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[Music] what's going on guys this is qazi welcome back to another epic video this time i'm gonna be showing you the ultimate look development tool this is exclusive to resolve 17 and i promise you after what you see right here you would want to switch to 17 if you haven't already there's going to be tons of practical tips that i'm going to be showing you i am breaking this video into two different sections so we have a how-to but it's going to be my way of how to i'm not going to show you all the things because that's going to take days and tons of videos i'm going to show you the tips and the things that i'm actually using on my professional projects and then we're going to jump into the real world scenario where i'm going to show you how i would approach something or if i'm dealing with a director of photography and they want me to develop a certain look how we're gonna use color warper to do that so get super excited if you're a beginner filmmaker who wants to make their work stand out color grading is one of the most effective ways to do that if you're coming from premiere pro or final cut 10 then looking at a node based software like resolve will just confuse the heck out of you in this free training you're not only going to learn everything about nodes you will also learn to build the perfect node tree regardless of the project that you're working on i will end the session with an extended q a these questions came from you guys click the link in the description to sign up for this free training and guys if you're enjoying the content you know what to do smash that like button it will mean the world to me subscribe to my channel if you haven't already follow me on instagram and let's roll the intro all right guys let's get this show on the road and i'm excited to be showing you what i got going on in this particular tool in resolve 17. these are going to be some great tips and hopefully extremely beneficial for you guys so let's start with the how to part and then we're gonna get into the real world scenario and how i would use it on an actual project first thing this is shot on blackmagic pocket 4k so that's the information that we have all right so the first thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna work with resolve color management this tool requires it for it to work properly okay so right now we're in non-color managed environment i'm gonna click on this and i'm going to choose color managed and under here i'm going to go with davinci white gamut this is basically it gives you the most flexibility if eventually you want to turn your content into hdr and even the way everything behaves here especially the new tools like hdr palette and color warper is really built around their white gamut so i'm going to select that and let's just go under custom and i can show you these settings right so remember i was talking about the use color space aware grading tools that's what this is and that's what the hdr palette is and all the newer tools in resolve 17 so we want to take full advantage of it hdr 1000 is more than enough and obviously we're not even going to be using it but it's a good practice to kind of get into our color management is all set up and ready to go as soon as i hit save nothing happens because this is not shot in raw it's uh shot in prores so i'm gonna have to go and manually change that to a proper color space which is pocket 4k film generation 4 and as soon as i click on that look at that beautifully converted from log to rec 709 and now we are ready to go so let's set up our note 3 first of all and i'm going to keep this note 3 maybe around five or six notes so the first one is going to be our noise reduction second one is going to be our temp intent and this one is going to be our primaries and then here is where we're gonna do our color warper or i'm calling it a look development node and then this will be called grain and guys honestly this is the ultimate tool for look development okay it is just too exciting it's too good it took me a while to get a hang of it and now i see the potential of what this is and it's just too exciting for me to not share it with you so it's happening all right so what are we going to do now first thing i'm going to go under my primaries and i just want to do a little bit of a touch up so i'm going to go under my gamma and i'm gonna bring it down just a little bit you know just to kind of give our image a little bit of pop so it didn't do much but just enough to get his skin tones where they're supposed to be and where i want them and this is looking pretty good okay so just this much touch up for our primaries for now is great now we're gonna jump right in here so let's get into the how to and what's really going on here so let's pop this open first and that's another beautiful feature in resolve 17. i'm going to turn this off so we have a bigger screen i'm going to put this right here so you guys can see better what we're doing so the color warper is divided into two main areas okay so we got the hue saturation right here so that's what's happening over here okay we control the saturation by going this way and we control the hue by going up and down okay so that's what's happening here and then we got chroma and luma control so this is basically this view split at 90 degrees or you can think of it if you want to look at it from that perspective almost like a temp intent like look at these right here like that right there it's like you know you move everything over here and you're adding yellow move move it here you're adding blue same thing here okay magenta or green but the more interesting part on in this section is that when you go up and down you are actually messing with the luminance values depending on where you are if you're on the yellow side then you're only going to be affecting the values in here if we're on the blue side we're going to be affecting the values in here so before we get too confused about what's really going on i want to touch base on all the main tools that i'm using that are effective in the real world scenario that way it's going to be more helpful for you than me just covering all of it and you don't know when to use which tool okay so that's always uh more effective for me when i'm watching a tutorial i want people to show me how i would use it in a real world compared to just going through everything you know i'm just gonna lost track of what's happening on the screen so what you need to remember about the color warper is that if you're working with footage that is more than 10 bits 10 bits and more you want to work in something that's a little bit bigger so this is our resolution