How to Self Publish Your Book | Step by Step 2021

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hey how's it going today we're getting into how to self-publish your first book i've been getting this question for years literally years and i just never got around to it because i just had to figure it out when i did it and just no one guided me i just literally had to figure it out but i am a self-published author my the first book i have is layla escapes the zoo and you can find her online on amazon and many other online platforms it is print on demand so that's what i'm going to show you guys today because i find if you are a first time author and this is your first book that is the best way to go all right let's get into [Music] it hello my name is kat pio and if you've never seen me before i talk about ways to make passive income side hustles work at home jobs and other benefits to benefit your life financially so today we're talking about a way to increase your passive income in your life and that's by self-publishing a book or having some books online so passive income is pretty much the work that you put in in the beginning after that is over just keeps making you checks even while you sleep while you're traveling while you're working a job while you're doing anything else you don't have to put in active hours every single month to continue making money since i made the book layla escapes the zoo i haven't had to do anything else i haven't really promoted it i haven't really had to really do anything i don't have to ship the books i don't have to do anything so that's what we're gonna get into and then after this video i'm gonna do another video on how to promote your book because that is equally important after you make your book to promote it so let's start with step number one first you have to decide if you're going to self-publish or go with the publisher there are a lot of benefits with going with the publisher they already know exactly what they're doing they already have outlets they have strings they have connections but when you self-publish all of your earnings go straight to you which is a lot nicer you own all the rights of the books everything is yours but you have to do everything so i went with the self-publishing route and this is the what i had to do if you guys are interested in knowing of how to kind of brainstorm ideas for a book let me know i am going to talk about a children's book because that's the book i did myself so once you have your manuscript already written in docs or you hand written them you want to set up a layout for yourself on docs or word i personally use google docs it's online it's free and it's easy because it's on the cloud so you're going to want to format the page every book is going to be different for you but for my children's book i left one page blank and then i had a dedication page and a copyright page and then i had a title page and then my book started so when you're formatting the book you want to make sure you have those pages set aside so you're not starting from the second you open the book the book starts every book is different and since you are self-publishing you can really do whatever you want so you're going to have to visualize how you want to see the book do you want to have a few pages that are blank do you want to have a bunch of legal jargon on one of the pages do you want to have a separate dedication page is this dedicated to a specific person are you just thanking your mom for life something like that so you'll have to decide that and account for that so once you have your general format by the way this is very unofficial format but we'll get into that later you're going to want to have somebody proofread and criticize your book so this is something you can do for free to start off you can get your friends and family to proofread it just to make sure that the flows well the grammar things like that you're going to want to have them take out things give criticism about it and things like that however i do think this is worth paying somebody professionally to get done because you're going to have an unbiased opinion and then they've also know how books are supposed to be laid out as far as a ways a sentence is supposed to flow how things would sound better and then obviously they're gonna know if they're a children's book proofreader that you're using correct language for a child at that age group so i actually had two proofreaders and an editor and they were all professional and then i also got my book criticized by somebody who has been criticizing books for years so since my book was a vegan book i didn't want it to come off like like puking vegan like oh my god this book is so vegan i just wanted to have undertones of compassion and things like that but not overtly vegan so she criticized my book and told me what things were overtly vegan and i need to take out because it's going to run people the wrong way and things that were fine so this was great because those are just things your family aren't going to tell you because they like you and they love you and they just like anything you do they're just excited for you if you pay somebody they're not excited for you they don't care and that's almost better because they're going to be honest with you about what sucks about your book and what you should take out so your editing process should take i would say should be the longest part you should edit edit and edit again because every time you re-edit your book you're going to see more mistakes and things you want to take out things you want to switch so take all the time you need to edit your book make sure this process is slow you want to make sure you're giving a good product rather than a rushed product if you decide to take the free route and edit it on your own because you're an english major or you're really good with english you can use a simple tool like grammarly that's really good but i personally like a chrome extension called language tool so now you're going to officially format the book properly so lay out the words how they're going to be on the book itself you can do this again professionally so things are formatted correctly and nicely i also outsourced this to somebody but you can also just do this yourself on websites like book right so once your book is done and you're doing a children's book now you can go on to the illustrations the first thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to work with an illustrator to have the rough sketches done to see the overall feel of what you want you're going to want to make illustration notes so on the first page you want this to happen on the second page you want this to happen so you're gonna go through all of that with every single page and then the illustrator is gonna sketch out this timeline for you this is the part where you wanna make all of your changes because once the book is colored in it's going to cost a ton of money for them to fix it so every mistake you see anything that you see that you want fixed should be on the sketch timeline instead of on the actual book this is pretty much going to be just like a vague sketch to kind of get an idea of it and then they're going to start coloring in and add all the details in like i said they charge per page so every mistake you need to make sure you get it out the sooner the better next you're gonna want to create a cover a book cover you can do this yourself or you can outsource it to somebody else i recommend you outsourcing it because it's not that expensive and this is one of the most important things of your book because it's the first thing people say and even though they say don't judge a book by its cover people do if you're doing a children's book you want it to be super inviting and colorful and exciting so the kids want to take it and they want to read it the woman that illustrated my book she also did the cover and the back the back we know is kind of a story about a summary of the book so you also want to make sure that's all aligned too so think about how you want to convey this summary you want to make sure it's exciting you want to make sure it really brings the reader in i'm going to read to you now the back of my book just to kind of get an idea a courageous slow loris was born with a venture in her bones with her head in the clouds she dreams of big dreams a way out of the zoo follow her and her journey through the secret life of a zoo imaginative and lyrical this sweet story captures the magic of persistence and the joy of freedom this moving story empowers children to always follow their dreams and be proud of themselves even when they are faced with opposition would she find a way to escape the zoo leila dolores is about to find out so i wrote this a few years ago and i see things that i would change now but you can just see how it's exciting it brings the reader in and makes you want to read the book right did you want to read it i hope so okay so to be able to put this book online you're going to need an ein number it is free just go online and get an ein number of the official irs website it is free anything that's trying to charge you money it's not necessary you can get it for free you're also going to need an isbn number that's the number that goes on the back of your book that's the barcode if you are going to be doing this on createspace that's on amazon i believe they do give you one automatically so you don't need to do that every country is different so just google isbn number in your country and they will do that for you all right so the next step is uploading this book onto createspace which is the print on demand on amazon you're going to want to work with your illustrator to make sure that the formatting is correct because createspace is very particular about the margins and the requirements just work with an illustrator who has worked with authors on amazon and you'll be fine so once you upload it to amazon on createspace that's pretty much it you create a price for it a title and that's it your book is ready for sale now the next step is obviously to promote your books that's going to be the next segment is to how to promote your book so you're actually making sales which is the whole point of why you created this book to get it in front of readers so stay tuned for that it's coming up next week talk to you soon guys bye-bye um i think that's it [Music]
Channel: Kat Theo
Views: 13,186
Rating: 4.9798489 out of 5
Keywords: how to self publish a book on amazon, self publishing, how to self publish, how to self-publish a book, How to Self Publish Your Book | Step by Step 2021, how to self-publish your first book step-by-step tutorial for beginners, how to self publish on amazon step by step, self publishing a book, self publishing on amazon, Kat theo, how to sell a book on amazon, self publishing step by step
Id: hmtttfc8QaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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