How To Style A Pixie 4 Ways

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hi folks before we launch into today's video this is coming out on the week that we experienced such a heinous terror attack in our community and I want to offer my prayers and condolences for the folks in Orlando and I know I have a pretty big community here from Orlando who watches and I just want you to know that I along with everybody here sent out our thoughts our prayers our love to you we are truly united in solidarity when it comes to freedom and peace and this goes to Orlando or any other place that has been impacted by terror we are here and we continue to pray for you and I just wanted you to know that before I went into my tutorial today okay so today's video is a hair tutorial a highly requested one this is a pixie bob blowout but there's more to it than that I'm going to show you four different ways to style this short haircut so for those of you who have always been intimidated by short hair thinking you are locked into a look and that's it I'm here to show you that you have options so I have put nothing in my hair freshly washed I used living proofs frizz line because yes I have very frizzy hair I am going to now add my got to be fantastic mousse I'm going to apply just a tiny bit I don't need much because I don't have a lot of hair and this is going mainly in the crown and toward my part line which hits right about there to the side I'm just going to work that back and I am also going to add to it living proof perfect hair day just the right mix of goodies to make my hair nice and smooth and manageable and that's mainly going right here just on the ends okay I'm going to grab a towel get the product out the next couple of things that you will need are a high powered hair dryer I'm a huge fan of the Elgin line I've had this one forever I don't think it really matters what model you get the key is high heat and high speed the next thing that you will need a series of hair brushes we all have different hair types mine is wavy kinky curly so I need bristles that are tight and compact to be able to pull out my curl and I have various sizes here depending on what section of my hair that I'm working on I have two different teasing brushes one comb one tightly-packed bristle brush that i will be using i have a hot tools curling iron barrel is about one and one-quarter inch and i have it set on a medium-high heat and I also have a flat iron plugged in this is one by cloud9 again on a medium to high heat so the first thing I'm going to do is blow dry my hair and just show you what a simple blow-dry looks like starting from the back to the front first right now I'm just getting the dampness out and I'll work on straightening later I also lift at the roof to start to get a little bit of volume toward the back but mainly just pushing forward at this point getting it a little bit dryer at the roof and still a little wet at the end because I need a straightening about that time when I will stop because I don't want too much curl to come in I've got to fight and get that straight and I will start with my front section this is where I curl the most this is what I want to tame the most so I'll use a larger brush here and I will start pulling my hair you can section it off if you need to but I just tend to grab sections with my brush saves a little bit of time that way and I am pulling forward and up repetitively to get it straight and then all the way through I wear my hair parted on my left side so I'm working my way over to that part line but it's really not a hard line it floats a little bit so that's why I don't blow-dry necessarily on a hard part I'm just sort of in the vicinity I may play around with that in your fake this haircut is called a pixie Bob because as you'll see as I'm blow-drying it still has a bit of a bob shape to it with length here and length here but it's very very tightly stacked up high with a lot of layers giving it more of that Pixy motif and also all angles so you can see and just pulling up at the root I want volume at the crown but I want nice straight ends so I pull through instead of just release if I were just to release the brush here then the Bend of the hair would remain and it would have more of a swoop to it I'm pulling my ends through to get a straight more the PC look going my size will go back I alternate back and then down what I love about products and you'll notice if you've been with me for a while I have it deviated and there's a reason why it's not that I haven't tried anything new I have I've played around and experimented I just cannot seem to find another mousse that gives my hair volume without making it feel sticky and weighed down you guys know that I like to go quite a few days in between washing and other products make me wash every day every other day but not this one I feel like my hair is not dirty but it gives me the lift that I want so I'm product loyal getting there again I'm just going up and in the back up and back up and back I'm here for the side it's going to be an alternating down and then back and I'm doing that because I don't want it to have a rounded down look I want it to swoop a little bit this blow-dry will be quick I promise now I'm just getting the back pieces just to go straight back I'll turn around in just a second and you notice that I've stayed with the big brush all the way through I didn't need to go to a smaller one again because my primary purpose here is to straighten and the larger the brush the more effective almost there my turn around so you can see the back you see what I'm doing so I'm taking a section I'm lifting and then pulling back you see the movement in the layers Oh okay that's pretty doggone good so we've got a dry head of hair this is what my hair looks like before I have started to do