Scrapping pallets

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flame is looking at up there's a bunch of cows right there you're perfect now this is from Petsmart Peck smart they're really cool they'd let me take the balance all the time sided 11 so that's one two three four five six seven eight nine is at nine or ten that's that's twenty bucks right there at least some will load that up and hang on one second so these are the 48 by 40s that I was talking about you tell it's a four-way because the forks can go on the side there you can see right there and right there also the forks can go you know right here into the hook so yeah there is a one two three four five six seven yeah so yeah that's a good little take so I'm going to load it up into my little truck and I'll see you guys in a second I'm not sure if I can show you this with one-handed but I want to show you an easy way to picking up these pallets so you notice on the bottom of the palette there's going to be three slats one two three and then you get the center bar right here now that center bar in the center this is the center of gravity so I always want to pick them up either from right here and right here and have enclosed to my body and so I don't hurt my back and I left them up first and then I walk them over to my vehicle I never pick them up and then twist I don't have any back problems right now and being a 49 year old man I do not want to have back problems so pick them up from the center have them closest to your body and then walk with them as part of your body do not twist hopefully that makes sense [Applause] okay all done loading those pallets up what do you want to do is make sure that they're strapped down so I always make sure that it's attached to my truck itself load up these pallets just double check to make sure still on and it is if you load up pallets and you don't have a tie-down it's you can get a ticket that's called loaded to spill it means it would spill all over the roadway and last last thing you want to do is to become a nuisance to anyone doing some type of scrap activity such as this okay it's all done with the go onto Petsmart and Hobby Lobby now I'm going to head on over across the street usually I like staying on the the right-hand side of this this area and just stay there but because this can be a short little route because I'm going to this to the palyer today to sell these pallets I'd like to just to load them once like right from you know alright from Petsmart onto the truck and then take them to the pallet yard I'm second here here it's because oftentimes I I'll do a Elrond will be two or three pals I'll take the device storage unit to leave them there and I got about 50 or 60 pallets there right now just from running around during the week so yeah that's that's 100 and 100 bucks 150 bucks worth of patents but it's super nice to load them onto the truck just once and take them and go get paid versus go get the pallets take to my storage unit offload them there which is the second time unload them for a third time and then go and sell them it's a lot of work for two or three dollars apiece so I'd rather just to be a little bit more efficient and there's no doubt it's a workout it but it feels good you know it's um it's there's some manual labor to it it's therapeutic I don't just it makes me feel better you know now that I'm stronger I've been doing it for for a little while now it's it's not that painful but if I go and get I don't know 25 pallets unload them taking my storage in offload them then later on that day unload them again to go taken to the to the Palais ardh it's yeah it can be I can feel some burn in my shoulders so anyway so oftentimes when I when I'm doing my paladin palletization I'll be a little bit scrapping too so I'm going to pull up here and it's a really good Aldi thumbs right now I'm surviving sounds really gross to to most people but when stuff is still in its packaging or still frozen I don't think it's that nasty so now this one is uh not so good but here's a palette but this card I'm not going to return because it's it's just too damaged they're far too damaged but I'll take a quick gander yeah this one has nothing in it yesterday it had two cases of diet coke and a couple cases of coke and sprite that just happened to been dropped by an employee or someone and so they threw the whole thing away also couple cases of water that had some some coca cola residue on it and I do the all that away because if you drip so of sticky coke on it which is fine I picked it up and and took it to my friend's mate still water it up in a container so this is frito-lay guy I try to get past him now these pallets of QA pallet so I'm not going to pick those up because they're they're not that wanted in the supply chain and I'm selling stuff that is is wanted in the supply chain now this never anything back behind here itself and any of these big stores like wal-mart and target I just sighs past those guys up simply because I'm not a service to them they recycle their own pallets they they don't need a guy there and you know it and I don't want it to even resemble something that's like I said shady because there are some folks out here that that will take and steal and I don't want not all do not want to do that but I don't even want it to look like that we're getting ready to go behind five below and there's another place and I'll show you a prime example of folks like here it that I know that's Pier one or a TJ Maxx