How to Stop Struggling With Anxiety and Intense Emotions 5/30 How to Process Emotions

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Imagine this for a moment, I have you hooked up to  monitors that measure your anxiety, they can tell   when your anxiety increases with perfect precision.   You also happen to be strapped to a chair, sitting   on a trapdoor, over a shark tank, filled with very  hungry sharks. You're perfectly safe in the moment,  but then I come in and I tell you look, you're  safe right now, but if you get to a level six of   anxiety, I'm gonna have to drop you into the shark  tank. So just don't get anxious and you'll be fine.    So you try your hardest to  not get anxious and you try   to force yourself to not be anxious and I can  constantly say "helpful" things like- 'Remember,   don't get anxious', the more internal and external  pressure about your anxiety, the worse it gets   and as you see your anxiety creeping up the  scale from a four to a five, pressure mounts   and you worry about what's gonna happen if you get  there. Before you know it your anxiety is shooting   through the roof and click-drop-splash! Now  folks I would not do this to you, this is just an   analogy, but many people do this to themselves. Many  people with anxiety, chronic pain, panic disorders,   depression, tinnitus, vaginismus, muscle tension,  and strong emotions in general often experience   something like this frequently. The harder you  try not to feel anxious or the more you worry   about and pay attention to your chronic pain  or your tinnitus or whatever the worse it gets.    When we fight and struggle against our thoughts  and emotions we tend to make things worse in this   video, which is skill number five from my course  How to Process Your Emotions, you're going to learn   how to tell if you're making your emotions or your  sensations worse and in the next two videos right   here on my channel you're going to learn how to  escape that cycle, how to get better at feeling   so that you can resolve really intense emotions,  and feel more peace and happiness in your life. This video is sponsored by Skill Share. Skill Share  offers thousands of inspiring classes for curious   people and lifelong learners. They have classes  on topics from art and creativity to productivity   and personal improvement and here's a fascinating  class that I recently took, it's called- Designing   the Life You Want with Muchelle B. (Muchelle) 'I think that  sitting back and making decisions about what you   want in life what you value, who you want to show  up as, is such important self-work that we don't   do regularly enough.' (Emma) She teaches four exercises  that you can use to get clarity on your values   and create the life vision that you want and  she also includes a workbook that helps you walk   through these exercises on your own. Cool thing is  you can also see what other people in the class   are working on, you can see their projects as well.   There's a ton of other classes on productivity,   creativity, and self-care. Becoming a Skill Share  member is less than ten dollars a month with an   annual subscription and the first 1000 of my  subscribers to click the link in the description   are going to get a free trial of a premium  membership so you can explore your creativity   and use that to work through your emotions. Okay,  so just so you know I've been there in the past,   I've had a couple of anxiety attacks right, I know  what it feels like to struggle with your emotions.    One of the times was when I lived in Argentina  and I had been under a lot of stress overall, but   one day, you know, everything seemed just fine and  I was just going about my day, when all of a sudden   I started feeling like really shaky and sick and  then I started to worry you know what's the matter   with me and then I started to feel shakier and  sicker and then I started to worry about how   this was going to mess up my day right we had a  lot of important appointments, what if I wasn't   going to be able to get to them because of how I  was feeling, and pretty soon I was just sucked into   these waves of anxiety and every one was worse than  the last. Now I was trying my best to calm down   but you know everything I did was making it worse  and eventually I had to call a friend over to help   me and when he came over we talked for a while and  you know he was really gentle and comforting and   um you know I took a break, eventually I calmed  down and when I did, all the nausea and the sick   feeling went away and turns out I wasn't  sick, it was all stress and anxiety and fear   that was causing that physical sick feeling that  whole time, but the harder I tried to make it go   away the worse it got and this is one of the  real paradoxes of emotions. So there's a lot   we can do indirectly to change how we feel a lot  you can do to get better at feeling in your life   and to get feeling better but if we try to stuff  our emotions or we try to like you know force our   emotions to change in the moment we often make  things worse in the long run and this can be hard   to see because for many people the only emotional  skills they were taught were like- Get over it, look   on the bright side, relax, try not to think about  it, right? So as children a lot of us were taught   you know it's not okay to cry or feel sad or be  angry, and to be honest, putting an emotion to the   side for a while in order to complete a task is  a really helpful skill in the in the short term.    