How To Store Water Long Term - Safely - Best Water Storing Method

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hey guys okay here so this video I'm going to show you how you can set of ties or purify your water using household bleach they contain all use today will be the reliance aqua tater which I actually did a little review on I'll put the video link in the description so you guys can check that out if you want and the first thing you're going to want to do when it comes to purifying and sanitizing this water is you first will pull it just a tad bit of bleach - there do some very small belt the more than cap pull then you want to fill it with water you're going to shake it up and then you're going to dump all that water back out then you're going to fill it up a little bit more water and then dump that out that's called just ensure you have a clean container to start with once you have a clean container all you really need to do is just fill it up which I'm going to do right now and you're going to use the household concentrated bleach well I'll using concentrated you have regular bleach that's okay I'm going to use concentrated and I'm still going to use the stamp balance as recommended for regular bleach now when I talk about regular bleach make sure it is exactly what it says regular please don't let it be the scented like livid or Jasmine berry or whatever they have out there make sure is actual regular bleach this is important you don't want to use your type of chemical so it's got different sits and the Romans built into it so with this bleach the rule of thumb is that you need to put in a quarter a quarter teaspoon of bleach per gallon or a would whole teaspoon for five gallons so me personally what I do is I put a teaspoon and a half of bleach into a seven gallon container whatever you're done putting your bleach it's here container that's holding your water you should whack about why I think that's where you cut up just way the smell and front of your nose and it should smell a little bit like chlorine if at any time it doesn't smell like chlorine will you additionally do this need to repeat the process or you may need to add a little bit more bleach don't throw it too much about the chlorine because that smell will disappear in the next couple of days whatever you've already Senate eyes and purify your water make sure that you store it in a nice dark place try to keep off the concrete for village to repeat for bit and leaching and also keep it away from any type of hazardous chemicals such as gasoline and so like then to keep that from leaching as well now if you notice I'll get this straight from the bathtub there's nothing wrong with that that's the safe pipe that goes out of your refrigerator or your kitchen seat and the fact that matter is a must used in food grade plastic so the waters will be perfectly fine and of course I'm going to stick bleach in there be just as sanitized as well and I'll bleach is really going to do is we call the bacteria viruses and it's going to break all that stuff down just neutralize it once you've actually sanitize your water whip bleats it's important that you vigorously shake it up and then you need to let it sit there for at least thirty minutes I recommend at least an hour before you start to drink it all right so we've got the log in there just make sure you have a little space for the top have trusty teaspoon measure it's one teaspoon drop one of their like I say I do a teaspoon and a half our southern gallon see it is going to smell a little Chloe dish which is okay because that's going to disappear in a couple days that actually means that it's working its effective so that's what exactly will show as well so once you fill it up close container back there like I stated before you have to bigger sleep shake that stuff around for a good beer so alright bed and a half and then let it stand for at least thirty minutes to an hour before you actually start consuming this bleach like this in sanitized water this will last you six bucks it did after six months the bleach starts to convert back into water so go ahead and mark a date on the back of it as well you use duct tape and a sharpie you can write six months ago when this water is going to expire and when it comes to your water preps guys I highly recommend you drink this water first reason is because once you drink this water you have your restored bottled water or other type of water that lasts a couple years you can then use this to collect water from other sources and then you can use the bleach or boiling if possible to save the times that water if for some reason you don't have one in your house just use these containers to transport water and then sanitize it when you get home so I hope this video was informational to you just a real quick video on how to sanitize bleach you guys have any questions call bit rate subscribe be prepared guys and as always I'll make another video later
Channel: NukaSoldier
Views: 214,099
Rating: 4.8027792 out of 5
Keywords: How to store water long term, how to store water safely, Best Water Storing Method, water storage, how to treat water, how to sanitize water, how to prepare water, how to purify water, portable water storage, water prepping, how to sanitize unclean water, how to clean city water, how to purify unclean water, SHTF water storage, how to store drinking water, How much water to store, preppers water stroage, where can I store my water, water storage containers
Id: ssBW6zF05qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2012
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