anything with it and put it into a style so today I've thought about these different looks that I'm going to create for you and funny enough I've kind of come up with silly names because HS I don't know every when I do these looks it reminds me of somebody so that's how that happens so the first look I'm going to call the Bieber because when Justin Bieber had shaggy hair he wore his hair like this it was very forward and very piecey so it just reminds me of the Biebs so that's going to be look 1 and in order to achieve that I need now the hair dryer and my living proof amp so what I'm going to do is take my dryer now that it's dry and I'm going to push everything fall that's an oxymoron isn't it again pushing everything forward okay cool one thing I forgot to grab is my hairspray I will need that and I'm sure it will be no surprise as to what is coming out of the vault yes again kenra volume 25 still the best in my book okay so now that I have pushed everything forward the next thing I'm going to do is take my living proof I'm going to grab about I don't know yay much looks like two peas I don't know why we say pea size we're obsessed with peas two peas two peas in a pod I'm going to rub it through I'm going to then tip my hair upside down and I will grab it though almost at the root you don't want it to touch your scalp but close to the root and pull forward okay well my flat iron is beeping at me hold on just power it off and on okay so here we go I will pull it the root and lift and I'm pulling it through my ends as well because it's going to give it a bit of a spiky look when it reaches the ends more of a piece eNOS and at the same time we are creating lift okay all the way through I kind of shake it through with hands all right and I'm going to sit back down and now is when you tip not what I'm going for so now what you do is you take your fingers and this is when you use your hands to get everything where you want it I prefer no part line if at all possible and you can use your smaller layers here to cover that also since I'm going to have a lot of hair sweeping forward here I prefer to tuck it back here just so that one side of the face is clearly visible while the other will be covered with a shag and then all you do is just take your hair and piece it where you want it and I like see the top layers up here are shorter they give a little bit of lift and so I am just pulling everything forward and I am literally just about done you can you can do a little side sweep here in the front you can shag it all forward just depends on what you want to create that's up to you I'm going to pull everything forward and then when you're happy with what you got just kick it with your Kinross again I'm just pulling it my crown because I like the height up here and then flatter up front take these little pieces and just kind of grab on to those twist them if you want just hit them with hairspray and that's about it so I'm going to turn around to make sure the back is cool and kosher so you can see what's happening but again it's all sort of going back in this direction very very piecey very forward moving this side especially so this is the side that comes forward on the face and this is the side that goes back but there you go that's sort of the beads and and that took what all of two minutes maybe nothing okay so the next look I'm going to call the boyfriend you'll see why in a second but it's a look that we ladies get when we wear our hair back in a ponytail but when you have hair this short there is no ponytail but it still creates the same effect and it has a very boyish look to it so from here very simple you can take a brush to flatten it out and again it all depends on where you want to part it if I go this route I will take not a deep side part that medium and I will just take it and slick it back and then I will take these front pieces and just go straight to the side and now I am tucking back and pulling down and just bringing it nice and tight back behind my ear I like to have just a little bit of pop again right here in the back but this is a very smooth and sophisticated look this is great by the way if you have short hair and you want to have an evening look because this is exactly what we do when we pull our hair back except we have an attachment back there or a ponytail but in this case it's just your own hair and you can just take those pieces and pull them forward that's it pop that if need be just secure it with hairspray to make sure everything stays where it needs to come down any flyaways by the way this brush is great for taming fly ways you can just hit it with hairspray and then just lightly sweep it across the top and that will get rid of any little flyaway that you might have and there you go now it's the boyfriend look this looks really really fun if you're doing just jeans and a t-shirt or like I said in the evening if you want more of an elegant look with a dress with either a high neckline low neckline with lots of jewelry this really just excel situates your face and your neckline oh and here's the back by the way so the back is just very smooth sleek just take your fingers piece it together make sure you have no holes or gaps in the back and just slick it straight down so there you go the boyfriend and again all of a minute okay so the next look that we're going to move on to I call more of the Grace Kelly it is an off the face look but instead of a flaps and a part we're going to get some lift and volume right up here at the front section of the hair and to do that I'm going to take my hair dryer again and I will take this round brush and I'm going to grab these front hairs just section them off and I'm going to work now on getting some lift right here hold it there reverse let it cool I'm going to do the same now to the section behind it again now