Pallet Flipping - How Much Money Can You Make- Live Stream

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hey everybody john with the simplest biz that's the palette business i wanted to go live today and i wanted to discuss a couple things i want to talk about the money you can make doing ballots okay and go over all the different scenarios about um moving and recycling and and and selling to actual businesses the pallets that we want to deal with there's a lot of videos out there that talk about selling standard pallets to either pallet yards and sometimes they're to businesses as well but i'm going to teach you how to move a lot of different other styles of pallets even mix loads of pallets going to actual businesses because if you sell the pallet yards the only thing they're going to really buy is the mostly the standard 4840 uh pallet and that limits you one they're not paying you what you get if you sell to an actual business and two when you're dealing with suppliers you have a hard time getting exclusivity because you only know how to move that one type of palette when you go acro to a supplier a lot of times they have four or five six different styles and they have you know they potentially have thousands of pallets on their property but you only know how to move that one style well to get that one style out of there you know then you're into lifting stuff which i don't want to lift and you're having to pick out cherry pick out those particular ballots which makes you inefficient and three it doesn't serve the business the supplier that you're dealing with in a correct manner so let's talk about money to be made moving mixed loads of pallets and even on let's start small let's start with small quantities of pallets as well so if you are just dealing with let's go with five customers you know in in a city that literally has thousands of customers so a city with you know 80 000 plus and there's plenty of business but with 22 000 uh population especially if it's near a bigger city uh there's a lot of business to be had but if you're just dealing with a customer that needs 50 pallets a week and you're getting those pallets for free because we're serving that supplier in a way where he doesn't uh have to worry about the situation anymore he's not having to throw him in the dumpster anymore you know he's not having to haul him off to the dump on football saturday and incur the cost of that he's not having to pay his guys time and a half and we're the guy that can move a variety of different stuff without having to store them or having to sort them and i want to teach you those methods as well i've been doing it for 23 years where i'm moving mix loads of stuff my students are doing this as well where they're moving mixed loads of pallets to actual particular businesses that i want to guide you to and they're they're getting them 95 of it for free and then they're flipping it for a profit and so let's just work the numbers if you're doing with 50 pallets let's just say you're making four dollars a piece right and you're taking that you know you have three loads this morning so 50 pounds someone order 50 pilots in another order and a 50 pallets on a third order well those three once you're you know set up and and you've done this for a minute it might take you a little longer right at first because you're nervous but nothing really to be nervous about but literally each one of these loads from pickup to delivery should really only be taking you 35 minutes okay let's say you have to drive a little bit four or five miles and maybe it'd take you you know you you could start out taking you an hour regardless so three loads three hours fifty pallets four bucks a piece that's six hundred dollars on 150 pallets first loads 200 second loads 200 third loads 200. so you had a 300 mark 600 bucks three hours that do the math has some good money per hour a lot of times you can get for certain size pallets or even mixed loads of heavy duty hardwood pallets you know we're getting five six seven eight dollars per unit and getting them for free to the types of businesses that need a variety of stuff as well which i want to guide you to so even if it was a hundred pallets a week to do a business and you're executing that order and picking up takes about 15 minutes to get your truck loaded uh not you loading them a forklift putting them on your truck okay and once you have those on your truck you're gonna have to strap them down so that's your exertion of effort about 15 20 pounds of torque on your arm to crank down a strap and we teach you how to put the load on there correctly and it's on a flatbed truck that you can either rent or your trailer you could you know borrow from a neighbor or cut on the deal or a flatbed that maybe you own i have a 12 foot long eight foot wide flatbed that i use no cdl required so when i pull into a supplier the pallets are stacked up and the forklift driver comes out and teach you how to time this all out you know and they they go pick up the first stack stick it on there so i'm getting six stacks of 20 on my um on my flatbed i go 22 high but you know it gets a little ridiculous so i do six acts of 20. if they're block pallet they'll do about 17 because the the block pallets are a little taller so anyway let's just for even numbers sake we're doing six decks of 20 120 