🎙📱 How to Start a Podcast on Your Phone | Anchor /Spotify Podcast Tutorial

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do you want to start a podcast for free only using your smartphone I'm gonna tell you how [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to your channel and if this is your first time here we are the Pats out school we help entrepreneurs content creators business owners and podcasters to plan develop lunch and promote a successful podcast for today's video and by popular demand I decided to ask our audio engineers studio Steve to come out of his studio to show us how to record a podcast using only our smartphones so I'm going to record a podcast episode publish it to the web submit it to the different podcast directories create a cover art only by using my smart phone so make sure you stick around until the end so you can see the launch of my brand new podcast tango with Veronica but before we dive in don't forget to hit the subscribe button and tap on the bell to be notified every time we release new videos okay let's get to it [Music] hey guys I'm studious Steve here is Veronica and we are going to podcast using a smart phone this is something that we've been asked a lot about is two things that are commonly asked can i podcast for free and can i podcast using my smart phone so we're gonna do the whole thing using just this smart phone we're using an iphone and we're gonna be using two apps we're going to be using anchor and we're also going to be using canva both of those apps are available on Android too so you can follow along whether you're on an iPhone or on an Android so what do you say we get started yeah let's get to it Veronica has written a script here it's a short script for her podcast just so that we can get a trailer episode of her podcast done and we're gonna do that using anchor so the first thing the first thing we'll do is we'll just open up one of the things I was going to mention before we get into recording podcast episode we are assuming that you have done your due diligence with finding your niche finding the title for your podcast episode and all that pre recording with planning of your show and if you haven't done that yet we have a lot of videos here on our channel that will help you with finding a podcast topic and I know everything that we recommend before you've released a podcast episode is that you have all your social media in place and do you have buildups at following yeah built up a little bit of a following that will help if not you can use a trailer episode like we're doing and then to have and to take time to post to the many podcast directories so that you have something to send people to as you're building your social media yes okay so let's get to it the first thing we're going to do is we're gonna open the anchor app here and this is the first time pretty much that Veronica is open the ink wrap and you can see here it's a very intuitive program and you'll notice at the very bottom there's a plus inside of a purple circle to tap here to get started if we tap that we have many options along the bottom here we have voice messages we have record we have library interludes which is some cool musical interlude sound effects that it comes with and also a songs option where you can search your own library for songs that you can use you want to make sure if you're going to use songs that they're royalty free but anchor comes with a bunch of royalty-free music that we're gonna be using and applying to Veronica's podcast yeah so first I'm gonna hand this over to Park to Veronica to press the record button and to record her script and I have my script ready right here uh-huh but before I take away its a real story yeah it's a real story of her tango with Veronica yeah but before we get before I do that I just want to talk about a couple things of how you can get the best results from your phone one thing if you're gonna just hold your phone that can be hard reading a script and holding your phone at the same time so one thing you can do is to purchase a cheap iPhone holder that people use to like take pictures with and stuff and this will clamp and spin around two different things you can find this for less than $10 on Amazon and put your phone on it that way and then you if you're going to do that you can also get a pop filter which you can incorporate you can clamp it to a desk or clamp it to this thing as well and put that right in front of the microphone on your phone in between your voice and the microphone that will allow you to get really close to the microphone here on your phone without getting a lot of pop noises that that's really cool and will actually you'd be surprised the results you can get from just a phone but if you're not using a pop filter if you're not using a little stand you just want to use your phone then you'll want to hold it about 8 inches or so like two hands a couple hands maybe about a foot like a ruler link yeah so you just press the record button no yep hold it right here hello everybody and welcome to the first episode of tango with Veronica how did my passion for tango start my passion for tango started watching my grandma dancing tango and her partner at a competition in a nearby town I was mesmerised with the movements the synchronicity and Trust the dancers had for each other it was beautiful I stood there now and I traced every single movement it was I was only 10 years old but somehow I convinced my grandma to be her assistant so