How to Start a Podcast (IN 21 MINUTES for $0)

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in this video I'm gonna show you how to start a podcast literally by starting a fresh one I'm gonna show you just how easy and quick it can be even using free tools in 2020 so I'm gonna hit go on my little timer down here and let's begin step number one is always just to plan out your show what is the topic what's the show format I've already done this because I've been thinking about it quite a while maybe you have to pandemic parenting is the name of it it's gonna be a daily show or maybe five times a week I also wrote out my avatar who I'm talking to families at home struggling to stay balanced I have my hook this is to help me get clear on what the show is and help my audience understand what the show is it's gonna help with growing downloads now the first step or this was the first step step number two recording an episode 0 this is just an intro episode that people like to go back and listen to and this is gonna tell them Who am I what the show is etc now for the sake of this YouTube video I am gonna keep things very very very very very short just to you know show you but your podcasts can obviously be an interview podcast it could be as long as it wants etc so again I'm using only free tools I'm gonna open audacity I use Mac Catalina by the way so I have to open it using this little silly hack to be honest with you but if you don't have Catalina every Windows computer you don't have to do this at all so I'm gonna also use my built-in microphone not this fancy one just to show you how things can be seriously it's gonna be maybe terrible quality I don't know who knows we're gonna find out alright I'm gonna hit record right here and record my episode 0 and by the way if I mess up I'm just gonna like pause give a second of silence and then try again I might do analytic we'll see hello quarantined parents and welcome to pandemic parenting I'm your host Pete McPherson this is great to go throughout these tapes and survivors right this to it was not bad right that was not bad I'm gonna save this as episode zero and now it's a great time to tell you step three of starting a podcast create a folder structure I'm using an external hard drive but even on your computer I'm going to create one called pan Dimmick parenting and I'm going to create another folder in here called episode I just do 0 it's important to stay organized with your podcast these files are gonna get all over the place you gotta stay organized I would maybe take out a little bit of the silences in here but even then I might just leave it let's try this one let's just edit this one just for the phone right here how are we doing on time by the way 5 minutes in cool alright so that was till next time I'm gonna like redo that so I'm just gonna like drag here and hit delete there we go we're done now I went and pulled some free music just a little while ago I love audio here oh I pay for audio here oh but you can get a month free and you can download a bunch of audio tracks to use those like you know just an intro and outro music etc like etc etc etcetera so I'm gonna find free music I gotta locate it uh it's called according to me I'm just gonna drag it in here now there we go I'm gonna drag it in here and again I'm using free tools this is audacity I'm gonna be using auphonic I'll flank I'll show you that in just a second to process all this so I'm not even gonna worry about the levels like it's gonna sound too loud I don't care because I'm literally just using off on it alright so that musics too loud I don't care because I'm using a phonic awesome I'll tell you what why don't we just do this let's uh let's cut off this end right here and do like a little fade out how about that I'll just hit delete here I'm gonna select where I should probably like fade out and I'm in audacity generate no effects fade out done now we're faded out check that out awesome I'm gonna save it first of all now there's a few different ways you could do this I could level it out here and just hit export on the entire thing I'm actually not going to do that whatsoever I'm gonna do multiple tracks I'm gonna export these tracks separately export export multiple you have to make sure they start at the same time by the way these do I started at the very very beginning as you can see right here so if you started like over here you got the incense insert some silence you can go to generate silence by the way and just do that it's actually pretty easy Oh downloads I'm gonna put these in my new folder here pandemic parenting episode 0 do that I'm gonna do a WAV format WAV format yep tracks split based on track export and then export and then export again the reason I'm doing the tracks separately is because I'm going to upload to a phonic separately so they can master the music make sure the levels are right make sure it sounds correct that sort of stuff because I'm too lazy to do it I'm just being completely honest with you so if you don't know what a phonic is it is