How to Stop Panic Attacks Part 3/3

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In the previous video, we talked about the panic  attack cycle. First comes a sensation or feeling.   Second, you judge that feeling to  be unacceptable, bad, or dangerous.   Then this triggers an escalating  fight/flight/freeze response, and your brain   learns that panic and anxiety are dangerous.  So let's take a deeper look at step two, the thoughts that transform a physical sensation  into something we interpret as dangerous. Here are   common ways of thinking that trigger panic  attacks: "It would be disastrous if I had   a panic attack." "It would be awful if my anxiety  takes over." "What if I'm having a heart attack?"   "What if I pass out?" "If I can just force  myself to calm down, this will all go away." Why does this always happen to me? The big issue  is believing that panic attacks are dangerous.   Now, panic attacks are inconvenient. They're  uncomfortable. They can be embarrassing,   or they can interfere with what you want to be  doing. But they aren't physically dangerous. All   these uncomfortable symptoms are just the body  tossing you into fight/flight/freeze mode, which   actually makes it less likely that you'll pass  out, stop breathing, or any of those other fears. If someone's having a panic attack and they  go to the ER, an EKG will show a regular but   rapid heartbeat. When people worry about passing  out, you should know that you pass out with low   blood pressure. A panic attack takes your  blood pressure up. Heart attacks feel worse   when you walk around, but when you move around  with a panic attack, you actually feel better. Right? So panic attacks are not actually  dangerous. And our society doesn't help. It's   constantly talking about how bad stress is for you  and how bad anxiety is for you. Now, at its root,   stress is not dangerous for you. Chronic  stress is dangerous, but stress itself isn't,   and neither is fear. Okay, now there's some  of you out there right now who are saying,   "But it could be a heart attack this  time. A panic attack could hurt you. What about this one time that I read about this  one thing that happened a thousand miles away?"   Right? Well, great. Thank you for  bringing that up. That is a perfect   example of how the anxious mind is going to  highlight the worst-case scenario and kidnap   your emotions until you can be 1000%  sure. It, this is the certainty trap,   that you shouldn't live your life or  take helpful actions until you can 1000% guarantee that nothing bad will ever happen.   There's so much to be said about the certainty  trap. This is, I don't have time for it in this   video. I'll make another video on it. But let me  ask you a pragmatic instead of logical question.   Okay. So what if there is a one in a  million chance that you could die? Now what? Do you want to spend the rest of your life  afraid of panic attacks? Or do you want to   choose to face life and accept uncertainty  and live the life you value? Drive places.   See your loved ones. Hold a job. You have to  choose between living a life in fear of emotions   or a life of acceptance of emotions.  So panic attacks aren't dangerous. You can choose to live a rich and meaningful life  even if you have some anxiety or you experience   the occasional panic attack. But when we  fear anxiety, when we fear panic attacks,   we feed that cycle of fear and panic. So this is  where if you search how to stop a panic attack,   you get really bad advice if you have  chronic panic attacks. The articles all say,   "Try to take some deep breaths. Try to calm  yourself down. Try to distract yourself." Look, if you've tried this and it worked,  you wouldn't be here. This is the exact wrong   advice. Stop trying to calm down your body  because that sends a message to your brain   that the anxiety is actually dangerous  and it must be avoided. This feeds the   fear cycle. You can learn to calm down. You  can learn to calm your body down. But this   is a paradox because something has to come  first before change, and it's acceptance. So the only way to stop this cycle of panic  attacks is to demonstrate to your brain   that anxiety is not dangerous, is to show your  brain that you can feel anxiety and be okay.   And the way you do that is willingness.  I've talked about this a bunch,   but basically you have to shift  your relationship to anxiety. You say, "Anxiety is uncomfortable but  not dangerous. This is uncomfortable   but not dangerous. These body sensations  aren't dangerous; they're uncomfortable."   So try this experiment instead: say, "Fear, bring  it on. Go ahead. Make me as anxious as possible."   Or say something like, "I can  feel the fear and do it anyway." It's impossible to make yourself have  a panic attack because the thing that   causes them is trying to make them go away.  Okay. Number two, make space for your sensations.   