How To Launch a Podcast in 11 Steps (For Beginners)

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greetings earthlings today we're gonna go through  the process of setting up a podcast in 11 steps   step 1 determine what you want your podcast to  be about now you need to make sure what you're   talking about is something you enjoy and make  sure not to pander so do you really enjoy pizza   do you really like coffee do you really like root  beer do you really like punk music do you really   like metal music just find something that you're  actually passionate about and you would be willing   to talk about if nobody was listening because when  you start out nobody is gonna be listening and it   can be disheartening the second step come up with  a format for your podcast so you could just go out   and listen to a bunch of other podcasts and copy  their format or you could listen to competing   podcasts and determine what you don't like about  their podcast or ways that you would improve the   structure of what they're talking about step  3 is one of the most difficult for me and it   is coming up with a name for your podcast now the  name should have something to do with what you're   talking about in the podcast and it should also  be a searchable term in pod capture so when I   launched my first podcast it was titled podcast  egde and that is a terrible name for a podcast   because when you search that in iTunes guess what  shows up everybody's podcast because podcast is   in everybody's name so think about that when  you're coming up with the name for your podcast   and before you settle on your name make sure  your domain is available make sure the social   media accounts are available but mainly search the  pod catchers to make sure no other podcasts exist   with the name that you came up with number four if  you're gonna have a co-host on your podcast make   sure you draw up some kind of contract to lay  out and determine how you're gonna handle any   potential income from the podcast number five it's  time to pick out your gear now and I personally   would recommend a dynamic cardioid microphone for  podcasters some relatively cheap and great options   would be something like the Sampson Q to you the  audio-technica ATR 2100 USB the eight she 2005 USB   or anything along those lines step number six now  at this point I think it would be very beneficial   for you to record a couple of episodes not only  is this gonna help you by giving you an initial   backlog of episodes in case you get bogged  down and busy and can't record but it's also   gonna help you determine how long it takes to edit  process and get the final episode ready which will   ultimately help you determine what your release  schedule should be and on the note of release   schedules just try something reasonable at the  start maybe do one per week or one every couple   of weeks then once you get better and quicker at  editing and getting the final product ready at   that point you can consider upping the release  schedule and getting more frequent number seven   and I think this is insanely important because  this is going to be the first impression that   people have of your podcast get your graphic  design done now if you have a working knowledge   of Photoshop and you feel comfortable with it go  ahead and make your own design I personally know   I am god-awful at graphic design so I just hire  people so don't be afraid to pay for this because   it is a really important aspect of your podcast  step number eight go ahead and set up your social   media accounts your Twitter's your Facebook's your  snapchats your instagrams your whatever the Dan   kids are using these days but I would only suggest  setting up the social media accounts that you can   keep up with because in my experience there's  nothing worse than tracking down your favorite   podcast and the only thing in the feed are Auto  posts from libsyn or blueberry step number nine   go ahead and set up your URL buy your hosting  set up your RSS feed do all of that stuff and   then it's time to submit your podcast to iTunes  and any other podcast directories that you want   for your hosting and RSS feeds you can actually do  one-stop shopping with some place like libsyn or   pop bean they have plans starting as low as $5 a  month they'll host your mp3 your RSS feed and with   Lipson you can even get a custom URL through them  so in order to submit your RSS feed you have to   open up iTunes then you go to the store you enter  the podcast section and in the right-hand menu you   select to submit a podcast this then takes you to  the Apple podcast connect page you set up an Apple   ID here and then you're gonna go ahead and sign in  then in the upper left hand corner you click the   plus button to add your podcast you input your RSS  feed URL and select validate and if everything is   good your podcast will be submitted and available  in the iTunes Store within about 48 hours and if   there's something wrong just fix whatever the  error message is say an attempt to revalidate it   step number 10 it is time to launch your podcast  that is right you are there your podcast is now   out there for the world to listen to in the  world to judge and stay on schedule and step   number 11 is to go and promote your podcast now I  don't mean go out and spam a bunch of communities   saying hey I just lost my podcast listen to me  what I mean is to become an active and valuable   community member in whatever niche you're in  do you do a guitar podcast go ahead and join a   guitar community and interact with people and if  they ever ask you what you do that's when you say   hey I do a podcast this is what it is just don't  spam that will get you hated by everybody and in   case that wasn't enough for you I got a couple  of bonus steps for you so bonus step number one   listen to every single episode that you record  and release and find at least one thing that you   want to improve on the next iteration of your  podcast that ensures that your podcast never   gets stale for you and that you're always getting  better with every single episode and bonus step   number two listen to podcasts about podcasting  because there is so much useful information   there I personally subscribe to better podcasting  podcasters Roundtable and the audacity of podcast   and I highly recommend all of those alright guys  I guess that's gonna do it for today if you found   this video fun interesting or helpful go ahead  and give me a thumbs up if you thought it sucked   thumbs down if you want to influence the gear that  I review next head over to geeks rising comm slash   podcasters and cast your votes there if you want  more videos there's a logo beneath me check out   the discord server link in the description and  I will see you all later thanks for watching bye
Channel: Podcastage
Views: 391,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcastage, podcast, bandrew, scott, microphone, review, audio, sound, test, demo, How To, Launch a Podcast, For Beginners, Simple, Hosting, RSS Feed, Promote, Art, Name, Topic, Libsyn, Blubrry, Podbean, Spreaker, Better Podcasting, Podcaster's Roundtable, The Audacity to Podcast
Id: gfsPgm0v7jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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