Caillou Gets Grounded | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] wo oh Caillou let's go again not yet I need to pick some things up here [Music] first [Music] wow so that's tomatoes lettuce carrots and oh can I please get this chocolate bar mommy it looks so yummy and I we're about to go home and have a tasty healthy lunch Caillou I don't think chocolate is a good idea but I think it might be no but Caillou put it back please okay thank you now where was I how about cucumbers Rosie loves [Music] those let's go Caillou there's your change and here's a little treat for you uh no thank you I'm going to have a healthy lunch you can take one for later if you want Caillou no uh that's okay uh thank you bye okie dokie then have a great day I was thinking you could help me make lunch Caillou how does that sound [Music] uhhuh I can chop the carrots and you could wash the lettuce and the tomatoes then we'll mix it all [Music] up you shouldn't have taken that chocolate bar it wasn't yours Caillou Caillou Caillou I said does that sound tasty I uh yeah Mommy really [Music] tasty [Music] no I want to keep my coat on please suit [Music] yourself oh chocolate what yummy chocolate Rosie want too no Rosie Rosie want [Music] chocolate Rosie want chocolate Rosie want chocolate no Rosie where did you get that chocolate bar I I I did you take it from Mr Johnson's store oh Caillou that's stealing it's very wrong how could you do that I didn't mean to I just wanted it and I know I shouldn't have taken it but no one was looking in please don't take me to jail I'm really sorry thank you for saying sorry but it isn't just me that you need to apologize to [Music] Caillou I'm really sorry Mr Johnson here's the money to pay for the chocolate I took I should never have taken it oh I'm very disappointed Caillou you you made a bad choice I know I'm really really sorry I believe you and I accept your apology just promise me you'll never take anything that isn't yours ever again I promise never ever ever good now you head home your mommy's made you a tasty healthy lunch and it sounds like you need it what do you want to do Rosie we can go on the roller coaster go swimming splash or play games in the arcade clack clack no let's do the Ducks later I think we should what was that it's Gilbert run quick let's hide over here we'll be safe here from Gilbert but we need someone to protect us who can keep us safe Teddy I know Teddy we have to get to him in the living room ready Rosie ready [Music] oh no M's blocking our [Music] way run [Music] now [Applause] woo vacuum it's going to suck us up Caillou go this way no this way is [Music] better go on without me save yourself no Caillou are you okay yes Mommy I'm fine how did this get here uh uh did you see Rosie we defeated the vacuum Gilbert is no match for us Caillou he was scared off by a vacuum cleaner but I wasn't K you he's right behind me isn't [Music] he [Music] that was close we should be okay if we just stay very [Music] still [Music] wa we did it huh [Music] there gilber play watch out Rosie Gilbert play Caillou gber play how are we going to get up [Music] there daddy climb not now Rosie I'm [Music] thinking Gilbert's coming what are we going to do Rosie Rosie that's it we can climb up and get to Teddy good idea [Music] Rosie there's Teddy [Music] I think we should actually what do you want to do Rosie you've been right all [Music] day that's right Gilbert didn't like the vacuum v v vro v [Music] vro sorry I didn't listen to you earlier your ideas were right the whole time want to play some more in my room I promise to listen this [Music] time we can even feed the Ducks we play ducks quack [Music] quack [Music] I wish it would stop storming what was [Music] that it looks like the wind made the tree fall during the storm tree go back up I don't think so Rosie my swing can we fix it I'm sorry Caillou we have to say bye to the tire swing too but I don't like saying bye where will Gilbert sit now the tree was always his favorite spot I remember the first time I brought Gilbert to the tree welcome to your new home gilbertt this is the [Music] garden oh Gilbert all this new stuff must be [Music] scary the tree won't hurt you Gilbert trees give us shade and you can sit under them when you're tired like this and from up in the branches you can see [Music] everything [Music] the tree wasn't only Gilbert's favorite it was Rosie's favorite too Rosie love tree Rosie love tree Caillou someone wants to meet [Music] you say hello to your little sister Rosie wow why is she crying don't worry Caillou it's normal for babies to cry how do we make her stop we just need to figure out a way to make Rosie feel better I know maybe it's too bright maybe a hug from her big brother will help a hug from me but she's so little give it a try you're her Big Brother after all but I don't know how to be a big brother make sure to hold her head she stopped crying You've Got The Magic [Music] Touch