okay for this uh spiderweb if you will so the higher the resolution uh the finer control we have of each hue in our frame okay so i like to keep it somewhere around 12-ish i think that is just a good spot i mean you can even do eight it's better than six uh six is gonna be good for anything that's 8-bit if you're working with 8-bit you don't want to do finer control changes because it's going to mess up your image so then keeping it in eight is or six is totally fine but since we're working with blackmagic prores 422 i'm going to keep it at 12. okay and there are three ways to manipulate parameters in color warper one is straight on the screen so say see like how it's uh sampling everything that i'm hovering over on here so say i go and click on this on my screen and then i go okay desatid all right make it magenta make it green make it red so i can do that on the actual screen so that's one way to do it i'm gonna reset that okay and another way to do it is i come in here and i grab it and then i move it on the actual um spider web right so i actually move it on here and i change my colors so that's the second way to do it now my personal favorite way to attack this is doing it this way so i go ahead and i pick what i want to change so let's say i want to change the values right here i go click on this right then i come to this section right here and these are my sliders for hue saturation and luminance and i can come in here and go all right you know what let's warm it up a little bit and then i can just do that and boom it's beautifully warmed up and the way it handles it is just way better compared to i feel like doing it on the screen it leaves a lot of gunk doing it even here can get pretty messy i feel like this just gives me a finer control to know what i'm changing i just feel much more in control okay doing it this way so that's just my way that i prefer so we can go ahead and reset this all right so that's what i wanted to show you first how to set it up properly one more thing that i want to show you is that when you click on these three dots i'm assuming that when you start yours is going to be set up to input under scope so what that means is that i can make whatever changes i make here they're not gonna show on my actual scope right here okay that's behind my web so if i go under here i like to set it to output because now it's moving with what i'm doing so i feel like that way i actually don't need vector scope here or else like i would be using my vector scope because this is my vector scope if you will right so i can just leave that to parade and then use this as my vector scope especially for the tutorial section usually i'll have like a four up or a nine up but here i'm just gonna um keep it on this and try to show you what's happening okay all right so there's tons of different tools where i can make a video about each one specifically but i wanna only take you through my go-to tools okay so first one by default this guy right here is basically a selector right so we can just click anywhere and move it around so that is our select tool then over here this is a very interesting tool a draw selection tool which is better than the lasso tool because here we can individually pick look at this and the precision that it gives us to select these right there then i can go back to my selector and now move those specifically okay those points so it gives us a finer control and i use that a lot most of the time i would use that for this specific purpose so let me show you that now so let's say our skin uh normally our skin would live somewhere around here let's just say right so if our skin is here i'm just saying so say it's living in these two points right here i can click on that and then i can go over here and this right here is basically convert selected to pin so as soon as we pin this now this can't be moved so that's another one of my favorite tools that i use now these two can't be moved so i can click right here grab my selection over here and i can move my shot around and create whichever color whatever feel look that i want and that point right there won't move but ultimately that wasn't where our skin was because we have an african-american gentleman so his skin is sitting way down here right on the magenta side but this was just to kind of give you um an example of like what it is right so let's just say this red right we don't want to change this red i can go back in here and hover over here and i can go you know what all right don't change this at all so lock this convert this and now i want to go back and i want to start making some changes so now i can really push my image and create some crazy like super gnarly looks like look at this before and after but look at this this never changed it pretty much stayed put okay so that didn't really change like it locked in and that's the beauty of this tool and i use it a lot now another one of my favorite tools um two of my favorite tools are down here so this one is very interesting basically what it is is that if i were to click right here say i select this guy right here what this lets me do i'm going to give you a little bit more exaggerative example so it makes sense if i were to click right here on this one point and if i click on this and you can see the circle basically it's going to go ahead and select that entire circle okay in that area and now what i can do is bunch of different things i can come in here under saturation and go hey take my low end like low point and really desatum to create this super super cool look like look what's happening to our image it's creating a very sophisticated look just by using this one tool and using the saturation effect like look at what it's doing and it's creating a really cool look actually so i absolutely love this okay another one that i use all the time is let's say i hover over here and i go where is this so this is right here i can click on this guy right there that right there is going to select this entire row okay and you can see a straight line right there so if i click on it it's going to select this entire row now i can move that all together right so i can just go all right let's make this yellow let's make this more on the green side let's give it more saturation let's pull down saturation stuff like that right so i can do all of that by selecting an entire row just by hitting one button right there another one that i really like to use is this guy right here so once again we're gonna go over here so let's say i select this area right here i absolutely love this so this is basically call it like a feathering tool or a falloff tool so once i click on it look at what it does it grabs like adjacent points