How To Survive A Mass Shooting

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[Applause] what's up Gus morning morning guys good morning what up man cold steel knives is in the house make sure you uh their little their battle hatchets or their uh Overland hats it's our money make sure you take those guys out sorry I'm sweating I'm burning around I mean George just got back from the gym but we're prepping for the Overland are not the over land but the Phil croff Expo so super motivated to get everything set up for all the tribe members are showing up tomorrow on the next day hey guys I want to take this time and talk about the last post that I posted because I want to make sure that I eight people on what's advertised in the news worse is kind of the reality so if you guys didn't see my last post the last post talks about the fact that the Virginia shooter used to suppress 45 and so first let me lay out the events that happened last week in Virginia Beach at a public works government building when an employee which I won't say his name because I don't want to I don't want to memorialize or glorify his name in any way but a gentleman who decided to commit a mass shooting and an act of violence what he did was he showed up to work he actually sent an email to his chain of command and advised him that he would be resigning he put in a letter of resignation he actually went into the [ __ ] brushed his teeth and then said goodbye to a co-worker and then started killing people he actually killed one person outside the building I'm assuming he went back to his vehicle to get his pistols he used a 40 Cal and a 45 I believe two pistols that were legally purchased and then went in leading up to the events he was a satisfactory worker he wasn't penalized he wasn't fired nobody seems to have any bad things to say about him as a distraught worker or somebody who was a mental health concern in fact he was known for buying candles for people on his company on last Christmas and was known to be a good guy he walked into the facility and he winded up killing I believe it was five females seven males were all victims twelve total and then was eventually killed in a gunfight between police where he was mortally wounded behind actually a closed door where they were exchanging gunfire between a closed door for officers who initially got on the scene immediately identified and I just confirmed mr. report immediately identified the shooter and then got him locked down on the second floor of a building so first of all let me illustrate a couple points one of the points is one mass shootings according the FBI or any shootings that are four or more shooters or off sorry four or more victims and so this obviously constitutes a mass shooting in fact it's the largest mass shooting in recent history in Virginia so one of the things that were noted this morning that a posted on Phil cross survival was the fact that the doors that use a keek keycard essentially that scans an RFID and unlocks the door officers weren't able to get in to certain parts of the building because they didn't have access because they were the first responders showing up to the scene and obviously couldn't coronate with a security officer to be able to get access via card to get into certain parts of the building which set them up for failure in a couple of ways one the fact that they couldn't access the building and free flow in a specific buildings slow though slow the time in which they were able to respond secondly the shooter who is obviously an employee of the public utility government facility had access and he used that card to go building or room the room where he was able to get and gain access because obviously his access cart wasn't denied one thing we have to understand about locking mechanisms for doors is a lot of active shootings statistically the majority of active active shootings come from disgruntled workers who are operating in their own business ie a guy gets disgruntled he has a mental health issue he decides he wants to conduct a mass shooting and now he has access to all the security all the patterns of life all the operations and then obviously can take advantage of that to exploit the security mechanisms that are micked to stop shooters from the outside coming in and so that's a big issue and so one of the things I would say is when I when I edit eight people in active shootings giving whether it's private or institutional like a government organization I would say that if you have access limitations based on security measures that could be obviously a disadvantage to the people that are in there especially when the majority of shooters come from the inside their inside jobs and so I don't like I don't like the protocols unless there's a specific security measure that's protecting classified information or sensitive material that utilized that that particular method especially once you breach internally into the building that's why physical security is often better than technical security in some aspects especially when it comes to mass shootings also I'm not a big fan of protocols in massive shooting attacks whereby they lock all the doors as a protocol as a as a measure of security now when you're protecting children and schools I will tell you that that protocol is better than no protocol meaning leaving the doors unlocked as opposed to the teacher locking the door internally to protect their children I agree with that especially in this in the sense where the teachers aren't armed now let's talk about the post that I did on my personal count on here that talks about suppressors one they're