How to Flip Liquidation Pallets on Amazon, eBay, Poshmark, & Mercari for a Profit

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what's going on guys so today I want to take you through a little bit more about liquidation arbitrage and one way to the post office to drop off a bunch of orders now got like six seven of them here and it's probably about you know fifty to seventy dollars profit or so so this is a typical day for me from a reselling business whether I'm sourcing cash back arbitrage coupon arbitrage or liquidation arbitrage which we're going to talk about today okay so I I want to basically break it down because I get a lot of questions about this and people are always like how should I approach liquidation should i source it for Amazon should I source it for you know other sites like eBay Poshmark and Macari and it really depends so I'm gonna break down not only my business strategy with liquidation and how I approach it because I've been moving heavily into a lot more liquidation inventory like recently and it's been working very well for me but I also want to kind of talk about the numbers behind it and I'll simulate some examples of pouts and I bought and how much you can expect to make on them so I'm gonna run you through one of my favorite liquidation sites and that is 888 Lots now you can buy individual stuff on 88 lots and bit literally do the product research yourself like you were gonna sell it back on Amazon or you can buy lots and pallets of items super super cheap but before I run you through both of those and how to actually operate on this site I want to take you through the business model because a lot of people have this notion that they're gonna you know buy liquidation pallets or buy liquidation and flip them back online and it's gonna happen overnight and it is obviously you're getting great RO eyes it's an investment though it is a business okay so I want to go through the business model so you understand you know to curb your expectations it's not gonna happen overnight but it will happen if you're patient if you know where to sell them and if you know how to price your inventory and what to expect out of it okay so first and foremost where can you resell these liquidation pallets for a profit well I mainly sell them back on Poshmark eBay and Macari now you can sell them on Amazon as well but it does obviously that item you have to make sure matches the product detail page entirely so two things about that you can either source individual items and check the ASI ends I'll show you that here in a second and see if there's a profit to resell them back on Amazon or you can buy a liquidation pallet and some of those items that might have corresponding 8a sins on Amazon which you can then resell back on mine for a profit now the majority of the items in most of the pallets at least in my experience and what I've seen on this site and a lot of the other sites aren't gonna have profitable Amazon products although you are getting great quality inventory with the Amazon listing so you can take the Amazon product pictures and the description you don't need to create your own description or take any new high-quality images right you're already getting the high quality images from that actual pallet and those actual Amazon listings so they don't have profitable high selling Amazon listings but you can take those items that you're getting for like 50 cents or a dollar 50 or like 3 bucks depending on the pallet that you're getting and resell them back on a Poshmark eBay and Macari for a ridiculously high profit margin I have started to scale this up and I've really started to notice that this is not a game this is not a trick this can be turned into a legitimate business but you have to know how to operate it so let's touch a little bit more about the nitty-gritty and how to actually do so so how do you want to approach this okay this is not short term this is not you know some hack or trick okay you were building an actual reselling business when you're buying liquidation okay you also have to think about an inventory system you want some inventory system if you're planning on scaling up on any of these other sites that aren't Amazon if you're shipping into FBA you don't really need an inventory system obviously because you can leverage their warehouse and their distribution but if you're selling back on eBay Poshmark and Macari if you plan on scaling you want to get organized because if you're not organized in the beginning you're not going to be organized with hundreds or thousands of units on those sites when you're actually fully scaled okay you also want to think of buying you know in whether you're buying liquidation or buying bulk or buying anything right buying coupon products or cashback products to resell on these sites think of it as an investment into your business it's not gonna happen overnight you're not gonna spend $150 on a pallet and then get that $150 150 bucks back within a day or two right it's an investment into a legitimate business you're building an actual reselling business right some are only through two examples here let's say hypothetically that you know these are two examples of typical ways that I approach pallets and how I typically sell them and the numbers here right so you have you know legitimate expectations on how much you can spend on a pallet how many items you're getting what your profit per is gonna potentially be and how it actually unfolds okay so let's hypothetically say with example number one you buy a lot of ninety five items off a tea date lots or any of the other liquidation sites that I cover so that is approximately 263 per unit what you want to do is list them on all platforms so that's a posh mark eBay Macari now we're not the Amazon thing just to get it out of the way really fast if you're buying pallets the same thing goes with pallets because it's gonna show you