8 Creative Ways to Answer How Are You in English

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oh great tie everybody welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and this week we're going to talk about responding to greetings creatively creatively so the goal for today's live lesson is to give you some ideas to help you go from like how are you good how are you not bad to giving like a more creative response so today I'm gonna introduce a few like common greetings during the day and at night and I'm going to share some ideas just a few ideas for how you can respond more creatively like to be more personal so if you have ideas during the lesson please send your ideas in the chat I'm also going to in for a couple I'll break down some grammar points inside these creative answers so we're going to start in a couple of minutes as you join please make sure to like and share the video and send a message in the chat I see Facebook and YouTube are up hi Facebook guilhom and Cesar Lila be gem seif oh you mean maybe it's uh deke hello everybody Lonny hi everybody can't hear you they say is that alright face someone on facebook says okay well maybe check things look okay on our end hello and hi YouTube I see lots of people on YouTube now hello YouTube Felipe and khadijah Gloria feda Mariana Malad Raimondo Gabrielle Carlos Ronald oh my gosh lots of people hi thank you very much for joining us again this week as I said this week's topic is responding to greetings creatively so in part one of today's lesson I'm going to talk about actually part 1 and part 2 about greetings that are common during the day and in the last part of today's lesson I'll talk about like past tense greetings so like greetings you might hear at the end of the day and past tense responses but today we're going to focus on like more creative personalized ways to say hello so we'll give a couple more minutes maybe one or two more minutes for people to join as always please don't forget to check out the free stuff that we have every week from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook we have lots and lots of free pdf lessons with vocabulary and phrases these are great if you are a beginner student or just want to refresh there are many topics so please check the link from our side I have one thing I wanted to share I tweeted about there's a new episode of know your verbs if you have not seen the know your verbs series in each episode I focus on one verb and I talk about different ways to use the verb so the verb set has a lot of different meanings that's the focus verb for this new episode of know your verbs so please check the English class 101 YouTube channel to watch this video there are many people who have seen this already I was really surprised and lots of good example sentences in the comments from you all as well so please check out the new episode of know your verbs I hope that it's helpful for you alright with that I'm going to get started with this week's lesson I'm going to share the video and then I'm going to begin so again as I said please make sure to send your ideas in the chat throughout the lesson so if you have an idea for a response if you have an idea for how to answer one of these greetings please send it in the chat and we can take a look I'll try to check as many as possible as always but sometimes there are many people in the chat so it's hard to see everything okay I will oh I will share and be so today we're gonna talk first about the greeting how are you how are you how are you can be used at any time of day of course but I'm going to focus for now on like greetings maybe in the morning or maybe with someone you haven't seen for a while how are you basic responses - how are you are good fine not so good those kinds of greetings those one-word greetings those are great you can totally use those no problem they are fine they are correct and they are natural to use but if you want to maybe try to be a little funny or if you want to be more personal about your response these are a few ways to do that so I'm going to explain these and talk a little bit about the grammar - the first one here is hanging in there hanging in there so here one point we will see this point throughout today's lesson actually this hang in this is actually an ing word hanging hanging but in casual speech we drop the final G sound and it sounds like hanging hanging so you'll often see this with like an apostrophe so this apostrophe means it's like a rough or short sound hanging instead of hanging so hanging in there sounds like maybe I have some challenges in my life or I've had some trouble maybe but I'm okay like it's maybe been a really busy week or I have a lot of homework I have a lot of work to do but I'm doing my best I'm hanging in there it sounds a little a little bit like there's some trouble but you're okay so how are you hanging in there that's the like the voice we would use how are you hanging in there that's how we would use this Bonz teach us how to respond angrily okay try though to a greeting I'm not sure we'll see we'll see let's look though at this next one if you are feeling sick if you're feeling sick you have a cold or you're very tired or you're maybe upset usually though we use this next one when we feel sick this is common for feeling sick and in very casual situation so don't use this with your boss or someone above you the expression is I feel like death I feel like death so this is a pronunciation point death so don't pronounce this as deaths with an S sound death death I feel like death so death death is a concept yes so means like