The Deadliest Snake Attacks

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if you see a snake coil its body into an S shape like this it might already be too late for you see what I mean from this position a snake can lunge 15 cm forward in just 70 milliseconds that means its venomous fangs could be digging into your flesh in the blink of an eye now the best way to survive a toxic bite from one of these slithery serpents is to get some antivenom into your system as quickly as possible but here's the problem the world is quietly running out of anti venom because no one's making it anymore so how are we supposed to treat the over 5 million snake bites that happen every year we'll dive into that a little later because antivenom isn't the only way to protect yourself to help me explain I'm going to show you three of the deadliest snake attacks on Earth and as you'll see in this first video sometimes the secret to survival is in your pants your camp Ing and it's dusk as you gather firewood one of the sticks moves it's not a stick it's a deadly black mamba the snake raises its head more than 1 meter off the ground it strikes like lightning attacking you again and again then Slither away what could you do to survive found throughout Eastern and Southern regions of Africa the black mamba snake is one of the most feared most deadly snakes in the world and it may try to intimidate You by extending its neck flaps at full speed a black mamba can travel at 19 kmph that's faster than most people can run they're also the longest venomous snake in Africa and the second longest in the world averaging 2.4 M long but they have grown up to 4.3 M if you want to survive your trip to Africa you might be wondering about a few things do these snakes hang out alone or travel in groups and how fast can you die from a black mamba Venom in 2017 a black mamba nodded itself around a Kenya woman's leg as she tried to get it off it bit her three times she passed out before arriving at the nearest hospital it was 45 minutes away luckily the medical staff had antivenom and it saved her life but what could you do to increase your chance of surviving a black mamba attack step one dress for success just two drops of black mamb venom could kill you in a little as 20 minutes if you'll be walking through Bush or long grass a black mamba snake could be there too wearing thick long clothes such as pants a shirt and a jacket could help protect you wearing hiking or work boots would help protect your feet and ankles step two practice social distancing black mambas are territorial so don't go looking for a fight if you see or hear one leave it alone do not go near the snake and if it tries to escape let it if it feels cornered you'll face its wrath and if you see one that looks dead leave it alone too some snakes play dead to lure their prey step three know their hiding places these fearsome killers are surprisingly shy they like places where they can hide rest and not be disturbed this includes lazing under rocks inside dead tree stumps and under logs they also caves and empty termite Mounds but they hunt during the day so watch out step four don't be fooled by their Nam the inside of their mouths are blue black but the Black Mamba body is a brownish color ranging from Olive to grayish tones with paler bellies step five control your breath you were so busy watching for one snake that you didn't see the others although they're usually loners you might encounter two or small group of black mambas this is hard but if it bites you staying calm can help you stay alive you'll want your breathing and heart rate to be as slow as possible to slow the Venom spread through your body if a black mamba bites someone else help keep their breathing stable as well remove any clothing rings necklaces and any other objects that could constrict their breathing step six get antivenom within 20 minutes toxins start acting on the nervous and cardiovascular systems you might pass out or become paralyzed and without antivenom you're guaranteed to die scientists have developed an antivenom that counteracts the 10 most venomous snakes in Africa it has to be injected in your veins because muscles don't absorb it well it's important not to inject it into or around the bite site and you may need equipment to help you breathe while the antivenom takes effect phew you're lucky friends got you to a hospital and they had the antivenom and over time the antivenom will ease your muscle paralysis you're going to live wow so if scientists have developed such a great antivenom then our problem should be solved right well not exactly you see our problem isn't that we don't know how to make antivenoms it's much more complicated than that making antivenom is pricey and a tricky process from milking snake venom to creating antibodies and the market for these life-saving treatments doesn't bring in big bucks so drug companies aren't rushing to invest in it add to that the short shelf life of these products and the need for refrigeration and you got a distribution puzzle too but there's Hope on the horizon there's one country who's figured out a way to produce Andy Venom without eating snakes at all but if you want to know how they do it you got to make it through our next snake first this guy's Venom can rot your flesh and make you bleed out so good luck at first it's an unsettling noise the grinding of scales rubbing together that's the sound of the saw scaled Viper the world's deadliest snake and it could be the last sound you ever hear found in populated areas throughout India Sri Lanka and the Middle East sofs scaled vipers are responsible for more human depths than all other snake species combined while they may not have the deadliest Venom they are are extremely aggressive they strike fast and they don't stop after one bite the Venom can deteriorate blood vessel membranes overwhelming the body's blood clotting system one NP can bleed you dry the Venom can also rot flashh it practically destroys the tissue around the bite gross making it through the initial encounter is one thing but you could be faced with losing a couple of toes maybe even a leg when threatened it will rub its scales together called stridulation this produces the tail tail sawing sound that gives this species its name that may be your only warning before you feel fangs in your flesh so listen up how can you avoid these Sinister snakes what should you do if you come face to face with one and why shouldn't you try to fight back step one know your enemy the first step in avoiding death or serious harm from a sofs scaled Viper is to know how to avoid them the species has a distinct appearance notably their pear-shaped heads large elliptical eyes and distinctive coloring their scales are oriented upward rather than backward which is what you'll usually see with most snakes they are relatively small with a maximum length of 40 cm that makes them easy to miss these snakes are most active on humid nights or after it rains so that's when you need to be extra careful step two wear protection an overwhelming majority of the snake's bites involve the lower extremities if you know one might be around wear closed towed shoes soft scaled vipers often live in small holes and Rocky environments something a teenager in India learned the hard way he received severe bites on his hand while reaching into such a hole while hunting Bush Rats the resulting swelling led to his hand being transformed into a reddish heap of