If you're in a death match with your  sensations, you might think things like this:   "I can't feel this way. I have to  breathe slower. I have to calm down." You're essentially telling your brain that these  feelings or sensations in your body are dangerous.   This triggers that spiral. So instead,   send the opposite message. Open up to  your sensations. Get super curious: "Oh,   I wonder what it feels like to breathe fast." Get  back in your body, and get present in the moment. Notice what you're feeling,  and allow it to be there.   Be compassionate toward your sensations,  even the ones you don't like. Say, "Hello,   upset stomach. It's okay. You can keep doing  that if you need to." Say, "Hello, jiggle legs,   what do you feel like right now? What do you  need?" You can even exaggerate those sensations if you'd like. Tense your muscles tighter. Try  to breathe faster. Jiggle your legs faster. Just   show yourself that you can feel this and be  okay. So instead of trying to calm your body,   say, "It's okay to have a fast heartbeat.  It's okay to breathe this way."   You can create awareness without  that negative interpretation. So when you judge your emotions, you say things  like, "Oh, this has to change. This is so   bad. This is so dangerous. This means I'm dying,"  etc. And when you change your relationship to   your feelings, you say, "This is a feeling. It  is what it is. I can handle feeling feelings."   Okay. Next, don't distract yourself. Don't leave the situation. Stay in  it. Because when we avoid anxiety,   we reinforce in our brain that anxiety  is actually dangerous. Remind yourself   that anxiety isn't dangerous, that these  uncomfortable sensations aren't dangerous;   they just feel dangerous, but you are safe. And  ride it out. Say something like, "Bring it on." When you do this, you demonstrate to your  brain that these feelings aren't dangerous.   They're uncomfortable, but they're not  dangerous. Remember Steve, back from video   number two? He grew up in an abusive home,  and he learned that emotions were dangerous.   He would have panic attacks over and over again  because he was scared of getting anxious or sad. Sometimes in session with Steve  he would start getting anxious,   and his wife would lovingly try to calm  him down. And Steve would get really afraid   that he was going to start feeling really  anxious, and then he'd start freaking out.   So sometimes in session I'd tell him, "Steve, I  want you to get as upset as possible right now. This is really important. I need you to get really  scared of your emotions and get really anxious.   Could you please do that?" And for a moment, he'd  get really emotional, and he'd try really hard.   And then he'd just pause, and  his breathing would slow down,   and his face would open up, and he'd lift his  head up and look at me, and something would   just click. And you could see the moment  he stopped the struggle against anxiety. He, he dropped the rope, and this wave of  peace came over him. I think he still felt   some weird sensations, but he wasn't fighting them  anymore. And the intensity dropped by like 99%.   Franklin Roosevelt said, "Courage is not the  absence of fear but rather the assessment that   something is more important." It's okay to  think or feel all sorts of panicky stuff. But that doesn't mean you have to listen to it  or believe it. This is the paradox of a panic   attack. "To free ourselves from panic, we need  to be willing to have it," Nick Wignall says.   Remind yourself that you're actually safe. Anxiety  won't hurt you. Your situation is actually safe.   Now, if there is something in your  environment, something physical,   that's not actually safe - like a  rattlesnake, let's say - get out of your head,   stop trying to change your feelings, and  actually take some action to get safe. Otherwise, make some space for  those feelings. Stop fighting them.   I've got tons of videos on how to do this  - how to feel your feelings, willingness,   how anxiety and depression are connected, and the  willingly out of breath activity. This this skill,   willingness, is a skill you can learn, to let  yourself feel your feelings without fighting them. Number three, don't believe everything you think.  The third step to stopping future panic attacks   is to get really good at noticing your panic  story. So for Steve, his panic stories were,   "What if I always feel this way? What if  I never get better? What if this means I'm   losing my mind?" The way you tell your story  reinforces your brain's perception of danger. So you need to learn to notice  the panic stories that you tell.   And then just get good at noticing them  without buying them, noticing them without   believing them. We talked about some of those  thoughts earlier. It's catastrophizing. It's   believing you're having a heart attack. It's  saying, "Why does this always happen to me? This is awful. This is terrible." It's  any sentence starting with "what if."   