pallets for a delivery to an actual business not a pallet yard of mixed loads of hardwood heavy duty pallets and i'm taking them you know in a lot of cases since the way cities are constructed the the the businesses that we deal with the suppliers and buyers are in close proximity to each other so 15 minutes to load them by the forklift driver a couple minutes to strap them down you know four or five minutes to strap them down and crank the strap and uh drive out the parking lot and go a couple blocks literally to the buyer and then another five ten minutes for them to unload them so we're at a 35 really minute process and if you want to be extra powerful you know like the example i said earlier it could be an hour you know so if that's the case in a morning you're doing two loads of 120 pallets that's 240 ballots and they're heavy-duty pallets and you're getting five six bucks apiece well um five times 120 is uh seven what six hundred dollars right um fit six bucks a piece i think you're at 720 uh for 120 pallets so uh or 100 pallets that way you're really multiplying yourself you're not trading time for money you're trading units for money at that point uh even at 50 pallets a week a customer ordering 55 a week at five bucks a piece that's 250 dollars right if i do the math real quick and we do 50 weeks a year i'm going to go over here on my calculator 250 bucks times don't make me put my glasses on sorry times 50 weeks a year on just a small order like that that's 12 500 a year for that account you know at 35 minutes a pop a week i have students that instead of doing pallets every day some of them are you know retired and they only want to work one day a week and goof off the rest of the week so you know do two loads you know in a morning at 240 pallets and you know pull in them at five bucks a piece around eleven hundred twelve hundred dollars and some people don't make that in a week and then they take the rest of the week off go golf and fish with their friends well other students you know i have some students moving a thousand fifteen hundred two thousand pounds a day uh you know and some are making eleven thousand a week and more so it's it's a type of business you can create where it's what you need or you can ease your way into it but regardless of the situation 50 pallets 75 pallets 100 pallets per order and you can do them in short order translates into a lot of money bottom line and it doesn't take all day to do it now it doesn't take all day to do it once you're set up now you're going to have to hustle in the beginning and you're going to have to go to the places i'm telling you go and say what i'm telling you to do and and solve the problems i want you to solve and and all of everything every aspect that i've learned about this business in the last 23 years not every situation's the same i have to walk you through a lot of different scenarios so you can do it yourself in the correct manner so when you come across that scenario you know how to handle the situation not all suppliers are created equal not all buyers created equal not all the problems from one buyer is the same for the next and i need to educate you if you choose to learn about this on how to do it the right way do i charge for this training i absolutely do but i'm charging basically what i make in the morning when i do two and a half three loads of pallets if you want to get down to it and you can set up an appointment and get all the different options we have as far as that's concerned but regardless we are talking about re-occurring revenue week after week this is not a constant grind of who do i sell my next pallet to you know because the customers that order this week ship their stuff out they run out they need more now when you're in the pallet selling to a pallet yard game which is not what i want you to do the problem with that is you're in a constant battle with other scavengers going after that one size pallet because they want to sell the pallet yards as well and get their beer money so that supply that was there last week may not be there next week because one you're not serving the supplier in the right way and they have a multitude of different styles but you're cherry picking two you're leaving a lot of money on the table because the pallet yards ain't gonna pay you near what you're gonna get paid from a customer and three achieve yourself you're limiting yourself to one item the standard 4840 pallet when there's so much of the other stuff out there that's 12 foot eight foot 44 by 44 36 by 48 wrong way wing pallets uh you know um four runner palettes two-way pallets four-way pallets block pallets you know so there's a lot of different styles as well included in this training as well that i teach you once you let's say you have a customer and he's just ordered 50 pallets a week from but he also needs corrugated boxes he needs 150 of those a week 200 a week of those well there's plenty of places i can teach you to go to to get coordinated boxes so not only are you getting a a selling in 50 pallets a week you're layering on top of that another 200 corrugated boxes a week at three bucks four bucks depending on the size all the way up to like 20 bucks a box if you're talking about gaylord boxes you slightly use huge volumes of them moving from one place to the other and in some cases you're going