English Skills for the Real-Word: Spoken English Practice

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wanna speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class 101.com hi everybody my name is Alisha and today we're gonna be talking about 15 questions that you should know so these are 15 questions that not necessarily you need to know how to ask them perhaps you know some of the questions already but you will probably also hear these questions as well so we'll practice a few different answers for these questions too so let's get started do you like American food the first question is do you like American food you will probably be asked this question do you like American food you can either say yes or no or you can give a specific example someone says do you like American food yes I love Philly cheesesteaks I would recommend saying yes or a little or or or you can just say I don't know what do you recommend have you been to the United States the next question is have you been to the United States have you been to the United States so someone asks you have you been to the United States you should reply with either yes I have or no I haven't or maybe no I haven't yet but I want to when you want to ask someone this question you can say have you been to Japan have you been to Egypt have you been to China whatever you can use your own country when you ask this question how are you how are you when someone asks how are you don't say I'm fine thank you and you please don't say that please say something more natural like good great I'm good how are you something like that is much better than I'm fine thank you and you be a little more genuine in your reply also when you ask this question maybe one point to help you sound a little more natural when you ask someone else don't like try to say how are you how are you instead of how are you or and make sure your intonation is correct I've had a few people ask me how are you like a little too moon yeah with this question or like how are you but how are you should be the intonation with this how are you how are you it's a little bit more natural how long have you been studying English how long have you been studying English how long have you studying English great question to know the answer to your answer should be I have been studying English for blah-blah-blah years or bla bla bla month several more weeks but if that's too much for you you can just use the time how long have you been studying English six years how long have you been studying English two months so just pick the time if the whole sentence is quite long for you how old are you we don't really go around asking people how old they are like just the first time you meet them necessarily especially if they're older much older than you like in particular it's sometimes considered rude to ask especially women how old they are so just be careful with this question but if you're about the same age group you know maybe you're at an event or a party or something and you just want to check how old the other person is you can use this phrase when you reply to this just say I'm plus the number to make a really simple response so how old are you I'm 15 how old are you I'm 42 whatever the answer is just stick five in front of it not i but i'm i am but use the contracted form to sound more natural i'm number if you want to make a full sentence you can say i'm number years old don't forget that s in years i'm a million years old what did you say what did you say if you couldn't quite hear something that someone else said you can use this question to confirm sorry what did you say it's a little nicer than just saying what what did you say or what did you just say sorry what did you say I couldn't hear you what's this what's this when you don't know what something is what's this when you're out for dinner you're out for lunch or something and you find a new food or you just you're curious just say what's this to reply to this question just say it's bla bla bla what's your name what's your name of course you should know how to ask this question and how to answer this question what's your name is a little more natural than what is your name again contracted form will help you sound much more natural so what's your name someone asks you you can just give your name Alicia that's fine you can say Alicia you can say I'm Alicia that's fine too you could say my name is or my name's Alicia either any of those are fine in more formal situation a business situation I would I would use my name is Pablo and while I shake hands or something what's your phone number the next one is what's your phone number I would not ask this question right away like maybe you've met the person a few times but you would like to contact them whether it's because you're romantically interested in them or because you want to be better friends with them but just that if you meet someone for the first time and you're like what's your phone number like a little it's a little too much so use this question after you've met the person a few times and you know you want to become better friends when you want to give your phone number just say it's and the number that's fine just it's blah blah blah or my phone number is blah blah blah with the number 5 5 5 1 million and 5 to 6 when is your birthday so maybe you want to plan a birthday party for example or it's just another fun question the first time you meet someone when did your birthday so when you want to tell someone your birthday just give the month and the date mmm January 15th August 42nd that's a real day if you want to make a full sentence you can say my birthday is month date where are you from the next word the next question is where are you from this can refer to your country or your city mmm but I feel like prop more stuff and it refers to your country so where are you from your answer should be I'm from places I'm from China I'm from Japan I'm from Vietnam I'm from America whatever I'm from where did you learn English the next question is where did you learn English where did you learn English if you're speaking great English you can say I learned English at English class 101.com yes you did cuz you're watching no anyway where did you learn English in this case in the case of like these videos I learned English online or I learned English from and then the school name or the program name so I learned English