How to Survive the Most Dangerous Animals of the Amazon

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foreign [Music] there's a reason they warned you never to travel alone in the Amazon as you go deeper into the rain forest you start to feel like you're being watched wait was that a roar soon you realize this breathtaking scenery is home to other things that can take your breath away forever here's how to survive the most dangerous animals in the Amazon the Amazon is a huge and highly unexplored territory five times larger than the state of Texas ten percent of Earth's Wildlife we know about inhabits this jungle and if you aren't careful a lot of that Wildlife could kill you so today we've put together a list of the animals considered to be the most dangerous out of the bunch whether you travel by foot water or you're sticking to The High Ground these Predators have their eyes on you what tiny creature could kill 20 people how could running in a straight line save your life what predator can get you on land and water number five Amazonian giant centipede at 30 centimeters long and a weight of three grams the Amazonian giant centipede is the largest centipede in the world its venom is so powerful it can immobilize prey 15 times its size fortunately for you its favorite meals are rodents lizards and bats if you jam your foot in the wrong place it won't hesitate to inject you with Venom engineered to cause serious injuries with your cardiovascular respiratory and nervous systems so Look Out Below watch your step and don't forget a long pair of socks just in case Number Four Bull Sharks you won't need to go deep into the ocean to encounter these Jaws bull sharks prefer shallow Waters and can be found in rivers dangerously close to human populated areas they're not just found in the Amazon either some encounters with humans originally attributed to Great Whites were actually the handiwork of bull sharks like the 1916 incidents along the Jersey Shore that killed four people in two weeks they have a nastier bite than that of a great white and although they usually stick to Turtles oysters and even other bull sharks if they are hungry enough Anything Goes including hippos the good news is that these Predators can't follow you out of the water the bad news is that the creature that awaits you at the top of our list could kill you in the water on land and even from above number three poison dart frogs also known as the most poisonous creature on Earth this quarter-sized frog packs enough Venom to kill 20 very full-sized humans the skin of the poison dart frog has attractive bright colors but don't even think about touching one venomous released through their skin and a single stroke from your finger can result in heart failure within minutes indigenous people of the Amazon use this Venom to make poison infused Arrows by Rolling the arrow tip over the frog skin just like that they have a mortal weapon that can be potent for over two years if you want to survive in the Amazon stay away from pretty colored creatures number two black caiman this dangerous reptile reaches lengths of almost five meters and can weigh 454 kilograms once a black caiman latches on to you it'll start to twist and thrash until you're bleeding profusely but still possibly aware enough of the fact that you're being dragged towards the water where drowning fatal waves nocturnal Hunters they know how to camouflage themselves you do see one don't approach it instead back away slowly and then try to run away in a straight line in 2010 biologist Denise nishamura was at the edge of her houseboat when a black came and attacked as the massive animal dragged her into the water nishimura located its eyes and nose and desperately squeezed as hard as she could the reptile let nishamura go and she survived but not before she lost a leg to the Amazon's largest predator number one Jaguar one Predator the black caiman is worried about the Jaguar which is known to Ambush them from above they're usually found lurking on land but if you think that you can't be attacked by a jaguar in water think again Jaguars are remarkable swimmers which makes them all the more dangerous in 2010 while on a fishing trip a 17 year old boy was blindsided by a Jaguar jumping from a Ravine and straight onto his boat the team fell into the water with the Jaguar's Jaws latched to his head the Ferocious cat wouldn't let go until the boat Skipper Struck it with an iron pipe the victim was left with deep gashes in his skull from the Jaguar sharp fangs requiring surgery to remove bone fragments from his brain tissue you find yourself face to face with the Jaguar raise your hands to appear bigger and slowly back away never turn your back on it if it lunges grab whatever you can to hit it in the head hard [Music] you survive the most dangerous animals of the Amazon but did you know that snakes attack nearly 3 million people every year you want to know how to survive that find out here on how to survive
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 92,071
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Keywords: how to survive, survival, what if, science, survival tips, survival documentary, amazon rainforest, amazon, amazon forest, the world’s largest tropical rainforest, beautiful nature, amazon 4k, amazon rainforest fire, amazon rainforest deforestation, amazon river, jungle, brazil, facts about amazon rainforest, animals 4k, animals that call the jungle home, south america, deforestation, environment, amazon deforestation, save the amazon, amazon jungle, climate change, animals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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