I could go to different towns to the different competitions with her I would help her with her outfits her makeup her hair it all ended when one of the competitions my grandma broke her foot yep okay okay and now that you've pressed stop it will bring up this menu here it says preview your audio or you could actually play your audio or it has this right here says trim with the scissors this will allow us to turn the phone on its side and you'll see the whole audio there which is pretty nice if we just start previewing this you'll see that first a little bit there where I'm talking and you're talking about pressing record let's play that and if you press the play button in the right corner here you can preview it from this menu so we're gonna actually take the start and drag it right before you said hello everybody and we'll do the same at the end right right before so that we can chop it right where we want it chopped and we can preview how that sounds perfect and then we go ahead and say save anchor won't allow you to actually edit inside of your audio clips okay so just to make clear if I have a ten minute recording and at minute number five I completely screwed up the thing mm-hmm so I can I keep recording two more minutes then it caught the last two minutes yes start over you can cut yeah you could cut the last two or three minutes and then say I need to redo the last half of this oh but you can't you can't do advanced editing okay an anchor it's very simple editing but that's okay yeah you can't take a chunk of it yeah okay so now that we're in here we're still in the preview your audio menu you'll notice here it says add background music so that's pretty fun let's click on that and you'll see here in the background music they have tons of royalty-free music that you can choose from beats we have com we have cheerful since this was kind of a melancholy you know story let's go down when they have melancholy mhm and we'll just listen through a couple of them that's pretty tango II okay so we're gonna use llama out of a se you just press the plus button and it will add it as you can see here to your file now if you listen to it what's pretty cool is it actually mixes the audio the music into it in its own way it will do that by starting with the music at full volume and then it will naturally duck is the industry term or turn the volume of the music down once your voice comes in talking let's take a peek hello everybody and welcome to the first episode of yes so now what Veronica is gonna do it well now that we're done with this we like the audio we like the way it sounds we can say save and it will give us the option to add to episode you can also name this segment and I would recommend doing that especially as you start getting more and more segments so we'll call this intro you could also call it hello everybody and it gives you an option to add recording to episode now we are starting to build it gives us this at access this are you ready to publish the episode if you just want to do it that quickly then yes but if you want to add more stuff - yep sewed and continue editing Europe so do you say not yet and you'll see it says intro processing and it's really nice especially as you get into an hour-long episode with lots of different clips to name your clip why don't be so kick out can have different chunks can have tons of different chunks of recordings and you can edit each chunk as you go on you can trim the chunks from start to finish and you can add music and order you can also change the order of the chunks by dragging them up and down yes so while this is processing what we're gonna do is we're gonna go back to tools again that same and Barranca is going to record the next part of her script which is just a little administrative stuff that you would commonly do at the end of a podcast episode okay tango with Veronica will be a biweekly podcast where I not only discussed my own passion for tango but I will leave also sharing interesting stories and history from the fascinating world of tango I will also interview amazing tango dancers my hope is to share my passion and to build a community around this beautiful dance by me on social media anywhere tango tango with veronica i make sure to subscribe rate and comment on any podcast app thank you cool okay so now that we've recorded that administrative stuff it's the same process let's find some background music that would be cute or cool for administrative stuff Oh baby oh okay yeah let's try this Compton one yeah yeah okay um she's easy to please so um I think this is just really cool and I have to say I was a little reluctant about anchor I was like okay no let's use professional equipment to make your own podcast but I've been very pleasantly surprised hmm yeah so now just about how this is so convenient for somebody who have has been thinking about getting into podcasting but is very hesitant about making the investment mm-hm as far as the equipment or all their memberships or websites and this is just a perfect way for you to start and like Deeping your tip - yeah sort of test the waters waters okay and then here we have we've added the music now I haven't trimmed the audio yet so let's make sure to go in there and do that and you can see just by looking at the waveform what we need to do here but let's listen to it to see we hear all the rustling papers in you you see a little clip there that's Veronica's mouth oh yes it well it doesn't play the music inside this menu