How to start a pallet business- My Story 2021

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good morning everybody all my youtube followers have my subscribers don't forget to like subscribe comment down below and smash the bell so you can get all my videos the topic here is how to start a pellet business and how did me and my partner start our business at first it only took a few months about four months ago me and mike put up a fence in my backyard and he lost his job from uh being the maintenance guy and he just didn't want to he just wanted us to do some kind of side work so he can uh make some money and uh put in his pocket without having a boss up his back i mean too i been working night shift but i just want to uh get into something that always supplemented my regular income that i have um but i really don't want to do it full-time just some pocket money so long story short we we started junking um als for a couple of months and uh it wasn't paying off uh i think for two weeks worth of work junkin didn't even come up with uh money that we could make in one day uh palleting so it was hard to uh change our train of thought from going from meddling and junking and selling our proceeds to picking up pallets that our people and warehouses are thrown away in the back of their house or back in their uh dumpsters i like saying that's money that they're throwing away so and all said and done we start taking our trailer and start picking up pallets two or three here and there go down the street find them at a dumpster at the uh shopping center pick those three up and just drive for about 30 minutes and we go to probably like 10 locations in our bank already we have 30 pallets on the back of the trailer at that point mike was not having to lock with his job hunting and uh i was helping him out so after i work all night i sleep for a few hours and i pick up mike and we go out there and find palace which our overhead will be zero because the pallets are being thrown out so what we do with some of the pallets that are broken [Music] that are falling apart we'll fix them we'll take our nail gun pop-pop put a couple of nails in it keep the pallet in working order once we get about 10 of them we go over there and cash in to our supplier or to our uh warehouse that we make a deal that they will rebuy the pallets off of us so in actuality we have zero overhead but we're making money because we're selling the pallets to a warehouse but then all said and done i placed an ad out on the internet it could be any kind of social media by word of mouth that uh we have pallets for sale and it winds up that i got a i got a a lot of people who are asking for pallets they either they're making pig farm uh fences and they're making a bed one girl said that you need to eight to make a bet so i said whatever and then you put your price to it whatever you want to sell it for a dollar fifty two dollars three dollars four dollars five dollars whatever you want to depending on how many they buy but right now i'm in the hundreds right now we started off just getting 30 pallets a week now probably close to 350 400 a week um but uh yeah after about four or five months doing okay we got the equipment but that's another thing trying to get the equipment that we need to get bigger get uh what the what we need to uh make a substantial income but uh first of all you gotta start off me and mike start off with nothing i think i only had a a little five by eight trailer i have a v6 honda pilot with a six cylinder and uh that's all we had mike has a a truck but it needed a motor so i told them go ahead and put the truck in and shop because a v6 is not gonna it's not gonna last too long pulling pallets because you're talking about depending on what kind of power 30 pounds a piece 24 to 30 pounds a piece for a regular 40 by 48 then you're going to get about 30 of them do the math it's about uh 30 30 pounds times 30 you're talking about is that 900 pounds 900 pounds so um so what do i did i did uh so we still going around so our first load we were just accumulating our money and then i had enough pallets that we uh w accumulated to put a down payment on the motor and kept on muscling it through through september and october kept on saving our money he was living with his mom at the time so uh he had a place to stay but then after his mom moved uh he had to uh move into his garage fix it up re-drywall it put some rug that he paid 60 dollars for i found wood i was junking still so i found some wood some two by fours and i accumulated a bunch of that and we started out as uh his room his garage spackled it and then uh uh put some windows that he found online and yeah it was a long spring a long fall i mean but i think we're getting there so i said by january by january 2nd 2021 we're gonna go hot that he has to start making his own money i gotta start making my own money because he after i put the down payment on his truck to get his motor uh we came up with some money to uh pay the balance off on the whole thing it was like 2500 bucks now he's all situated now he's going out on his own i uh i went down i got sick for a little bit for about uh a month but uh mike's out there banging it out every day going around finding pallets i finally got healthy yesterday and i'm going out and uh finding pellets now but i'm just saying the money is there you got to be strong because the pounds are heavy but you got to be dedicated to your work and i see the light for the future of me and uh mike i think we need a forklift because muscling these up on their back of trucks not gonna last too long i'm 52. so i think the future is a forklift so that's where my savings is going to uh it's going to get one of them things that'll be a lot better on the back and the shoulders if you want to make this a career i'm thinking about getting out of my night shift health care field and going full time imagine you have no boss no one watching after you no one tell you what to do you could work when you went when you want you can uh take a break eat lunch go shopping do whatever watch your son my son's in school so it winds up that uh i can keep an eye on him and still be around my house but i'm working though it's just um some people don't get the wrong idea you gotta work hard to make money i think this year i might be closing in about thirty thousand to forty thousand dollars penalty and it's only a couple hours it's not like i'm working eight hours a day it's only like two three hours by by noon time i'm done working cashed in made my money and then tomorrow's another day [Music] okay see you guys [Music] do [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Free Market System
Views: 926
Rating: 4.6756759 out of 5
Keywords: #vivavideo
Id: rhnik_9tbGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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