How to Stream to Twitch Using OBS Studio (2023)

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hey guys it's techran here in today's video I'm going to teach you how to stream with OBS Studio that way you can stream on Twitch Kik YouTube whatever platform you want to I'll mention you how to set it up here today also just want to say thank you for all the recent support we got we just got recently like a thousand subscribers in a row right now at 1 200 so honestly this rate will probably hit 2 000 subscribers so if you do find this video helpful make sure to smash like button get description and some future Tech content but for right now though let's get into it of course the first thing you want to do is download OBS so I will have a link to it down below so you can download it for yourself so we're gonna just click on Windows and we'll install this for our operating system and just install this and then we can get on to our next step now that OBS is installed we can now open on up with our taskbar so when you have OBS set up what you're going to see is of course you have access to just a scene and that's your scenes and your sources and now keep in mind that your scenes are going to be like an area where you keep your sources for like your webcam gameplay and all that jazz so if we were to actually add webcam all we have to do is right click in here add a source add a video capture device and then of course you can name this camera if you want to but for me I'm just not going to do that so you can see right here you see my USB capture device is being picked up so if we want to add that in here we of course can add it now of course you're going to see it's like to the side over here which of course I have like set up like that because it's one of my backup cameras and you can actually grab the corners of this drag it around wherever way you want to and that way you can fit it into your gameplay for your scene so that way you can have your gaming on it now for the actual actually adding a gameplay for yourself what you want to do is go to display capture now this is as if you're on a single PC setup meaning that you don't really have another capture card from your stream PC go into your gaming PC and if we were just added we should have just prioritize whatever model you're using which is the monitor you can see here and now you can see I have of course my gameplay now keep in mind that when you actually have sources set up imagine the sources as a bird your top of your bun should be your webcam and anything below that of course the very bottom of your button is going to be your gameplay so what we're going to do is drag this gameplay and put that below and with that we got a pretty good setup going on for our OBS now another thing to keep in mind that too is that if you were going to actually add a another PC via capture card what you want to do is go add course go to the video capture device again and then you just like add one in here now I don't have another capture card here but you see like I have this game capture device if I was it actually click the Nexus on up to my PC of course I've accessed that and I would just add that and drop it down under my of course okay webcam which you can see I don't have anything right there right now but you get the general gist now you might be wondering how do I add a mic what what you're going to do is go into your settings of your actual OBS under audio when your audio audio wouldn't go to your mic and auxiliary audio because it's going to be the default one you would just add a device here now I don't have one in here but for example here I do have a headset so I add my headset or whatever your main device is and that way you have access to it now keep in mind of course it's gonna pop up on here it's going to say mic and ox and of course what you want to do is actually add a filter to it so it doesn't Peak or anything so we're gonna add this and we're right click in here and add a noise gate and what the noise key will do is that if your audio is clipping or going above it'll actually make it so that when you stop talking you won't see it actually like have a buzz effect a buzz effect is a similar to the one you're actually going to see here on this that's buzzing but if I was to actually add a noise gate on top of this like I did for actually our mic what would happen actually is that it would actually remove that buzzing effect so you can see now it's no longer buzzing unless when I talk and then of course when I talk it picks up the audio then because the noise pushing pressure on that now that you've got your gameplay your mic set up you might be wondering how do I stream to Twitch well we got to set up your settings first the first thing we need to do is actually do a speed test I will of course have a link to it down below what you want to do is go on Google look up speed test or use the link in description down below and you get this tab right here we want to run a speed test and what we're looking for is to see if our upload speed is greater than six megabits and the reason why we want that is because the recommended twitch settings recommend you have 6000 bit rate they actually stream to Twitch now six megabits is 6000 bit rate and if you have below that I'm gonna recommend some different settings so that way you can still stream the twitch either way but it's not going to be at 1080p of course you can see right here I have Overkill so let's go into the best settings possible to streaming the twitch so the first thing of course is going to do is go into our settings under settings we want to go to output and we just want to change this