directly to a buyer and you're selling them pallets but they are a supplier of corrugated boxes so when they unload your truck you're sending an invoice out for them to pour that you know five bucks a piece at 120 fine and dandy but they have 150 200 corrugated boxes that are loading on you like that they don't need it anymore but the guy down the street does well that creates a scenario where we're creating revenue streams coming and going you know there's there's money in situations where businesses will pay you to take them away because they don't want to pay the dump fees they don't want to pay the the dumpster fees as well or they want to pay the guys to come in and haul this stuff to the dump on the weekend and pay them time and a half where they're gonna they could pay us to take them and and we can turn around and sell them to another business or there's haul off money as well when we get it at a different video but you don't need but a handful of customers ordering 50 to 100 pallets a piece on a weekly basis and then you pepper in crates and drums and dunnage and corrugated boxes and 55 gallon drums on top of it to those same customers that's five customers but they're awarding one two you know one or two items each that's ten revenue strings recurring on a weekly basis i'm gonna straight be straight with you you gotta you gotta hustle in the beginning not gonna sugarcoat it nothing like that but i'm gonna guide you to the types of businesses you need to go to you're gonna need know what to say you're gonna need to know the lingo you need to know the verbiage you need to know what the problems are you need to know what the solutions are for for the issues you need to know what questions to ask and you need to know what answer to have based on what their answer is you need to know how to evaluate the deal right but having that knowledge in this particular industry since it's a underserved niche is a way to lock yourself in to a business model that can give you recurring revenue for a long time to come i have learned a lot over the last 23 years on how to help these businesses out the right way how to move away from standard 4840s and have a business model where i'm moving large varieties without having to sort them without having to lift them do i stoop to a pallet to the right to the left every once in a while i do do i pull a bad one out you know the forklift driver is a bad one in the middle of the stack and the forklift driver pulls and lifts up above it and i slide one off and throw it to the ground in the bad section yes i do you know um sometimes they weigh 10-15 pounds if you're not physically able to do it hire a day labor and pay them nine bucks an hour 10 bucks an hour 12 bucks an hour to do that type of stuff but i can tell you this majority of time you're just sitting there chatting with forklift driver while they're loading your truck or unloading your truck and you're writing an invoice out and you're renting and repeating a lot once the deals are set up that's why i call it the simplest bids because it's simple once you have this thing set up it's moving palace point a to point b but it's knowing your stuff and that's coming across as a rookie and not going to a business before you know this not have this knowledge and say hey i got ballots you need ballots there's more to it than that there's there's problems and issues that these businesses are having to deal with that we can solve there's things they don't even realize that we can help them with that they that we have to educate them sometimes and i want to teach you how to do that in the right manner multiply yourself got a lot of comments here um i see you there mr i'm not sure because you don't have your exact name a gamer's vision appreciate you saying that um i go in a lot of depth in this course and not only do we have a course we have also have a a uh facebook a private facebook group and people that know about this or there if there's any one on here they can testify inside this facebook group are individuals all the students that have taken the training they're out there executing and they're sharing what they're doing as well it's a huge knowledge base it's a great support mechanism for the students that are participating and it's a place for you to go ask questions it's a place for you to search other uh methods from other students in addition to the training see the list that we have in the training is massive as far as suppliers and buyers but then you put that face private facebook group in the action and you have a whole other layer of information and it's searchable by topic and it's students out there sharing what they're doing is motivational as well now there's students in there yeah there's some students out there that you know they may be struggling their first time out and they need some help well you're not out there by yourself you got a facebook group to help you get through the process okay uh before i go any further go to this the this is this first time you run across this so you can get some more information p h e s i m p l e s t b i z the simplest biz dot com and that way you can opt in and we'll send you some more information and that way you can keep on kind of you know not just hear me speak about it but you'll actually see what's going on and a lot of the stuff i want to share