you see that little clip there that that is Veronica's little mouth noise so we just drag it right there and we do the same thing here at the end there's a little bump after she stops speaking and we do that and we say save now I know how wave forms look because I'm always inside of audio editors and you'll get more familiar with them as you play with them more and you could always listen to it again by pressing play here but we're gonna say that's good and say save same thing here let's call it administrative or end or outro and add to recording just to show you if you were to click on these three dots here next to intro you'll see that you can edit background music you can rename the segment you can delete this from the episode and you can still trim and edit the audio as you see fit which is pretty cool it takes a moment to process and I believe you could slide these oh yeah if you hold them oh you drag them and you can rearrange segments very user-friendly yes and then it gives you this X here rearranged segments and you could say X to undo what you did or once you're done you want to save it okay but we like this you can preview the whole episode by pressing the preview episode button here and it shows you the whole episode hello everybody and welcome to the first episode of tango with Veronica how did I know that like I said by using good practices with how you record your phone you're gonna have a decent sounding podcast there are a few things you need to remember to do that I forgot to mention the first of the video which is try your best to be in the least noisy room you can record it make sure that it's not a very reflective room that it doesn't have a lot of reverb or echo in the room you can always lessen the echo over room by using curtains or different things like that and we have an acoustics video here on our YouTube channel you can find right here that will help you to get your podcast studio up and running and it's amazing how much better audio quality you can get on your phone just by making sure you're in a good room and here's a little tip if you're looking for a quick and easy place to record your podcast go out into your car especially if your car can be parked in a garage or something cars are designed to keep sound out it's actually a wonderful place to record a podcast episode and you keep the phone nice it away from your mouth so you don't get any pop noises and by doing that you can actually get pretty good results you also want to make sure that you do take some of those steps because after we go through the next process where we're gonna publish this and submit it to the directories if it sounds like absolute garbage there's a higher probability of your podcast being rejected okay and now we can go ahead and say publish and this will publish this episode to our anchor profile but since we haven't published yet it's going to prompt us to also make anchor profile after we make this episode so let's actually get out of the anchor program and let's move over into the canva app let's move over to the Instagram tools we're going to open up canva canva is a really cool app it also has a free version we love it we use it a lot the paid version of canva also gives you a lot of images and elements and things and more fun that you can use and you know first Veronica will take a picture of herself [Music] okay so the first thing we're gonna do with canva is we're going to create our own custom design create a new design and you'll see that there's this option for custom dimensions we're gonna go into cuffs ten dimensions and we're gonna type in three thousand by three thousand pixels that's what all of the podcast directories are gonna want it's a nice square image and then you can see here there's lots of templates we can choose from and we can mess around with the designs in here by just dragging and dropping from different templates and will enter tango with Veronica into this text here we can upload our own photos so let's go ahead and upload the photo that Veronica took of herself now that we've uploaded this photo of Veronica we can drag it into the designs and we'll move and resize around some of these elements and would you look at that what a beautiful piece of artwork we're not really it looks nice doesn't it so now we can hop back into anchor and here we are where we were before at our episode and we'll say publish at the top now I've already uploaded right here it says customize optional this is just for the episode in the episode title here we're gonna call this trailer or actually why don't we call it welcome welcome amigos that way that let's that's right nice right and then the episode description is Veronica shares shares her her passion for her passion for tango how it originated and how it originated okay right here you want to make sure that you put a lot of thought into your episode description and also put thought into your episode title also in your episode title don't include the episode numbers there's a place for that in the coding so we'll say done here and here is where we put the episode numbers so we'll say season 1 episode 1 and say done if you put episode 1 into the title it'll be redundant in all the podcast players awesome and then for the sake of this video we're adding a very short description but we encourage that you'll add a longer description the description that can tell your listener what the episode is about something that is enticing that's fun and that is gonna make somebody