to make the entire transition a little bit more soft so now if i do a whole hue shift or something like that or desat it see we're not seeing a lot of artifacting because it's doing it in a very gentle way okay so that's another one that i use quite a bit so next one is this auto lock right so it's by default set to one i like to set it to three and this is a great tool and basically what three points means is that wherever i click or whatever i select give me a three point cushion basically so if i click right here see [Music] one two three and then it's gonna do the same thing one two three it's gonna create that and now when i move and make changes it's gonna do it and interpret along that three point cushion that i created auto lock that i created okay so again another tool to kind of give you more control so these are my go-to tools when it comes to working in color warper as of now obviously i'm learning and i'm understanding it better and i'm getting comfortable by using a bunch of different tools and combinations and things like that so now that we got that out of the way let's jump in and see a real world example and how i would actually use color warper on a professional project so let me go ahead and just undo this and let's jump right in so i wanted to get all the how-to out of the way and now let's move on to the exciting bit so i'm gonna click on this i'm gonna put it back in here it's okay or you know what maybe we can keep it out and make changes so we're already in our look development node let's say we're sitting with a director of photography and he is going to guide us through it and tell us what he's looking for so say he goes you know these lights just came out a bit too green i want to warm them up a little bit so the way i'm going to approach it is this i'm going to go ahead and click on this and then that way this area is selected now here are all the tools important tools that i want to take you through so this is one of my favorite basically what this does is that it's gonna select once you pick one point it's gonna select the entire row by just clicking on this little guy and that's exactly what i wanted to do here because i want to go in my hue and i want to go ahead and warm it up so like look at it i'm warming it up and it's warming up the entire image evenly okay just look at all the areas there is no gunk being created or anything like that it is very very clean okay how it's doing it so i would just go ahead and i'll put it right there and then the director is gonna go dp is going to go you know it's too saturated i want to put my focus right here and take it away from the background so in that case i'm going to go under my saturation and i'm going to say no problem let's kill the saturation so i'm going to pull that back quite a bit okay so i'm gonna keep it somewhere around here and he's gonna go okay that's looking good guys look at the power of this tool okay how easily we were able to do that again in one node we haven't even started yet okay the things that we're gonna do is gonna be so cool i'm excited now he goes hey can you grab this yellow and just kind of kill the saturation a little bit because it's a bit too saturated i can go ahead and click on this guy right and now this little guy is selected and i can come into my saturation and i can go let's pull it back a little bit okay something like that not too much just a little bit like that look at the changes that we've made so far in our image just look at that okay now he's gonna go grab this red and do a similar thing just kind of bring it down and again take the emphasis off of that so i can click on this guy right here and i can go you know what let's first swing it you know he wants it to be a little bit more red than orange so we can put it right there and then we can just go and kill the saturation on it a little bit not too much so we can keep it somewhere around here again where we started to where we ended up so far and now he is asking for you know to fix this there's too much saturation it's blue and it's just not necessary so we want to even out the whites right and i can click on this guy right here and now what i really want to do with this step is i want to grab the entire row if you will and i want to adjust that okay because i really want to affect all these areas not just one okay so i'm gonna go do something like that i'm gonna come into my saturation i'm gonna pull it up now we're really really affecting how i want this to look now we're gonna move on to our chroma and luma and what i want to do is i want to hover over here in this area first of all let's give it a bit more resolution and now i want to kind of hover over in this area somewhere in his skin and i see it that it's right there so i'm going to click on it and i want to click on auto lock and set it to around three points so basically i'm saying hey from this point on go three points this way three points that way and i'm gonna select it in square form so basically it's gonna create a square three points around this right here the point that i selected and it's going to create like a feathering effect when i make the moves right whatever i want to do so here what i want to do is i want to go under my luma and i want to kind of bring it down i want to add a little bit more contrast like look at how nice it is i'm just adding some contrast you know in his skin and just look at that like we're creating this extremely cool bleach bypass effect and this is the ultimate look development tool like i said i mean look where we started to where we ending up and how clean it looks now i can do the same thing in these areas too so like this area right here which it's showing me over here i can click on it i will undo that i can click on this and then i can move it around to see where i want it to go so somewhere around here and then i can take my luma and go up and down just to kind of control the luminance values of that so look at the kind of control we can have here okay now when i go right here i think that is a problematic area so i'm going to click in this section right here and now what i want to do is what can be done to this section because it is still way too magenta for me okay so even something like that does the trick a little bit and guys i'm gonna go back in here right what else can we do what else can we do or something that i can show you that we can manipulate so for this particular example i'm pretty happy with the results if i kill this and i go back and this is my look development node and if i just do before right so this is our rec709 with a little bit of primaries adjustment and then after look at the kind of look dna we were able to create just