How to stream on Discord using OBS - WITH AUDIO!

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hello and welcome to a quick tutorial on how to use OBS to stream to Discord um if you are new to OBS uh I'm going to be going over a couple of things that you're going to want to know if not maybe skip this part of the video so to start with uh you should go to settings video and then make sure that these two are set to either 1080p if you're you able to stream at that or 720 if not um this is because it's going to be a lot easier to scale it'll look better once you're done it's just worth doing and you should probably set your FPS to 60 as well though I mean sometimes you want to stream at 30 for some reason so uh once you have that selected press okay and I'm going to go over a couple of the controls here so we have scenes uh these are collections of things sources these are the things audio mixer we won't need yet and the rest of this we can ignore for now so uh sources are uh let's say a microphone or your capture card or uh just a window on your computer uh we are going to be using these to display things um scenes are just collections of these that you can swap between so we're going to add our capture card now uh if you are trying to stream like a browser window you can do a window capture or a game you can do a game capture uh but we're going to be doing a video capture device these also work for webcams uh so we're going to call it uh hd60s plus because that is the capture card I have not that you need to call it that but I like doing so and you'll notice that two things have happened so to begin with we have over in this black field our capture card it's weirdly stretched but we can take care of that and over here we have a window so this is the capture device we've just made um you'll be able to see that mine already configured correctly immediately if yours did did not you can select it under device here and you should probably press deactivate when not showing this not essential but it's just helpful to have uh I'm not going to go into why but probably worth doing then press okay and now we have uh audio over here and video over here I'll go over the audio in a moment um but we're going to start with the video this is really weirdly set so we're going to go to filters we're going to go to effect filters scaling aspect ratio and we're going to set the aspect ratio to 4x3 uh the reason I'm including this in the video is because a lot of capture cards don't really know what to do with 4x3 video too well and they'll make it 16 by9 so it's just good to know how to do this so as you can see our video is already fully configured and we have audio over here now no one is going to be able to hear that yet uh we need to do a couple more things so my capture card uh it automatically included the audio and OBS but this is slightly delayed this is processed by OBS first um that's great but we don't really want a delay because I am going to be gaming off of this audio so if you are also going to be doing the same uh follow these next steps if not uh just move on um so to start off with we're going to go over here we're going to press sound settings or if you're on Windows 10 uh sounds then we're going to head over to more sound settings Windows 10 users won't need to do that we're going to go over to recording and as you can see uh my game capture device already comes with a uh audio interface by default so this is just the audio that the capture card is getting um as an audio device we're going to right click this go into properties uh we're going to to go listen listen to this device apply so as you can hear we now have audio this is very low latency it's not perfectly zero latency but it's good enough to game off of um and that is going to be our site done uh if we want to be streaming on Discord however we need to go over to settings again so right over here we're going to go to audio then we need to go to monitoring device and you need to set this to some device that won't actually make any audio come out when you selected here um for me that is going to be a non-existent speaker that my microphone says exists for some reason uh for you that might be a monitor that has speakers in it with all the uh speakers turned to zero or a virtual audio cable for which I will leave a link down in the description which is just a fake cable that you can use for routing audio on your computer uh but I'm going to be using my microphone here so I'm just going to do that press okay and now we need to restart OBS I don't know why but we need to restart OBS so go ahead and press exit open it right back up and here it is again uh you are now basically done all that's left is you need to go to Every audio source that you want Discord to hear go into advanced audio properties and then set audio monitoring to Monitor and output this will allow Discord to hear it um and to actually stream you're going to go into Studio mode right click this then go either into full screen if you're streaming at the same resolution as uh your monitor or windowed if you are not um I am so I'm going to be clicking full screen and you'll see that our screen has not been taken over by this uh that might not be very convenient for you so we're going to alt tab we're going to head over to to OBS again so the keybind for that is alt Tab and uh we're going to go out of Studio mode because we don't need to be in there anymore and it kind of complicates changing things we're going to head over to Discord which we can again do with alt Tab and as you can see my taskbar returned I don't know why it does that sometimes but it's just like that then you can go to General chat or well whatever voice Channel you want to go in share your screen share your full screen projector and everyone you are streaming to now has audio uh I hope this video was helpful if you still have questions or your audio devices work differently or something like that feel free to leave a comment and I will see if I can uh answer it for you and uh have a nice day
Channel: Emily Embers
Views: 959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4TG05IYbCo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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