What Causes The Panic Attack Cycle 2/3 How to Stop Panic Attacks

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In this video you're going to learn how  to stop having panic attacks. You'll learn   what you're doing that makes them come back.  You'll learn the difference between a trigger   and the real cause of panic attacks, and then  you'll learn three steps to stop panic attacks   from coming back. But first let me tell you about  Steve. Steve learned to stop having panic attacks,   but it was kind of an unexpected journey. I'd like to thank BetterHelp for sponsoring  this video. I feel like the pandemic has   made me a little flat, a little numb, so in  2022 I'm setting a new mental health goal.   I want to increase my joy a little bit every  day, to notice the positive, laugh a little more,   and let go of the daily stresses that drag me  down. What are your goals? What are you working   on? Drop me a line in the comment below and let  me know what you're trying to improve. Now, one of   the best ways to stick with healthy habits is by  working with a licensed therapist. With BetterHelp   you can access their network of over 20,000  licensed therapists. It's not a crisis line, it's   not self-help; it is professional therapy done  securely online. BetterHelp will assess your needs   and match you with your own licensed professional  therapist. If you've ever searched for a counselor   in your area, you know that sometimes it  can take weeks to get a phone call back.   With BetterHelp you can start communicating  in as little as 48 hours. And it's available   worldwide. You can also send a message to your  therapist anytime. You'll get timely responses,   plus you can schedule weekly video or phone  sessions. BetterHelp is committed to facilitating   great therapeutic matches, so they make it easy  and free to change therapists if needed. It's   also more affordable than traditional therapy,  and financial aid is available. BetterHelp wants   you to start living a happier life today. So  visit betterhelp.com/therapyinanutshell - that's   better h-e-l-p - and join the over 1 million  people taking charge of their mental health.   With the help of an experienced professional  you can prioritize your mental health   this year. Get 10% off your first month at  betterhelp.com/therapyinanutshell. Okay. Back to   the video. So I once had this client who had panic  attacks all the time. We'll call him Steve. Steve   lived out in the country. He was a good, solid  blue-collar worker. He was really good at a lot   of essential skills. He was good at welding and  roofing and auto repair and gardening and building   and fixing things with his hands, and he was  just always working on projects around his house.   But he really struggled with panic attacks. He  would, as he put it, break down at church. He   would start to feel a little anxious, and then  he'd get all freaked out, and then he would   start to sweat and shake. And then he would be  terrified that the other churchgoers would notice.   He'd start to get so embarrassed and anxious, and  his heart would pound and his face would clench up   and his whole body would get drenched in sweat,  and then he would practically run for the door.   And it didn't just happen at church; it would  happen at the store, at the doctor's office,   and even in therapy sessions with me. He would  start to explore some feelings, and then he'd   start to feel really anxious, and then he'd  clench right up. He's "Oh no, not again."   And then he'd, he'd break down, as he put it,  and he'd shake and he'd cry and he'd feel sick.   Steve was locked in a cycle with panic attacks.  Now, panic attacks suck. I've had a couple in   my life, and they're scary, and they make you  feel sick. They they get in the way of your   life and your work and your friends. But there  is a straightforward process to stop recurring   panic attacks. As Nick Wignell says, once you  understand what panic really is and how it works,   it's possible to completely free yourself from it.  So let's talk about what leads to panic attacks   so we can understand how to stop them. Okay, so  back to Steve. How did he get here? Steve grew up   with an abusive father and an enabling mother. His  parents fought all the time but especially when   dad was drunk. Little Steve grew up in fear. When  he was around five, he heard his parents fighting,   and things were getting rough. Things were getting  thrown, and he could hear screaming and smashing   and breaking. He hid under his bed crying and  just wondering if his mother would be killed.   Another time he was playing outside barefoot  and stepped on a nail, and it went all the   way through his foot. He screamed for help, and  he hobbled inside, and his dad yelled at him,   "Shut up. Stop crying or I'll give you something  to cry about." Needless to say he grew up in a   home where fear was abundant, and it was also  unacceptable to have emotions. If you were sad   you'd be called a wuss. If you were scared you'd  be called a little girl, which is the worst kind   of insult for a tough little boy. In his home he  would be punished for basically feeling any kind   of emotion. So Steve learned to be tough to hide  what he was feeling, to cover it up with anger,   to avoid people and just get over it. And  that worked for him. Kinda. He held down jobs,   mostly. Well, sometimes. He went through a couple  of divorces, and he worked hard, and he did all   right. He was a good man who tried to serve in  his church and help his neighbors and work hard,   but later in life a few things changed. He met  and married a sweet woman who was empathetic   and understanding. Then he went through some  serious medical issues that left him very sick   for a few years. Finally, his health returned, but  something about him was more tender. The difficult   experiences he had gone through had deepened his  emotional sensitivity, and perhaps some medical   changes also impacted him. He could no longer keep  his emotions buried inside. And the more he felt,   the more scared he got. You see, Steve had  learned as a child that emotions were dangerous;   they meant you were weak or that you'd  be shamed or punished for having them.   