often referred to as silencers a silencer does not silence the gun from combusting and it does not make it silent or quiet and it's funny in doing some a little bit of research on the media's perspective on what silencers are a lot of people in the media often believe that suppressors or silencers do that they make the guns quiet I remember operating in Iraq with the Navy and we were doing joint operations with Navy SEALs and the Navy SEALs had mark 23 s HK s large 45 ACP H case and they had suppressors on them and I remember the first time those guys at first time in combat so young guys who never knew what those guns were capable of we're trying to shoot out lights before we were gonna do a Sarah Bishop entry into a building meaning we were quietly approaching the building and then they were shooting out lights because they didn't have the ability to unscrew lights meaning they couldn't reach it and so they would just shoot it and they thought the cans on those guns were quiet and that nobody would hear well you broke they first time first couple ups that we did that year they broke the shots and then compromised the assault meaning everybody knew what the hell was happening and so we had to do a hasty assault because we were soft compromised meaning dogs were barking lights came on and so we had to conduct the assault so it's absolutely correct it's not like the movies look here's how it works a bullet that travels at the speed of sound which is over a thousand feet per second is sexy one one two five but the feet per second has a few variables and that's typically atmospherics likes relative humidity and altitude density or pressure and so even ambient temperature so when somebody breaks around or shoots a gun that travels faster than the speed of sound you will often hear the the sound barrier begin being broke and it's synonymous with the shooting of a gun so you're hear a boom crack boom crack if you're on the back side if you're on the back side of that it sounds the same but if you are on the the forward end of the gun meaning you're receiving gunfire you will hear that definitive clap outside of the breaking of the round shooting because remember the cycle of operation the guns gonna combust by the primer being struck and then the chamber exploding essentially which cycles the gun and the bullet comes out well that synonymous break of a sound barrier is a loud pop and so that pop or that snap is definitive it's loud it's what disrupts at a hundred and thirty decibels and above it's what disrupts your your hearing it's why you can't hear afterwards because it's so loud well what happens is when when a round is subsonic which by default because of the weight of around a 45 ACP which he carried it is subsonic meaning it is typically below 1,000 feet per second plus P's get around 1011 and 1,200 feet per second but a standard ACP travels between 800 and 900 feet per second which is well under the sound barrier but here's the difference the difference is when you put a suppressor on a suppressor goes on to the muzzle brake or or threads directly on the barrel when a bullet exits the barrel it creates a breaking of of this of really the air which creates a muzzle flash and so when you have a suppressor integrated into the barrel what happens as it passes through the suppressor there are baffles inside that suppressor that break and dissipate the sound so now imagine you have a 45 ACP round that traveling still fast and loud but now traveling through that suppressor depending on the length of the can and depending on the can you are breaking up that sound as it leaves the suppressor which reduces obviously the decibel level so a 45 ACP is going to be below below the speed of sound which is not going to have the definitive pop and then as it breaks through the suppressor it's going to reduce and dissipate the decibels or measured sound that you hear and generally speaking what you hear is especially a suppressed 45 is you will hear a loud pop it almost sounds like that of a pellet gun and then you will definitively hear the primer popping and then the reciprocation of the action and so that's still loud but it is a stark difference in contrast from a bullet breaking the sound barrier so the analogy that I made or the example that I used in a my in my post is training law enforcement I've trained a lot of SWAT teams over the last it's actually a couple decades I mean I've trained as a career field SWAT teams in the last decade for the last ten years and so when a when a police department SWAT team is doing hostage rescue and we're training it sometimes we use simunition x' and simunition x' has a primer and simunition is number one as a company sim simulated rounds would be the the same but simunition actually has I just graduated from OSA today Congrats man Congrats Jim [ __ ] proud of you bro Congrats that's good [ __ ] news so when you shoot an actual simunition round which is basically powdered it's almost similar to a detergent that makes a mark on you but has a plastic round on the top of the projectile of the round when that's shot it pops a primer and you get the cycle of the gun that's important because you have to create combustion so if I took uh a nine mil pistol and I loaded it up with some munitions as long as I had the barrel the simunition is blue barrel I could shoot through my live gun and it feels and reciprocates like a real gun but what's more important in this conversation is the sound is the same as a subsonic round in a suppressed gun it's very similar what I've so here's how it works when a SWAT team is going towards a crisis point the crisis