8 EASY Tips To GROW From 0 Viewers On Twitch! (2024 Guide)

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no matter what you do you can't seem to get enough followers and viewers well have I got a video for you today yes we all know we have to have a consistent schedule and we know about networking but the landscape is changing for us streamers since the good old gold rush days of covid and the things that used to work just aren't working anymore this video is different because we're talking practical tips and also some mindset stuff I'm lavonda rocks and I stream DJ sets on Twitch and before we get into these eight tips I challenge you to take note of how many you're doing no cheating alright tip number one turn off the viewer account and expect zero viewers said it before and I'll say it again viewer count is not needed especially when you're just starting and when you're trying to grow and in fact it can kind of cause you to get all in your feelings turn it off and stream like there are hundreds of people in your chat and when you first start you should expect that there's going to be zero viewers don't get butt hurt you're new and it's going to take some time to attract your tribe you still need to networking get your name out there and there's more about that later in this video but remember we all start at zero so just don't dwell on it and when you do get a viewer treat them like an old friend to them ask questions get to know them do you turn off your viewer account if you do give yourself one point tip number two practice the art of streaming and entertaining when you're starting out and there are very few people there you have to practice talking to yourself and practice the art of commentary this is a skill and just like any skill it takes practice and sometimes new streamers feel self-conscious about this but the more you do it I promise you will get easier addressing people very quickly when they come in is also really important don't make people wait minutes twitch is Community Driven so people are there to chat for the most part and if you take five minutes to welcome someone in chances are they're going to leave especially if you're not making commentary and it's silent you have a stone face now about the concept of entertaining I can't teach all their there is to know in a 10 minute video I can give you some pointers smile more look into the camera and think about ways that are going to be engaging for the viewer watch your favorite streamers and see what they do how do they interact with the chat don't copy them but take their idea and make it your own if you want more help I invite you to come to our Discord where we do Channel and stream Audits and we help each other grow the link is in the description tip number three titles go live notifications and stream category give people a reason to watch you starting with your title think of this as how you're going to hook the viewer you can't hook the viewer if you're simply putting the title of the game you're playing or the music you're playing and it's exactly the same as all the other people who are doing that use puns and create Intrigue or tell Dad jokes anything that resonates with you and your brand basically put some thought into it when I make mine I try to be a little spicy or controversial and I often get people coming in and laughing at the title that I made of the stream don't forget to do the same thing with the go live notifications I'll just leave it as default that's boring and for the person that's writing in the comments right now that these things don't matter I don't care what you say I'll fight you now for categories stop choosing the most saturated games and categories there are when you're starting out you want to pick something that will allow you to sit in the top three rows so people can see you then use your engaging and unique hook to get people to come in when you start growing your community then you can change things up a little bit then you can pick different games you already do this give yourself a point tip number four save your vods or record your streams you should be watching your vods back for three reasons one to find the content that you're going to use on other platforms to to constructively critique yourself every stream you want to get one percent better and three to make sure your audio and video is looking and sounding good when you're reviewing your vods use a highlighter tool to go back and find those pieces of your stream that you can turn into a tick tock a short or a real and while you're watching back see how you did as far as looking at the camera engaging with the chat keeping a consistent commentary managing your channel Point redemptions etc etc now if you do these things give yourself a point tip number five optimize your Twitch Channel by setting up your bio your about panels and your channel trailer these things get overlooked a lot but Twitches like any other social platform if you don't optimize it you might be missing out on potential followers I really believe that you have to put yourself out there in order to find the right people if you write one sentence on your bio and leave all your panels blank no one can get to know you having a channel intro or trailer is really important why because you will be posting on other platforms you may not want to but you have to if you want to grow what you do because you're here so what's going to happen is when you post your reel or Tick Tock or you're short you're directing people back to your Twitch and when they go to your Twitch what are they gonna see that's right your channel trailer unless you're Auto hosting but let's just assume I made a video about the easiest way to make a channel trailer that you can do within 10 minutes I'll link it up here or in the description so you can get to that right away or maybe even refresh the one that you have actually I need to do that too and speaking of refreshing is it time to refresh your panels panels are an extension of you and your brand so make sure they're cohesive and you have the most important information on them you can make your own custom panels really quickly and easily in canva and if you'd like a video on that just let me know in the comments so is your channel optimized if so give yourself one point number six build your community by networking the right way everyone tells you that you have to network in order to be a successful streamer but what does that really mean yes you need to spend time in other chats and in other discords you should be focusing on building authentic relationships with the other streamers that you really resonate with I cannot stress this enough if you're hanging out only because you're hoping to get a raid or a shout out people will see right through all always notice the people who come in get their shout out and then are completely gone for the whole rest of the stream don't do that hang out for a bit engage enjoy the stream and if you have to go let them know I'm just popping in to say hello I'll catch you at your next stream don't be a dick and yes relationships take time to build so that's some realistic expectations remember what your mom told you about making friends be a good listener pay attention to social cues don't pick your nose in public now give yourself a point if you already Network the right way and speaking of networking I'd really appreciate it if you hit that subscribe button give it a like if you're finding it helpful I love meeting new people and helping other people grow and your support is much appreciated tip 7 serve the viewers and followers once I shifted my mindset around this principle things really started opening up for me here's the thing once you start thinking about your stream as a production and not just a way to blow off steam then you become become viewer-centric and you start shifting your thinking from what am I going to get out of this to what can I give back and when you start building your stream around the viewer you are going to go places but what does this look like well first making your stream look pleasing aesthetically search up scenes overlays and your music and always keep it fresh if you're a gamer think about playing with viewers incorporate fun Channel Point redemptions that people will like maybe pull your community ask them what they want to see ask meaningful questions in the chat and always asking for that constructive feedback from your community and take action based on what they said this is just tip of the iceberg so if you have a viewer-centric mindset already give yourself a point tip number eight posts on other platforms consistently in my opinion this tip is the most important by far why because it's really difficult to get exposure natively on Twitch you've got to do everything in your power to drive traffic back to Twitch and no I'm not talking about the promo post where you say come to the stream or this is my schedule for the month you have to nurture your followers viewers and the platform take them to dinner first you know what I'm saying you get a little lost and confused about the types of things you could or should post I made this video that will give you some good ideas short videos are where it's at right now so you have to think about what you're doing and how you can turn that into small bite-sized chunks you're a content creator I know you got this this is how we grow our tribe and we grow organically so do you post at least four times a week on other social media platforms if you do give yourself a point let me know in the comments how many out of eight did you get and since social media is so important to growing on Twitch here's another video I made about how to create content faster there's even a free gift inside three rows of the twitch the twitch what the is that looking good don't be a douche what the is that
Channel: Lavonda Rocks
Views: 4,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on twitch, how to get viewers on twitch, how to grow your twitch channel, how to grow from 0 on twitch, twitch, how to grow on twitch fast, how to grow on twitch from 0, how to get more viewers on twitch stream, tips for streamers with 0 viewers, streaming, grow on twitch in 2023, mistakes small streamers make, smalltwitchcommunity, how to get more viewers on twitch, grow on twitch 2023, mistakes streamers make
Id: _cIlgWKEaTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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