I'm going for more lift and volume up front okay now I'm going to take these sections and I'm going to tease you can use either the thicker comb which works better for me in the back section and then I use a thin comb for the front just to really get some height going okay and at this point now you're just taking your fingers and you are very loosely and gently separating but not getting rid of all that tease because you want that in there you still want your hair to be able to go back if you pull too much of it out it's just going to start to lay flat again and this again a very elegant look for evening going out to dinner cocktail dress sundress just pull it back and as you get things where you like it just get it with hairspray Spray as you go there we go we're getting there and you can do it either tight with some height or you can loosen it up a little bit keep it tight down here but have just a little bit more looseness in here makes it a little bit softer a little more feminine and again get it back spray as you guys this is not supposed to be a perfect look you don't want everything looking just right you want it looking like it was finger combed and very artistic not just slicked and the height that you choose is up to you some people may want to have more volume than others up front some may want to have a little piece coming down for softness it just depends on your face your look what you like more but again there are all kinds of options with this but the key is just up and back up front and the height up here and again with the back we are just pulling it back like so but in a very very loose manner again another another one of my favorite evening looks ok getting the gist of it you turn around alright ok and last but not least we have the weekend which is the looser more relaxed a little bit of curl you can let all that stuff come in and have fun with it if you do have natural curl let it go just you know let it air dry a little bit you can use a curling iron to contain the frizz it just depends on how well your hair does on its own when it air dries or blow dries but I like to modify a little bit with my one and a quarter inch curling iron so I will take relatively large sections and I'm going to start right here and I will start curling these sort of forward and back more emphasis on the root area and not so much on the end and again large chunks getting some lift on the crown that's it and we're just going to keep going back at these and this is more of a loose wave that we're creating in my case not so much pearl it's sort of similar to that beachy look tutorial that I did not that long ago but my point in showing this to you is yes even with a pixie bob you can have that look - like I said the versatility in this cut comes from the length around the face if you have very short layers around your face well then you're pretty much stuck with a straight look I just like having options of just a girl who wants options okay and then these pieces right here instead of going back I kind of do a a little bit of a up up and forward just getting more of a bend to these not so much of a curl and the sides I'm going to kick back and out a little bit so everything's going to have sort of a back look going same with the back gets a little trickier there's less hair here but it's really more about just creating direction at this point just a little bit of Bend to get rid of the straightness that we've worked so hard to achieve up to this point okay make sure I've got everything up top and so at this point you just take your hands and your hands are your styling friend definitely not a brush after you've curled your hair and just shake it remember this is the weekend this is the time to have fun the bedhead look works doesn't have to be perfect in fact the Messier the looser the better in this case I push everything up and forward and I'll scrunch and pull that's about it this look done require whole lot which is a good thing and again when you like where everything is just take your favorite hairspray and get it into place that's it I just will kick the ends on my wavy hair not the root because I don't want to weigh this down so I just want my ends to bind which will hold everything where I want it there you go and it's funny how much longer my hair looks when you do this and that's the neat thing about this haircut is you really can deceive people with the length this perceived length just because of long layers upfront and mind you it's still look still very short and stacked in the back but it all kind of sweeps forward so there's the weekend so there's your tutorial for the day the pixie Bob blowout and four unique styles with one short haircut I hope this has given you some ideas I hope if you're a short hair wearer you don't feel trapped or stuck but you have options and it's all in here and here and just get busy and play around with it comments and suggestions below I love doing what you need what you want I'm here for you I'm here for you on social media all these different channels we communicate there we have great conversations and if you are in the area or even out of the area feel free to watch my newscast here in Houston on KPRC channel 2 at 6 and 10 our station's website streams the newscast live so you can see me wherever you are so with your 4 different hairdos go out there this week be bold be blessed be a blessing and I'll see you next time
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 1,834,518
Rating: 4.8286619 out of 5
Keywords: dominique sachse, how to style a pixie 4 ways, pixie hair style, how to style a pixie haircut, pixie haircut, short hair styles, easy short hair styles, short hair, living proof, elchim
Id: GMnrXcigFSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2016
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