Flesh that later required two fingers to be amputated so carry some gloves and make sure they're thick step three make a quick exit because of their overly aggressive instincts if you encounter a saws scaled Viper the best thing to do is to get the heck out of there just because it's not moving doesn't mean there's no danger it has the ability to launch a leaping attack from a coiled position and being a Sidewinder it's extremely fast over surfaces like sand back away slowly and do not make sudden movements Don't Take Your Eyes Off it if you are bitten get away from the snake immediately they will often go in for multiple bites and each one increases your chances of a very bad outcome don't try to kill the snake it's not worth it step four Beat the Clock direct contact means the clock is ticking prepare for swelling and intense pain around the bite that will spread to the rest of your body internal bleeding will become a major issue get yourself to a doctor and get an antivenom treatment there are literally thousands of antivenoms available so make sure you describe the snake accurately as possible some victims have even killed their attacker and brought it with them please don't do do this once treated you should recover in a few days step five trust the research if you survived a softs scaled vipers Venom there's still a risk of tissue damage or the loss of a limb but is there any way to prevent this after a bite our immune system dispatches white blood cells to the site to fight off the Venom while these cells effectively kill the Venom they also starve the surrounding tissue of oxygen leading to rot researchers have begun experimenting with chemical compounds from much deadlier Cobra Venom they have had success neutralizing Venom and treating tissue damage simultaneously unfortunately the trials have only been successful on mice okay while they continue to experiment with mice let's go visit the Netherlands where scientists are using stem cells to create synthetic snake venom this is super exciting for a bunch of reasons first it's way kinder to the animals and once the cells are set up we can make a ton of antivenom that might even be cheaper and last longer without needing a fridge this could be a GameChanger especially for places where snake bites are a big problem but anti venom is hard to come by now anti venom is not going to help you against our last snake of the day because he's not worried about poisoning you he just wants to squeeze you to [Music] death hearing someone screams snake can cause people to panic and when you're in the shallow murky rivers of South America home to the deadly Anaconda you realize this is not a garden snake coming towards you it's a green anaconda these are not small snakes it's often said that green anacondas can grow up to 9 m in length and they can weigh as much as 225 kg anaconda's prey ranges from 10% of their body weight all the way up to 146% so humans are fair game what should you do if you are attacked by this deadly Beast why is it important to hold your breath what should you do if you get bed and how could your teeth become your best defensive weapon it only takes seconds for an anaconda to wrap around its prey and squeeze it to death and no matter how strong you are the snake can create up to 62,5 3 kilopascal of pressure anacondas have a legendary status as maneaters so if you're going into Anaconda territory here's some tips to help you survive step one push your hand inside the snake's mouth if an anaconda is nearby watch its face an anaconda shows its predator Behavior by flicking its tongue and if it bites you do not yank yourself away or try to forcefully pull yourself out of its mouth an anaconda's inner teeth curve backwards to hold on to its spray so if you try to pull out of the snake's mouth right away it can cause serious injuries getting out in this situation will be much easier if you have someone else to help you ask them to slowly open the anaconda's mouth as they do that push your hand or whatever body part is being bitten further in inside the snake's mouth this will get it off the snake's fangs then you can get out of the snake's mouth without causing even more injuries step two wear proper gear you might feel safer if you wear clothing that's harder for these snakes to bite through this includes thick gloves sturdy shoes and thick clothing but what if you set out to become snake baked Paul Rosalie a natural agreed to be swallowed home by an anaconda for a TV special they thought the snake might regurgitate him and if necessary they could cut him free he wore a special carbon fiber suit designed to withstand the snake's fangs constriction powers and digestion so he would survive the ordeal the suit was doused in pig blood to make it more appealing but when Paul approached the anaconda the snake was afraid and tried to escape so Rosal provoked the snake it eventually attacked SW followed him head first and began squeezing he was inside the snake for an hour then Rosalie was worried that the Anaconda was going to break his arm he cried out in fear and pain and asked the crew to rescue him they did step three hold your breath if an anaconda grips the middle of your body do not exhale it's like a signal to the snake every time you exhale the snake will squeeze tighter that could prevent you from getting your breath back step four stay away from the water anacondas like shallow murky Rivers so stay on land or get yourself to land as fast as possible when anacondas are around they're great swimmers but they're not fast slitherers on land run towards land and keep running until you get as far away as possible step five bite the snake you couldn't get away fast enough and Anaconda put the bite on you and it has no intention of letting you go remember its weakest spots are its tail and its eyes go on the offense open wide and bite the snake's tail as hard as you can it will cause the Anaconda tremendous pain and hopefully the snake will let go use your fingers as aggressively as you can and poke its eye eyes eyes are a crucial organ that these huge snakes will try to preserve the truth is a human is not an anaconda's ideal prey its average meal weighs around 18 kg hey you like my how to survive shirt well you can get one of your own of course we have a merch store you didn't know check it out at you can get this shirt or maybe you'd prefer our how to survive Snake Island hoodie yeah I thought so hoodies hats teas mugs stickers books we got it all at pick up something for that special summon in your life okay that's it for today's how to survive marathon of the deadliest snake attacks hope you retain some of this knowledge you learn today most importantly get yourself to a doctor after getting bitten by any one of these venomous snakes that's how to survive
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 2,587,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, what if, science, can you survive, could you survive, Top 10 survival, survival guide, survival tips, survival documentary, Saw-scaled Viper Attack, saw scaled viper, snakes, viper, venom, snake bite, snake attack, saw-scaled viper, wildlife, reptiles, saw scaled viper snake, snake venom, anaconda, black mamba, black mamba snake, antivenom, science documentary, snake bites man, animals, snakes hiking, documentary, deadly, documentaries, snake, nature
Id: -JIUwBf8mJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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