from English class 101.com for example if you studied English at university you can say I learned English at university or I learned English from my friends perhaps where do you live where do you live depending on the situation where you're asked is this can mean your country like I live in America I live in China sometimes it's about the place in the city where you live sometimes it's about the country where you live so you can kind of feel I think which question which type of question is being asked where do you work where do you work is talking about your job you can use the pattern I work at company name or I work for company name either it's fine I work at ABC company I work for ABC company either is okay but you know if if you have answered with the wrong information the other person will just ask you like oh I mean where is your office or oh I mean which company do you work for use the force for this one where is the bathroom where is the bathroom very important question where is the bathroom in American English where is the bathroom or where is the restroom is more common than where is the toilet using the word toilet is a little bit too direct in American English so I recommend bathroom or restroom in this lesson you're going to learn how to ask what someone's job is in natural English of course you can just say what is your job this is correct English but it sounds too direct and awkward native English speakers almost never say this in a social situation instead they use a different question but before we master that we need to compare it to a very similar question what are you doing I'm presenting a video about English what do you do I'm an English teacher do you see the difference these two questions what are you doing and what do you do sound similar but mean different things the first one is asking what you are doing right now this minute you answer it using an ING verb what are you doing I'm reading I'm watching TV while the second is actually a shortened version of what do you do for a living this is how we ask what is your job in natural English let's practice this question what do you do what do you do when native speakers of English asked this question it can come out very fast and sound more like what do you do in order to tell it apart from what are you doing just listen for the in sound on the end of the question if it's not there then you're being asked what your job is so how would you answer this question just think of it as if the other person is asking you what is your job you could answer with I am plus your job I'm a teacher I'm a teacher or I'm an engineer if you want to learn more job names go to English class 101.com and check out the core word lists these cover job vocabulary and more and include a picture and audio to help you perfect your pronunciation you can also mention the place that you work at starting with I work at I work at a hospital I work at a hospital I work at a law firm I work at a law firm if you work for a big company that is well known you can say I work for and then the name I work for Microsoft I work for Microsoft I work for the New York Times I work for the New York Times now it's time for Alicia's advice when you ask the question what do you do and the other person tells you their job it's polite to make some kind of positive comment about his or her job for example how interesting or that must be exciting or even oh really remember to sound sincere and today we're gonna be talking about the top 25 English phrases so let's get started the first phrase is hello hello of course is used as a greeting you can greet your friends you can greet your co-workers your family with this phrase just by saying hello hey hi what's up hello sup yo pretty much any time of day you can use hello hello the next phrase is good morning good morning used as a greeting in the morning you can kind of feel when morning ends for you good morning is nice and polite or even just morning with your close friends or close co-workers the next phrase is good night good night is fine we don't use this to greet other people we use it when we're saying goodbye to other people at night family members particularly mothers and fathers to say good night to their children before they put them to bed you can say it to your friend in a text message or in an email if you've been talking for a while good night so the next word to talk about is goodbye use it when you say goodbye to your friends when you leave your friends goodbye bye of course take care have a nice day peace out that's another way to say goodbye okay the next phrase is I'm plus your name of course this is a way to introduce yourself you can use I'm in my case Alicia I'm Alicia to introduce yourself in any situation new friend I'm Alicia okay the next phrase is what's your name what's your name is used to ask someone else what their name is so what is your name sounds a bit try to use what's your name if you forget someone's name you can say sorry what's your name or sorry what's your name again next phrase is nice to meet you nice to meet you any time you meet someone new nice to meet you is fine good to meet you is a little more casual great to meet you sounds very excited pleasure to meet you sounds like maybe a formal situation or a business context okay the next phrase is how are you how are you is Ann it's just a friendly way to check in with the other person you can use it with friends your family your co-workers maybe even your boss to a certain degree how are you how you doing the next phrase is I'm fine thanks and you if you saw English in three minutes we talked a lot about this phrase instead of I'm fine thank you and you say I'm good thanks how are you just shorten it and make it a little bit more natural how are you good how are you great how are you not so good how are you okay and so on so when someone says how are you offer I usually say I'm good this week I pop a blog give some information about what you've been up to maybe a hobby something that you did recently an event something interesting you saw whatever people want to make that connection with you and it's a good chance for you to continue speaking the next word is please please as a polite phrase used when you want something from someone else you can use this as a response when someone offers you something like in a restaurant for example would you like more water would you like