something dying yes but to say you I personally I feel like death it shows like my physical condition right now is so bad it's just really really terrible I feel awful when we want to express that like it's like dying but it's a little bit funny and and quite casual you can say I feel like death I feel like death so again this is not a very positive phrase no and there are some other phrases more kind of rude words we can use here I feel like something I can't talk about them on this channel but you can use some more rude words here in in place of death to describe your sick feelings so I feel like garbage you could say I feel like trash you could use that do okay so this is one you can use when you feel sick very sick someone wrote I feel like death warmed over a nice one nice one death warmed over so like slightly recovering from death yeah on Facebook NEPA porn said I'm feeling sick yes you can use that I'm feeling sick okay on to the next one the next one an important grammar point here is I've been better so the answer I'm sorry how are you the response I've been better or you will often hear native speakers drop I've we say been better so the conversation sounds like how are you I've been better been better which means I've been better so I've this is the reduced form of I have I have been better so what does this mean better better is the comparative form but what are we comparing here so this means I've been better than this or better than better than I am now so this means my condition now is not so good in the past I have been better than I am in this moment so in the past my condition was better than now my condition now is not good I've been better but we often drop I've how are you I've been better so this this is not a good thing this is a negative one actually been better Josie says can I use it could be better up close you can say I could be better I could be better so how are you the question is about you your condition I could be better so the subject here is I in these cases okay another one are sorry another person wrote I've seen better days yeah yeah yeah I've seen better days it's good I'm well yes is nice I've been hungry interesting I've been hungry that's a pretty good one so the reason why I laughed control just laugh did I've been hungry and you say I've been hungry it sounds like maybe starting earlier in the day or the day before you started being hungry and you're hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry until this moment so it sounds like maybe you didn't eat for some reason so if someone says if you say I've been hungry someone will probably laugh like we just did so that's what it means that's why we left so it's not incorrect not incorrect but it sounds a little bit funny okay let's go on to the next one someone used could hear so this is I could use a coffee I could use a coffee so I've chosen coffee for my example sentence because I like coffee and when I feel like low energy I usually I want coffee so you can replace coffee here with whatever makes you feel good like I could use an energy drink or I could use some chocolate or I could use some tea whatever it is that makes you feel good and that's socially appropriate to talk about you can put that here so how are you I could use a coffee so the idea here is my energy is a little low if I have this thing I would be happier it would be good I would be like in a better condition yeah yeah Arturo hi Arturo says I feel better then I did early in the morning I feel better than I did early in the morning yeah so I could use a coffee or I could use some chocolate whatever your thing is you can replace it here someone wrote I could use chai perfect nice one DK eighteen mmm I don't see comments on Facebook water yeah water is good I could use some water good okay someone I feel like death okay all right nice nice okay I've got it I could use a tequila says dude be careful be careful if you're gonna use alcohol in this correct yeah but I'll talk about this later using that is more common at the end of the day if you use I could use a tequila at like 9:00 in the morning it's probably not gonna miss probably not a good idea so this is one be careful what you choose and consider the time of day I could use some chicken your answers are very creative everybody I like it I like it okay let's move along to the next one here and if you have ideas please send them along ah someone wrote Abdul wrote I could use a cup of joe cup of joe is a slang expression cup of joe cup of joe means coffee so joe is a slang word for coffee cup of joe means cup of coffee nice one okay let's go on to this last one which is simply alive alive how are you alive so it's just very neutral how are you alive so it's just I'm here I'm like existing I'm continuing I'm alive so it's just a very like neutral there's not really a positive it's not a negative you could use your voice to like if you feel bad you could say alive and it sounds kind of negative if you use positive like a positive voice how are you alive like it sounds a little more excited so you can use alive as well a very simple response so maybe these maybe this one for feeling sick you can make your own statement here we're placing death with your feeling or you could explain what you want with this pattern okay other things yeah lots of people said I could use some coffee great great great I could use a tea nice okay so let's move on to the second question the second type of greeting I talked about how are you we can use these let's talk about what's up what's up how do we respond to what's up so basic response - what's