see you're a great big brother already Caillou phew well my favorite memory of the tree is from way before then my favorite is the day we moved [Music] here and we planted the tree together wait we planted the tree I don't remember that where was I you weren't born yet you were in my belly a new house a new tree and soon a new baby that's a lot of new it's okay to worry when things feel so new but that doesn't mean they won't be great we just have to take it one day at a time wa that's it mommy daddy wait h that should do mommy Caillou would you like to do the honors we'd love [Music] to now we can make new memories with a new tree while always thinking fondly of the old memories Rosie [Laughter] help 1 2 3 4 I am kinding so much more 1 1 2 [Applause] 3 line up me first no [Music] [Laughter] me do you all remember the kindness challenges ma'am ma' yes ma'am what do you see on your list oh be kind to someone in your community very good Clementine look for people being kind to each other you got it and the last one be kind to ourselves that's right and whoever finishes their list gets this badge W now go change the world with [Music] kindness I'm going to finish these challenges in one minute well I'm going to finish them in one second [Music] don't worry I'm coming to help me hurts let's get you to [Music] Mommy you did the right thing by helping Rosie that was very kind of you oh be kind to someone in your community [Music] check oh look for people being kind to each other I saw lots of people being kind to each other today check last one be kind to yourself but how do I do that yum all my favorite foods all at once a Jammy Sky ice cream sandwich this is a yummy way to be kind to [Music] myself maybe [Music] not I love flowers I can be kind to myself by picking a [Music] few [Music] [Music] how's it going Caillou I'm trying to finish my challenges and get a kindness badge but I can't figure out this last one that sounds very frustrating yeah but I took a big breath and watched some silly birds and I feel better [Music] now H why'd you do that if sitting here and enjoying nature made you feel better then it was an act of kindness it was there are lots of ways to be kind to yourself like taking deep breaths to calm down when you're frustrated drawing lying when you're nervous or maybe oh asking someone for a hug when I'm sad exactly thanks Daddy you're the best great job Caillou you too Clementine all right time to line up you first no you first no you so Caillou what kind things did you do this week I helped Rosie when she fell I saw lots of people being kind to each other in the market and I was kind to myself in the garden when I was mad amazing Caillou that means you've earned this you're all kindness experts now remember kids every kind act makes a difference [Music] difference [Music] y my mom taught me how to make [Music] it oh quite a plain Leo do you want to go first for show and tell this morning I'll go first wonderful remember to use the how am I feeling bored when you tell us all about your [Music] weekend this weekend was my Grandma's birthday and I [Music] felt well I felt a lot of feelings Mrs Martin why don't we take them one by one first I felt confused because I had to pick a cake but there were so many to choose [Music] from how you which one would grandma like [Music] uh that one red is Grandma's favorite [Music] color how did that make you feel Caillou proud I was in charge yeah I love being the [Music] boss all right thank you Jason what was next next Caillou um we had to pick a gift for Grandma I was a bit nervous because I had to really think about what grandma would like we went to a store but it only had grownup things no toys anywhere what about these daddy those are special Caillou but do you think Grandma would like them ew bugs are scary it made me feel sad but I tried to look for something better [Applause] H uh look it's it looks like the flowers in Grandma's Garden perfect Grandma will love it oh no that was for my grandma oh well hang on Caillou this lady got it first but roses are Grandma's favorite [Music] flower I felt disappointed when I couldn't get Grandma the sweater but then extra happy when the lady let me buy it she sounds like a kind lady she was but later I felt really not happy because Mommy made me wear an itchy sweater that grandma made for my birthday itchy sweaters are worse than bugs yep I felt a bit grumpy but grandma was really happy I wore it oh Caillou the sweater I made [Music] you that must have made you feel very worried I'm sorry Grandma I ruined your birthday cake and I ruined your birthday and I ruined you did no such thing caou in fact you brought me the most thoughtful gift but what is it [Music] Caillou I don't like the sweater you gave me I like it because you gave it to me but it's so itchy I'm sorry oh Caillou I'm so glad you're telling me really why yes it was so kind of you to wear it even though you didn't like it because you