point is where the shooter is so if a shooter is killing good people I'm not gonna clear every room leading to the crisis point I'm gonna do a hasty clear I might stick the barrel in the room and bypass it just to get to the crisis point to reduce the amount of cows unit casualties that because every millisecond lasts you know every mass shooting above for casualties last within 12 minutes a span of 12 minutes and so every second does count so the reason I tell you that is because when you're shooting simunition x' and the reason the way I do is I initiate what I would is that would they perceive as a gunfight and so I'll break off rounds in the room the back room of a building and they have to find you yes it is not difficult to go to to go to sound to move to the sound of gunshots but I will tell you that if a guy is shooting suppressed with a 45 subsonic already subsonic round with a suppressor in a cannon it will be harder to identify where that shooter is at 1 you have the echoing which if somebody shoots a normal pistol or let's say they're shooting a rifle was with a muzzle break you will have the gas that comes off that and not only do you get a breaking of a sound brick barrier but you get the echoing off the walls and that is very definitive in sound I've moved to the sound of gunfire in real life and and end and confined spaces and it is very very definitive now I'm not saying that it potentially is going to give the shooter a distinct Vantage because here's one of the caveats one most active shootings cops arrive hastily and unless they're on a SWAT team running omnidirectional ear protection they're not going to have here and so when they show up to the scene it's gonna be easy for them to differentiate between somebody shooting and then no noises at all even under stress even under mild auditory exclusion under stress they're gonna be able to hear where that's coming from my what I'm saying is when you put in doors and barriers and obstacles in between you and the shooter it will get more complex as to identifying where the shooter potentially is now did that give the shooter and advantage more than likely the answer is no because it sounds like the officers identified them faster they identified them fast when they arrived on the scene what made it more difficult is the protocol of locking doors and having access only an access key card to be able to access and unlock those doors which put people at a huge disadvantage one people flowing room-to-room were at a disadvantage because they had to use a key access card under stress and we talk about this all the time if you're under stress doing basic [ __ ] is difficult for people who aren't acclimated to stress or who don't operate in stress and so it's very difficult the next thing I want to talk about is the protocol for an active shooting which is one hide fight according to the US government the federal US government run hide fight so yes running or fling will give you an advantage but the problem that I have with this is in the absence of context when people are given acronyms to execute without the understanding of the context or advantage or disadvantage behind the tactics they do what they're told it's what happens to two privates in the infantry when they're following battle drills in an immediate action react to contact react to ambush it they're following an acronym and so without an explanation or thinking outside the box they will not they will not be able to think for themselves so let's say you're somebody and you have no experience operating under stress you've done no tactical training and you are very stressed out because you've never experienced anything like this in your life and then you follow the protocol on your head because you were taught in a fifteen minute block of instruction by some you know OS office of security rep in your in your company so you run and then you run to a point in which you find a good place to hide because you're looking for a hide and you find a closet you go in the closet you shut the door behind you and let's say you're not in close proximity to the to the shooter where you had the opportunity to flee but you did it because you're following the protocol and then the explanation is I'm assuming when confronted with the absolute worst case scenario of coming face to face with the shooter you fight as a last resort that to me by protocol by understanding has set a lot of people up for failure now this isn't likely school right where school a school has children and the children follow the direction of the adults and so if the adult is switched on they will get direct guidance and they might run hide barricade themselves in a room and then collectively put themselves together to barricade the door in order to survive that's not like this situation because now you have individual adults who have to think for themselves who are following a protocol and then they run they hide and then if they're lucky they survive if they're not they're found and they're killed a lot a lot of active shootings involve shooters who are hunting victims meaning they understand the the layout of their workplace they know where the crevices the closets and everything are so when they go from room to room they're going to the places where people would hide and then they're killing people with no discretion and so that's a problem when you run and hide because you're you are allowing yourself to be to survive that situation based on the actions of the shooter not based on the actions of yourself what's which I believe will set you up for failure when I when I do active shooting courses