up are just not much nothing that's it what's up not much what's up nothing other responses there are a lot of ways to respond to this you can use this one this is a very common response that's very natural it's same old same old same old same old we say this twice yes it sounds strange I know what's up same old same old so this means same old stuff the same old things in my life that's what's up that's what I'm doing that's my news same old job same old news whatever same old same old and we use that intonation what's up same old same old so you can use that if nothing has changed nothing is new just the same thing as always same old same oh good some lots of people are writing nothing much not too much not much good good so those are basic responses - what's up yes you can absolutely use those not much yeah poor hang on Facebook wrote this ceiling the ceiling yes we are going to talk about such creative responses later so I'll come back to this in just a moment nice one Jorge this is a this is a common school child joke let's go back to here for a second though what's up some people will respond to this question with a recent news topic actually so like what's up president Trump's new speech something like that or what's up like the price of tea in China or something I don't know so some people will use a recent news topic they are interested in to respond to this so what's a news topic like a really quick like introduction to the news topic you can do this if there's something you are interested in and it's appropriate for the people you're talking to you could use a recent news topic to respond to this what's up what's a good recent news topic what's up the Academy Awards yeah I don't know so I personally don't really like this one I don't use this one very much but some people do choose to use this yeah the price of tea in China okay good so let's move on to Jorge on Facebook had a great another example of this some people like to make a joke about this question so this question if we understand this question directly what's up like actually what is above you what's up so of course we know what's up means how are you but some people especially children like to make a joke and respond with something above us so for example what's up the sky or what's up the ceiling so ceiling means like the top the top of a room so the ceiling the ceiling what's up the sky what's up the ceiling so if there's something above you you could say what's up a lamp that kind of joke it's a small joke so I don't recommend using this with adults you can use this with like close friends when I say adults I mean like your co-workers or your colleagues you don't have to do that all right last points for this part this one it says here company stock prices what's up company stock prices I've heard this now and then from people who are interested in business finance investing so for example like Apple Apple is a company so if someone says what's up Apple stock prices so stock prices refers to so stock is like the part of a company that you can buy so that people can buy so stock prices if they are up so that shows there was a an increase in the company's value so what's up Apple stock prices I sometimes hear this from people like business and financial investment related work so those kinds of industries I've sometimes heard this finally a final joke here some people use their health condition in response to this so what's up this is one example like my cholesterol so don't worry about this word cholesterol is a word again relating to your health condition cholesterol is the mmm it's like the stuff that collects inside your body like it's it's bad stuff that collects inside your body like fatty oily stuff causes it inside your veins yeah that's more specific your veins veins are the parts of your body that carry blood to and from other parts of your body so cholesterol inside your body is a bad thing if your cholesterol is up that's bad so like what's up my cholesterol so some people like to make a joke with their health condition here okay wow that was a long talk holy cow I'm gonna take a break uh I will take a break yes right now so thanks very much for sending all your questions but as always we do have free stuff I want to make sure to share with you again I chose well I just want to introduce a lot of the different topics that I don't always talk about here but today we're talking about this like greetings topic kind of some basic review so if you are looking for some things to help you refresh your vocabulary um basic topics so this one's about like romance this one's about like singing I know many people are interested in music here and this one is about food which we talked about recently if there's something a gap that you have in your oh thank you if there's a gap that you have in your vocabulary take a look at these these are all for free on the website there's two pages on the back there's a list of phrases and a key vocabulary words you can check out so these are just a few I'll try to show some more later in depth but if you know there's something like you need to study more about or you just want to refresh your vocabulary please check out these you can find them at English class 101.com the link is below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook but please take a look if you're watching on Instagram please check the link on YouTube or Facebook so don't forget to that okay so with that let's move on quickly Wow to the next two parts I might have to go quickly I'm gonna talk about two more questions for today's lesson so again if you're just