but they want to keep their balance which is totally fine that's obviously that if there's so I used to look very serious to pallet sometimes but there's not but these folks here at t.j.maxx especially lock up their pallets or if you can see that yeah there's a lock and which is fine you know keep politics you know I just want to want them landing in the landfill or messing up a truck so and here's five below sometimes there's pallets out here but also I am going to just look in their dumpster real quick is sometimes they have some good stuff so hang on a second so it's Friday and I just took a look in that dumpster it's empty in Fridays looks like the contract for five below is every Friday so yeah so that was though that was my quick 35 minute route and I stopped the camera a couple of times so it's only it's only like 12 or 13 minutes into it right now but yeah it took me about 35 minutes just to do the route and we've got 20 bucks so that's okay oh yeah I can live with that I just arrived at my storage unit so I got the some pallets on the back of the truck so this is um these this is just one one week's worth of you know onesie twosie pallets funnyman you know by dumpsters in dumpsters you know just you know what I'm going to and from from the college I actually attended college classes right now and you know when I go in to and from you know to Walmart back or store back with it right I'll SEM I'll pick them up so and they're all for far away 48 by 40 pilots except for the two on the very bottom as you can see there I there's a cleft palate that blue one they're like 50 cents so I just I just leave it in here so I don't have to bend down as low in the miz' is actually a 36 inch by they're a 48 by 36 palette which doesn't pay anything so I just leave that there too so I'm again a load of probably 25 pallets on to this truck there off 30 pounds of piece and I have a half-ton truck so it's almost its capacity it looks a little ridiculous but I have it tied down well enough it it won't be a loaded to spill type scenario so I won't be getting pulled over anything like that so I'll uh I'll get this loaded up all right let's see if I can get this full to work okay always want to wear gloves oh my guess the splinters the other nuts know what have some eye protection on - I have glasses on so I always have my protection because then times when I pull these pallets and I lift up one of the boards could be loose and kind of dangling towards me so when I go to pick it up I just can jab myself right in the face with it it's happened so always be careful once again you want to grab from the bottom can just grab from the center here you can tell because where the cutouts are there's three boards on a pet pick them up have it close to your body and here's one thing you don't want to do that once I think up the pallet you don't want to twist you don't want to do any of that stuff because that'll actually twist the your vertebrae or actually match your discs you don't want that to happen so I pick up and actually move my whole body at least as much as possible so if you're doing this try not to get hurt believe these are these are 25 to 40 pounds usually about 30 pounds average you still want to get hurt especially doing something that's labor-intensive it doesn't pay that much I mean I may be a couple hundred bucks you know a hundred bucks a week or you know a couple hundred bucks a week so it doesn't pay that much it's a nice little side hustle sidekick but you don't want to be getting hurt for this amount of money [Music] all right I don't want to bore you with loading this thing so I'll stop the camera just for a little bit I just loaded the 25 pallets on to my truck so one thing I'm going to do is let me use three straps to tie it down so I try not to have any twists or anything in the straps so I have one here I have the tailgate down if you can't tell and I'm gonna have another strap down here it's going to go across I'm a zigzag one I'm not sure if it's needed but yeah how like driving a little bit more secure so here's it looks like from the back so it's a half-ton truck and there's about 900 pounds ish on that I try to load the heavier pallets here that's above the wheelbase and then the lighter pallets and you can tell when you lift them up so okay this one's lighter I'll put this on the back those heavier up with us and over here so I like having the heavier ones here because any other heavy ones back here it just drives differently it's not a windy day I like to not drive when it's windy with these I mean it's a little truck if it was a bigger truck that'd be different but yeah it's a it's a little truck and I need to treat it right also let's drive it the at the speed limit so having them strapped down and awaited properly makes that a lot easier so irritate people that are behind me as I'm on drive into the palyer they're all loaded up and the straps are down and tight and of course I double check them to make sure that they're going around that bit down there that's your the actual name of it yeah they are and it's time to make the drive to about your
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 87,551
Rating: 4.831399 out of 5
Keywords: Scrap, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Dumpsters, Dumpster Diving, Recycling, Jesus, Pallets, Trash Picking, Scrap Videos, Metal Scrapping, Scrap Wire
Id: 4W0GQvp4ZPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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