It's saying, "I can't handle feeling this  way." Well, what are your choices? You can keep   struggling against your feelings and have more  panic attacks, or you can let yourself feel the   anxiety and keep living your life. So recognize  your thoughts. Name what you're experiencing. "This is a panic attack. I'm not actually  in danger. I'm actually safe." Or say,   "Oh, hello there, worry thoughts. Are  you going to tell me that I'm dying   again? Nice to see you again, but you're  just a cute little catastrophic thought."   Just like the boggarts in Harry Potter, fear  can't stand being laughed at. If you can't laugh,   just be like, "Hey there, you little panic  thought. I know what you're trying to do. That's cool. But I've got some other stuff to  think about right now." Or you say, "Right now   in this moment, I'm actually safe." Okay. So back  to Steve. One day Steve went to church and he   really didn't want to feel anxious that day.  He didn't want to get upset or emotional.   But as he started to walk in, he started  to feel that tightness in his chest. He started to feel the anxiety  building up inside of him.   And at first he tried to fight it. He tried to  slow his breathing, he tried to distract himself,   but he could feel that panic attack about to blow.  And in that moment, about six months of therapy   finally clicked for him. He said,  "It felt like a lightbulb clicked on, and I suddenly realized that my feelings  are just feelings. They can't hurt me."   And he just opened himself up to let himself  feel them. It's like he stopped struggling   against them and just let himself ride  through them while staying at church.   And when he did, they suddenly  didn't have power over him anymore. He stayed through the whole meeting. When he came  to session the next week, he was super excited to   tell me, "It's working. It's actually working. My  feelings are just feelings. They can't hurt me."   And when he'd get really scared, he'd say,  "I'm feeling really scared right now,"   which is noticing the feeling and making  space for it instead of what he used to do,   which is say things like, "Will I ever get better? Am I going to feel this way forever?  Does this mean I'm losing my mind?" Now,   sometimes Steve still gets scared of his emotions,   but in general, he's doing so much better. He's  decreased his panic attacks by like 95%. And   he's overall just doing so much better at letting  himself feel his feelings without fighting them. Okay. Number four. Panic seems to come from  nowhere. You can't always predict when panic   will come, but you can prepare for it to a degree.  So learn to notice your triggers. Get better at   predicting when you're going to feel some anxiety  or a physical symptom. And that way you can   prepare yourself to use your new skills instead  of trying to avoid or control your anxiety. So don't try and avoid your triggers. That tells  your brain those triggers are more dangerous than   they actually are and makes your panic or  anxiety worse. It's also important to work   to decrease over-anxiety. So if you imagine  anxiety on a scale from 0 to 10, I often see   panic attacks in people who are constantly running  at this baseline of like 6 or 7 on the scale,   and small situations that are like a level  1 or a level 2 just pop them out of okay and into panic. So for example, someone who is  extremely stressed out with work and kids and   financial problems, they might have a panic  attack from what seems like out of nowhere.   But upon careful inspection, it's like everything  was just piling up. And then the traffic and   being late to pick up the kids, something  that's not normally panic-attack worthy, that little thing just puts you over the  top. So treating anxiety is this combination   of changing your relationship with anxiety,  of accepting anxiety and making space for it,   and also putting things in your life in order.   So doing that groundwork to resolve your  background stress, that can make a big difference. Okay. So just to summarize: panic attacks are  usually anxiety about anxiety or anxiety about   the physical symptoms of anxiety. They spiral  out of control when you catastrophize about these   symptoms or you try to force them to go away. If  you want to stop having repeated panic attacks,   you can learn to accept anxiety  as normal, safe, and natural.   Make space for those uncomfortable situations. Don't believe your catastrophic thoughts. And  take steps to decrease your overall anxiety.   When you take these steps, you'll show  panic that it doesn't control your life.   And over time you'll retrain your  brain that feelings of anxiety   can't hurt you. And the panic attacks  will greatly decrease or stop altogether. Okay. Hope you found this helpful.  Thank you for watching, and take care.
Channel: Therapy in a Nutshell
Views: 300,207
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Keywords: therapy in a nutshell, emma mcadam, mental health, depression, anxiety, anxiety attack, panic attack, how to stop panic attacks, panic attacks, anxiety attacks
Id: wR8oKZ5qTfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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