And so emotions were scary. It was scary to  care for his sweet wife because he had lost   other relationships in the past. It was scary  to feel anxiety because he'd been punished for   that in the past. It was scary to feel happy  because that might lead to disappointment.   And so that's how he ended up where he was  having panic attacks over and over. Because,   you see, panic is all about feeling in danger  when you're actually safe. A panic attack   is anxiety about anxiety. It's being afraid of  feeling anxiety. It's a loop that feeds itself.   So a panic attack is often triggered by a physical  sensation, something like your heart pounding or   your stomach feeling queasy, and this may have  been triggered by a performance review at work   or something that reminds you of your past. A  trigger is any event or sensation or feeling   that takes your anxiety up a bit. It's anything  that you or your body interpret as dangerous. Now,   that may be the trigger, but it's not the cause.  The cause is what happens next. The cause is   worrying about the anxiety. It's your relationship  with anxiety, which you are in control of.   So when you judge that sensation as bad - and  this is something you're probably not aware of;   you probably don't notice yourself doing it - but  you you worry that that feeling in your stomach   or that sense of anxiety means that  something is wrong. You you might think,   "I can't feel anxious" or "It's awful to feel my  heart beat so hard." Maybe you catastrophize "Oh   my goodness, what if I have a panic attack?  That would be terrible." Or you think,   "Oh no, my anxiety is coming back at the worst  time." Or "What if I'm having a heart attack?"   So that level right there where you judge and  label your anxiety as being bad, dangerous,   unacceptable, that is the cause of panic attacks.  Then you try to make these feelings go away,   right? As a as part of this process of judging  your feelings, you're required to try and force   them down. And this accidentally tells your brain  that anxiety or that that sensation is dangerous.   The harder you try to calm down or make your  anxiety go away, the more you worry about your   physical sensations. And and the more you worry  about your physical sensations, the worse they   get. Because what's happening is in your brain  the amygdala sends a danger signal, which then   turns up the fight/flight/freeze response.  And the fight/flight/freeze response triggers   more adrenaline and cortisol, which makes  you feel more physical symptoms of anxiety,   which your brain has interpreted  or you interpret as dangerous,   which then heightens that fight/flight/freeze  response, and on and on until your brain and   body are in full-on panic mode. And then this  usually continues until you're exhausted.   And then because that experience was  so awful, this verifies to your brain,   "See, anxiety was actually dangerous." So in the  future your brain is constantly scanning your body   for signs of anxiety, and then it overreacts to  any of those signs with more panic attacks because   you've accidentally told your brain that anxiety  is dangerous. And it's easy to see how this leads   to worse panic attacks. Believing that a panic  attack is dangerous makes you more likely to worry   about having a panic attack, and worrying about  panic attacks makes you feel more general anxiety.   It's impossible to try to have a panic  attack, because if we try to have one   we show our brains that it's not dangerous,  and that immediately stops the cycle. Okay,   so here's what you do that gets you stuck in  that cycle: you try to force fear to go away.   You try to clench down on anxiety. But that's  the one thing that feeds it. Trying to force it,   avoid it, and control it - that sends that message  to your brain that it's actually quite dangerous.   Now, anxiety is a form of fear, and what  feeds fear? Running from it. Trying to fight   fear with fear. That just accelerates the fear; it  just fuels it. Now, this isn't usually something   that you're aware of; it's habitual. It happens  very quickly, often without your awareness.   Even if you didn't grow up in an abusive home,  our society sends the message that anxiety is   dangerous, that it's something to be feared.  It's not a normal emotion that you can have   a healthy relationship with. And so much of the  advice out there says, "Just calm yourself down.   You have to take deep breaths. You have to slow  your heart down. This is how you fix a panic   attack." But trying to force yourself to calm down  is one of the things that triggers panic attacks.   So if you have chronic panic attacks, it's because  you've developed a reflex of getting anxious   about your own anxiety, especially the bodily  sensations of anxiety, and this leads your brain   to constantly checking for any signs of anxiety  and then responding with a huge stress chemical   dump when it finds any anxiety symptoms. And this  is the panic attack cycle. The good news is it   can be reversed. In the next video, we're going to  talk about how to change your approach to anxiety,   how to change your relationship to anxiety  and panic, and how to stop that cycle. It's   a little bit - it's a little bit paradoxical, but  it works. So stay tuned, and also click the bell   if you want to get notifications when I publish  a video. Thanks for watching, and take care.
Channel: Therapy in a Nutshell
Views: 315,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: therapy in a nutshell, emma mcadam, mental health, depression, anxiety, panic attack, panic attacks, anxiety attack, panic attack treatment, panic disorder, how to stop a panic attack, anxiety attacks, panic disorder treatment, stop panic attack
Id: 4TRuJpSyMoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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