from simple mode to Advanced and once you're in advanced you're gonna see you have more options like streaming recording and all Jazz we're just gonna set up streaming for today so that way you can stream the twitch today at the exact same moment and we're gonna change our video in codec now most computers have the CPU and codec which is x264 you will have also a GPU in Kodak and if you do have any video GPU of course you have nvank and you want to enable this if you have a radon GPU you want to use that now once we're in here and we know we have more than 6 000 megabits for actually upload speed we want to change our bit rate from 5 2500 to 6 000 because that is the best setting for streaming at 1080p now of course we're going to leave our intervals the same we'll leave our preset the same our high a tuning that's fine high quality look ahead All That Jazz you can leave pretty much everything else the same if you want to enable look ahead go for it this is more for like an FPS game so let's say you play CS go or something like that fortnite you can enable that we'll just a little they'll skip ahead and see what frames can look next and that way it looks a little bit more crisp but that if you want to or not for me I'm not going to enable it here today and what we want to do now is go into our video settings and what we're going to do is have our base canvas as 1920x1080 and of course we won't have our output canvas as 1920x1080 but honestly I would recommend just do 720 since you're not affiliated on Twitch yet or your partner it's not really worth streaming at 1080p however if you are affiliated on Twitch I would change this to 1920x1080. but for the time being we're just gonna say you don't have it so 720P and what we want to do is changes from 30fps to 6000 FPS and then we want to change this from this one to our lenser I I definitely cannot pronounce that right so my bad just all you need to know is that changes to the bottom one because you have a good upload speed you want to make that the max quality so when it down scales looks very very sharp and very clean because this is whatever you're going to be your computer monitor so my monitor is actually a 1920x1080 monitor however if you have a 4k monitor what you want to do is change this to 4K which won't let me do that because I don't have a 4k monitor but whatever your monitor is make sure your base canvas is the exact same resolution as it but once you have this setting you'll be all ready to go the stream to Twitch now keep in mind that if you don't have actually over six megabits what I recommend you do is change this from 6000 to just to 4500 because you're going to be uploading at 720p it's not going to be as demanding however with 4 500 megabits it'll still be crisp but not as crisp as seven thousand because the more bitrate you give actually a resolution the more Chris is going to look now of course streaming doesn't require that much in the first place so if you want to just do 4 500 you can if you have low bit rate but if you of course have a high bandwidth speed I would recommend you just do six thousand so you might be wondering now how do I add alerts to my stream what you want to do is actually go to box tricks live and I will have a link to it down below if you want to sign into your Twitch once you're signed into your Twitch you'll see this and you want to put an x's on out and what we want to go to is the widget slash alerts so with the widgets you can have some goals and stuff you can set up but we want to do is set the overall alert widget because this is the most important one so this is anytime somebody follows donates and all that jazz and we can actually mess with this however we want to however I'm not going to get too in depth with this what we want to do is just copy this URL and then paste it actually into our OBS by first adding a new source under browser Source then we can call this list we want to I'm not going to call that for timing and we can just paste this on in and let's just change the 600 by 600 and with that our alert box is good so now for example here if we click we got a if new follow we should see the follow go off here as you can see following off it working perfectly well now we're on to the final step for streaming on Twitch what you need to do is get your stream keys so what we're gonna do is go under stream we're gonna go to Twitch of course we're gonna use our stream key and all you have to do is go to your Twitch so once you're on Twitch what you want to do is go under your user we want to go into settings once you're in settings Channel and videos and when we're in here what we want to do is click on stream now when we're in our Stream area what we want to do is copy our stream key and paste that actually into our shrinky area on OBS once you have that and applied you can finally start streaming with those optimal settings on Twitch if you guys did find this video helpful then you might want to check out this video next which goes over a 30 capture card if you don't want to buy an Xbox One this can only cost you 30 it's honestly really good foreign
Channel: Tech Grant
Views: 58,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs, obs studio, obs studio tutorial, how to stream on twitch, how to use obs studio, how to use obs studio with twitch, how to use obs studio to record gameplay, how to use obs studio with ps4, how to use obs studio with xbox, how to use obs studio on laptop, how to use obs on laptop, how to use obs with xbox, how to use obs with ps4, obs tutorial
Id: o3nFnN0aiUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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