So for example, think of a police officer who  responds to help at a horrible car crash, now this   officer needs to be able to focus and perform  their task in the moment and push their emotions   to the side for a moment and that's a really  effective short-term strategy, but if that's their   only strategy, then over time those emotions are  going to build and build. Many police officers are   really good at suppressing their emotions, but when  they do this in the long run it can lead to higher   rates of alcoholism, divorce, and suicide. Emotional  suppression isn't an effective long-term strategy   because emotions beg to be processed and resolved  and they do this by popping up over and over again.    Most people have simply not been taught other ways  to work through emotions. So for that officer he or   she would need to add the skill of processing  through those emotions later so that those   suppressed feelings of stress and anxiety can get  resolved, but the problem is that our instinct is   to avoid things that are uncomfortable. Avoidance  of or struggle with our emotions is one of the   most common responses people have to them, it's  like we just want them to go away so that we   can get on with our lives. Maybe we try to brush  them aside as quickly as possible. In my therapy   practice I frequently see people trying all sorts  of things to try and make their emotions go away.    So on a micro level it's just like little things  like trying not to think about it or spending a   lot of time distracting yourself, but since those  aren't sustainable practices, you know the emotions   keep getting louder and louder people end up  needing to do more to suppress their emotions.    So then they end up doing things like drug and  alcohol use, shopping addictions, overeating, using   sex to escape, so things like pornography addiction  or having unhealthy relationships and you know it   just keeps going on and on, there's a lot of ways  we try to suppress or escape our emotions right?   Gambling, media addictions, and just avoiding  people or places that make us feel things like   anxiety right?, or another one that's a form  of avoidance is procrastination right? Now   there's other less obvious forms of avoidance too,  letting your dreams die, keeping your dreams small,   blaming other people, anger and defensiveness, or even just making decisions without really   taking the time to consider the options right,  acting impulsively to make a problem go away.    Now what do you notice about all of these  avoidance strategies? Do they make your life   better? All of these attempts to avoidance lead  to more problems in the future, not less. They   lead to us feeling worse and needing to avoid  more, so they perpetuate this cycle of feeling   crappy right? Take a minute right now and get into  your workbook and take the survey about avoidance.    What are your avoidance tactics? What do you  do when you're trying to avoid your feelings?    In the long run struggling with or avoiding  emotions make them more intense and it usually   makes them worse, right? Okay, are you tired of  metaphors yet? When the only skills you have are   things like resist, suppress, try not to feel that  way, etc., it's like you're in a tug of war with a   monster, a struggle for your life and you're using  all your strength to keep from getting pulled   into this great chasm between you and the  monster. You're afraid that if you don't   fight with your depression or your anxiety, that  it's going to pull you into a pit of despair.    But it's exhausting to be stuck fighting  your feelings. In the next couple videos and   throughout the course I'm going to teach you some  counter-intuitive skills that will help you drop   the rope, drop the struggle with your emotions. You  can overcome depression and anxiety, but in this   episode we're just gonna focus on identifying ways  that you might be making your anxiety or whatever   worse by struggling with it. Okay, so here's number  one- You judge emotions as "good" and "bad", you tell   yourself that sadness and anxiety are bad emotions  and that happiness is the only acceptable emotion.    You think that because an emotion is uncomfortable  it's a negative thing that just needs to be   escaped or avoided, and sneak peek into the course  sometimes painful emotions do need to be resolved,   but all primary emotions serve a function and  when we judge our emotions we don't help ourselves   process through them so for example: healthy guilt  helps us make repairs when we've messed up, healthy   fear can keep us from falling off of cliffs, and  just because an emotion is uncomfortable doesn't   mean it's bad. Among mindfulness characteristics  a judgmental attitude towards one's thoughts   and feelings is the strongest predictor of  both depression and anxiety. Okay number two-   You're stuffing, you're clenching, you're trying  not to cry, you're trying not to feel, you're   trying to numb yourself or zone out, or you do  what you can to avoid an emotional situation or   to distract yourself or to white-knuckle your way  through it while you wait for it to pass.    So these are perfectly fine reactions for the  short term, but if you try to use them over   and over they don't work in the long run. So with  muscle tension, anxiety, nausea, all these attempts   to stuff your feelings can actually make them  worse. I worked with a client in the past who   every time he got sad or stressed in session  he would clench his face like so hard and tight,   trying to not let the emotions get too  strong, trying to force the tears to not come,   and this just triggered panic attacks over and  over again he was triggered by having emotions,   his habitual reaction was to fight them, and this  led to a cycle of panicking over and over and   the harder he fought this hopeless battle to  not have feelings, the more depressed he felt.    When he started to learn to be gentle with  himself and to be open to emotions the panic   attacks and the depression greatly decreased. Okay  number three- You're negotiating right? When strong   emotions come up you plead with the universe- 'why?,  why is this happening to me?, this is so unfair'.   