something to drink oh please the next phrase is thank you thank you is used to express your appreciation you can use thank you with everybody the next phrase is you're welcome you're welcome when someone says thank you you can say you're welcome no biggie I use no biggie as in no biggie is short for no big problem next word is yes yes of course yes means is any positive expression someone asks you a question and the answer is a positive answer you say yes yep uh-huh yeah we know next I'm guessing I knew it yep the next word is no no is a negative response to something when you have to give a negative answer so as you can probably guess the long form of no is negative I like to use nope it's very very casual not gonna happen my parents would use that with me to soften that a little bit if you want to show a negative response to something like let's go for dinner tonight what do you want to do like do you want to go out not really hmm no I don't think so hmm to soften it the next word is okay okay this word comes from copyeditors okay when they had to check a manuscript they had to label the manuscript all clear AC but because they were copy editors and they have a very very sick sense of humor they thought they would mark it okay for all clear to make a joke because o and K do not start all and clear but it caught on among everybody in the world anyway okay is used to agree with somebody else well it can be used actually to express a positive or kind of a slight negative I feel transitioning in your conversation you can say okay now we're going to talk about blah blah okay the next phrase is excuse me excuse me it's used to get someone's attention in English when you don't know the other person for example in a store a supermarket maybe a stranger on the street you need to ask directions you can use excuse me you can use excuse me in the supermarket excuse me can you tell me where the hot sauce if you've done something rude in public you can use excuse me I personally do not do rude things in public ever I'm sorry is the next word we're gonna talk about I'm sorry is used to apologize when you have made a mistake or someone you know it's made a mistake and you're connected to it or you just feel bad you can use I'm sorry you made a mistake at work I'm sorry you forgot to feed your cat I'm sorry sorry about that you bump someone next to you oh sorry what time is it is the next phrase when you need to check what time it is what time is it when you ask someone else what time it is maybe you say this to yourself to check your watch check your phone check a clock pretty straightforward phrase there aren't really any short version so that's an easy one where is that plus a location so you can use this for a building or a store we don't we're not going to use this where is the for a place a city name or a state name or a country name to do that you would need to remove the but where is the bank where is the post office you can use this to ask directions to ask for help in your house or at work where is the copy machine where is the file I need where is the bla bla bla where is the bathroom is perhaps a very important question to know the next one is may I use the restroom may I use the restroom is a polite and soft expression that you can use if you need to use the toilet you need to use the washroom and when you're at someone's house for the very first time when you're in a place that you're that is new to you you can ask may I use the restroom more casually can I go to the bathroom to be very polite you could say may I go to the bathroom the next phrase is I would like to order something you can use this at a restaurant probably or in any situation where you need to place an order I'd like a pizza I'd like beer can I get the check please this will be used at a restaurant when you've finished your meal and it's time to go can I get the check please in a very very casual situation you can just say check please that's fine the next phrase is see you soon see you soon is used with friends and family members perhaps when you expect to see them again soon after saying goodbye to them this is used at the end of the conversation you're going separate directions see you soon see ya is also good or just see you to make it a little more formal you can say I'll see you again soon make a full sentence the next phrases see you later see you later is very similar to see you soon but the point is would see you later is that you're probably going to meet that person again later on in the same day the last phrase is really really is a very useful word because you can use it to show you are interested in a conversation with upward intonation really really tell me more or to show that you're not so interested in the conversation with downward intonation really so there are many other words that you can use similar to really in this way like seriously or oh oh and so on so it's a really good practice for your intonation want to get cheat sheets audio books lessons apps and much more every month for free just click the link in the description to get your free language gifts of the month in this series we're going to learn some easy ways to ask and answer common questions in English it's really useful and it only takes three minutes in this lesson you're going to learn how to ask what someone's hobbies are without using the word hobbies you've probably seen the question do you have any hobbies or what are your hobbies in an English textbook before however native English speakers almost never use the word hobbies when asking about them a much more natural way to ask the same question is what do you do for fun let's practice this question what do you do for fun what do you do for fun you can also ask what do you do in your free time what do you do in your free time so how would you answer this question let's look at how native speakers would do it the easiest way is to say I like to or just I like followed by what you like to do for example if you like watching movies you could say I like to watch movies or I like watching movies I like to watch movies or I like watching movies and if you like golf you could say I like to play golf or I like playing golf I like to play golf or I like playing golf you can emphasize how much you like your hobby by adding a word like really in front of like for example I really like watching movies on the other hand if you want to play