with you is what your life can become once you start this business and and get at it but i want students that are self-motivated i want folks that um that if you haven't owned a business before get ready to up level yourself right so you have the work habits and and and that are necessary to be a successful business you know have some problem solving skills be willing to listen some audio books and stuff outside of this training that will help you in your communication uh be able to work on yourself be willing to be comfortable being uncomfortable for a minute until you get used to this it's important you know anytime we own business i heard this said by i think it was grant cardone we have a moral obligation to our families to to create as much security for them as possible this particular business model has given me more freedom than i ever could have imagined um and i and i when i first saw it i kind of got an inkling of it i just had to figure it out and that's what i spent the last 23 years doing figuring out the right way i see a lot of people out there doing it they're making a living but they're not doing it the way it can be done and where it's a simplified version but we're actually serving suppliers and buyers and yourself in a way that you hadn't helped done before you know getting paid by the hour anymore you're getting paid by the amount of units you can move in an hour right and that could be a lot no reason once you get this going you can't be moving 240 pallets an hour like i said earlier i have students that are moving thousands of pallets a day okay um i'm gonna go over a couple more mm-hmm i will buy my course this week warrior thank you i appreciate that uh the war eagle lori go back catch ya big auburn fan here hey john this is what this this is what i want to do but paying for it is a problem well i understand there is a cost to the course um you know a couple suggestions there's called opportunity costs the longer you push it off it's money it's time where you're not making money doing this or learning the the methods of making it happen you know have a garage sale find a silent investor find a partner now there's partnership prices as far as this goes um you know but we'll go over that at a later date um so you but you still can split the cost as far as that goes um you know sell something that if you have some crappy stocks i had a guy do that a while back and he had some stocks that really weren't performing and he and he sold them and and made it happen um if there's a will there's a way we have layaway plan you know we've got 90 days to pay off this this course if you want to at any you know we have situations where you can pay a little bit at your convenience and five days a week once a week once a month uh whatever and and get into this but put yourself in a position where there's a light up into the tunnel okay it's if this is what you want to do and while i'm on that topic i want people you know if you don't have a work ethic don't do this if you have horrible communication skills and you're in you're shy and you can't talk to people um you know you'll be at a little bit of a disadvantage now can you create a website or something like that and have that do work for you can you actually broker and learn all those methods without having to communicate as much yes you can a little bit more work involved doing it that way but i want people who want to own their own business have their own thing sick and tired of what they've been doing in forever you know burned out working too many hours uh technology's squeezing you out having to drive too many miles too much time having to commute back and forth to work not enough time with your family i want the people that are sick and tired of that and want another way of going about it which is tangible it's not out there in the ether of the internet type business this is a tangible absolutely needed massive niche that you're ready to get your sliver of the action for right and it only takes a sliver to make it happen i want people who are ready to up level themselves put a challenge on themselves make them you know make a business for themselves willing to learn willing not to re try to recreate the will i'm not asking you to be a robot of me or carbon copy of me there's a lot of room for ingenuity and putting your own spin on this business it gives you a lot of different slivers of angle angles of revenue a lot of different revenue streams that come into play in this business and i have some people just pick out a couple of those slivers of of revenue and just concentrate on that so it's flexible in that manner um stephanie waiting for the tax return as well i hear you stephanie you know there's some stimulus money coming out there uh take care of your family first as far as that goes but if you're in a position of investing yourself for once this business model it's not for everybody but it is certainly for people that are willing to uh learn about it and i believe of course since you know i've been doing a partial i've been doing this for 22 years it's a situation where it can put you in a position of of strength and here's the three things about this business that i am grateful for recurring revenue week after week after week so i don't worry where my next money is coming from that's that's peace of mind all right