I developed an acronym called off which is number one you have to observe a lot of people and active shootings that don't observe I've seen this in active shooting courses that I've ran when when you hear gunshots and you go is that a shooter and then you freak out you go into fight or flight and you just run a lot of the times you'll put yourself in a bad situation because you're reacting off a stress and so you're making bad decisions if you take a moment to observe meaning stop look and listen you know we call it seal stop looking listen which is an observation tactic that we do in Special Operations and the combat arms and the infantry as an SOP standard operating procedure where if we get off of a vehicle or if we do a halo infiltration or if we go into an unknown environment it might be an urban environment we stop for a moment in time and use our senses to gather information to make a better decision yes a tactical pause stop look and listen and so what I want you to understand is when you stop looking listen and you are making that tactical pause you you are taking the time to observe and assimilate information to be able to make a better decision and so giving yourself a couple milliseconds a couple of seconds what's up Johnny a miss you man taking the moment to make a better decision might set you up for success give them a give you the example let's say you are in an office and you're in the office and you're typing on a computer and you hear something that sounds like gunshots so your protocol is you've thought about this before so you have a place where you're gonna rendezvous that you've determined that's gonna be a safe site let's say it's the Starbucks across the street so now you hear what you what appears to be gunshots now you develop in your own head a criteria for determining that and if you think meaning it doesn't have to be confirmed but if you think it is you immediately make the decision to leave the gunshots meeting meeting creating distance with time and also actual distance and even putting as many terrain features as you came between you and the threat without any consideration or debate because here's the here's the problem with observation curiosity kills the cat if you want to be curious about a confrontation you better be prepared to meet that confrontation with violence as Johnny talks about in his mindset and his training and you better be prepared to embrace that violence if not meaning you believe in saving your own ass or saving the people that around you you have a protocol to be definitive about that decision hey I hear gunshots does that sound like gunshots to you you get confirmation dude let's get the [ __ ] out of here and then you get your buddy and you pop smoke you break contact my acronym is absurd it's also fight and flee or flight or flee or flee and fight it's it's conversely could be used to your advantage because I think the biggest advantage for people is their ability to physically move most people in fighter flight scenarios they flee under cortisol and adrenaline and make bad decisions where they'll run right into the shooter or they'll run and jump out of a second a third story building and died on impact they'll do dumb [ __ ] because they haven't understood they have to mitigate stress to make a good decision in observation so I want people to observe take a moment in time to make a good deliberate decision and then break contact and then if you have to when confronted with somebody that's gonna run into you're prepared to fight but breaking contact and creating distance is is a battle drill that we are taught as infantrymen at and combat arms at the lowest level meaning a [ __ ] one he ones don't even have rank and so we're taught if we're if we're confronted with a situation where we potentially could be killed by contact by an aggressor we break contact as a unit or as individuals and there is no debate about that it's very definitive so imagine the people who are running hiding and fighting who run and think as a protocol their best advantage is to somehow lock themselves in a room in a closet when they had the opportunity to break contact completely look in a active shooting most active shooters work alone they're individuals if you hear gunshots in the proximity of your location and you're in a room that has windows break the [ __ ] windows and get out of the window and break contact I don't care if you break your arm your leg break contact by all means possible also think about the fighting a component of this the run hide fight sets people up to be confronted with violence at no advantage because member if you have no training in this and you're setting yourself up to hide you're gonna be cowering under a desk you're not prepared for fighting and so even the advantage of fighting with without the proximity and distance is setting you up for failure let's say you're in a closet and you're cowering underneath boxes is that advantageous and it's not gonna set you up for fighting absolutely not the person opens the door you're cowering in the corner they shouldn't kill you it's that easy but if you're setting yourself up to fight you have to get the advantage hiding to me means cowering so if you're gonna if you're gonna be about run hide fight I would cut out the hide and just say run fight or use our acronym of observe flee and if you have to fight if you're running down a building and you know you're gonna run into the shooter there's no way you're not going to do that set yourself suck set yourself up at the fatal funnel to be able to be in the dead space on the left and right ends of dead space