free for a couple of hours a month by the way if you use it a lot you might have to pay a couple of bucks here and there I'm gonna log in I already have a login but you can create an account for free and it's just gonna master my audio for me [Music] it's magic I'm telling you it does noise and Hum reduction compression levels it just takes care of everything again I recorded using my free built-in computer microphone right here I threw a song on I didn't even change the levels I didn't like make it softer while I was speaking or anything nothing I did nothing nothing nothing so track 1 I'm going to open up my files hangar pandemic parenting I'm all organized now this is the next step in the process audio track that was my thing right here so I'm gonna come over here and make that I am gonna do noise and Hum reduction I'm gonna add another track which is my audio right I'm a drag vent over here and this is important duck this track this is gonna make it softer when I'm speaking as then it's gonna like you know bring the levels the volume levels of my music up and down when I whatever I'm speaking and when I'm not speaking it'll actually bring it back up so I'm gonna put duck this track intro and outro basic metadata I'm not I'm gonna worry about any of this right now I am going to export mono just cuz I do mp3 format that is a smaller file size and that's what I for to upload again I'm gonna do a leveler on the audio noise gate Crossgate sounds great loudness targets - 16 for stereo - 19 for mono I'm actually not sure if it does this automatically since I checked mono or not that might be something to Google but I'm just gonna choose - 19 that is a podcast loudness standard if you don't know what that is you can't go google it and I'm just gonna hit start production again this is completely free while this is running gotta go to and create my show artwork and then I'm gonna need this so I'm gonna go to create a design I think 3000 by 3000 is what they recommend I've gotten errors that it's too large so I like to go to 9 9 7 by 2 9 9 7 I'm going to create a design here this looks pretty good look at this don't do that [Music] where are we at on time here 11 minutes I got all the time in the world baby this is crazy so I'm going to publish and go to download P&G that's fine 2997 2997 compressed file doesn't matter download and I'm gonna go back and check on my audio here in a second downloads pandemic parenting there is my show artwork good to go oh it's still processing so I can not allow it outline even outline the next steps is go to red circle that is my free podcast hosting tool of choice red circle comm I'm gonna sign up for free it's a new start up I am a podcaster yes it's a new startup it's completely free they have some really cool features they're amazing so I'm gonna go Pete McPherson use my personal email address type in a password here hit create account it might make me confirm alright look at that create your first show oh sure why not oh look artwork drag and drop artwork then pin Dimmick that's the I spell pandemic pandemic parenting then this is going to be seen in like Apple podcasts and Spotify in everywhere else so you want to make sure this description and stuff is good description I'm going to go to daily super short tips to survive custom link pandemic parenting that's good categories I'm gonna go with parenting what about self-care gonna do that self self-improvement that's right parenting self improvement contact email author's name is Pete McPherson more options subtitle Apple summary oh yeah so I'm just gonna like copy and paste let's do that Apple summary subtitle parenting tips for a crazy quarantined life how about that linguish copyrights external link don't have one show is explicit dope create cool we're gonna come back and publish an episode right here but first a look our episode is done let's download it to our fancy folder here pandemic parenting musical episode 0 and rename it here yep 0 final as in this is final it's edited it's ready to go but first let's listen to it and see what auphonic did to our audio track right here [Music] hello quarantine parents and welcome to pandemic parenting I'm your host Pete McPherson now this is just a show intro to tell you what we're all about here this is crazy times we're living in people working from home oh you're stuck here adios [Music] it's not terrible I could have done a little bit of noise reduction in audacity that would have actually been preferable why don't I just do that right now we got plenty of time I'm telling you how much time do we have we're 15 minutes oh my gosh so much time I'm gonna open up audacity here and show you what I would have done so here we go I am going to zoom in a little bit come on come on come on come on I'm gonna select some blank region right here I'm gonna go to effects noise reduction get noise profile that is going to listen to the silence and then make a noise profile then I'm going to select this entire track and do effects repeat noise reduction and it's going to reduce that