How to Survive an Anaconda Attack

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foreign [Music] snake can cause people to panic and when you're in the shallow murky rivers of South America home to the deadly Anaconda you realize this is not a garden snake coming towards you it's a green anaconda here's how to survive an anaconda attack these are not small snakes it's often said that green anacondas can grow up to 9 meters in length and they can weigh as much as 225 kilograms anaconda's prey ranges from 10 percent of their body weight all the way up to 146 percent so humans are fair game why is it important to hold your breath what should you do if you get bit [Music] and how could your teeth become your best defensive weapon it only takes seconds for an anaconda to wrap around its prey and squeeze it to death and no matter how strong you are the snake can create up to 62 053 kilopascal of pressure anacondas have a legendary status as man-eaters so if you're going into Anaconda territory here's some tips to help you survive step one push your hand inside the snake's mouth if an anaconda is nearby watch its face an anaconda shows its predatory behavior by flicking its tongue and if it bites you do not yank yourself away or try to forcefully pull yourself out of its mouth an anacondas inner teeth curve backwards to hold on to its prey so if you try to pull out of the snake's mouth right away it can cause serious injuries getting out in this situation will be much easier if you have someone else to help you ask them to slowly open the anaconda's mouth as they do that push your hand or whatever body part is being bitten further inside the snake's mouth this will get it off the snake's fangs then you can get out of the snake's mouth without causing even more injuries step two wear proper gear you might feel safer if you wear clothing that's harder for these snakes to bite through this includes thick gloves sturdy shoes and thick clothing but what if you set out to become snake bait Paul Rosalie a naturalist agreed to be swallowed whole by an anaconda for a TV special they thought the snake might regurgitate him and if necessary they could cut them free he wore a special carbon fiber suit designed to withstand the snake's fangs constriction powers and digestion so he would survive the ordeal the suit was doused in pig blood to make it more appealing but when Paul approached the anaconda the snake was afraid and tried to escape so Rosalie provoked the snake and eventually attacked swallowed him head first and began squeezing he was inside the snake for an hour then Rosalie was worried that the Anaconda was going to break his arm cried out in fear and pain and asked the crew to rescue him they did step 3 hold your breath if an anaconda grips the middle of your body do not exhale it's like a signal to the snake every time you exhale the snake will squeeze tighter that can prevent you from getting your breath back step four stay away from the water anacondas like shallow murky Rivers so stay on land or get yourself to land as fast as possible when anacondas are around they're great swimmers but they're not fast slitherers on land run towards land and keep running until you get as far away as possible step five bite the snake you couldn't get away fast enough and Anaconda put the bite on you and it has no intention of letting you go remember its weakest spots are its tail and its eyes go on the offense open wide and bike the snake's tail as hard as you can it will cause the Anaconda tremendous pain and hopefully the snake will let go use your fingers as aggressively as you can and poke its eyes eyes are a crucial organ that these huge snakes will try to preserve the truth is a human is not an anaconda's ideal prey its average meal weighs around 18 kilograms but if you find yourself being attacked by another Predator remember we have you covered right here on how to survive foreign
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 1,655,258
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Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, what if, science, can you survive, could you survive, Top 10 survival, survival guide, survival tips, survival documentary, anaconda, giant anaconda, anaconda snake, anaconda attack, green anaconda, anaconda documentary, snake, anaconda choke, zoology, animal attack, survival tactics, survival kit, survival skills, science documentary, survival gadgets, snakes, life hacks, wilderness survival, largest snake, documentaries, documentary
Id: qbfE4mcqi7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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