Pixie Hair Tutorials ~ 4 Styles in 1 Video!

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hello there and welcome back to my channel today i am excited to be bringing you not one but four hair tutorials now only one of them is gonna start off with wet hair but the other three i'm gonna show you how to restyle your pixie without washing now i do have an undercut pixie but if you don't have the undercut i think that these styles would still work for you just with maybe some slight modifications before we get started if you're new here thank you so much for being here i hope you'll consider hitting that subscribe button and for all of you long time subscribers welcome back thank you so much for continuing this journey with me all right now let's go ahead and get started i'm going to take my hair out of the towel and we'll start with some product all right so as usual just roughly combing through the hair and i'm going to start off with the catwalk root boost one of my all-time long time favorites and i am going to put this in the crown of the hair and then i'm going to put a little bit more than usual through the top because a few of these looks we're going to need a little extra body so just kind of putting that through the top and it doesn't take a lot of this product but it really does help give some lift and hold as we're blow drying i'm going to add in a little bit of the amica supernova blonde violet shine and moisture cream use about a pea size amount of that work it through the hair and then i'm going to add just a little bit of the moroccan argan oil this is from 100 pure but i also really love the one bite a cure sounds like a rhyme doesn't it not intended to be but that's just how it is all right and when i work this through i really try to just put this on the ends i don't scrub it into the roots of the hair because that can help you lose volume quickly so just trying to keep that on the ends all right now for this first styling it's going to be a little more normal i'm going to start off with the blow dryer styling it off to the side that it is cut to go on which is off to my right [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right now i'm going to take my flat iron i have it heated to 350 and i will change this temperature as we go along but on clean relatively clean hair 350 is perfect for me if you have um kind of thinner finer hair you might want to go down to like a 325 but this just really i just glide it through the hair in a few parts just to kind of help straighten out some sections add a little bit of kind of some direction to some of these pieces here on top and then right here on the side i kind of like to just straighten that out and then in the back section right here i'll use this just to give myself a little bit of lift right here okay we're pretty well ready now for our magic styling cream i'm gonna be using the enjoy dry wax if you don't know about this i've got a lot of videos i've got one of how to use it and i use it in almost all of my hair tutorials it is a very thick wax though and hard so you do kind of have to dig in there i'm going to start off with a small amount knowing that i'm going to be restyling my hair several times i'm going to pace myself probably need just a little bit more though and going to really work that through my hands and now the key is i'm not going to start scrubbing it into the scalp just yet i'm going to just start on the ends and then when i have less on my hands i'll work a little bit of that into the roots but you do want to be careful you don't get too much of this product or your hair can feel dirty quickly it does not however get greasy so that is a good thing all right so i'm going to just work this front section over and i'm really kind of just flattening the sides here i'll take a little extra product and work it through the top and i am just twisting a little bit all right now it's time to set it with a little bit of hairspray i'm going to use my old standby this is aussie instant freeze hairspray okay so i popped in some earrings and here now is our finished look so nothing too out of the ordinary of what i would normally do on a daily basis just kind of pulled this side over a little bit and then kind of gave the sides just a little flatter look have a little bit of some spikiness on the top but nothing too crazy so now let's go on to style number two all right now style number two i'm just gonna take a good old-fashioned hair pick who remembers these and i'm just gonna kind of pull out all the hairspray and you'll see i mean i'm really not having a hard time combing through and once i've kind of worked it through i can tell i have product in my hair but it doesn't feel greasy it doesn't feel like really gross all right so style number two we are going to pull the hair over to the opposite side and kind of thinking about if this were day two for example you might have a few areas in the back that are flat because you slept on your hair and this style and that styling product the enjoy dry wax works really well for second day here and i'm going to show you why all you need to do is take your hair dryer on the high heat but i'm going to do low fan speed we're going to reheat that wax in the hair and re-mold it into our new shape for today so let's do that [Music] all right so the hair is reheated and you'll see i have this one lone strand just kind of wanting to go that the opposite direction so i'm going to take my flat iron and just pull it down to this side um let's see i will also take my flat iron now you want to be um careful not to if you go directly in the opposite direction it's going to cause the hair to kind of stand out weird straight i've learned that so i like to do minimal flat iron work here in the front but on this side since we're still going kind of to the original direction that we have the hair going it will kind of stay over to the side nicely and then i'm just going to take the flat iron a little bit through the top here [Music] and right here on this side right now i'm going to now just pull this down and then what we're going to do here is i'm going to try to kind of go with the original direction and just kind of curl it going this direction here and we're going to just add a few little waves here okay and then this section right here is kind of curling a little bit too um smoothly so i just like to kind of kind of straighten out those ends a little bit there on the side all right i'm pretty happy with where we're at at the moment i'm gonna go in with just a little more wax not too much this time but a little bit and i'm going to work that through my hands and just use this predominantly in those sections where we have changed the direction so right here in the front i'm going to just kind of put a little bit there into the scalp into the roots pull the hair over and then right here on the top this section i'm gonna put just a touch of that wax in just to kind of help mold and shape that top section and then when you're ready gonna hit it with just a little hairspray and here is style number two complete so the back we didn't change up much but the front by going over to the other side kind of gave this look of some curls a little bit of some wave here and then just kind of a different look on the side still a little bit spiky through the top but fun and different nonetheless all right now