down how much you like something you can say kind of for example I kind of like playing tennis now it's time for Alicia's advice if you don't have any special hobbies or don't want to be specific a good way to reply is I like hanging out with my friends and stuff like that I like hanging out with my friends and stuff like that just use I like and add hanging out with my friends and then add and stuff like that the topic of today's lesson is ten phrases to help you in an emergency let's get started call the police please if you are telling someone to call the police it means you're telling someone to dial 911 to call the police or maybe there's police nearby and you tell someone hey call the police the police are there to help you in any situation that you might need them maybe you're lost maybe you lost your purse or your wallet maybe you've been in a car accident the police will help you so if you tell someone call the police please it means you need them to get the police for you do you have a fever do you have a fever if you are asking someone if they have a fever you are asking them if their temperature is higher than is normal or safe if someone has a fever that may mean they have an underlying condition that needs medical attention a fever may be a symptom of something much more serious it's something you should always take seriously so if someone has a fever you may want to take that person to the hospital I lost my passport I lost my passport if you have lost your passport it means you have lost the official document with all of your information that enables you to travel between countries if you are in a foreign country and you lose your passport that's a very serious thing because you may be stuck in that country if you're not able to present a passport at the airport you may not be able to go back home or go to another country so if you lose your passport you may need to call your Embassy to get a replacement what I like to do when I travel is I take photocopies of my passport so instead of carrying around my physical passport instead I just carry around copies of it so that my passport can stay at the hotel in some safe place I think I ate something bad I think I ate something bad if you think you ate something bad it may mean that you feel sick after eating it you may have some form of food poisoning if you think you ate something bad you're going to want to watch your symptoms because if they last for a few days you're going to want to go to the hospital I think I ate something bad I need a doctor I need a doctor if you say I need a doctor it means you need medical assistance medical attention you may be very sick you may have eaten something bad you may just feel sick in general you may have a fever if you say I need a doctor it means you want to be taken to a hospital or you want a doctor called to you because you're really sick or not feeling well I can't find the way back to my hotel I can't find the way back to my hotel if you tell someone I can't find the way back to my hotel it means you're lost it means you want to go back to your hotel but you don't remember the streets you took you don't remember where it is this is a common thing that happens in other countries in other cities if you have the address you can ask just about anyone how do I get back to my hotel could you please give me the directions to get back to where I need to go is there a pharmacy nearby is there a pharmacy nearby a pharmacy is a place that has medicine over-the-counter and prescription drugs if you're in another city it's always smart to know where the pharmacies are in case you might need anything asking is there a pharmacy nearby you are asking where the nearest pharmacy is in case you need to go and buy medicine shampoo conditioner toothpaste vitamins allergy pills doesn't matter a pharmacy will probably have it can you help me can you help me can you help me is a very very useful phrase knowing how to ask for help is extremely important if you ask can you help me it lets other people know that you are in need of assistance of whatever kind asking for help is the first question can you help me and another person will say sure what do you need and from there that's when you explain the problem you're experiencing I am lost I am lost if you say I am lost it means you don't know where you are you can't find your way you don't recognize anything around you you don't know how to get back to wherever you need to be to say I am lost let's people know that they need to give you directions that they can open up a map for you and show you where you are I am lost is a very useful phrase especially for people like me I get lost all the time I have a terrible sense of direction so to tell someone I am lost it welcomes their help in getting you back to safety to wherever you need to be I need an ambulance I need an ambulance an ambulance is an emergency vehicle and its purpose is to get to a sick person and take them to the hospital to say I need an ambulance means it's a medical emergency and you need that emergency vehicle to come and get you in this series we're going to learn some easy ways to ask and answer common questions in English it's really useful and it only takes three minutes in this lesson you're going to learn new more common ways to ask and answer the question how are you in English you've probably learned how are you and I'm fine in textbooks before but in the United States people will usually ask this question and answer it in a different way first let's review if someone says how are you you can say I'm fine I'm fine here are some other ways to answer pretty good this means about the same thing as I'm fine pretty good we also have not bad you can use this if you are feeling just okay or so-so not bad let's look at our question again how are you this is the most well-known way of asking how someone is you could use it when you want to be polite but now let's look at some different ways to ask how someone is these ways are more casual and much more common first hey how's it going hey how's it going you can answer this in many ways if you're feeling good you can say good good pretty good pretty good not bad not bad once more good pretty good not bad here's a tip even though these answers mean the same thing as I'm fine you can't answer how's it going with I'm fine it will sound a bit strange if you're not feeling good you can say not