joining please make sure to like and share the video and send your examples into the chat as well so let's move on to the next part the next part is this question what have you been up to what have you been up to more naturally at native pace we say what have you been up to what have you been up to possible answers to this question we can use creatively just plus a crazy idea or a crazy like plan or something and then no big deal 10 so here's an example of this just planning to take over the world no big deal okay so what does this mean why would we say this when we don't have any special news to share but we want to make a joke we want to say something funny but we don't have anything special to share we might just give like some crazy idea just for fun so here just planning so this is the progressive form planning to take over the world take over the world means like to be like the master of the world so it sound like you you have an evil or a bad plan just planning to take over the world this expression no big deal no big deal means it's just a small thing so this is a common style of joke we're using just at the beginning here to show it's not a big plan but this in the middle is a big plan like taking over the world the entire world so this is a small like kind of funny joke style response so work this part the beginning and the end sound like that's not so big it's not a big plan the middle part is a big plan though so this contrast this imbalance is there's no balance here we we use this imbalance to make something sound a little bit funny it's not super funny but it's just kind of a humorous answer what have you been up to I'm planning to take over the world no big deal so in this answer we see this part ing this progressive form will use this progressive form to answer this type of question quite a lot so I've got this in the the second example here to what have you been up to so this question by the way this question means like like is about your recent activities so we use this in the progressive because we're talking about something that started in the past and that we we've done like it's been a continuous activity until this conversation so for example work in hanging out sleeping a lot you know you know we end sentences with you know when we understand the other person knows like our what we're talking about you know like you understand right so again as I talked about at the beginning of the lesson this working is like the rougher form of working working so instead of working hanging out sleeping a lot we'll drop that G sound is a work in hanging out sleeping a lot so it sounds more natural at least in American English to connect these ideas together so I've been working I've been hanging out I have been sleeping a lot so there are three activities all in the progressive tense in answer to this what have you been up to we're kin hanging out sleeping a lot other things so I know many of you have different different hobbies I have one friend who is very still we're still very into Pokemon go this is true not you no not you I have one friend who's still very into Pokemon gum if I asked him this question what have you been up to you could say catchin Pokemon no actually not him no you see but catch is he catching pokémon catch of Pokemon so if you like to play a Pokemon go or something like that or a different game you could say catchin Pokemon what have you been up to and catching pokémon he he has given me this response this is a true response from an adult he is 36 years old okay then one more for those of you who like watching TV shows and movies on Netflix and Hulu HBO whatever you watch binge watching Netflix shows I've spoken about this expression before to binge watch to binge watch means to watch a lot of TV or a lot of movies like in one weekend earn one nighter in one day you just watch like all of the shows in once in one like TV show binge watching again progressive binge watching Netflix shows binge watching Netflix shows someone says watch and learn English free thanks for watching I've been watching English videos on the internet that's great that's great it's so maybe if you want to you could say that what have you been up to watching English videos on the internet I think that's good for like if you're talking about one day's activity like what did you do today that kind of thing it's okay but I would use more general answers if you're talking about a longer period of time like a week or like a month or something but okay let's continue to the last points of last the last points for today I'm going to talk a bit about greetings at the end of the day now so when you have finished work or you finish your studies for the day you might hear this past tense greeting so you come home to your family members or you meet your roommates or something like that and they ask this question this greeting at the end of the day how was your day how was your day so please note how are you present tense now how was your day so note first past tense how was your day then is the question not how were you today how was your day so your answer should be about what you did that day what did you do what is your opinion of that day answers sample answers someone said earlier I could use a tequila this is a better time of day to respond with an alcohol related question I'm ready for a beer or more generally I'm ready for a drink so depending on your voice you can make a positive or a negative feeling here how was your day I'm ready for a drink like it sounds like it maybe it was a challenging day but you're ready to be finished I'm ready for a