let's go on to style number three all right now style number three we're really gonna have some fun here all right so again going to comb out that hairspray now i have quite a bit of fullness and body here i'm going to work that to my advantage here and i am going to take a little bit of enjoy dry wax i'm going to work some of that through this top section just a tiny bit we don't need much but what i'm going to do is kind of find a part here and i'm going to twist this in place and put just a nice little clip right there and then i'm going to take another section here on top add just a tiny bit of wax and twist and then one final section here and i am twisting down by the way so twisting down towards the side okay and then here on the side here i'm going to add just a little bit of wax through a couple i'm going to piece out a few sections and just kind of twist them towards the back okay this is done no i'm kidding all right now we are going to take our blow dryer all right and again low fan speed high heat or mid mid range heat i'm not going high high but middle heat and then we're going to mold and kind of shape the hair in this direction and then we'll style from here [Music] okay while everything is just still kind of clipped up there i'm going to address the back i'm going to take this half inch pixie flat iron from bed head and what i'm doing is just kind of randomly taking sections and i'm going to first twist it it's hard to i can't really see what i'm doing and explain at the same time all right so i'm going to take a section and just bend it and take another section and go the opposite way so basically the goal is just kind of to break up the back and make it look kind of like we've got beachy waves back there all right now we're going to take out our clips and you can see by putting that wax in and blow drying it really is getting the hair kind of going in that direction and now i'm going to just kind of break this up a little bit i still kind of want to keep that general kind of wave there or that little bit of a curl type of texture look there and then right here where it's sticking straight up i'm going to take this flat iron and um let's see i think i'm going to just do small sections and i'm going to actually curl it kind of down so i'm putting it through and pulling it back i should say and i think i'm going to do the same with that next section right next to it [Music] [Music] okay so i'm just kind of like almost pushing those hairs in so um right here i need to just flatten this out just a little bit [Music] okay so you just want to go through as you saw i was kind of just piecing out a few little pieces here on the side kind of straightening them out and then when you kind of get it where you want it to go um you can add just a little more wax we don't need much and i'm going to just kind of use this to almost scrunch the top and the back and then i'm going to use just a tiny little bit to capture any flyaways that i have here in the front and then by now i really don't feel like i need tons of hairspray to hold the style but i will use just a touch through the top here all right so i popped in some fun earrings little deeper lip color and now here is finish style number three so obviously you're taking a little more time with this one with the flat iron a little more time in the styling but you're not having to blow dry and start all over from scratch all right now let's go ahead on to style number four now for this final look i thought it would be fun to show you how to incorporate a little bling or a fun little bobby pin if you have something like this i see these often in the hair aisle and because i used to have long hair i always look at them and i think oh they're so pretty but i have short hair how can we use them so i'm going to show you how to use one or two of these all right so going from this style makes it super easy now if you had not already styled it back like this you would just want to kind of work your hair up and back and then what i like to do if i'm going to put some sort of clip in is i'll go back to this method where i kind of just twist down and then i'm going to take this second section here and actually i'll go ahead and i'm going to go ahead and clip this top section and i'm going to use the smaller of the two bobby pins that i have don't use your teeth to open these i know your dentist probably has gotten on you if you ever did that so don't do that all right and then i'm going to take the second section also going to twist this down and you can see i'm leaving a little bit of that textured kind of look there and then at the same time i'm going to take this next little section here and you can it's up to you if you want to include this or if you want to just leave it down i'll show it to you up and then i'll make a decision at the end and then i'm going to take another one okay don't worry about this take care of that all right now for the front i am going to just pull a little bit of more height here and then this front this top section that's sticking up i'm going to just twist it down and if you want you can kind of tuck it into one of those bobby pins or you can take your flat iron now i have lowered the temperature to 330 instead of 350 and this might even be a little too warm don't need to leave it on there too long and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to just pull out a piece here from the front and then one more piece here and mine are kind of naturally curled if you need to you could add a little extra curl there all right and then for the rest of the back what i'm going to do is actually i'm going to kind of tame the top here and all i'm doing is actually literally just pulling this down and then i will just hit it with a little hairspray here on the top so that none of those kind of spiky pieces decide to have a mind of their own then one final step that i will do with this is i'm going to add a little shine spray this is the hemp and red wine from agadir this is the gloss spray because you know now that our hair is really good and dirty we gotta make it look shiny again so this just makes it look like it's nice and healthy again all right so i changed out my lip color just to make it look a little more dramatic and here is our finished look so really just those fancy little clips up there and then as you saw i was kind of playing around a little bit with what to do with this top section personally i think it looks a little better um kind of not quite so spiky but you could totally leave it spiky if you wanted but i hope that this was fun for you that it gave you some new inspiration and for those of you who have asked me if this style can be done a second day or a third day or a fourth day now you know that it can but now that i did four looks in one day i do feel like it's time to wash my hair so thank you as always so much for watching don't forget to hit that subscribe button and i'll see you next time [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Sharalees Box Of Chocolates
Views: 686,673
Rating: 4.858151 out of 5
Keywords: pixie hair tutorials, how to style a pixie undercut, best short hair styles for mature women, best hairstyles for women over 40 50 60, short hair styling tips for women
Id: ZgZ0Ij-X4z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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