the breakdown of each individual pallet so let's click on a pallet right here just to kind of show you and this is strictly with eight eight eight Lots it's probably my favorite liquidation site so if you scroll down it's gonna give you the a sin of everything and you know obviously all the details so the same goes when you're looking into pallets as well now if you want to go to individual items and sort through and look at the individual items its gonna tell you the price that it costs you you're gonna be able to go to the Amazon listing and check it out to see if it's profitable this one doesn't have one that's a bad example but you get the picture and it's also gonna tell you you know all the information so that you know if it's profitable and Amazon and if you want to ship it directly from a two dates from a to eight in the Amazon right or if you want to get it first and listed merchant fulfilled or whatever you want to do so I don't typically do that although you can I've been kind of moving towards reselling my own you know building my own reselling business on Amazon Poshmark and excuse me eBay Poshmark and Macari although you can source for Amazon I just typically have moved away from that I source more bulk deal i source more books i saw some more wholesale for Amazon and FBA I've moved a lot of the cash back to coupon and the liquidation to my own distribution on eBay Polish market Macari that's how I approach it you don't have to approach it that way but that's what's working for me very well currently okay so like I said you want to list them on all platforms you want to listen one Poshmark ebay Macari what I recommend that you do is hop on a multi channel listing software like list perfectly it's gonna charge you monthly whether that's depending on the plan whether that's 2040 or whatever right it's a lot better now you don't have to if you don't want to if you're just starting out you don't want to drop you know money on software like that then you can do it manually just obviously copy and paste those listings in there just keep in mind that you definitely want an inventory system so you can delete them off of the other platforms once you obviously sell it let's say hypothetically it sells on ebay you want to delete that same listing off em or off eBay and Poshmark as well or off Macari and Poshmark because you don't want somebody buying it on that site and then you're not having it having to cancel orders okay canceling orders isn't that serious on posh market and Macari although eventually it will get your account shut down if you cancel too many too quickly on eBay they take it very very seriously so you need to take it seriously too that's also why I recommend having an inventory system okay so you want to cross post whether you do it manually I recommend that you do it with a list perfectly it's great software it not only will it cross post just by posting once so it'll post to all those platforms but it'll also manage your inventory and delete the ones off the other ones for you as well so you don't have to worry about that okay now let's say hypothetically with this lot that you spent you know 263 a unit you have 95 items now and you've listed them across all platforms it costed you 250 bucks so let's say hypothetically 12 or 20 items sell within the first two weeks of listing wrap and this is typically you know these are not you know concrete numbers but this is typically how I see you ops selling and and how quickly they move assuming you're buying decent lots and decent products one example of a horrible lot that I bought was like 350 bucks on like 150 units or something like that and I was like I scored big but it was like house wares and was like old house wares and nobody bought them they sold super slow and for super low profit margins so if you're buying clothes or you're buying things that should be in demand on multiple platforms then obviously that that goes without saying if you're willing to spend a little bit more even if it's like 3 bucks to 5 bucks a unit potentially on these liquidation sites you're gonna have more higher in demand products but just like I said do your research you'll start to know it and and just even if you buy a palette you're getting super cheap stuff you're gonna have quality inventory that will sell eventually so my rule of thumb is go after clothing go after shoes go after things and hide a man go after jeans a lot you can find a lot of those and top brands especially on liquidation sites so let's say 20 of those items sell within the first two weeks you know of listing all 95 for an average of eight dollars profit now you have a hundred and sixty dollars profit because you netted eight dollars profit off those items maybe they sold for like 15 or 20 or you know seven and then after fees you average it out to over eight dollars about eight dollars profit so now you have 160 back on the 250 that you spent your 90 bucks in the hole currently right so maybe after the entirety of the first month after listing them then you sell twenty more of them and a lot of your higher end stuff because you priced high and you waited sold for an average profit of twelve dollars right so you have twenty more now that's sold now you have forty sold in general and now you have 240 from the second twenty so now in total you have 400 bucks now your now your netted $150 profit margin right so it caught it took you a month you had to wait a month to get there it didn't happen overnight you spent 250 you made a four hundred back now you have a Harnett $50 profit in the month oh and by the way you still have fifty five atoms of your inventory to still sell for profit okay so it does not happen overnight this is a business it's a great business model but you have to be patient you want to think of it as an investment into your inventory and into your business one key thing that I see a lot of people making is do