days I'm going to have to so I'm talking about a responsibility maybe next week so this is different from I have to teach a live stream and maybe oh I'm gonna have to go to the bank tomorrow Oh like we use this after like some situation or some decision has been made that changes our future plans a bit so there's a slight possibility I'm gonna have to another way to say this is there's a chance that in the future I will have this responsibility for example there's a slight possibility I'm gonna have to cancel my reservation or there's a slight possibility I'm gonna have to skip the meeting so some usually there's some change that changes your future responsibilities ok those long so let's go to next I'm thinking about verb in the ing form I'm thinking about so thinking about means you have not decided yet but you just want to express your idea to someone this one is useful when you're making plans hmm I'm thinking about taking a vacation this weekend or I'm thinking about going to that new restaurant or I'm thinking about checking out that movie do you want to come so you're expressing just an idea here I'm thinking about verb a verb in the ing form your progressive or your continuous form here Alfonzo says probably I'm so I'm probably gonna go I'm probably gonna go as the order so you're probably should go after I'm I'm probably gonna go Andrew says there's a slight possibility I'll speak at the conference okay good nice one other ones other ones I don't see other ones uh on Facebook says there's a chance I'll go meet up with the teacher meet up with meet up with someone there's a chance I'll go meet up with the teacher um okay on to this one I'm debating I'm debating between continuous verb and continuous verb debating debating so a debate is a discussion between two people like a formal discussion opinion a and opinion B discuss so when you say I'm debating it means in your head in your mind you have two ideas and you're trying to decide between the two of them I'm debating between watching a movie at the theater and staying home and cooking I'm debating between going to Cambodia and going to Thailand so when you're trying to decide between two things I'm debating between continuous expression continuous expression okay I'm extremely late so the last one is maybe I'll maybe I'll be careful with this sometimes I hear students use maybe when they just don't know how to answer something so maybe I'll is used when you're not sure about something and you just want to share an idea like maybe when I said what are you going to do this weekend or what something you might do this weekend like oh no no maybe watch a movie or maybe I'll do something something so maybe I'll is really like I don't know this is just an idea it's lower chance than might I might watch a movie or maybe I'll maybe I'll is a little lower chance than positive might watch a movie I might watch a movie or maybe I'll watch a movie it's like this person really doesn't know yet they just want to share an idea all right I am six minutes late so let's stop okay I'll end there there are a couple good examples coming in Mahmud says I'm debating between going to the gym and working out at home so make sure that second expression is also using a verb in continuous form I'm debating between going to the gym and working out at home and it's perfect then it's perfect I'm debating between going to the movies and playing video games is really perfect nice job Charles says I'm debating between improving my English or my French ah that's one case if your verb is shared if you're using the same verb in both a and B you can drop the second verb so I'm debating between improving my English or my French because improving is the same verb there all right too much and I'm very late so I have to stop thank you as always for joining us live this week we'll be back again next week next week's topic is how to use will and would I always forget likely I always forget next week I am planning to talk about the differences between will and wood and I think this lesson is about using them for the future so we'll talk a little bit about this will point that I described in part 2 of today's lesson so join us live 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that is New York City time if you do not know your local time please google it or you can set a notification on YouTube or Facebook to make sure you do not miss our lesson so please join us again next week we will have a grand time also don't forget to download the free things I talked about in today's lesson you can find them from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on facebook just login with your account and get them so enjoy the rest of your week thank you so much for liking and sharing the video we all really really appreciate it and we will see you again very soon have a nice week have a nice weekend bye bye
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 85,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, basic phrases, basic english phrases, talking about your work in english, work in english, business phrases, may, might, probably, potential in english
Id: mZFcvkmNX60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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