Emergency Water Storage / Long Term Water Preservation

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anytime you're talking about being prepared the number one thing you want to think about is water how's it going guys and welcome back to the pilotPatriot Channel anytime you're talking about being prepared the number one thing you want to think about is water I know a lot of us probably take for granted just being able to go over to the sink and turn on an endless supply of water but it might not always be like that in emergency situations like natural disasters or ice storms the supply of water you have in your home and at local stores can get wiped out pretty fast we've all been to the grocery store when we know there's a big storm coming and we've seen how fast those shelves can go nd so if you're in one of those situations and your power's out you don't have any access to water maybe your water is contaminated for whatever reason what are you gonna do the average person can only live without water for three days but we also have to think about water for other things like cleaning cooking and even flushing the toilet if you really think about it the average family could use up to a hundred gallons of water per day by the time you take showers you cook dinner wash dishes wash clothes flush the toilet a few times a day not to mention what you're drinking throughout the day now in an emergency situation you're going to live on a lot less than that a good standard to strive for would be one to two gallons per person per day minimum now think about how many days you might need that is it going to be one week two weeks a month so we know we need to store at least some emergency water but how do we do it one of the easiest ways is just to stack up cases of bottled water you can usually pick up a case for about three to four dollars at the grocery store they're cheap they're portable and as long as you store it in a cool dry place it should last a good long time you can stack them up out of the way in a closet or even under your bed now if you know some kind of disaster is coming your way filling up your bathtubs is a great way to make sure you have a large amount of water for cleaning and flushing toilets and things like that another thing you could do is use a product called a waterBOB to fill your tub up with clean drinkable water I'll roll in a picture of what that looks like and I'll put a link to that in the description below utilizing rain barrels is also a great way to store water you can use it for water in a garden or giving to your pets to drink and if needed you can even filter it with something like a berkey water filter and drink it yourself if you run out of all your other stored water but those are just a couple things you can do in addition to your emergency water stores that we're about to talk about now my favorite way to store water long term is in these 5-gallon stackable water jugs these are perfect for stacking up a large amount of drinking water these containers are bpa-free and the blue color really helps to keep the light out so the water inside stays good longer these things are also very portable in case you need to transport them somewhere this thing when it's full weighs about 40 pounds now when I first started storing water I used the seven gallon reliance containers that you see on the bottom there you can get those at Walmart and they work great but a word of warning even though these containers look like they're stackable when they're full they're too heavy and the bottom one will get crushed even if they're only stacked too high you won't have that problem with these five gallon containers and that's why I prefer the five gallon containers but I will put a link to both of those in the description below along with some bigger options like 55-gallon barrels those are a great way to store a lot of water but obviously they're not easily moved and if you decide you are going to use barrels make sure there are new barrels and they're clean so you don't end up with contaminated water and you will need some kind of pump to pump the water out when you need it now like I mentioned the water needs to be treated properly before storing it away and the way I do it is with this aquamira water treatment this stuff is specifically made for storing water long term now you'll hear people talk about using bleach and that may work but it's going to taste terrible and I definitely don't recommend doing it that way unless you don't have any other option it comes in two parts like this it's going to kill all the odor calls and bacteria and any other contaminants that might be in the water and it's going to stabilize it for up to five years now just this package right here can treat up to sixty gallons so you can treat a lot of water with this and there's no aftertaste now let's go and I'll show you all how to treat the water with the aquamira water treatment alright next thing we need to do is go ahead and mix up the Aquamira you're going to do equal parts of Part A and Part B it calls for one teaspoon of each so we'll go ahead and mix that up I'm using the container that you have I'm just going to use this glass and go ahead and stir it up a little bit and we're just gonna let that sit for five minutes it does have a little bit of a chlorine smell at first but don't worry that won't affect your water and also once it's finished mixing it will get a little bit of a yellow color you'll see that when we come back to it but that won't affect your water either that's completely normal next thing you want to do is make sure your container is clean so we're going to put some water in there and we're going to put just a little bit of a regular dong dish soap in there and shake it up and then rinse it out to make sure the inside is clean so you've got some water in there we're just going to put one little squirt of dish soap in there and put our lid back on and just shake it up good to make sure it's clean after you've done that you can go ahead and pour that out and then just keep rinsing until all that soap is out of there and once you've got all the soap out and you got your container clean you're ready to go ahead and put your treatment in there you know like I told you earlier it is gonna have a little bit of a yellow tint to it and that's okay that's completely normal and it's not going to turn your water yellow and won't affect your water at all so what I like to do is I go ahead and put some water in first then I poured the treatment in and then I fill up the rest of the way with water to make sure it's good and mixed up so let's do that then once you've got it about halfway full that's when I go ahead and pour my treatment in there make sure you get it all in there and then you're ready to go and fill it up the rest of the way don't want to spoil you can go ahead and put the lid on as you can see the lid does have a waterproof seal in there then we'll go ahead and put that on and now you can hear it locks in good make sure you got it nice and tight and you're good to go now I've attempted to draw this thing off and like I said it is 40 pounds but I'm gonna try to flip it over so you guys can see that it's not gonna leak as you can see I've got it upside down and it's not leaking at all now I'll get back to you guys I got four more of these bad boys to do now once you've got all your containers filled up you're going to want to go ahead and label it that way you remember when it was treated and approximately when you need to use it bye like I said before with the Aqua mirror treatment it will be good for at least five years possibly more even after that I'm sure you could filter it and it would be fine but definitely make sure you label your container so you can keep track of that so that's how it's done guys this is how I store my on this is just going to be in a closet with some other emergency items that I have you want to make sure it's a cool dark place so that water lasts as long as it possibly can no matter what method you use for store in emergency water just make sure you do it's the number one most important prep you can have for yourself and most importantly for your family now make sure y'all check out the links in the description below for the products that we talked about in this video and if you're interested in storing emergency food long-term make sure you check out this video at the top of the screen if y'all have any questions please leave them in the comments below thanks for watching guys please like share and subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: PilotPatriot
Views: 38,375
Rating: 4.9360566 out of 5
Keywords: Water storage, emergency water, long term water storage, emergency water storage, water jugs, water barrel, prep, prepping, prepare, stackable water container, water container, reliance, berkey water filter, water filter, life straw, sawyer mini, aquamira, survival, water storage, rain water, berkey, doomsday, shtf, wrol, natural disaster, disaster preparedness, bug out bag, survival kit, bug out, bug in, food storage
Id: HW_weXQG-d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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