or the blind spots where when they come through it's how we were killed in Special Operations in the infantry bad bat by bad guys it's how criminals kill police officers by hiding in dead space and I'm using that example to allow you guys to understand that it's not that difficult to be a bad guy and to have the advantage be a good good guy hide in the dead space when they come to the threshold fight for your [ __ ] life take control of that gun and fight for your life but hiding set your physical profile up for the worst potential case scenario whereby you will not have the advantage and you will more than likely die lastly I will just tell you in the and the observe fight and flee or flee and fight if you have the ability to defend life including your own I will I will tell you that it is an advantage not only for you obviously to take control of that situation but you should do that as a social social obligation number one here's what I care you guys I carry this fish pond fly-fishing bag I carry this around me because it's a fly-fishing bag and where I live it's not very difficult to see people roll around and use this bag and it doesn't stand out but I have access to everything I need I have my med I have my fill craft survival kit I have my tri arc Glock 43 and I'm prepared to fight for my life and it's low vis exactly right trav so when I'm carrying like this look it's it's on here I got access to a tourniquet I could turn it here and then run it like a chess rig rocket fight for my life and defend my life this is super important when you're setting yourself up to reduce your signature and low vis environments you don't want to broadcast to anybody what I don't care if your workplace has a policy for no concealed firearms you're a [ __ ] American you haven't a second minute Amendment right as long as you're not being an [ __ ] about it as long as you're not displaying it as long as you're not boasting about it but tuck somewhere inside your murse your suitcase your purse your bag somewhere on your person where you could defend life look the bottom line is even in this situation the act of shooting itself where the guy murdered all those people did not last long the average active shooting according to the FBI statistics lasts less than 12 minutes according to the same statistics the average first responder can get on scene in about 15 minutes as an average and that goes that goes to infinity depending on how rural you are that goes for a traumatic injury treating trauma defending your life you are your own first response we have a couple courses I just want to highlight guys 1t triple see you guys have been asking us for tactical combat casualty care Kevin Faulk of devil dog consulting has offered to come up here and teach a certified course and tactical combat casualty care which is the things that you need be educated on when trying to save your life or your family's life was severe trauma traumatic from gunshot wounds last night lacerations but things that are going to be puncture wounds that are going to potentially save your life and then applying a tourniquet this is a certified course it's August 17 and August 18 two separate courses that are that are you're able to take either the 17th or the 18th we also have good fighter pistol and carbine courses that are all year round on field craft survival comm Garen will see you at five hours man this weekend for example Darren are our household combatives instructor whose teaches with Raul Martinez our combat as a trainer will be here Saturday teaching combatives to everybody I'm sorry tomorrow be here tomorrow teaching combatives and how to defend yourself physically when confronted with these kind of things that we're talking about also we teach the the fundamentals of gun fighting which gets away from the smoke and mirrors of [ __ ] that a lot of people teach when they integrate marksmanship into combat fighting or fighting for your life with a pistol or carbine also we have a sold-out Overland survival course that's sold out July 13th but we'll get another date on the calendar and we have our first long gun course for law enforcement and military July 20th hey I just want to say thanks for tuning in look my last post was it meant to stray or spin media I want to get your guys's feedback on education in fact when I see and post things like this and I get inconsistencies and people's ideas I want to shape your mind with education and provide a soluble solution instead of just [ __ ] and and and I met the subject matter expert guys I have a career field and special operations that was a life experience for me but I'm not the subject matter expert and everything I have civilian buddies that have surround myself with that know a lot more than me and a lot of things some of these things I have more experience in but I'll share that experience but don't think it's the definitive answer what I would do is take my information that I'm disseminating to you and take other information from other people and then make your best judgment and inject that and implement that into your lives so thanks for tuning in guys fulfill craft survival calm Phil craft mobility comm make sure you guys use mic to save tip person as always appreciate you guys I will share this for the next 24 hours and I'll also save it so I could put it on youtube if you guys are interested in watching leader I love you guys thanks for all the support stay alert stay alive guys
Channel: The FieldCraft Survival Channel
Views: 81,800
Rating: 4.9450979 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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