noise off the entire track right here and I might even do a little bit of compression I probably select this entire file effect compressor okay I'm not even change the settings at all just gonna hit OK it would probably bounce it up a little bit it might sound a little bit better I'm not sure do you guys want to see what that even sounds like I'll hit export again let's do this again export multiple Oh yep that's gonna sound fine tracks okay okay yep alright we're good there so that was really awesome by the way let's do another one productions new multitrack I gotcha audio track 2 let's put that in here let's put this other one oh we need to always in home reduction let's do the this one yep got a duct that track I'm actually going to do mono I'm gonna choose minus 16 just leave it as that and we're gonna start production cool so we have our podcast now close the circle okay pandemic parenting episodes new episode don't have one yet this is going to be welcome to pandemic parenting can't spell pandemic the description is gonna be alright published state I could do that I'll just do it now save drafts more options subtitle external website Apple summary if I wanted to change that this is a season it doesn't really matter I don't care about any of that stuff I just want to be live don't do this cuz I'm just gonna use the series the entire shows artwork right here I want to hit create and then I'm done an audio files required what oh that's silly episode 0 I'm having trouble here episode 0 there we go there we go all right I got my episode 0 I mean it creates it's gonna take half a minute now I'm gonna be using this RSS feed that they give me to push out to Apple podcasts and Spotify and all that crazy stuff so cross-promotion podcast yep podcasts distribution let's go with Apple podcast they also give you instructions that you can do right there that's neat I'm gonna go go go to podcasts connect I have a whole another youtube video which I'll link to right here go to iTunes Connect you're gonna sign in via your Apple account ID or whatnot Pete's yep yep yep yeah yeah yeah sure and I already have a few podcast I'm going to click allow anyways so podcast connects go right here I'm gonna create a new podcast RSS feed URL that is what I need here I need RSS feed URL so let's go back to podcasts pandemic parenting RSS feed I just need to grab this URL and this I'm gonna be using this to put my podcast everywhere actually I'm clicking but nothing is happening RSS feed oh it's copied to clipboard there it is okay had me worried man ok there we go uh-huh validate oh I love it I'm gonna time 21 minutes all the time in the world baby look at this isn't that awesome I got my episode zero there's my thing right here welcome to pandemic parenting submit now this is gonna take a few days Apple's gonna get back to me hopefully with a approval podcast successfully submitted for review and that's it that's all I need to do they'll send me an email when that is approved you can see some of my other old podcasts on my view and blog podcast right there next is gonna be Spotify alright alright alright Spotify distribute to Spotify oh there you go I done one click done done and done Google podcast is gonna take a couple of weeks maybe even a month once Google picks up so this link will start working no action needed from you in that cool it'll take a while sometimes it says a few days nothing's there yet it says a few days right here usually takes a few days I've seen it take a few weeks what have we done by the way this is the version 2 version 2 we can listen to that see if it sounds any better than the first one hello quarantine parents and welcome to pandemic parenting I'm your host Pete Macpherson now once I'm on Google podcast then I can launch my show that's generally what I suggest to people now you got your episodes 1 2 & 3 you go publish those in red circle or whatnot and there you go launch your show that's pretty much all I got here so right here I will show you a few different videos where you can go from here if you need more help getting on Apple podcast I have a video for that if you want to learn about the podcasting gear for beginners I have a really really great video on that I'll link it right here that's all I got happy podcasting comment below if you have a question or if you thought this was cool I'd love to hear from you that's all I got adios
Channel: Pete McPherson DYEB
Views: 32,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a podcast, how to start a podcast 2020, how to start a podcast fast, how to start a podcast for beginners, how to start a podcast for cheap, how to start a podcast for free, how to start a podcast in 2020, how to make a podcast, how to podcast, launch a podcast, record a podcast, starting a podcast, tips for starting a podcast, podcast 101, podcast advice, podcast setup, podcast tips, audacity, auphonic, podcasting 101, podcasting for beginners
Id: cxE_DVglZy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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