How to Survive an Ostrich Attack

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[Music] they said this would never work out look at us who's laughing now [Music] here's how to survive an ostrich attack these big goofy looking birds can be pretty unpredictable dangerous and even vicious you certainly don't want to provoke one can an ostrich's kick kill you how fast can they run and how could you wrestle an ostrich an ostrich's powerful long legs can cover three to five meters in a single stride and they are powerful enough to kill a lion so you're probably thinking i have no chance of surviving this attack well you do if you follow these steps step one get away you're dealing with the world's largest bird and these flightless birds are powerful runners so out running them is not an option they can sprint up to 72 kilometers per hour so if you want to avoid a fatal kick from one of these giants you'll need to keep your distance if you see an ostrich starting to charge you may still have time to get to a safe place so try to duck into a car a building or up a tree your goal is to get out of reach so the ostrich can't touch you step two lie down an ostrich can grow to 2.7 meters tall and weigh up to 158 kilograms so if you try to stand up to one you're probably not going to intimidate it contrary to popular belief ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand but you can sort of lie down or get low to the ground then the ostrich will recognize that you are not a threat however it might hang out and watch you for a while but it won't hurt you so lie down flat and cover your face and head if you are prepared and remain calm you might end up with just a good scare and a great story to tell but you will be alive step 3 find a thorn bush [Music] ostriches live in desert areas of the african savannas and thorn bushes are plentiful there the good news is that ostriches are not fans of thorn bushes and i'm guessing you're not either but if you want to get through this you'll probably have to suck it up so if an ostrich charges at you jump into the nearest thorn bush step 4 go for its throat the neck is the ostrich's weak point so face the big bird head on grab it and try to twist it around but remember as soon as you let go you're going to be dealing with one seriously angry ostrich ideally you could use a sleeper hold and apply pressure until the bird passes out as soon as it hits the floor get out of there but if this doesn't work and you have to go head to beak with the angry bird step 5 fight fight with everything you've got but try to keep your distance and use a long object such as a pole or a stick attack its neck and if you still have no luck go for its eyes and head and if all else fails attack its legs and try to bring the bird down one of the most famous ostrich attacks on record happened to the late johnny cash an ostrich in an exotic farm on cassius property didn't take kindly to johnny walking the trail that day so the bird decided to let him know it attacked the singer but cash was carrying a 1.8 meter stick in his hand the fight was quick but brutal for johnny cash he claimed he got off easy with only a couple broken ribs and a huge gash on his stomach johnny credited a good solid belt buckle for saving his life so it is possible to survive an ostrich attack but the injuries will probably be severe as in johnny cash's case ostriches rarely attack humans and it usually happens when the birds are provoked or threatened by humans it's also a good idea to avoid an ostrich's nest or eggs ostriches like all other species will do anything to protect their young but what if you provoked a wild boar how could you get yourself out of that situation well we've got the perfect video for you to be prepared and stay alive keep watching how to survive [Music]
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 987,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, what if, science, can you survive, could you survive, Top 10 survival, survival guide, survival tips, survival documentary, ostrich, ostrich attack, ostrich attacking man, ostrich attacking human, ostrich attack jeep, ostrich attacks man funny, ostrich attack car, ostrich attack funny, ostrich attack man, ostrich attacking, birds, animal attack, ostriches, bird, attacks, animals, big birds, when animals attack, survival tactics, survival skills
Id: J2p4LJMB418
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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