How To Start Streaming On YouTube Live in 2024

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so you've decided to go live on YouTube congratulations you've made the right choice it's better for Discovery has better Tech behind the streams and as a platform it will support you in making the best content you can today you're going to learn how to unlock YouTube streaming it's easy how to connect streamlabs or OBS to YouTube it's easy how to schedule a stream it's easy how to go live it's easy and as an added bonus at the end of this video I will share with you three things every new YouTube streamer needs to know about the platform to get the most out of it and of course how I grew from 0 to 100 Aver viewers and how you can too so let's get into it there was a weird rumor or myth that to go live you need to have thousands of subs and be partnered but this isn't true to unlock live streaming you just need to have zero live strikes in 90 days and to verify your channel what does that mean well you'll be asked for a phone number and you'll be sent a text message with a code and once you verify with that you can not just go live but you can also add custom thumbnails upload videos longer than 58 minutes and manage copyright claims you might have to wait between 24 to 48 hours depending on your country before before you can actually go live after verifying but that's okay because for now you have way more work to do since we're using OBS or streamlabs today then that means you'll be able to use overlays alerts and generally add lots to your stream the issue is if I showed you how to do all of that today this video would become far too long and confusing so instead you'll find linked into the description a video for streamlabs overlays alerts and more and another for doing all of that inside OBS so next up you're going to need to log in to YouTube with OBS or streamlabs next you're going to head over to OBS or streamlabs and connect your YouTube account it is incredibly easy easy I'll be showing you how in OBS but streamlabs is the same open OBS go to settings click stream click service and select YouTube in the dropdown now click connect account and from here you'll log into the YouTube account and channel that you're going to be streaming from once it's connected you are all set to go live so let's schedule a stream you see scheduling is important because you'll want your subscribers to actually know when you're going live and in the lead up to the stream they can actually click notify me on it so that you get a ping when you go live if you don't do this you might be going live to zero viewers which is fine cuz we all have to do that at some point but I still think scheduling will help avoid that so head to YouTube Studio look in the top right click create and you should see go live if you verified properly that is click this and it opens the live control room click the manage Tab and click schedule stream now for me I can reuse old settings from previous streams which is great but for you you'll likely need to create a new stream and set this up for yourself here you'll set a title and a thumbnail which is a really important step for you because this will make or break whether a viewer chooses to click on your stream over someone else's stream video or YouTube yoube short but more on how to make those clickable stick around cuz I'll cover it a little bit later but otherwise you'll also select your game category playlists if you're a partner you can set monetization here and then you can customize the stream further for example you can change who can chat in your stream whether you want Emoji reacts your delay you can set a trailer so anyone who drops by before the stream starts gets a preview for the stream that you've edited and uploaded beforehand and of course redirects which essentially lets you go live and when you end your stream all your viewers are redirected to another live stream or video premiere that you've set up up here also you can set your visibility here if you want if you want to go live to test your settings or stream just by yourself then set the visibility to unlisted or private if you're scheduling a public stream then select public and then select the time the stream is scheduled for once you're happy click done but keep this open for now because we'll need it again in a second when it's time to start your stream you'll open OBS and your live control panel then inside OBS click manage broadcast select existing broadcast and select the one we just set up make sure you click select broadcast so that you don't accidentally make a whole new stream and confuse viewers and now OBS has connected directly to that stream you scheduled and it is ready for you to go live once you're ready click Start streaming and you're not actually live yet inside your live control room wait for the stream preview to show up and once you're actually ready for your viewers to see you click go live congratulations you're now streaming I will say just really quickly sometimes the stream preview doesn't show up but I still click go live and it works perfectly fine for me it's just sometimes doesn't doesn't appear first once you're done and want to end your stream click end stream and then inside OBS also click endam stream if your stream was under 12 hours it'll automatically be archived to your YouTube channel under the stream Tab and also you can find old current or upcoming streams in the live tab on your YouTube Studio dashboard now real quick I'm going to show you how I grew my YouTube stream on a new channel not this one but first there are three ways YouTube is different from every other streaming platform it's a good different but if you don't understand these three things well it very quickly becomes a bad different the first is that well YouTube Feels far stricter on copyright but I promise you they're not they're just following it properly and giving creators appropriate warnings you see other platforms you can get away with breaking copyright because their systems aren't very good at detecting it well that's what people think it's actually that the systems just aren't very good at warning you when they do detect it you see on YouTube they'll notify you when something is copyrighted material and ask you to change this or turn it off whereas on Twitch you'll just be muted claimed or stried after the stream this could be days weeks months and you don't get any control it just happens the big difference between platforms is really that YouTube has built in tools and features that creators need and I'll explain the major one that it has nobody else does in a second but first look on YouTube you need to make sure you're following copyright properly this means no copyrighted music mainly and that might sound stressful but I promise you it's actually not that hard to find good music especially with today's sponsor epidemic sound epidemic have over 40,000 songs and 90,000 sound effects and they all fall under the same license I've been using epidemic since day one of this Channel and my twitch Channel which was before we ever partnered with them check it out maybe you're going up against a massive boss or you're finally about to beat the challenge that you've set up for weeks on your stream throw on I am unbreakable and watch the chat go [Music] wild well maybe you just want to relax chat to chat and and play some Animal Crossing well grab any of their lowii tracks like airbed bioku or their multi-hour long lowii mixes and just sit back and relax right now for free using the link in the description you can get a 30-day free trial which the best part any content you publish using epidemic in those 30 days stays completely monetized and safe forever even if you choose not to continue with it because epidemic owns all of their music so there's no chance your videos or live streams will ever receive a claim or take down even in the future now look what is it that YouTube has that nobody else does well YouTube is hard but it's fair other platforms are hard but unfair on other streaming platforms you're competing with other streamers that's it you're all just slapping a title on being ranked by view count high to low and doing your best this makes streaming more casual and less content focused which is fine not a problem at all but it also comes with a major issue that tiny creators very rarely get seen on YouTube You're competing against videos short streams all of it this is brutal but because it uses an algorithm it means the best content for a viewer Rises to the top to do this you're going to want to make sure your YouTube streams are more unique this means crafting titles and thumbnails that are more than just playing X game today click here and instead something like I have 1 hour to beat this game or I give away $11,000 and yes that sounds extreme but the idea is taking something basic anyone can do and adding a unique interesting approach that makes someone feel like they need to click if you want to get clicks and learn more about this wait 1 second it's coming up in a moment and number three remember your streams are archived as videos forever this is incredibly important because it means you can get clicks after the stream ends and continue to grow while you're offline or even asleep but also this means if something happens you don't want on the internet forever you need to remember to delete it after the stream and now if you want to learn about how to grow from zero to 100 viewers on YouTube streams then click this video right here it's the six steps I took to do just that and they're very easy to follow if you jump into it now see you guys next week
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 93,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: go live on youtube, how to go live on youtube, how to live stream, how to live stream on youtube, how to livestream on youtube, how to livestream on youtube mac, how to stream on youtube, how to youtube live stream, live streaming on youtube, live streaming tutorial, livestream on youtube, stream on youtube, youtube live, youtube live stream, youtube live stream tutorial, obs, youtube stream settings, youtube how to stream, YouTube Stream Trailer, YouTube Stream Redirects
Id: YG7XJbkg3K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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