with this node and you know that doesn't need to be the end-all be-all this is an actual look that you've created call it a show lut if you will for your movie but now you can go ahead and add a bit more changes so i want to go in my temp and tint now and i want to do this i want to warm it up a little bit okay so i'm going to warm it up this is too much i'm going to bring it down something like that i'm going to go in my temp and tint and i'm gonna add a little bit of green i want to kind of give it a film look right so i'm gonna come out of it this is too much i'm gonna park it somewhere around here and this to me i'm gonna warm it up a little bit more and then i'm gonna kind of go back and this to me if i do before and after like look at how it just kind of evens it out i think we can go heavy on the temp a little bit more and then obviously i can always pull it back so let's do this a little bit and then i'm just looking at his skin right now so even something like that i think looks pretty cool so like look at this right so this is before this is after and how clean it looks and once again here's our look development this beautiful look that we created i'm gonna go in here because i see some stuff happening in his shirt and that's not because of like the look development note here but it's just you know it had a little bit of noise so i'm going to go ahead and make this 4.8 and i'm going to take this and i'm going to make this 6.8 right here and now if i do before and after it's pretty clean hopefully you guys can uh see it now you see this banding that's happening here that's just because it's a 8-bit image i know it was shot on blackmagic pocket 4k but it was exported as prores 4 for 442 um not hq so regular prores flavor is 8 bit not 10 bit so that's what we're noticing here and one way to get rid of it is my tried and tested method which is adding grain grain is an amazing tool to get rid of that sort of banding and you'll see it right now so i'm gonna go in here i'm gonna throw an archival print and look at that okay now if you punch in and zoom in like crazy you'll still see the banding but if i park it somewhere around here and obviously i don't know what youtube is doing right now how much compression youtube is throwing on but still if i do this before and look at the banding and then this is after before and after it really really takes care of that okay so guys this is what we were able to create with these tools so what i'm gonna do is this okay let's kill all of this and start with so we did the our rcm process we got it to rec 709 in a good spot and then we went ahead and did a basic primaries just to kind of add a little pop then we went and created this develop this look if you will and we are doing so much we're affecting the color of this the red overall we're bringing the um swinging the hue on our parking lot and getting rid of that green we're going in and getting all the dinged out of his shirt and then we went and affected his skin to add more contrast all of that was done just using the color warper tool and then when we went back and just did a little bit of temp intent to give the image a little bit of personality added noise reduction added grain and you know one thing that i am noticing is that that i want to do that can be done after the look development node is that we can create another node and we can just call it look adjustment and then in here i want to go under my luminance versus sat and i want to take some luminance off my whites i'm just going to click right here and i'm going to bring this down and even if i park it somewhere around here if i do before and after you know it's a very very subtle thing right but if i bring it over here and i do before you see all the different you know discoloration that's happening here and it just pulls it out once again it's a very very subtle thing you can barely notice it but it does add to it and it's always going to be these little things that go a long way so guys there you have it i am telling you this is an ultimate game changer if you use it properly if you don't use it properly and if you just do everything on the screen and go nuts it's going to destroy your image but if you use it in a controlled environment and what we did with this this was just the tip of the iceberg there's so much more that i have planned that i can go in detail and show you how i use it on my personal project from day to day or professional projects that i'm working on i think it's a great tool you guys should start playing with it because it's not going anywhere it's extremely powerful and what i touched on is again like i said it's the tip tip of the iceberg there's so many different things that i want to show you here how to lock in the skin how to make changes around that all that good stuff leave a comment below if there's any specific thing that you guys want to see and now let's check out the final look in full screen this is gonna be the best day it got me looking so fresh i can't get no so as i mentioned i mean this specific tool in resolve 17 makes it so exciting because this is their first try at the color warper it's not going anywhere you've seen the power of this right you just have to be careful how you use it and the techniques that i showed you i would say start using it this particular way unless you're working with red with 16 bit images stuff like that then you can really do push and pull on screen and do all of that stuff but i feel like this is just more practical and it just kind of keeps you grounded when you're making certain changes you really have to put your mind um into what it is that you're doing do not forget to check out the free training link is down below i'm telling you it will just transform you from not knowing anything about resolve all the way to creating your first professional gig it's absolutely free link is down below on that note don't forget to smash the like button subscribe to my channel for more awesomeness and i will see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Waqas Qazi
Views: 40,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci, davinci resolve studio, davinci tutorial, davinci resolve free, resolve color grading, color grading davinci resolve, colorist, color grading, color correction, davinci resolve tutorial, blackmagic design, davinci resolve color grading, davinci resolve effects, theqazman, davinci resolve 17, resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci 17, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, waqas qazi, davinci resolve 16 color grading, film look
Id: BgfByIrquc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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