to listen to that episode yes and also the the more expanded your descriptions are the more search ability you'll have with keyword searching and things like that inside of the podcast directories yeah so here now fat ball yes so now it says episode type we're gonna instead of full you can choose full episode trailer or bonus episode we're going to choose trailer and now we're going to go ahead and say publish now publishing your episode now you can add up to 5 episode tags this is cool we're gonna add one and we're gonna say dance I would recommend using all five if you can this is going to give you search ability dance tango passion Latin Latin Latin dance dance yeah and latina mmm-hmm because Veronica is a latina so now we have five tags that's always good because inside the podcast directories now people will and look at that your first episode is live now we have the option to share this episode and already from anchor since we've set up our anchor account and everything already we can share the episode and we can start putting this on our social media if you press share episode here look it gives you the option for to text message twitter or facebook snapchat you can copy the link and all of that but we want to make sure this is also on the podcast directories yeah so if we chose my question that yeah because as a now it's only on anchor right now it's only on anchor so let's go to your podcast down here your podcast settings it brings you the podcast settings this is where you will upload an image and we will upload the image of Veronica and we'll choose an existing photo and we'll upload that image that we created and it looks beautiful and we'll say done now that is the cover art for our podcast and here the podcast name is tango with Veronica here with the podcast description you want it to be very detailed you want to take some time here this is the first thing that people see when they come across your podcasts oftentimes this is the big thing that will determine whether somebody wants to stick around listen to your podcast or not so put some time and love into this here and we'll write one out and we'll fast forward as we write so you can see [Music] okay now here we finished that that's beautiful and now we choose a podcast category this is a good thing to take some time you read through all these and make sure you're choosing the right one I think tango is obviously going to be an arts and we've chosen Performing Arts I think that's good choose your language now options anchor logo on cover art you keep that on that's a good option for anchor as part of how you keep anchor free if you have explicit content you want to make sure to put that in here as well if you're dropping a lot of f-bombs make sure you put that and that's it and then once we're done with that we say save all so what you'll see here inside the podcaster you get a lot of information see some analytics it'll tell you how many people have listened to it also in the analytics here you'll notice right now it's giving us a exclamation point it's because of saying distribute everywhere so let's go ahead and distribute this everywhere we've submitted your podcast for distribution people can listen your podcast on anchor right now we'll let you know as it becomes available on more platforms including Apple podcast this can take up to a couple weeks depending on the platform which is cool and what we'll do is we'll actually wait a little bit and we'll show you when it goes live when Veronica tengo Veronica goes live on Spotify there we go and you can see we are on Spotify Veronica shares her passion let's play this off of Spotify hello everybody and welcome to the first episode of tango with Veronica and there you go guys we've got it on Spotify it's gonna take a couple weeks and tango with Ronco will be on iTunes stitcher all the other ones as well so how exciting is that was very easy yeah fun that was very fun and hopefully you found that very useful if you have any other questions leave them in the comments below or you can find us on social media at pod sound school and if you need any more help getting started with your podcast we have a jump start podcast guide that you can find for free in our description below so make sure to check that link yeah also if you want to get started on your social media and really give your podcast an extra kick with social media check out our videos here on youtube you can find right here we have a ton of really cool social your videos as well yeah I would really recommend that you download the free guide it has from step one to the launch of your podcast it's very detailed and you can just follow the guide and you'll be good to go and there you go amigos and until next time don't forget to do two things subscribe and I'll be in hacer la tarea happy casting are you casting
Channel: Pod Sound School
Views: 861,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: start podcasting for free, anchor tutorial 2019, anchor podcast tutorial 2019, anchor podcast tutorial, anchor on android, how to start a podcast on your phone, podcast on android phone, how to edit your podcast on anchor, anchor the easiest way to start a podcast, how to make a podcast on android, pod sound school, edit audio in anchor, free podcast app for android, anchor review 2019, मुफ्त में पॉडकास्टिंग शुरू करें, anchor app 2020, anchor podcast tutorial 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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