knew it would make me happy but it's okay to wear something you like better instead and as for the cake my favorite gift is spending time with you Caillou so maybe we can bake another together I felt a lot of things on Grandma's birthday but I learned that when others were kind it made me feel happy and even when I was confused about feelings I could choose to be kind and that made everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay careful Caillou that tree is Too Tall you could hurt yourselves sorry [Music] Daddy quick rosie come on where' the scary lion go it's going to eat me huh oh Caillou are you all right I'm fine Daddy it's just part of the adventure oh Gilbert your paw is stuck Caillou what did I say about climbing the tree look at what happened to Gilbert I I I thought it was just just me I didn't know Gilbert was it's important to think about others Caillou what you do can affect more than just yourself [Music] okay what the you okay Gilbert oh what is it don't worry Gilbert I won't let anything happen to [Music] you Gilbert Gilbert has a small break in his leg so we'll need to banage him up and make sure he gets plenty of rest for a few weeks but he's going to be okay he's going to be just fine but to help him get better he's going to need a little help doing the things he would normally do oh I can do that I'm great at [Music] helping Gilbert don't do that the bandage is going to make your leg better H I think it'll be better for Gilbert's leg if we give him a cone cone like an ice cream cone yum no this is a special cone Gilbert can wear to stop him chewing his bandage [Music] rise and shine sleepy head [Music] taada Gilbert be careful Caillou cats can't drink orange juice like we do try to think about things that Gilbert [Music] likes release the dragon release the dragon oh yeah yeah that's not a dragon it's a scary [Music] T-Rex what's the matter Bud Gilbert doesn't want to play anymore I tried playing Dragon dinosaurs everything he didn't even like the breakfast I made all he wants to do with sleep Caillou remember when you broke your arm it was frustrating trying to do things you normally did wasn't it the best way you can help Gilbert is by putting yourself in his shoes but Gilbert doesn't wear shoes I mean imagine what it's like to be Gilbert so you can try to help [Music] ah Gilbert's leg looks all better you must have taken really good care of him I just imagine what Gilbert was feeling feeling and it was easy to [Music] help [Music] faster no what happened why is it so hot sorry boys I tried turning on a fan but uh I think I turned off everything else instead but we were so close you mean I was so close nuh-uh cool down boys I'll try flipping some switches upstairs we'll be Frosty in no time it really is hot yeah I'm melting it kind of feels like lava [Music] Rosie stay on your Island [Music] okay okay the stairs we'll be safe there too bad it's every kid for thems [Music] H first time's a [Music] charm oh no the lava's getting higher we can't make it to the stairs we don't have enough pillows oh there's only room for [Music] one sorry [Music] Caillou [Music] aha [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe second [Music] time [Music] [Music] oh no Gilbert he's going the wrong way it's the yarn we've got to get Gilbert to safety oh we have to work together together aha hey [Music] Gilbert Gilbert want a [Music] toy that was quick thinking byou great squeaking Leo we still need to stop the lava daddy we saved Gilbert that's great Caillou I should have this figured out at any second [Music] [Music] now [Music] that did it I guess Gilbert was the charm you know what that [Music] [Music] means [Music] wo and now the Rings C silly dress Clen honey the Rings oh yeah got them right here ding [Music] uh-oh ding thanks [Music] Caillou I Now Pronounce You [Music] married [Music] y this is the best day ever [Laughter] [Applause] ding like this [Music] whoops confetti k [Music] [Music] ew picture time everyone oh Picture Time come on let's get a good spot let's [Music] go [Music] wait wait I've got to find the perfect spot whoops sorry taada the perfect spot everyone say wedding [Music] weding oh no there best view in the [Music] house Best Day [Music] Ever quick it's cake time everyone heart cake [Laughter] [Music] oh no cake in the face is good luck how about a mommy daughter [Music] dance beep beep [Laughter] yay oh I love this song come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] y best day [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] ever oh no I've ruined the whole day Clen things don't have to go his plan to be just [Music] right get [Music] [Laughter] it Best Day Ever woo [Laughter] ever ever [Music] Sil get it h
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 74,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: M3CSG61xDF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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