drink I'm ready for a beer someone says it was boring fine great good answer good answer it was great to someone else nice good good good it was a wonderful day good I was very busy nice lots of good ones yeah okay check the chats check the chat there are lots of good answers for many people and they're one very quickly long-long how was your day long so this sounds very tired so you had a long shift at work or you had a lot of studying to do how was your day long so this means my day was long but we usually say long just a simple quick response okay how was your day long okay how was your day I'm ready for my bed yeah great one great one so I'm ready for bed you could use bed here so I've chosen so this is a very common response I'm ready for a beer or I'm ready for a drink you could use this I'm ready for bed too I'm ready for bed I'm ready for sleep as well you could use that too nice then on to it's been a long day good be good okay on to next one how was your day it was a day so it was one day in other words it was a day I'm glad it's over so over means finished here it was a day so that means nothing special just one day it was a day I'm glad it's over I'm or I'm happy it's over is also okay it was boring good awesome one Sofia on YouTube wrote I'm ready for a bath yeah great I'm ready for up back is break - nice nice ideas thank you oh I'm ready for some basketball nice yeah if you like to play sports at the end of the day great great you can include that in this I'm ready for some basketball so you could use that at the end of the week - great someone says I'm ready to like this video thank you okay let's finish then quickly with the last two expressions some of you have written about being busy during the day this is a very detailed way to explain that you are busy or that your day was busy here how was your day so busy I didn't have time to eat lunch so busy I didn't have time to eat lunch so my day was so busy I didn't past tense I didn't have time to eat lunch so this is a very specific way to answer to describe how busy was the day so busy I didn't have time to eat lunch finally a positive one I want to end on a positive note today how was your day it was awesome I have good news it was awesome awesome is a word that means very very very very very good so it was super it was fantastic this is a very positive way to talk about your day so maybe you got a raise you got a promotion you passed a test you received an award you had some good feedback you had a good day you can explain that with it was awesome I have good news and you can share that good news then - nice lots of good examples - I so busy I didn't have time to watch TV good my day was great so I'm very happy excellent excellent Alejandro said I am ready to catch some Z's yeah I'm ready I've used for here before a simple noun phrase I'm ready I'm ready I'll put it up here to catch some Z's Z's what are these z we use the letter Z because it sounds kind of like a person snoring snoring is the loud sound people make some people make when they sleep and so we use Z's to show that sound so when I when we say I'm ready for some Z's it means like I'm ready for sleep I'm ready for sleep okay um I think oh I'm very late so I'm going to finish there for today so thank you for all of your example sentences I'm going to wrap up this lesson but as I said before please make sure to take a look at all of the free stuff that we have on English class 101.com you can get all of these all of these and more I don't have all of them printed out but there you can get all of these for free from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook if you're watching on Instagram please check YouTube or Facebook these are two page PDFs that have vocabulary and other phrases for different topics so for travel I know many of you are using your English Studies or doing English studies for work they're shopping related stuff I can't pull them on my hand I talked about this one earlier food and dining so please just check the link and if there's something that looks interesting to you you can download that for free so again that's from English class 101.com below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook so please click the link if you do not have an account you can make an account for free there is a free account you can make there so please check it out alright I have to finish there for today so thank you as always for joining us for our live lesson next week we will be back at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday what's the date it's March 13th thank you March 13th Wednesday March 13th I'm going to talk about how to learn English without a teacher so I've been noticing many comments about learning alone studying alone so I talked about this a little in January making plans but I'll talk about this a little bit more next week so if you need some ideas for studying alone please join us again next week for that lesson March 13th 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time New York City time if you don't know your local time please Google so we'll finish there for today thank you as always for liking the video and for sharing the video and for sending your comments and questions throughout the lesson enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the rest of your week and I will see you again next time bye bye you
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 58,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: englishclass101.com, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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