Having a Panic Attack? The Anti-Struggle Technique -A Guided Walkthrough to Stop a Panic Attack

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So you're having a panic attack. If you're  right in the middle of a panic attack,   this video is for you. For many people, a  panic attack feels like a lot of intense   physical symptoms. Maybe your heart is  pounding, you might feel faint or tingly,   or you're afraid that you're going to pass out  or have a heart attack. In this video I'll walk   you through how to know if it's anxiety  causing those symptoms and some practical   steps to stop the panic cycle. Because  you're going to be okay. You are safe.   [Music] [Music] They feel scary, but they're not going to hurt  you. So first let's try this experiment. Does   moving around make your symptoms feel slightly  better or slightly worse? If walking around makes   you feel a little better, that's one indicator  that this is anxiety, not a physical condition.   Panic attacks are the physical sensations of the  fight/flight/freeze response going into overdrive,   not a heart attack. Panic attacks are caused by  being afraid of the fight/flight/freeze symptoms.   These symptoms feel really uncomfortable. They  they feel really scary, But anxiety and panic   won't harm you. They usually resolve within five  to ten minutes, and by dropping the struggle   against them you may be able to resolve them  faster. Now, there are two approaches to dealing   with anxiety attacks and panic attacks. This one  is the roll-with-it method, and the other one   is the calm-down method. So after watching this  video, check out my other video to try the other   technique too and see which one works for your  situation. The real problem is not the anxiety   you're having or the sensations that you're having  - that fast heartbeat, that rapid breathing,   or the tingly or faint sensation. The real problem  is the belief that these sensations are dangerous.   So if you're struggling to calm your body down,  you might think, "I can't feel this way. I have   to breathe slower. I have to calm down." If you're  thinking these things, you're essentially telling   your brain that these feelings are dangerous,  and this heightens the anxiety cycle. So you   can learn to stop the cycle of panic attacks by  showing your brain that anxiety is not dangerous,   that you can feel anxiety and still be 100%  safe. So say this: "This feels uncomfortable,   but it's not dangerous." Or "Even  though this is painful, I am safe."   You can say, "I can handle feeling this. This will  pass." Emotions and sensations, they come and they   go like waves, and this will too. Now, let's make  some space for these physical sensations. Your   instinct is to try to force yourself to calm down  or to believe that these sensations mean something   terrible is about to happen. So instead we flip  the script. We send the opposite message. Open up   to your sensations. Get super curious. Say, "Oh,  I wonder what it feels like to breathe this fast."   Now, you really can allow yourself to feel these  feelings. You can make space for these sensations.   There's a few ways to practice doing this. You  could imagine that you're a curious scientist   making observations about what anxiety and panic  feel like. Can you be curious? Can you explore? Instead of labeling these feelings as bad or  dangerous, just describe them as they are ."Oh,   I feel faint. What does faint feel like?   Can you be really curious about the other  sensations you're having?" Or you can try   this experiment. Say, "Fear, bring it on. Go  ahead, make me as anxious as possible." And say,   "I can feel the fear and do it anyway." Say,  "Panic, let's go. Let's have the biggest,   strongest panic attack of my life." This is the  paradox. Right? It's impossible to make yourself   have a panic attack, because trying to have one  sends the message to your brain that anxiety is   safe. So instead, try to open up a little space  for your feelings. Get back into your body and in   the present moment. Notice what you're feeling  and allow it to be there, and then watch as it   passes and you're okay. Be really compassionate  to your feelings and sensations. This this sounds   counter-intuitive. But for example, you could say,  "Oh, hello upset stomach. It's okay. You can keep   being upset if if you need to do that." Or you  say, "Hello, jiggle legs. What do you feel like   right now?" You can even exaggerate that sensation  if you want. You can tense your muscles tighter.   You can try to breathe faster. You can try to  make your heart pound harder. You can jiggle   your legs faster just to show yourself that you  can feel this and you're still okay. So instead   of trying to calm your body, say, "It's okay to  have a fast heartbeat. It's okay to breathe this   way." Just create some awareness. You don't need  to force anything. Because you can allow yourself   to feel these sensations, you can also expand your  awareness to sensations that might not be as loud.   So what else can you see in your environment? What  else can you hear? What's one thing that you can   touch? What does it feel like? You can allow  both feelings to be there at the same time. "I   can notice that I'm hearing something, and I can  notice that I'm feeling something in my body."   You can do this. You got this. When you make space  for these sensations and feelings, you can stop   the cycle of being afraid of fear. This here panic  attack that you're having is an opportunity to   explore and try new things. So let's be curious.  Also, be really gentle with yourself. You don't   have to get it right the first try. You don't have  to make your anxiety or panic symptoms go away,   at least not right away. Right? You're okay.  By learning this technique you'll help yourself   have less panic attacks and less severe  panic attacks. At least one-third of people   have a panic attack in their lifetime. It's a  pretty normal experience. It's human. And as   you keep practicing, you can learn to stop  the chronic panic attacks from coming over   and over again. So just tell yourself, "It's  okay. I can feel my feelings and be okay."   Send yourself some love and gentleness. Imagine  your best friend talking to you and just saying,   "It's okay that you feel this way. Some of these  things scare you. Some of these sensations you're   having probably scare you. You could still send  them love, even if you don't like them." Okay. So   open up some space to be right where you are.  Because you are safe. You don't need to force   anything to change. Your body knows what to do to  calm down when you stop struggling against your   feelings. It's going to naturally relax when you  realize that these sensations aren't dangerous.   Learning to let go of the struggle against your  sensations is a skill that you can develop.   You can do this. You are safe. Keep  practicing. It will get better. Thank you for watching, and take care. [Music]
Channel: Therapy in a Nutshell
Views: 455,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: therapy in a nutshell, emma mcadam, mental health, depression, anxiety, overthinking, social anxiety, panic attack, anxiety attack, how to stop a panic attack, how to stop an anxiety attack
Id: 2CQpyA485wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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