so good not so good not great not great or not so well not so well be careful if you say one of these the other person will usually ask why what's wrong to be polite then you will have to explain another casual but very common version of how are you is what's up what's up to reply use a cheerful voice as you say not much not much or nothing much nothing much this means you're free and able to chat since what's up is just another way of saying hello you can also reply with hey or hi now it's time for Alicia's advice a lot of the time when we ask questions that mean how are you in English we're not actually asking about the other person's health we're only asking to be polite you should think of these questions as another way of saying hello a way for the conversation to get started instead of actual literal questions in fact when someone asks you what's up you don't even have to answer just say what's up in reply today we're gonna be talking about the 10 must know words to party in the United States not that I would know anything about that let's go party party party is a fun thing to do a party is a place where you presumably you like all the other people you know a bunch of people your friends are there there's something to eat there's something to drink music to listen to maybe there are cute guys or cute girls or cute puppies you can enjoy whatever is happening at a party in a sentence I used to go to a party every week in college that's mostly true in this sentence the party tonight is going to be crazy whoo whoo to dance the next expression is to dance to dance at a party sometimes when the music is good you may feel compelled you may feel that you would like to dance to dances to move your body rhythmically in accordance with the beats that's if you're a robot giving a definition of the word to dance this is how your dance - you're that robot okay in a sentence I like to dance at clubs let's go see if those boys want to dance with us hmm Club the next word is club I'll get in so hot I'm gonna say some words no clubs don't usually have a very good reputation they kind of seem like places for young people like late teens early 20s like there's loud music and lots of cheap drinks and we'll go there to find dates so club let's see in a sentence I visit a club every once in a while this sentence says every song on the radio is about going to the club rave the next word is rave rave is a-- is a type of party the image of raivo is like it's at night and there are people with glow sticks and there's like techno music and it's like it's like that and then everybody's like which I don't say like glowing things and maybe there's black lights in a sentence I don't think I've ever been to a rave and in this sentence there's a rave in my neighbor's field this weekend festival the next word is festival there's usually some kind of theme like a music festival or a food festival there's a theme and you can go there maybe you need to buy tickets but sometimes it covers like one or two days a festival event does so festivals can sometimes be a bit more expensive than parties to participate in in a sentence there are a lot of Summer Music Fest Tibbals cheers cheers Cheers I think every country probably has a word for this when you want to start drinking with your friends you touch glasses or you touch drinks and you say Cheers in American English and as well as in some other countries too so Cheers is the word we use in English so when everyone touches their glass together say cheers to drink the next word is to drink to drink so in this case for parties it means alcohol some kind of alcoholic drink many of my students will say I went to drink alcohol with my friends last night or I like drinking alcohol or whatever but in in a native speaker does not say alcohol when we say I like drinking we mean I like drinking alcohol but we do not say alcohol don't worry like no native speaker thinks like you're talking about water when if you say I like drinking if you like to drink if you like beer wine whatever just say I like drinking that's enough that's fine it's very natural in a sentence I go drinking once a month with my friends in this sentence Wow your friends really like to drink oh my to get drunk okay the next expression is one to be careful of it's to get drunk to get drunk means to drink too much so to be sick or to be in trouble or to lose your memory something like that so to have too much alcohol to drink is to get drunk in a sentence I don't like getting super drunk because I feel sick the next day I don't like to get drunk the night before work VIP the next word is VIP it means very important person so a VIP at a club a festival some kind of event is someone who the owner or the manager thinks is an important person they get special treatment maybe free drinks and a nice place to sit a private room they get to meet the stars at the Music Festival whatever a VIP usually it's a good thing to be a VIP in a sentence we're going to the VIP room later do you want to come in the sentence if your famous clubs will let you sit in the VIP section to buy around the next expression is to buy a round to buy a round means to buy a round of drinks meaning to buy one drink for each person in your group so if you're in a group of four people maybe everybody buys one round of drinks but if you're in a large group of people and you decide to buy a round of drinks for everyone in the group this can be very expensive in a sentence the next round of drinks is on me meaning I'll buy the next drink for everybody in this sentence James bought a round of drinks for everyone at his table end alright so those are ten must know words to party in the United States have you had any partying experiences in the US if so let us know [Music]
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 1,187,243
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Keywords: long, listening skills, lessons, beginner, English podcasts, longplay, English language, native speakers, beginners, yt:cc=on, Englishclass101, how to, teacher, listening practice, Englishpod101, English, easy, learn English, english speaker, listening comprehension, English audio, English listening comprehension, English practice, daily conversations, real life english, real world, comp, compilations, compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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