BEST OBS Recording Settings For LOW END PC 2024 (NO LAG)

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do you want to record videos with OBS by your PC's low end well look no further today I'll show you how you can record using a low NPC with the best possible settings so without further Ado let's hop right into it so first things first what you need to do obviously is open up OBS and then go to settings over here once you go to settings you will see this prompt up so you go to stream over here this is not important because we're doing recording settings so what you want to do is first things first go to video over here once you go to video you will set up your base canvas resolution as your monitor resolution for me that's 2K for you in my be 1080p so set it up as 1920 by 1080 if you have a 1080p monitor I'm guessing you do because it's a low NPC so you probably don't have a 2K monitor choose 1080p over here that's totally fine then output scaled resolution make sure to choose the exact same resolution as you did previously so just choose 1080p again over here down scale filter you do not need to change anything over there keep a default and then common FPS values you can change it to either 60 or 30 FPS depends if you're recording gameplay of a video game then you want to record in 60 FPS if you're recording just yourself you can do 30 FPS once we do that we go to Output over here and this is the most important thing you need to change so first it's going to be on output mode it's going to be simple make sure to change that to Advanced once you go to Advanced you will see all of this thing show up over here here so what we want to do is we want to go to recording and then on recording we're going to change a bunch of different things for your lowend PC now recording path you need to choose where you want to record your videos I usually record them to my you know videos and I made another folder called recording you can save it to desktop wherever you want choose the recording pth right here keep in mind that if your uh footage does lag sometimes the issue might be even with the hard drive being slow or being full so if you have issues with your recording lagging but you know it's not the settings then make sure to chose the recording pad to like an SSD if you have one that's going to fix most of the issues that's what I had before as well so recording format we want to record in MKV over here matosa video because if you record it MP4 then whatever happens like for example if your PC crashes or your electricity goes out you will lose everything so if you've been recording for an hour you will lose the whole footage but if you're recording MKV whatever happens the recording stops and then it just you know ends right there so you have all the footage from before no matter what happens to it it doesn't get corrupted so always record an MKV and then I'll show you the trick on how you can change that MKV file to MP4 later so you can edited normally in like Premier Pro and other programs without any issues now audio encoder we want to keep this at default ffmpeg AAC that's totally fine audio tracks I usually choose two audio tracks I went over this in another video but if you want to record for example gameplay and then you want to record your microphone and you have two tracks when you're editing so it's not together you can you know adjust your microphone volume up and your gameplay down you can do that with two audio tracks enable to if you want I'll show you what you can do with them later on rescale output we do not want to rescale anything and do not touch any of these settings right over here so this is where things get interesting the reason why I skipped the video encoder is because I'm going to go over it right now if you do have a low NPC I'm guessing you do not have the enang chip on your GPU that starts from Nvidia 20 series and above so you probably don't have the Nvidia inven but you do have the x264 so if you do have a processor which you obviously do have choose the x264 if your GPU is not good enough if your GPU is somewhat all right you can even go with invin HC that supports most of the gpus or even quicksync HC C but if you want to have you know a normal recording with not too much stutters choose x264 right over there once we choose that it will change the settings on the bottom so rate control usually you want to record at cqp but because if you do go x264 there is no cqp so if you don't have cqp just choose CBR over here if you do choose uh quick sync then you will have cqp and then you can just choose cqp and like I said the higher the number the lower the quality the lower the number the better the quality so you want to just keep on changing this number until your quality is somewhat all right and it doesn't lag your PC but if you're using x264 you will see CBR over here and then the bid rate is what we want to change the bid rate is something usually you go around 7,000 or even 10,000 because it's just you know the quality of the actual video it's not too pixelated if there's a lot of action you might even go to 10,000 but the actual most important thing is the CPU usage over here on the CPU usage you want to change this to uh whatever your PC can handle so very fast is default and that's usually all right for most people but if your PC struggling even with this very fast then go higher you can go super fast or even Ultra fast keep in mind the higher you go the lower the quality will be the the lower you go the better the quality will be so if you go faster fast medium medium is like for topnotch PCs you should never go medium faster is what you could do but if you have a low and PC I'm recommending very fast or super fast Ultra fast just looks terrible and your quality is just going to be ugly and there's no point of even recording a video at that point for the profile we want to change it to high over here and then don't change key frame interval and don't change tune this is not important we do not need to touch that at all just keep the profile High everything else is as it is right there that's totally fine make sure to test the recording and if everything is normal and it's not laggy then you are set if you did choose the quick sync over here like I said before you just need to choose the normal latency again don't touch anything Target usage you can do balanced with medium quality or again go faster until it just looks all right and it doesn't struggle with your PC so everything else totally fine B frame that's all normal that's all good right there so audio we want to choose our audio device obviously desktop audio you choose your speakers or your headphones and then in mic you choose your microphone I have a mixer so this is all in together over here for broadcast remix if you don't have this obviously choose the speaker choose the mic and you are set then you need to go to Advanced over here and in advanced you remember how we changed the settings to MKV so it like saves the file to MKV well now we want to automatically remox to MP4 take this thing and and you are done once you take this as soon as you start recording the video there will be like a green line going through that's going to basically convert that MKV to MP4 so you can use it for Premiere or any other editing software that does not support MKV you know normally so choose that and you're done and then what we wanted to change were those audio tracks so if you did use two audio tracks you need to go to audio mixer over here on the right right click it Go Advanced Audio property and then once you're in the advanced audio properties you're going to see probably not so many things like I am because I have a bunch of stuff so you'll see your microphone and you'll see your headphones because I don't have my headphones over here like I said everything goes through broadcast remix let's pretend like this is my microphone the mic oxu and this is my headphones you choose the audio track one for your headphones or your speakers and disable everything else and then for the mic you choose only number two and disable everything else so number one is the headphones being recorded to the first audio track and the microphone being recorded to the second audio track once that's done once you import it to Premiere you will see two audio tracks your headphones and your uh microphone so you can actually adjust microphone up and gameplay down or whatever you want with it but it's so much easier when editing the video and that's basically it I hope this video helped you if it did make sure to drop the like let me know if you have any issues in the comments and if you don't already know I do stream on Twitch 3 days a week link is down in description below anyway make sure to check my other OBS guides right over here and I'll see you in the next video peace out and have a good one bye-bye
Channel: Agent
Views: 6,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agent, agenterino, obs, best obs settings, best obs settings for recording, obs studio, streamlabs obs, streamelements obs, obs recording settings, obs recording settings for low end pc, obs recording settings for low end, best obs recording settings for low end pc, obs settings, best obs recording settings, low end pc obs, low end pc obs settings, best obs recording settings for low end pc 2024
Id: b0LtsJY9NNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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