not price yourself out of your profit okay don't drop your prices too quickly don't be impatient be patient and don't price yourself out of profit list hi this is a formula that works for me all the time list hi so let's say maybe the retail values 40 bucks listed at 50 slowly build interest depending on the platform maybe that's sharing on Poshmark maybe that's promoting to a site-wide on Macari maybe that's relisting or or you know accumulating likes or Watchers on eBay right so list hi build interest and then make offers to simulate urgency and value in order to sell more now one thing that I will say is people are always like well you know all 95 of those items won't sell and that could be very true right it might take a year for all 95 of them to sell maybe you're you know 40 of them in demand sold really quickly and then maybe in the next month only 20 more items sell right now you sold 60 but maybe then you're up 500 bucks on the palette and then slowly what did it what it would it will be is as the rest of those items sell maybe you have what is it 34 more now or 35 more now so maybe those slow set ourselves slowly but you're already profited 500 bucks and it's a steady drip of cash flow okay it's a business think of it as a business now let's go through another example these are a little bit higher end clothing this is one that I actually just recently bought not seeing same exact numbers but pretty close to it so you buy a lot of 30 I think these were jeans if I'm not mistaking so 155 for 30 items which is about 5:17 per unit and they were top brand jeans so you want to list them on all platforms just like I said cross post whether you want do it manually or with a list perfectly software like that's multi channel listing and manages your inventory let's hypothetically say that for those sold in the first week weird for an average profit of 17 per item so now I have 68 bucks back on my 155 after the first week then 15 more sell in the entirety of the first month so average profit of those were about 15 bucks now I have 225 plus 68 so if we take 225 plus 68 and we take the difference on the 155 I'm netting 138 bucks after the first month on this power okay now I had to wait a month to get there to recap I also now still have 11 items in my inventory that will sell slowly whether they sell within the next week whether they sell within the next month whether they sell within the next year it doesn't matter because I have them free in my inventory now list it on the platforms so when they sell it will be a steady drip of cashflow and I'm already profitable okay so it doesn't happen overnight it is a business think of it as an investment into inventory again don't price yourself out of profit don't price yourself out of profit if you appreciate that message drop it in the comment section down below so the people watching this are reminded not to drop not to drop their prices too fast be patient and don't price yourself out a profit okay list hi build interest make offers to simulate urgency in value and then you will sell more okay so that's the net the nitty-gritty of the business model now I'd recommend that you check out 888 lots you can see the value right here just on the fixed price Lots I haven't even gotten into like building your own Lots or checking out any of the other Lots you can kind of do that yourself here it's pretty self-explanatory but just look at right here 93% spur unit $28 right here for 30 units pretty self-explanatory pretty solid fixed price box okay now these are obviously women's you know you have to you have to do a little bit of research on the actual products so whether they're jeans whether they're like women's clothes whether they're men's clothes whether they're shoes you might want to check it into the platform and look at the competition on that on platform for those specific brands but if you're getting stuff super cheap like this I mean 190 per unit 441 units what was the other one 93 per unit 430 unit I mean guys the radicular profit margins here are ridiculous so I hope you do this don't just take my word for it you don't need to spend a lot of money initially you don't need to go out and drop a grand on this literally test it out for yourself right I think the minimum that you can order on a day date lots and there is a minimum order quantity in a minimum order pricing on a lot of these liquidation sites also key factor is you do need a resellers permit and then basically you're your away right you don't have to spend a grand on inventory tested out by one pallet list it you will see maybe in the first week you're gonna be like Brian's full of this doesn't work I've only sold one thing I'm losing money but then as the first month goes by you're gonna be the holy I'm profitable and I still have a bunch of items left in my inventory and it will inspire you once you see the numbers and remember track everything once you see the numbers anthem that the numbers are working for you and you're profitable it will inspire you to scale it up turn it into a full-time business and then you two can also scale a reselling business right from your home and your laptop so hope you like the video this business model is real guys but you have to be patient
Channel: Resale University
Views: 10,202
Rating: 4.9064326 out of 5
Keywords: how to make money reselling liquidation pallets, reselling liquidation, reselling liquidation pallets, liquidation pallets, how to resell liquidation pallets for a profit, how to resell liquidation pallets on ebay, reselling on ebay, reselling on poshmark, reselling on mercari, reselling on amazon, how to resell liquidation pallets on amazon, how to resell liquidation pallets on poshmark, how to resell liquidation pallets on mercari, turning liquidation pallets into profit
Id: EU57KdT0ujc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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