if you want to granulate this down it's peace of mind on steady income because of what i offer is needed over and over and over again time with my family i'm not having to squeeze in the honey-do list at between six and seven o'clock at night because i've been working a nine to five seven to five job or i've been on the road for weeks and weeks and weeks you know like some folks out there that have to do truck driving and stuff and three simplification in my life is very important where i keep it's a business model where do the hard work up front push hard in the beginning because the payoff the reoccurring revenue and the ease of life moving stuff from point a to point b once you know what you know your stuff the simplification of your life and the the stress level um goes down in your life where you can actually have time to do other things as well you know where i'm able to take things off the back burner and record music you know tons of well over 100 plus songs that i've written recorded and produced don't look the part but you know being a co-writer we've been doing that for years uh artwork i do artwork and stuff you know i and that takes a lot of time i didn't know i could do it if it wasn't for this business i never would have stumbled upon it you know go on vacation with my wife um you do that by stacking up your orders uh tons of you you stack your customers up with pallets before you leave so yeah you can take some time off and you won't run out while you're you're gone so that gives me flexibility to take vacation and taking day trips and stuff rearranging my week to where okay i could do it every day but i could stack all these orders up on one day of the week it's not like we're mcdonald's and they have to run out before they need power there's always a buffer so it gives us flexibility on when we do our deliveries and pickups it's massive folks i'm gonna do a video coming up where you're gonna i'm gonna show you how huge the amount of pallets that are out there and all this other stuff as well it's mind-boggling how much there is of this stuff and me being you know a a teacher in the group i have some of my students in even larger municipalities and cities showing me and sharing in the group you know where they're painting the camera to the left and as far as you can see our stacks and stacks and stacks of pallets and padding it to the right as far as you can see stacks and stacks of stacks of pallets it's massive and that's money sitting there and it's security anyway i hope this puts the point it does not you do not have to have the whale of a business to make this work we start with a lot of smaller businesses and smaller orders and make quite a bit of money uh most likely more money than you you're making presently okay and you segue from whatever you're doing now and into this at your own pace just do this just right before i go 300 pallets in one morning at three loads of 100 each it's 1500 bucks you know get your stuff for free sell them for five bucks a piece 1500 bucks in the morning and then you know minus gas okay let's say it's half of that still you know let's say for whatever reason you're getting three dollars a piece well still that's 900 bucks okay um so it's when you're starting to get your your inventory for free and you're not having to store it you don't have the overhead that comes into play your profit is good regardless of the number if it's three bucks four bucks five bucks six bucks seven bucks eight bucks okay and that's why i've been doing it for 23 years i'm a real over one last one i didn't have the course yet uh season paladins the paladins yeah i had pallet dives all weekend my wife even was pointing stuff out um yeah the cost of lumber is going up so the used pallet game is going to be even more a necessity because of all the fires out west uh so getting it on the used lightly used pallet game is the way to go we're not building it we're not repairing it we're not lifting it we're not sorting it and we're not storing it okay and i don't have any employees now you can have a day labor if you want for some situations but not necessary all right i'm gonna end this one thanks for spending time with me i'll do more live videos i guess um i'm gonna wing it on these i don't have any notes but i kind of know you know i've been doing this a while it's easy for me to talk about and if you guys have any questions leave them in the comment the thumbs up if you like this video and uh subscribe this channel is the first time you've ever been on here so you can uh get more information and there's links below uh in the description of this that'll be helpful for you to find out more okay all right
Channel: John Charles Wilker - The Simplest Biz
Views: 3,097
Rating: 4.9292035 out of 5
Keywords: Fliping pallets money, recycling pallets, pallet money, how to make money with pallets, wooden pallet business, the simplest biz, Pallet business, Pallets, Pallet projects, DIY Pallets, side hustle, side gig, side hustle ideas, side business, business opportunity, side gigs to make money, side gigs, business idea, cash business, passive income, best business ideas 2021, how to make money flipping pallets, how much money can you make, pallet flipping
Id: wdzGTk1T69w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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