maybe you get stuck worrying about the future  right, you say like- 'What if this lasts forever? or   you say something like I can't handle feeling this  way', Now there is a time and a place to explore   these questions there may be some underlying  causes to what you're feeling, but if this is   something you do regularly you know that it almost  always leads to despair instead of helpful action.    It's like you're trying to plead before the  universe that it's not fair and then hoping that   the universe is gonna say- 'oh yeah you're right', and  then it'll just magic your feelings away. Now, and   just a reminder, a mental health diagnosis  like depression does not tell you the cause of   your depression, it doesn't tell you that it's  permanent, it doesn't tell you anything other than   these are the symptoms that you're experiencing  and they meet the criteria for depression.    It's more helpful to explore one skill you can  learn, like letting go of this struggle, than it is   to spend a lot of time pleading with the universe  to magic these feelings away. Okay, the fourth sign   that you might be making your anxiety or emotions  worse- You shame yourself, you say 'I shouldn't' a lot.   I shouldn't feel this way, I should be happier, it's  the feeling of trying to force it that often leads   to hopelessness. Shaming yourself is like banging  your head against the wall and hoping it helps.    Saying- 'I shouldn't feel sad' often makes people  feel sadder. Saying- 'I shouldn't feel anxious',   makes people feel hopeless or anxious this  doesn't mean that you're gonna feel this way   forever, there's a whole lot you can do to get  feeling better, it's just that shaming yourself   gets you stuck in the cycle of struggling against  your emotions which makes things worse. Okay, number   five- you're catastrophizing, you're assuming  that these symptoms mean something, so with   every little symptom you assume the worse. So if  you feel a little pain you think- 'what if there's   something wrong with me? Does this mean I've got  cancer?, or if you start to hear your tinnitus   you think- 'oh no, what if my tinnitus is really bad  today?', or you start to feel a little anxiety and   you think- 'oh this is terrible I can't function  at work with anxiety, what if it gets worse?'    Catastrophizing exaggerates every emotion you  have. So in the next skill you're going to learn   all about Willingness, the skill of feeling what  you're feeling without freaking out about it.    Okay, number six- you're checking, you're constantly  checking your symptoms, like saying something   like 'oh how's my anxiety gonna be today?' Now you  are the CEO of your brain, what you pay attention   to tells your brain what's most important to  you and what you pay attention to is what you   get more of. When you hyper focus on the pain point  or on uncomfortable emotions, when that's what you   think about or talk about or ruminate on, you tell  your brain that sadness or tinnitus or anxiety   is the most important thing to you, so your brain  complies by making more of it, by making it louder.    Joey Remenyi who helps people heal from tinnitus  and vertigo says "I know that people have healed   when they stop describing their sensations as  symptoms. When an uncomfortable sensation or   emotion pops up you notice it, you acknowledge it,  you validate it, and then you gently redirect your   attention to what's most important to you in that  moment." What you pay attention to you get more of.    The seventh sign that you're stuck in a struggle  with your emotions is that you're distracting,   you're always keeping busy, you're never slowing  down, you're spending too much time on your phone,  you're procrastinating important things, because  you just don't want to face them. Now, there's a   quick test for this. If you stop moving, if you just  sit still for a minute and that makes you feel   worse, then you're probably stuck in distraction.   So this is like running away from an imaginary   monster, you think that you have to keep  running so that it doesn't catch you,   but I promise if you sit and you let it catch  you, you'll find that you can handle it, that   it's better than running all the time. Okay, so  you're not bad, you just need some other tools.    There's a reason you're gripping right? The people  I know with anxiety and depression they aren't   lazy, they're often desperately trying everything  they know to keep from getting pulled off of that   cliff of their anxiety or their depression. The  problem is not lack of effort. In the tug-of-war   you're afraid that if you stop struggling, you'll  fall in. You're afraid that if you don't keep doing   it you'll fall into some deep despair, you'll  fall apart you'll stop functioning, but the   struggle takes so much energy. I'm not saying quit  trying, I'm saying drop the rope and try something   different. In the next video I'll teach you the  practical skills to drop the rope. Practical   skills that will let you step away from the  drama, the struggle, the fight with your feelings,   and move toward a life of peace and meaning  and freaking joy right? There are at least two   antidotes to the struggle- Emotion processing, and  Willingness, which is a key to emotion processing.   So in my emotion processing course  you're going to learn dozens of skills   to manage intense emotions, work through them,  and resolve them. So stay tuned let's do this.
Channel: Therapy in a Nutshell
Views: 1,266,197
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Keywords: therapy in a nutshell, Are you making your anxiety worse
Id: CwVN5e1YavM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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